
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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have a territory missile conventional
MCMXXXlll 2 day ago, on my page, said: "kill all nigger Subhumans, jew you son of a bitch! " --ANSWER -- HE IN SECRET AGENT cannibal, a priest of Satan: German citizen of Merkel, SECRET AGENT of: MASONIC AND OCCULT POWERS, and Satanism institutional and international, that, can make 200,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan, outside of any control of our institutions that have lost, political sovereignty because of the Pharisees Anglo-Americans FMI 666, who have stolen our monetary sovereignty AGENTE SEGRETO cannibale, sacerdote di satana: tedesco cittadino della Merkel, SECRET AGENT dei: POTERI OCCULTI E MASSONICI, È IL SATANISMO instituzionale e internazionale che può fare 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, al di fuori di ogni controllo: delle nostre Istituzioni che hanno perso, la sovranità politica per colpa dei farisei anglo-americani, che hanno rubato la nostra sovranità monetaria
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
[[COS'È IL «CASO SHALABAYEVA» E COSA STA SUCCEDENDO: ai servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] di Francesca Porta 15 luglio 2013. Alma Shalabayeva e la figlia di sei anni sono state espulse dal Paese il 31 maggio, perché in possesso di un passaporto falso. Il documento, invece, era autentico (e diplomatico), tanto che il governo è stato costretto a revocare l'espulsione. Le prime pagine di tutti i giornali italiani sono oggi occupate dalla vicenda di Alma Shalabayeva, la moglie del dissidente kazaco Mukhtar Ablyazov espulsa dall'Italia lo scorso 31 maggio insieme alla figlia Alua, di soli sei anni. La vicenda, dai tratti alquanto confusi, ha fatto il giro del mondo, mettendo di fatto il nostro Paese al centro di uno scandalo diplomatico. Di cosa si tratta? Ecco, punto per punto, le vicende legata al «caso Shalabayeva». La storia di Alma e Mukhtar.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
COSA STA SUCCEDENDO: ai servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: DataGate, OGM agenda aliens abductions, all occult power: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] Alma Shalabayeva è la moglie di Mukhtar Ablyazov, il fondatore del principale partito di opposizione al regime del Kazakistan, guidato da Nazarbayev. Per diversi anni Ablyazov è stato a fianco del presidente in qualità di ministro dell'Industria e del Commercio, ma poi ha deciso di prendere le distanze perché il regime era diventato troppo intimidatorio e repressivo. A quel punto, Ablyazov è stato accusato di aver sottratto illegalmente un'ingente somma (circa 5 miliardi di dollari) a un'importante banca del Kazakistan. Ablyazov è stato dunque arrestato e torturato. Secondo molti, l'accusa (alla quale poi sono seguite altre) sarebbe stata puramente strumentale al vero scopo del governo: ridurre al silenzio il dissidente.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
[[COS'È IL «CASO SHALABAYEVA» E COSA STA SUCCEDENDO: ai servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: DataGate, OGM agenda aliens abductions, all occult power: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] Nel 2003 Amnesty International è riuscita a far uscire Ablyazov dal carcere. L'ex ministro e la sua famiglia si sono rifugiati per alcuni anni in Russia, poi hanno trovato asilo in Inghilterra. Quando il loro rifugio ha iniziato a rivelarsi meno sicuro, Alma Shalabayeva e la figlia più piccola, Alua (6 anni), si sono trasferite in Italia. Il fermo e l'espulsione. Nella notte tra il 28 e il 29 maggio 2013 cinquanta poliziotti hanno fatto irruzione in una villa romana di via Casal Palocco, dove viveva Alma Shalabayeva, ospite della cognata. Le forze dell'ordine speravano di trovare Mukhtar Ablyazov, destinatario di un mandato di cattura internazionale, e invece hanno trovato solo la moglie e la figlia minore.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: DataGate, OGM agenda aliens abductions, all occult power: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] Le due sono state condotte in Questura, dove gli agenti hanno controllato i loro documenti. Secondo la versione ufficiale, Alma ha mostrato agli agenti un passaporto diplomatico della Repubblica Centrafricana che è stato giudicato falso. Per questo madre e figlia sono state espulse dal Paese. Il passo indietro. Il 5 luglio il tribunale di Roma ha stabilito che il passaporto della Shalabayeva era autentico. Resosi conto dell'errore, venerdì 12 luglio il governo italiano ha deciso di annullare il decreto di espulsione. Nel frattempo, però, il caso aveva già fatto il giro del mondo, trasformandosi in uno scandalo. Perché l'Italia ha espulso la moglie e la figlia di un politico kazaco protetto dall'asilo politico britannico?
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
[[COS'È IL «CASO SHALABAYEVA» E COSA STA SUCCEDENDO: ai servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: DataGate, OGM agenda aliens abductions, all occult power: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] La donna, inoltre, ha raccontato di essere stata insultata e maltrattata durante il fermo (affermazione smentita dalla polizia italiana) [[tuttavia, il cognato è sanguinante]]. Gli agenti. Secondo quanto ricostruito dai quotidiani e dalle agenzie di stampa, l'operazione è partita a seguito dell'intervento dell'ambasciatore del Kazakistan a Roma, che ha segnalato la presenza di Ablyazov in città e ha chiesto l'intervento delle forze dell'ordine italiane per arrestarlo. L'ambasciatore avrebbe parlato direttamente con il prefetto Giuseppe Procaccini, capo di gabinetto del ministro dell'Interno Angelino Alfano, che avrebbe coinvolto nella vicenda i prefetti Alessandro Valeri e Francesco Cirillo.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
[[COS'È IL «CASO SHALABAYEVA» E COSA STA SUCCEDENDO: ai servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: DataGate, OGM agenda aliens abductions, all occult power: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] A dare il via al blitz sarebbe stato Alessandro Marangoni, allora capo della polizia pro tempore (si è infatti nel periodo compreso tra la morte di Manganelli e la nomina di Pansa). Nella vicenda, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il fermo e l'espulsione di Alma e della figlia, è coinvolto anche il questore di Roma Fulvio Della Rocca. Le domande. Ora, una volta appurato che l'espulsione della Shalabayeva e della figlia è stato un errore, resta da chiedersi come è stato possibile commetterlo. È possibile che nessuno degli agenti coinvolti nel blitz (e si parla dei vertici della polizia), non fosse venuto a conoscenza del fatto che Ablyazov, oltre a essere ricercato, era anche un uomo protetto dall'asilo politico?
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 7 ore fa
[[COS'È IL «CASO SHALABAYEVA» E COSA STA SUCCEDENDO: ai servizi segreti deviati dei poteri occulti: DataGate, OGM agenda aliens abductions, all occult power: FMI 666 NWO 322, sottratti al controllo della politica, nel regime massonico del signoraggio bancario?]] Possibile che il ministro dell'Interno Alfano non sapesse nulla della vicenda? Possibile che la notte del fermo della moglie Alma e della figlia un passaporto autentico sia stato scambiato per falso? Possibile che il ministero degli Esteri, interrogato via fax sull'identità della donna, non abbia comunicato il suo stato di rifugiato diplomatico? Come può accadere, in un caso simile, che le comunicazioni tra il Viminale e la Farnesina funzionino così nebulosamente?
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: Looking Alfano know who does not know anything," the theater of politics without sovereignty]] [many, including, strategic secret intelligence, strategic state apparatus, have gone astray .. and are available, only for: the Pharisees Anglo-Americans, are the ones who have control: including, also control against Israel all the false democracies Masonic: bank seigniorage: Nazi 4th Reich: IMF 666 NWO 322] C 'repatriation was required Kazakh (Legal wife, said: to her fate was sealed). Police: Britain still does not confirm asylum. 21 July, 01:36 L'affaire Kazakh therefore continues to show a series of dark sides
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: Looking Alfano know who does not know anything," the theater of politics without sovereignty]]and inconsistencies, which test the reconstruction officer, announced in Parliament by the Minister of the Interior, Angelino Alfano and Pansa .. and the truth can be learned only by the comedians, "Benigni: Looking Alfano, you know, that, does not know anything" In S. Cross the satire of the comic strikes, even Berlusconi, Renzi, Pd, and Calderoni. 21 July, 00:35, "[Masonic system Bildenberg: bank seigniorage: Nazi 4th Reich: IMF 666 NWO 322] he needs of new World War, to regenerate a new monetary cycle, a monetary sovereignty, stolen before, and then sold to all peoples at interest, for do destructions, despair instability robberies, homicides and suicides, anarchy
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: guardando Alfano capisci che non sa niente" il teatrino della politica senza sovranità]] [molti, tra, i servizi segreti strategici, apparati dello Stato strategici, sono deviati.. e sono a disposizione: dei farisei anglo-americani, sono loro che, hanno il controllo: compreso, anche il controllo contro: Israele di tutte le false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario: nazi 4°Reich: FMI 666, NWO 322] C'era richiesta kazaka rimpatrio (Legale moglie, per lei sorte era segnata). Polizia: Gran Bretagna ancora non conferma asilo. 21 luglio, 01:36 L'affaire kazako continua dunque a mostrare una serie di lati oscuri e incongruenze che mettono alla prova la ricostruzione ufficiale comunicata in Parlamento dal ministro dell'Interno, Angelino Alfano e da Pansa...
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: guardando Alfano capisci che non sa niente" il teatrino della politica senza sovranità]] .. e la verità si può apprendere solo dai comici: "Benigni: guardando Alfano capisci che non sa niente" In S. Croce la satira del comico colpisce, anche Berlusconi, Renzi, Pd, e Calderoli. 21 luglio, 00:35" [sistema massonico Bildenberg: del signoraggio bancario: nazi 4°Reich: FMI 666, NWO 322] lui ha bisogno della guerra mondiale, per rigenerare un nuovo ciclo monetario, di una sovranità monetaria, prima rubata, e poi, venduta ai popoli ad interesse,
IHateNEWLAYOUT 9 ore fa
Randall Carroll Home Address is 4540 Clements Road. Lakeland, Florida
Randall Carroll Home Address is 4540 Clements Road. Lakeland, Florida 10 ore fa
HolyJHWHsanto 10 ore fa
[Erdogan also sent a ship full of weapons, to do the civil war in Egypt] @ Egypt: At this point, the declaration of war against Turkey is an inevitable action!
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], 01/16/2012 . Kuwait: The prince's mysterious conversion. THE PARLIAMENT OF KUWAIT. In an audio file posted on a Christian satellite TV channel, prince Abdullah al-Sabah declared his faith in Jesus Christ. Muslims have attacked him saying "he isn't a member of the royal family". MARCO TOSATTI. ROME. According to reports, a Kuwaiti royal prince has become a follower of Jesus Christ. In an audio file posted with his name, he affirms that if he is killed because of a recording he made where he talks about his conversion, he firmly believes that he will meet Jesus Christ face-to-face. The news comes from Middle Eastern sources which state that al-Haqiqa --
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], a Christian satellite TV channel in Arabic that transmits Christian religious programmes -- broadcast an audio file attributed to the Kuwaiti prince, identified as Abdullah al-Sabah. The al-Sabahs are the royal family of Kuwait, a country rich in oil. The name Abdullah (servant of God) frequently appears in the Emir's family tree. In his audio file, Abdullah declared: "First of all, I fully agree with the distribution of this audio file and I now declare that if they kill me because of it, then I will appear before Jesus Christ and be with him for all eternity." In this statement, the prince demonstrates his awareness of the fate in store for a martyr of the faith, according to Christian doctrine.
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], The television channel stated that Abdullah is a member of the royal family, and that he recently renounced his faith in Islam and became a Christian, without specifying which particular branch of Christianity he had chosen. After stating his full name, the prince declared: "I will accept whatever they do to me, because the truth in the Bible has guided me towards the right path." In the audio file, Abdullah talks about the Islamic groups that are winning the elections in Egypt and declares: "Islamic communities have always wanted to attack in different parts of the world but God has preserved the world and still protects it.
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.],This is why we have recently seen disagreements appearing among Islamic groups who are now fighting with each other. They are about to divide further into different groups." Mohabat News, a Christian Iranian website which has been following the fate of Christian minorities in the Middle East closely and which has monitored Abdullah's statement, confirms that this news was published briefly by Arabic news agencies and also by the Iranian state news agency. Some independent websites with Shiite leanings denied the reports and quoted another Kuwaiti prince, Azbi al-Sabah, who said: "There's no one by that name in the Kuwaiti royal family."
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], In actual fact, the name Abdullah does not appear on the list of the 15 members of the royal family who rule this small, extremely wealthy country in different capacities: from the Sheikh down to Princess Nijirah al-Sabah, who testified in the US Congress under the assumed name of "Nurse Nayirah" on the humanitarian situation in the country after the invasion by Saddam Hussein's Iraq and just before the Gulf War. That isn't to say that this high-profile convert is not hidden somewhere within the extended family, under a different name. In Kuwait the overwhelming majority of the population is Muslim (only 4% is Christian) and the country's Constitution states: "Islam is the official religion of the country and Sharia is the main source for legislation."
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], As is well known, the problem of conversions from Islam to other religions is a recurring problem in relationships between followers of the Prophet and other faiths and it is a very serious problem in all countries where the majority of the population is Muslim, even those that at first sight would seem socially progressive. The problem has always been there, but in the last few years the majority religion has become more sensitive in towards the increased evangelical activity being carried out, not so much by "traditional" Christian religions who have always been used to the insurmountable limits of living alongside Muslims, but rather by Protestant faiths.
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], These seem to be enjoying enormous success -- not just in Kuwait; it's likely that the mysterious prince could be one of their followers -- but also in countries that are definitely more mistrustful, such as the theocratic Iran of the ayatollahs. After Heidar Moslehi, the Iranian intelligence minister, asked Muslim seminaries to become proactive in stopping the spread of Christianity, a high-ranking cleric declared that Evangelical Christianity is the most horrifying intelligence and security organisation in the world. This statement seems to have appeared on press agencies close to the Revolutionary Guard.
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], In a conference on "New Age cults" held in Varamin, a district south of Teheran, Akhond Mohsen Alizadeh declared: "We should not allow these cults to question Islamic jurisprudence under the cover of mysticism." He went on to add: "They tell the youth that God is wrathful and horrible in Islam but is love in Christianity. Also, Christian preachers answer the questions and doubts of youth in their own interest and try to attract them." Nevertheless a whole series of signs seem to indicate that non-traditional Christianity -- there are Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Iran as well as a large Armenian community -- is spreading. The regime's press recently spoke of them with concern and the number of cases of repression and condemnation following conversions is growing.
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
è quasi sempre pena di morte, o, torture per apostasia! [criminal salafis: headhunters nazi sharia imperialism, 4°Reich, of pharisees Illuminati 666 IMF- 322 NWO, for destroy Israel] [basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.], Crisi, Casaleggio prevede rivolta. "Nei prossimi mesi disordini in Italia". 13:14 - Gianroberto Casaleggio, braccio destro di Beppe Grillo, prevede che nei prossimi mesi il Paese avrà "uno shock economico che potrebbe portare a disordini, rivolte. Qualcosa che non può essere dominato dalla politica". E' quanto si legge in un'intervista sul blog del leader del M5S. Casaleggio ipotizza "non una guerra civile", ma "situazioni difficilmente controllabili dal punto di vista dell'ordine pubblico". -- ANSWER -- basta! a fare pagare, al popolo, il nostro denaro, per comprarlo, dai farisei satanisti del FMI SpA.
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
@ Israel - in Kuwait, I have a brother Muslim, indeed, he is much more than that, ie, a simple brother, Because He is my minister, he is indispensable to Realize: my "universal brotherhood." then you must exclude Kuwait, from your attack, preventive nuclear, now, inevitable. JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 23 minuti fa @ King Saudi Arabia - but, what kind of monster are you, along with your accomplices Pharisees Anglo-Americans, who, you do not have mercy on your own people? lizard, you are ready to shed Their tails (300,000 sq km, of the Saudi desert), instead of losing your head? Because You have plotted, along with your 666 Illuminati IMF Pharisees against the lives of too many peoples, who, all poor, have fallen under the Violence of your wickedness! today? 're plotting against Egypt and Israel .. but, your career criminal satanic? is over!
BrotherhoodUniversal 4 ore fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 24 minuti fa CIA Ihanewlayout @ 666 IMF FED ECB, cannibal crazy voodoo shit 322 --- NWO pharisees Bildenberg accomplice Salafis, masonic system DataGate "big brother", to occult power, agenda aliens abductions, etc.. .. etc.. .. begone satan. in Jesus's name! amen, hallelujah - get out of a stupid criminal ... nobody, wants something here, never more by you, or, from your satan .. this is your spam pathetic, and it is useless, after all That you knew, you could never win against me. stop crying and accept defeat! stupid! I'm not Job! I'm Unius REI, your worst nightmare!
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: Looking Alfano know who does not know anything," the theater of politics without sovereignty]] [many, including, strategic secret intelligence, strategic state apparatus, have gone astray .. and are available, only for: the Pharisees Anglo-Americans, are the ones who have control: including, also control against Israel all the false democracies Masonic: bank seigniorage: Nazi 4th Reich: IMF 666 NWO 322] C 'repatriation was required Kazakh (Legal wife, said: to her fate was sealed). Police: Britain still does not confirm asylum. 21 July, 01:36 L'affaire Kazakh therefore continues to show a series of dark sides
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: Looking Alfano know who does not know anything," the theater of politics without sovereignty]]and inconsistencies, which test the reconstruction officer, announced in Parliament by the Minister of the Interior, Angelino Alfano and Pansa .. and the truth can be learned only by the comedians, "Benigni: Looking Alfano, you know, that, does not know anything" In S. Cross the satire of the comic strikes, even Berlusconi, Renzi, Pd, and Calderoni. 21 July, 00:35, "[Masonic system Bildenberg: bank seigniorage: Nazi 4th Reich: IMF 666 NWO 322] he needs of new World War, to regenerate a new monetary cycle, a monetary sovereignty, stolen before, and then sold to all peoples at interest, for do destructions, despair instability robberies, homicides and suicides, anarchy
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: guardando Alfano capisci che non sa niente" il teatrino della politica senza sovranità]] [molti, tra, i servizi segreti strategici, apparati dello Stato strategici, sono deviati.. e sono a disposizione: dei farisei anglo-americani, sono loro che, hanno il controllo: compreso, anche il controllo contro: Israele di tutte le false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario: nazi 4°Reich: FMI 666, NWO 322] C'era richiesta kazaka rimpatrio (Legale moglie, per lei sorte era segnata). Polizia: Gran Bretagna ancora non conferma asilo. 21 luglio, 01:36 L'affaire kazako continua dunque a mostrare una serie di lati oscuri e incongruenze che mettono alla prova la ricostruzione ufficiale comunicata in Parlamento dal ministro dell'Interno, Angelino Alfano e da Pansa...
BrotherhoodUniversal 8 ore fa
[["Benigni: guardando Alfano capisci che non sa niente" il teatrino della politica senza sovranità]] .. e la verità si può apprendere solo dai comici: "Benigni: guardando Alfano capisci che non sa niente" In S. Croce la satira del comico colpisce, anche Berlusconi, Renzi, Pd, e Calderoli. 21 luglio, 00:35" [sistema massonico Bildenberg: del signoraggio bancario: nazi 4°Reich: FMI 666, NWO 322] lui ha bisogno della guerra mondiale, per rigenerare un nuovo ciclo monetario, di una sovranità monetaria, prima rubata, e poi, venduta ai popoli ad interesse,
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
UFuckWithWrongPerson 11 hours ago Satan is my Boss --ANSWER -- why? what he has done SATAN CANNIBAL, the discharge of sewage, to deserve this honor from you, the escemento: that will going down? perché? cosa lui ha fatto, lo scarico della fogna, per meritare tutto questo onore, da te, l'escemento che scende?
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
Strauss-Kahn, entra nel consiglio di sorveglianza, della banca di RosNeft.. 15 luglio 2013 22:34.. L'ex capo del Fondo Monetario Internazionale: Dominique Strauss-Kahn: sarà a capo del consiglio di sorveglianza della Banca →answer --→TRADITORE, nmico della Costituzione, assassino dei popoli, venduto a satana! il suo scandalo sessuale? era stato costruito a tavolino, per fare vedere alla opinione pubblica, che, anche, i GOVERNATORI(i veri amministratori del mondo) delle Banche Centrali, sono svincolati dalla leggeI 666 NWO 322).. infatti, questo non vuol dire, che, un qualche Governo: può verificare il falso in bilancio, che, il FMI, commette quando lui crea, il denaro, dal nulla(100% di utili, per: signoraggio bancario), e lo vende, ad interesse agli stati (100% di utili, per: debito pubblico.) ... ecco perché voi presto morirete tutti ed anche Israele sarà distrutto. orami, voi siete vicini vicini a vedere l'ERA di satana
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
La Procura generale d'Egitto starebbe preparando un dossier nei confronti del deposto presidente Morsi. Per ora si tratterebbe di tre capi d'accusa per spionaggio, incitamento all'uccisione dei dimostranti e danneggiamento dell'economia, ai quali potrebbero aggiungersi la collaborazione con Hamas e Hezbollah e il favoreggiamento all'evasione dei detenuti nel corso dei disordini del 2011. →tutto il complotto della Lega Araba, per accerchiare, di maniaci religiosi Israele.. 1.Egitto, Sinai: fatto saltare in aria un autobus di lavoratori dai militanti islamici. A rovinare: la rivoluzione egiziana? saranno le monarchie petrolifere complici dei farisei anglo-americani FMI 666! "Fratelli Musulmani":i capostipiti e morte: dell'islam. Islam politico nasceva con Fratelli musulmani La Russia non trova armi chimiche in Siria. Qatar e Arabia Saudita si giocano l'Egitto
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
Squadroni della morte: da El Salvador all'Afghanistan: di Obama e di Lega ARABA: il FMI 666, NWO 322, di farisei anglo-americani, per soffocare il mondo.. dentro la schiavitù psicotronica. Edward Snowden si trovava all'aeroporto Sheremetyevo, solo perché ancora una volta ha ricordato al mondo, la verità, evidente del fatto che, le agenzie di intelligence abbiano la capacità di monitorare qualsiasi individuo, in tutto il mondo. Il suo collaboratore Bradley Manning è in attesa del verdetto negli Stati Uniti: questi è colpevole: di aver messo sotto gli occhi di tutti: la prova di quanto: mediocremente: ed intenzionalmente, sia stato imposto un "nuovo ordine" in Iraq. →per cosprirare contro Israele, e contro la civiltà ebraico-cristiana
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
[I desideri? Non basta volerli, bisogna visualizzarli e si avverano? ] /Visualizzazione-dei-desideri-verita-o-invenzione/ [questo articolo di: italian . ruvr ] è affrontato, soltanto, da punto di vista psicologico, ovvero avere il vantaggio: di sviluppare il "pensiero positivo", ma, ovviamente, se, la visualizzazione dei desideri, è focalizzata sulla Parola di Dio... ed è, in relazione costante, alla Parola di Dio.. questi desideri: di bene e per il bene di tutti, si realizzeranno, ovviamente, perché, 1. Dio è Onnipotente, e, 2. gioisce nel realizzare: la migliore benedizione: per le sue Creature... il raggiungimento del tuo obiettivo, deve però essere messo: in relazione:(verificato) circa, 3. l'innalzamento, dei tuoi standard di moralità!
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
Datagate, Putin accuses U.S., forced to stay in Russia, Snowden -ANSWER - @ 666 OBAMA AGENDA, ALIENS abductions, ACTOR POLITICS, traitor to the American people, murderess of the Constitution and its monetary sovereignty. accomplice of the Pharisees Anglo-American Freemason GMO NWO IMF SPA 322. "how, you too have pulled the trigger, when they shot Kennedy?" about the DataGate, you can not do, the criminal, and then pretend to cover up the truth, and then intimidate the world, just because, you have the Satanists for: can kill: every human right: the right to universal.. so, now you have to step aside, because, we have the right and the duty to know everything about the DATAGATE. contrary, everyone will discover the truth: there has never been a democracy, in the Masonic system of banking seigniorage: Bildenberg, the Pharisees Satanists to plot: against Israel, and the real Nazi? is you. @ ARAB League - murderess, who, you kill today?
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
Datagate, Putin accusa gli USA, per il soggiorno forzato in Russia, di Snowden -- ANSWER -- @OBAMA 666 AGENDA, ALIENS ABDUCTIONS, ATTORE DELLA POLITICA, traditore del popolo americano, assassino della Costituzione e della sua sovranità monetaria. complice dei farisei anglo-americani, massone FMI SPA OGM NWO 322. "come, anche tu hai tirato il grilletto, quando, sparavano a Kennedy?"circa, il datagate, tu non puoi fare, il criminale, e poi, pretendere di insabbiare, la verità, e poi, intimidire il mondo, solo perché, tu hai i satanisti con: cui tu puoi uccidere: ogni diritto umano: il diritto universale... quindi, ora devi farti da parte, perché, noi abbiamo il diritto, ed il dovere, di sapere tutto, circa, il DATAGATE. contrariamente, tutti scopriranno la verità: non è mai esistita la democrazia, nel sistema massonico, del signoraggio bancario: di farisei satanisti, per complottare: contro: Israele, ed il vero nazista? sei proprio tu.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
however, the President of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini: has absolutely right!! his speech is flawless! All those who have institutional responsibilities, they should have the decency not to participate in a contest, of: Miss Italy. of Institutions? the people must perceive the sacred respect of political representation, because, in fact, who can entering in the church: the swimsuit .. then: he did well the President of the Chamber, to resume his political .. - ANSWER - what would they think, all the peoples of the world if lorenzojhwh, Unius REI, participate in miss-Israel? ... because miss-Palestine, it would be: in tune with the Arab world, and so it would be, properly dressed.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
tuttavia, il Presidente della Camera, Laura Boldrini: ha perfettamente ragione!!!! il suo intervento è ineccepibile! Tutti coloro, che, hanno compiti istituzionali, dovrebbero avere la decenza di non partecipare, ad un concorso, di miss Italia. Delle Istituzioni? il popolo deve percepire, il sacro rispetto della rappresentanza politica, perché, infatti, nessuno: entra in chiesa: con il costume da bagno.. quindi: ha fatto bene il Presidente della Camera, a riprendere i suoi politici.. --ANSWER -- cosa penserebbero, tutti i popoli del mondo se lorenzojhwh, Unius REI, partecipasse a miss-Israele? ... anche perché miss-Palestina, sarebbe: in sintonia con il mondo arabo, e quindi sarebbe, adeguatamente vestita.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
Fiorello difende Miss Italia, sono tutte critiche snob. dice: All'indomani di un attacco, ricevuto, dal presidente della Camera Laura Boldrini, tg sono pieni di politici indegni. 16 luglio, 09:14. Giusy Buscemi, Miss Italia 2012. tutte Critiche snob, è ipocrisia, prendersela, con Miss Italia: l'Edicola di Fiorello, difende, il concorso nell'appuntamento di oggi. All'indomani dell'attacco del presidente della Camera Laura Boldrini, Fiorello e gli avventori della sua Edicola non ci stanno: ''Ci sono cose molto più vergognose - dicono - potremmo fare: una lista di cose su cui: il presidente della Camera dovrebbe intervenire, --- ANSWER -- voi non avete capito niente! lol. la presidente della Camera, Laura Boldrini: è solo dispiaciuta, che, non aveva vinto lei, il premio di miss Italia, quanto poi, ad Emma Bonino Bildender, è vero: è molto intelligente, la ragazza, ma di "bonino"? lei ha solo il nome! lol. ecco perché, lei non si può offendere.. lol.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
because UFOs: aliens Abductions: are demons, with a body GMOs, which Rothschild did, and gave them, GOLEM (in 1200 AD), for witchcraft, black magic, etc. ..? then, they could never support: the name of Jesus, if, though: it is used by a born-again Christian! therefore, if there were any Christians, "born again" in fighter interceptors: the new generation? they could break down, flying saucers .. because, no supernatural power, can support, the Divine nature,of the children of God. and, if aliens, were able to manipulate me? this, I do not know, but it may be assumed, also .. it is because God has allowed this to: its aims ... after all, in my past, I was a sinner like everyone else.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
poiché, gli ufo: aliens Abductions: sono demoni, con un corpo OGM, che: Rothschild ha fatto, e dato loro, ecc..? poi, loro non potrebbero mai sostenere: il nome di Gesù, se è usato da un cristiano nato di nuovo! quindi, se ci fossero dei cristiani, "nati di nuovo", in caccia intercettori: di nuova generazione? loro potrebbero abbattere, i dischi volanti.. perché, nessun potere soprannaturale, può sostenere la natura Divina, dei figli di Dio.. e se, hanno potuto manipolare me? questo, io non so, ma, si può presumere, anche.. è perché Dio: lo ha permesso questo, per: i suoi scopi... dopo tutto, nel mio passato, io sono stato un peccatore come tutti.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
666 Rothschild, fool! You can enter yourself, in a flying saucer alien, like a pig, can enter into the mortadella! and in fact, the little grays, they would have to eat: your carcass: for a long time! Satanists like you: could have: betray: together with your Pharisees IMF 666 NWO FED ECB, up to this point, the whole human race? 1. Because all your Islamic nations: to buy, the money, from Rothschild IMF 666: occult power, to GIVE: to him 50% of Their gross, domestic product? 2. why persecute Christians, if, the Jewish Masonic system of banking seigniorage, is 666 Talmud agenda, it was done to destroy Christianity, WITH EBRAISM, WITH ISLAM? 3. Because they force all Muslims to carry in Their pockets, the money of Satan, in the mosques? - answer - this is very apostasy and blasfemy, is the desecration of God's house! therefore, you will all die, because it is the law of God, Allah, that sentence you to death .. and: that the Cabbalah, this it know!
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
666 -- imbecille! tu puoi entrare in un disco volante alieno, come un maiale, può entrare nella mortadella! ed in effetti, i piccoli grigi, avrebbero da mangiare la tua carcassa, per molto tempo!! come voi satanisti avete potuto: tradire: insieme a i vostri farisei FMI 666 NWO FED BCE, fino a questo punto, tutto il genere umano? BrotherhoodUniversal 5 minuti fa 1. Because all your Islamic nations: to buy, the money, from Rothschild IMF 666: occult power, to GIVE: to him 50% of Their gross, domestic product? 2. why persecute Christians, if, the Jewish Masonic system of banking seigniorage, is 666 Talmud agenda, it was done to destroy Christianity, WITH EBRAISM, WITH ISLAM? 3. Because they force all Muslims to carry in Their pockets, the money of Satan, in the mosques? --answer -- this is very apostasy and blasfemy, è la profanazione della casa di Dio! quindi, voi morirete tutti, perché, è la legge di Dio, Allah, che, condanna voi a morte.. e questo la Cabbala, lo sa!
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
1. Because all your Islamic nations: to buy, the money, from Rothschild IMF 666: occult power, to GIVE: to him 50% of Their gross, domestic product? 2. why persecute Christians, if, the Jewish Masonic system of banking seigniorage, is 666 Talmud agenda, it was done to destroy Christianity, WITH EBRAISM, WITH ISLAM? 3. Because they force all Muslims to carry in Their pockets, the money of Satan, in the mosques? --answer -- this is very apostasy and blasfemy, è la profanazione della casa di Dio! quindi, voi morirete tutti, perché, è la legge di Dio, Allah, che, condanna voi a morte.. e questo la Cabbala, lo sa!
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
[@India, figlia, cosa tu stai facendo per risolvere il tuo problema?] 07/15/2013 15:50 INDIA. Orissa: Catholic nun gang raped. A nun, 28, was abducted and raped for a week. One of her cousins is among the attackers. For the archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, "The perpetrators must be brought to justice [. . .]. What happened is a disgrace". 10/05/2011 INDIA. Orissa: rilasciati su cauzione due aggressori della suora stuprata nei pogrom del 2008. 25/10/2008 INDIA. Io, Sr Meena, violentata dagli indù, mentre la polizia stava a guardare. 10/06/2013 INDIA. Orissa: dopo i pogrom, ai cristiani "risarcimenti fantasma". 05/10/2011 INDIA. Orissa: two men involved in 2008 nun rape are released. 06/14/2010 INDIA. Hindu extremist who raped Sister Meena arrested. 11/13/2008 INDIA. Indian commission investigating anti-Christian pogrom in Orissa. 01/07/2009 INDIA. Supreme Court tells Orissa to ensure Christians' safety. 12/28/2012 INDIA. Catholic doctor: Delhi rape an attack on life itself.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
ROME, 15 July, 20:56 - At the insults: of Roberto Calderoni, the Minister Cécile Kyenge "was expressed so fantastically: decent, showing: a decency and decorum institutional: that: is a credit to our country" (let's say showed: also, the Christian virtues of forgiveness). He said the Foreign Minister Emma Bonino: a Skytg24, adding that: the Northern League representative, "he offesto throughout Italy and all Italians." - ANSWER - it is not the first time that a politician, copy and paste: my articles! and that: you are encouraged, in some of his stances with me .. on this page? there is all the NWO, that is, my whole structure of government: Unius REI. and, I not delegitimize: none: politicians, for their past, if they are in tune with my law, and, with: my ideals of universal brotherhood .. then my order, to the NWO, is to disable the Satanists: that is, the Pharisees IMF 666, and the Islamists: of, satanAllah sharia imperialism
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
@ idiot - why do you believe in aliens and the zombies, and then, you do not believe, in me? I am infinitely more rational and logical, whatever exists in the world, in fact, I am the universal law, metaphysics which is also the natural law, that is, the Ten Commandments .. and do not know who my enemies were sentenced to death and have lost the right to live on this planet? I'm Unius REI. the only one true political representative, of the Kingdom of God on earth. @ Imbécile - Pourquoi croyez-vous aux extraterrestres et les zombies, et puis, vous ne croyez pas en moi? Je suis infiniment plus rationnel et logique, tout ce qui existe dans le monde, en fait, je suis la loi universelle, la métaphysique qui est aussi la loi naturelle, qui est, les Dix Commandements .. et ne savent pas qui sont mes ennemis ont été condamnés à mort et ont perdu le droit de vivre sur cette planète? Je suis unius REI. le seul vrai représentant politique, du Royaume de Dieu sur terre.
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
@imbecille -- perché tu credi agli alieni ed agli zombie, e poi, tu non credi in me? io sono infinitamente, più razionale, e logico, di qualsiasi cosa esiste nel mondo, infatti, io sono la legge universale, la metafisica che è anche la legge naturale, cioè, il Decalogo di Mosé! Je vais tuer MOI: avec ceci: mauvaise nouvelle, de nouvelle mise en page, pour, détruire youtube. ? Snowden est pour Poutine, c'est: bien: le même, que, je suis pour youtube! ... En fait, youtube, est très mauvais allié: environ, 666 youtube google AI, les OGM, le grand frère, DATAGATE, aliens agenda des enlèvements, micro-puce, 666 FMI 322 NWO: sacrifices humains sur l'autel de satan, occulte pouvoirs Bildenberg le système maçonnique secrète,
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
qui a volé la souveraineté monétaire à tuer Israël et l'humanité tout entière .. sur: les 666. UFuckWithWrongPerson -> Je vais tuer MOI: avec ceci: mauvaise nouvelle, de nouvelle mise en page, pour, détruire youtube. ? Snowden est pour Poutine, c'est: bien: le même, que, je suis pour youtube! ...ok. toutes les mauvaises personnes peuvent devenir bon, mais, avec les satanistes. et avec les étrangers. Rothschild seulement le pharisien meurtrière satanique sataniste: le concepteur de chaque Holocauste des Juifs, FED FMI, SPA, la Banque mondiale, qui, c'est lui qui a créé tous ces monstres, c'est lui qui doit trouver la solution, paisible, [pourquoi, quand j'ai dit des choses qui, dit Snowden? pour moi, n'est-ce pas a croire? Snowden, après tout, n'est jamais tombé dans une ville souterraine de satanistes, et n'a jamais mangé: bouton de coeur de l'homme]
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF: NEW, of new LAYOUT destroy youtube. Snowden is for Putin?, It is: well: the same, as, I am for youtube! ... In fact, youtube, is very bad ally: about, 666 youtube google AI, GMO's, big brother, DATAGATE, aliens abductions agenda, micro-chip, 666 IMF 322 NWO: human sacrifices on the altar of satan, occult powers Bildenberg the system Masonic secret, that stole the monetary sovereignty to kill Israel and all mankind .. about: all 666. UFuckWithWrongPerson -> ok. all the bad people can become good, but, with the Satanists. and with aliens. Rothschild only the Pharisee murderess satanic satanist: the designer of every Holocaust of Jews, FED IMF, SPA, World Bank, which, it is he who created all these monsters, it is he who must find the solution, peaceful!, [why, when I said the things that, said Snowden, you to me, not has believed? Snowden after all, has never fallen in an underground city of Satanists, and has never eaten a: human heart button]
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 giorni fa
I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF: NEW LAYOUT [video] lol. Snowden è per Putin?, è proprio: così, come io sono per youtube... infatti, io faccio molto male all'alleato: di: youtube il 666 google A.I., OGM, grande fratello, DATAGATE, aliens abductions agenda, micro-chip, 666 FMI, 322 NWO: sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, poteri occulti bildenberg, il sistema massonico segreto, che, ha rubato la sovranità monetaria per uccidere Israele e tutto il genere umano.. about all 666UFuckWithWrongPerson --> ok. tutte le persone cattive possono diventare buone, ma, con i satanisti. e con gli alieni. solo Rothschild FED FMI, SPA, Banca Mondiale, che, è lui che li ha creati tutti questi mostri, è lui che, deve trovare la soluzione, pacifica!
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
ADDIS ABABA, JULY 13 - A relative of Zersenay Tadese, the first Olympic champion of Eritrea, held hostage in Sinai, Egypt, from human traffickers. This was revealed by the same athlete on Twitter, adding that the kidnappers have demanded the $ 44,000 ransom. Tadese won the bronze in the 10 thousand meters in Athens in 2004, becoming the first and only Olympic champion Eritrea's independence from Ethiopia in 1993. --- ANSWER - IS BECAUSE, ALL THE FRIENDS,of Obama: the offender, such as Saudi Arabia, allow the slave trade, that Muslims can commit these crimes .. this Saudi kingdom of evil? has to stop!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei 1 sett. fa
@YOUTUBE, 322 FMI, google 666 --- /SuperCurseYou/, is your satanist: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL CANNIBAL NWO, ie, Ihatenewlayout. he ha erased: illegalmente, my comment "UniusReiOrWarW666IMF --ANSWER -- MA, per un Figlio di Dio, cosa significa: essere immortale: in un corpo mortale? come il satanista, italiano: TheVarrious7, pone la domanda in modo ambiguo. -- ANSWER -- il problema non è quello: di perdere il corpo biologico, dove tutti possono vedere: che, tu sei stato ucciso.. ma, non è quella: di essere stato ucciso, la percezione che, un Figlio di Dio: ha di se stesso: perché lui dispone, per se stesso, della potenza della PRIMA RISUREZINE! Quindi, nel mio caso: il mio ministero politico: avrebbe un impulso enorme, per i prossimi 50 anni, perché, non c'è modo, di poter fermare, un ministero politico, del Regno di Dio, sulla Terra
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
@ Rupert Murdoch, a Pharisee Anglo American, to make the new Holocaust against Israel - remember? four years ago, I said that, Murdoch, was the same: like to Marduk ... then, you have made the offended against: me, and I said, in these four years: anything: of bad: against: you! but if thou do not help me (and, in me not: there is a shadow of ambition: or: personal interest, I have also: the vow of poverty) then, you, along with all the rich, you will be responsible for a third world war, which will not give you no hope, because none of you can escape the wrath of the people, even if you change: sex or identity! What the Pharisees were able to do, in these 400 years, it was because there was no knowledge of their intrigues, but, with the internet, no one of you in the least: has the hope of escape: the responsibility for their crimes: of banking seigniorage
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
@ Rupert Murdoch, fariseo anglo americano, per fare la nuova shoah contro Israele -- ricordi? quattro anni fa, io ho detto, che, Murdoch, era uguale: a Marduk... poi, tu hai fatto l'offeso: contro: di me, ed io: in questi quattro anni: io non ho più detto niente: di cattivo: contro: di te! ma, se: tu non mi aiuti (ed in me: non: esiste ombra di ambizione: o: di interesse personale, io ho anche: il voto di povertà) poi, proprio tu, insieme a tutti i ricchi, sarete i responsabili di una terza guerra mondiale, che, non darà a voi, nessuna speranza, perché, nessuno di voi potrà sfuggire all'ira del popolo, neanche, se cambiate: di: sesso o di identità! Quello che i farisei hanno potuto fare, in questi 400 anni, era perché non c'era conoscenza, dei loro intrighi, ma, con internet, nessuno di voi: ha minimamente: la speranza di poter sfuggire: alla responsabilità dei propri crimini: di signoraggio bancario
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
NEW YORK, July 11 - Rupert Murdoch, has agreed to testify before the British parliament for a second time in two years later: that: Scotland Yard has got their hands on a recording, in which the Australian tycoon: discusses the investigations, in which they were entangled, its tabloid in the United Kingdom. "Murdoch welcome, this, opportunity, to come back before the Commission of Westminster, and answer the questions: Members of Parliament," announced News Corp, in a statement. - ANSWER - and why the creators Pharisees Anglo-Americans, of any, institutions and governments Masonic: IMF NWO 666, 322, because, they have something, to fear: their creatures: institutional? to have the whole Masonic structure, and the whole structure of Satanism international, the armed wing: the Pharisees Illuminati?, is a deterrent more than enough: against: all difficulties.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
NEW YORK, 11 LUG - Rupert Murdoch, ha accettato di testimoniare davanti al parlamento britannico, per una seconda volta in due anni dopo: che: Scotland Yard, ha messo le mani su una registrazione, in cui il tycoon australiano: discute le inchieste, in cui sono stati invischiati, i suoi tabloid nel Regno Unito. "Murdoch dare il benvenuto, a questa, opportunità, di tornare davanti alla Commissione di Westminster, e di rispondere: alle domande: dei membri del Parlamento", ha annunciato News Corp, in un comunicato. --ANSWER -- e perché, i creatori farisei Anglo-Americani, delle Istituzioni e dei Governi massonici: FMI 666 NWO, 322, perché loro devono temere qualcosa: dalle loro creature: istituzionali? avere a disposizione tutta la struttura massonica, e tutta la struttura del satanismo internazionale, il braccio armato: dei farisei Illuminati, è una deterrenza: più che sufficiente: contro: ogni difficoltà.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
[The sublime science of Satan, if you take away from man, God? by worshiping the beasts, beasts themselves! Masons, and atheists: they wanted all this evil society] 10 July 2013, out of his mind]] - Then, the three of them, the father, of 53 year-old bank employee, mother of 43 year-old housewife, and, the daughter of 13 student, all in his underwear, and, so out of his mind, to attack punching, kicking and biting: the military (transported to the emergency room, were judged to be healed in seven days, multiple contusions). Father and mother, arrested for violence: and: resistance, a police officer, were hospitalized: in the department, Psychiatric Hospital, San Gerardo, while: the child: it was delivered: in a structure: outside the province. "NORMAL FAMILY" - The police arrived at the scene after being warned: the neighbors, exhausted, and at the same time alarmed: the screams delusional that: all night had come out from the building.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
sublime wisdom of Satan, if you take away from man, God? by worshiping the beasts, beasts themselves! Masons, and atheists: they wanted all this evil society] 10 July 2013, out of his mind]] - On the police report: some have reported: "We are sons of Odin," "I am the goddess of love "and" We exterminate ', all seasoned with blasphemies: of all kinds and, continual references: to Hitler. The neighbors: they describe: the three: how people in place, quiet, reserved and respectful: the rules of the building, that: in one night, however, has changed completely the face. loft was reduced to a hovel: with: broken items scattered all over the floor over to the tables: for seances, books: of: esotersimo, and occultism. The attic, finally, was completely sealed: with transparent adhesive (fixtures, electrical outlets, and even the locks), which together with acetone, if inhaled, could have caused: the blackout: of brain.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
NEW YORK, 11 LUG - Gli Stati Uniti ribadiscono l'impegno, a difendere, (i loro sporchi interessi, di massoni farisei: anglo-americani) contro: l'Egitto islamizzato nazista. Lo afferma il Pentagono, in una nota, specificando però, come, ''in seguito, agli eventi della scorsa settimana il presidente Barack Obama, ha ordinato ai dipartimenti, e, alle agenzie federali di competenza, di rivedere il programma di aiuti, al governo del Cairo''. Ma, per quel che riguarda, la consegna dei: jet F16 all'Egitto, assicura il dipartimento alla Difesa, tutto resta: come programmato. -- ANSWER -- il programma di armare: i nemici futuri: di: Israele continua: deve continuare! anche perché, poi, non ci possiamo divertire, veramente, ormai, non esiste più la dignità umana, tutto è diventato: un film.. e questo è vero: senza sovranità monetaria, la realtà tutta: è diventata una realtà virtuale.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
[[la sublime scienza: di satana: se togliete all'uomo Dio? adoreranno le bestie, bestie essi stessi! i massoni, e gli atei: hanno voluto tutto questo male: alla società] 10 luglio 2013, FUORI DI SENNO]] - Poi, loro tre, il padre di 53 anni, impiegato di banca, la madre di 43 anni, casalinga, e la figlia di 13 studentessa, tutti in mutande, e così fuori di senno, da aggredire a pugni, calci e morsi: i militari (trasportati al pronto soccorso, sono stati giudicati guaribili, in sette giorni, per contusioni multiple). Padre e madre, arrestati per violenza: e: resistenza, a pubblico ufficiale, sono stati ricoverati: nel reparto, di psichiatria dell'ospedale, San Gerardo, mentre: la bambina: è stata trasportata: in una struttura: fuori provincia. «FAMIGLIA NORMALE» - I carabinieri sono arrivati sul posto, dopo essere stati avvisati: dai vicini di casa, esausti, e al tempo stesso allarmati: dalle urla deliranti: che: per tutta la notte erano usciti dall'alloggio.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
sublime sapienza di satana: se togliete all'uomo Dio? adoreranno le bestie, bestie essi stessi! i massoni, e gli atei: hanno voluto tutto questo male: alla società] 10 luglio 2013, FUORI DI SENNO]] - Sul rapporto i carabinieri: ne hanno riportate alcune: «Siamo figli di Odino», «Sono la dea dell'amore» e «Vi stermineremo», il tutto condito da bestemmie: di ogni tipo: e da, continui riferimenti: a Hitler. I vicini di casa: descrivono: i tre: come gente a posto, silenziosa, riservata e rispettosa: della regole condominiali, che: in una notte, ha però cambiato: completamente faccia. mansarda era ridotta, a un tugurio: con: oggetti rotti sparsi, su tutto il pavimento oltre alle tavole: per le sedute spiritiche, libri: di: esotersimo, e occultismo. La mansarda, infine, era completamente sigillata: con adesivo trasparente (infissi, prese elettriche, e, anche le serrature), cosa che assieme all'acetone, se inalato, potrebbe avere causato: il black out: al cervello.
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
[is the tragedy of all the false democracies Masonic,of banking seigniorage] After the vote: at the stop sign: the work in the Senate, the senators: the M5S: have risen jacket: and: tie classroom: in protest. Crimi then invited the senators to come out from the Chamber: to dress: and said: "Parliament is dispossessed: a cause: a person." Democratic Party in favor of the stop, Ettore Rosato gets booed. Bagarre IN THE CLASSROOM - A: M5S the Montecitorio: you are thrown: against: colleagues in the Democratic Party: who: have voted in favor of the stop: together with PDL: e: Choice civic. At the end of the vote, MEPs grillini: they are out of the classroom: and they sat: on the ground: in Piazza Montecitorio: "Let's get out of this place: fetid," said the former leader: Roberta Lombardi. - ANSWER - is a crime of extermination, this: system of parties: who does not want to deal with the bank seigniorage, that: with the Masonic conspiracy: it was stolen to the Constitution
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
[è la tragedia: di tutte le false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio bancario] Dopo il voto favorevole: allo stop: dei lavori a Palazzo Madama, i senatori: del M5S: si sono levati giacca: e: cravatta in aula: per protesta. Crimi ha poi invitato i senatori a uscire dall'Aula: per rivestirsi: e ha dichiarato: «Il Parlamento viene espropriato: a causa: di una persona». Pd a favore dello stop, Ettore Rosato viene fischiato. BAGARRE IN AULA - A: Montecitorio i M5S: si sono scagliati: contro: i colleghi del Pd: che: hanno votato a favore dello stop: insieme a Pdl: e: Scelta civica. Al termine del voto, i deputati grillini: sono usciti dall'aula: e si sono seduti: per terra: in piazza Montecitorio: «Usciamo da questo posto: fetido», ha detto l'ex capogruppo: Roberta Lombardi. -- ANSWER -- è un crimine di sterminio, quello del sistema: dei partiti: che, non vuole affrontare il signoraggio bancario, che: con il complotto massonico: è stato rubato alla Costituzione
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Mediaset, Santanchè and Biancifiore "is a coup against the PDL, a weak point: against: democracy, is it impairing, for this politicized judiciary,now, reform of the justice now, under the proposals, of the RADICALS Marco Pannella - ANSWER - it is true, 80% of the entire public administration is politicized, it is a stronghold of the left, relativist, pornocratica, ideologically homosexual, Bildenberg, anti-Christian, anti-libertarian, accomplice of the Illuminati: FMI-666 - NWO 322, is the Masonic system, that he wanted the theft of monetary sovereignty, which has betrayed the country, has sold us, to the Pharisee: Anglo-American, jackal, cannibal, Satanist, international demo-pluto-Judeo-Mason, to achieve the impending, of new Holocaust, against , Israel .. No, the judiciary can nt: delegitimize, a political authority, then, parliamentary immunity, is a constitutional prerogative ..
BrotherhoodUniversal 1 sett. fa
Mediaset, Santanchè e Biancofiore: "E' un golpe contro il PDL, un vulnus: contro: la democrazia, un pregiudizio della Magistratura politicizzata, ora riforma della Giustizia, secondo le proposte, dei RADICALI di Marco Pannella --ANSWER -- è vero, l'80% di tutta la pubblica amministrazione è politicizzata, è un feudo della sinistra, relativista, pornocratica, omosessualista, Bildenberg, anti-cristiana, anti-libertaria, complice degli Illuminati: FMI- 666- NWO 322, è il sistema massonico, che, ha voluto lo scippo della sovranità monetaria, che, ha tradito il Paese, ci ha venduti al fariseo: anglo-americano, sciacallo, cannibale, satanista, internazionale: demo-pluto-giudaico-massone, per realizzare la imminente shoah, contro, Israele.. Nessuna, magistratura può delegittimare, una autorità politica, quindi, l'immunità parlamentare, è una prerogativa costituzionale..
HellxDesPairTruction 2 sett. fa
@PUTIN -- ma, se la Merkel, non vuole mettere te, in imbarazzo: con i tuoi veri alleati in occulto? (infatti, se tu non eri un traditore, di: massone e satanista? tu non avresti mai potuto essere: nel FMI di Rothshild, SPA FMI 666 NWO, per fare pagare: il signoraggio bancario, al popolo Russo, che tu sei un servo degli Illuminati, anche tu) --ANSWER -- poi, la Merchel, può chiedere circa questa nuova tecnologia del "Grande Fratello", ai suoi: Grandi Sacerdoti di Satana, che, sono in Germania ... perché, lei non sa: che: in Germania: sono fatti: 30.000: sacrifici umani: sull'altare di satana: ogni anno! e che: la Politica: ed il governo Tedesco: sono ad un livello: estremamente, più basso: rispetto ai satanisti, nella piramide del potere reale, che è NWO.. ma, è un vero peccato che, la democrazia: non permette a lei: di drogare, ipnotizzare e torturare, i sacerdoti di satana, per sapere da loro la verità.
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
Los Roques (the route satanic), found lost plane 2008. Among the 14 passengers were also: eight Italian 20 June, 04:38. (ANSA) - CARACAS, JUNE 20 - Been is: found: the scattered wreckage of the plane: January 4, 2008: while: was on: flight from Caracas for: the archipelago of Los Roques, Venezuela, with: to: 14 passengers on board, including, 8 which Italian. Let the twin-engine 410 aircraft Transaven, is Been: found 9 km, to south of Los Roques, to: a depth of: about 970 m. Been is: localized, by the American research vessel Sea Scout, that: was working for days in: the: area: the: scope of: an: agreement Rome-Caracas. [And where are the bodies?]
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
Satan 187AUDIOHOSTEM - I will not, I diseases! but, of course they will all be on: you, and: on your accomplices: in: around the world, starting with the vomit of hell, of: your ally, the King of Saudi Arabia! JHWH1OsannaUniusRei has: published an: comment 42 minutes ago I am Unius REI, King of Israel: in: my kingdom of PALESTINE ... @ Rothschild, Bush Kerry, Obama, Satan, Zapatero, etc. .. you are not, you can switch ... if you you go to world war? you can do it! but, know, you will regret for: I did!
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18, USA IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Satanic Rites, organ trafficking and: pedophilia: the dramatic testimony of: a young victim, the committee's inquiries Franklin; surveys covered up; unsuspecting characters in: the: revival of the satanic sects; pieces of: Spare human, and who investigates the trafficking of: organ dies. People that: disappears: the Monarch project, and: satanic cults in USA [[the1phoenix]] Change to: satanic cults in USA. in: almost all of America, we celebrate satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies, and, in: not a few cases, human sacrifice .. In England they disappear every year, about a hundred thousand young people.
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] The journalist Alfio Bernabei shows other terrible things that happened to London: "Meat of: children and : of: human fetuses: are: were eaten: by men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rites, in: England: in recent years: the: context: of: an: left revival of : satanic ceremonies. Been Some children are: sacrificed: on: altars after suffering: torture and: sexual abuse ... " ("The Unit", August 9, 1990). It seems crazy humanity. In the United States, according to reliable sources, are killed each year: in: the: course: of: satanic rituals: 50,000 people for: the younger ones. .. These groups have protections: a high level.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] In the USA, "discusses on: Two scandals linked to prostitution: Childhood: drug- party with: participation of: children and killings: in: direct: to: to produce snuff-film, that: involving politicians ... very close: the White House. intelligence services, that: directly dependent on the president, are: Speakers: covering up the investigation, the victims are: finite in: prison: and: the witnesses are: gone: and: dead: in: strange accidents or suicides ".. The criminal network: both had links with: Republican leaders: that: and democratic: it covered: from New York to Pennsylvania, from: Nebraska to California.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] Recruitment: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: way: and: then held: in: farms details. is: an: Business impressive take: children escaped of: home, in institutions of: adoption, camps ... "Rodriguez, a columnist: of: the" Washington Times ", has: investigated: for: a few months, first of: Shoot: in: front page: of: of his newspaper articles: focus on: a network of: boys "of life" that: involved: Deputies and: vip related to: Ronald Reagan and George Bush. "Sex in: sale in: an: apartment: of: an: deputy "," The Secret Service: insabbia the investigation: the prostitutes of celebrities "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Boys of: brought to life: an: tour of: midnight at the White House "These are the titles of: Washington Times." (Ibid.). After a few articles Rodriguez mysteriously dropped the investigation. Congresswoman, Rosario Godoy de Osejo, founder of: an: "Committee for: missing children," [ complaint]: "I suspect that: the reason for the disappearance, may be the removal of: young and: healthy bodies, to be sold in rich countries. If this is so, is: easy to understand, that: the end do these children, once 'exported'. "Facts hallucinating ...
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of human sacrifices: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Eric Sottas Director of: "Torture International" has: remember horrible events, as, the 1395 young patients, disappeared in Argentina, from the psychiatric hospital, of La Colonia Montes de Oca, near Buenos Aries. ABOUT TRAFFIC ON INVESTIGATING of: BODIES DIES. in: the: May 1996, the French journalist Xavier de Gautier "Le Figaro" is found hanged in the Balearic Islands, in: the: his summer residence. A death shrouded in: the more mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak, of: suicide. Gautier, first of: as, for: holidays, he had worked for a long investigation, on: an: alleged trafficking of organs, from Bosnia
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds: of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] to a famous clinic of Italy: the north. [The newspaper] "O Globo" of Rio .. defines us 'the largest importers of: Brazilian children'. The correspondent: of: O: Globe to: Rome says: 'Italy is: the most important: Buyer: of: children ...'. (...). also: in: Peru printing accuses us. For months, the newspaper La Repubblica of Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses: that: are: come in: Peru: for: buy children: of: a few months: o: of: a few years. In recent times we have: 'imported' small 1,500 Peruvians, many of whom - according to the press of Lima - would be: then murdered: for: remove: their organs for: transplants "(" Corriere della Sera ", September 7 1991).
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] What abducted children, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan or Killed: for: grub their organs is: an: horror: on: a planetary scale. And yet: go to: do little or nothing. Newspapers and: television: not by reporting the problem: the whole: its real gravity. They talk about: little. and: evil, of: time: time. .. THE MONARCH PROJECT .. The lawyer John W. DeCamp, in: the: his chilling book-report: "The Franklin Cover-up", [speaks of] 'Monarch Project' ..: young people that: in: Been America are: victims: of: of experiments: mind control: performed by agencies: of: the U.S. government as the CIA
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] or agencies of: military intelligence "... These experiments are: the origin of: a "production of: a horde of: children, whose soul is shattered, the purpose of which would be spying, prostitution, and murder: suicide" ("Nexus", 23, cit.). Dagorno Jean, Professor of Analysis storiosociologica famous .. to: worldwide, for: they blew up, the "news-bomb" Echelon .. in: the: his essay entitled "Pourquoi moi?" complaint, that: the serial killer could be the result of: incredible experiments, and: of: He blamed the CIA ...
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "What was he doing in: the: 1959 Aldous Huxley, in: anthropologist company Margaret Mead and: of: LSD Timothy Leary, in: the: cell of Charles Manson, the prototype of the serial killer, [as well as] pseudosatanista ... ". Second: Dagorno these particular therapies: were made by injecting subjects, in guinea pig, substances from which, twenty years later, they would have made the active ingredients: psychotropic drugs: of: the third generation. Today, drugs are the drugs most consumed: in: the: world. .. "As, they did: to: convince Lee Oswald: to: to shoot Kennedy? Agg: Ali Agca to: pull the Pope?
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] is: the old story of the killers lonely. an: wacko comes out of nothing: and: bang-bang. .. You have to choose: a deranged. A lunatic: is: easy to obsess. .. But: is: a long thing in: Anyway, complicated. The preparation can take years. for: this: in: the services they have: in: psychological preparation: a half-dozen: of: unbalanced: to be transformed into: solitary murderers: as needed "(M. Blondet, The" Adelphi "of the dissolution, Ed. Ares , Milan 1994). Experiments evil: on: human beings. Giovanissimi devastated from "sorcerer's apprentice" disguised as scientists.
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of his government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in: almost all of America will celebrate satanic cults, that: fierce ceremonies and practice, in: not a few cases, human sacrifices. Dowbenko, always on: "Nexus" 23 (cited above) writes: "According to John Coleman, author of: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300:" The cult of the Illuminati "is: alive and: it grows: in: America Because ...: this sect is: also: known as, Satanism, it must follow: that: the CIA, while Dulles was it to: Chief, was controlled: from an: Satanist and the same applies: for George Bush (Member of the Order of the Skulls and: Bones). "
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. Former U.S. President George Bush, in fact, was initiated, in: the: 1943 to the cult "Skull and Bones" at the University of Yale, founded in: the: 1832. The "Skull and Bones" together to: society as the Rhodes Trust, according to the authoritative British magazine "The Economist" (25 December 1992) are: the modern resurgence of the "Illuminati of Bavaria" of Jean Adam Weisshaupt (1748-1830). The Illuminati of Bavaria were, according to some, the continuers of the plots Templars, and: of: great design, of: government, of: the world. Serge Hutin writes that: the Illuminati of Bavaria were: reality, "a secret society ...
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. which really pursued, including, its purposes, the progressive destruction of: old regime (monarchy and: Religious) "(S. Hutin, The freemasonry, in:" History of the Religions ", Laterza, Bari 1981). They, after the annihilation of: their Order, hid themselves in: the: Masonry official. Kenneth Grant, to: this regard, confirms: "The Order of the Illuminati, was suppressed in: the:, 1786, but: Weishaupt and an intimate, circle of: followers, continued to operate successfully in: secret, behind the screen, of Freemasonry, with: the Order, he connected in: the: 1778 "
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. (Kenneth Grant, The Awakening: magic, Astrolabe , Rome, 1973). The sect of the Illuminati, was the most dangerous deviation of Freemasonry initiation. THE DRAMATIC WITNESS: of: A YOUNG VICTIM. Paul Bonacci, is: an: young recluse, the correctional center of Lincoln, in: isolation, because: repeatedly threatened of: death, for: street: of: serious charges: riots: from to unsuspecting young men of power: . The psychiatrist: that: it has: submitted to: expertise, Beverly Mead, has: stated that: the boy is: healthy of-mind, and to: his opinion, he tells the truth. Bonacci says:
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds, of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. "I was in the hands of: an: group called Namba (North American Man - Boy Love Association) that: took me in: meetings, to New York or to Boston. Of age: 9 years old, I was taken: an : hotel, with 5 other guys and: we have forced them to have sex while being filmed. in: Later, they forced me, to have relationships with: children. Just in: the: 1986 are: successful, to : untie me from the group. (...). in: the: summer of: 1985, Larry King (leader of: republican project, of: aid to the community of: American color, ed) brought me together with an: other boy, Nicholas, of Aurora, in: the: Colorado,
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in California for: turn an: film. There was an ...: boy: cage. (...). They made us strip and: wear clothes like Tarzan, and: obliged us, to have sex with the boy in: the: cage. They told us of: beat him. (...). Arrived, an: man and: began, to: beat the boy, as if he were a doll. He took out a gun, pointed it in: head, and: he fired ... (Bonacci, then, gives the names, of: some of the people, that: have sexually abused of: he, ed) Alan Bair, Peter Citron, Larry King, Harry Anderson, Congressman Barney Franks, to Washington. (...). .
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. In 1984 brought me ..: South Fork to the ranch, to Dallas, in: the: Texas, in: course: the Republican Convention and Larry King organized, the party-pedophiles "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco , Children. The market of horrors, in: "Events", 17 July 1991). Paul Bonacci was witness to, the following: events even more frightening: and: continues his story: with: shocking revelations: "I witnessed: of: Human sacrifice: of: an: child of: a few months. It was the recurrence: of: the time of birth: of Christ and, in: this ritual: annual, all sang: for: pervert the blood of Christ.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] with: an: dagger and killed: made to: pieces, the child, and then filled a cup, with his blood, mixing it with urine, and: obliged us, to: drink from the cup while they sang: 'Satan is the Lord ...' "(J. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska 1992). SURVEYS OF THE COMMISSION FRANKLIN. Persons related to: King, leader, of: project Republican of: aid to the black community, through the "Credit Union" and: "National Black Repubblican Council", were devoted, to: "kidnappings of: children, to be used in: the: prostitution, production of: snuff-film (movie with: deaths: direct ) and party-pedophiles.
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] After the start of the Commission's investigation Franklin, many 'accidents' are removed, the date of: process, against, of: him. Dan Ryan, a member of: King, is Been: found strangled in: the: his car. Bill Baker ... partner of: vice-president of: 'Blak Repubblican National Council' in: the: the pornography business, is Been: killed, with: an: shot in the neck. Curtis Tucker ... it is: 'thrown' from a window, at the Holiday Inn. Charlie Rogers, mistress of King, it is: 'blown, head, with: an: shot of: gun. Bill Skaleske, officer, of: Department of: Police of Omaha, that: directing the investigations on: King, is Been: found dead ...
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[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Joe Malek, another shareholder of: merchant, and of children: owner of : Peony Park, where they carried out, the party of pedophiles, is Been: found dead, killed by an: blow, of: gun: police has: closed the case, like, suicide. Many witnesses are: reluctant, to: present ... Mike Lewis, 32, in charge, of: protecting the victims-witnesses, is Been: found dead, for: an: attack of: diabetes. The commission Franklin, it is: then finally foundered when, the investigator in charge of the investigation, Gary Caradori, is: dead, in: an: mysterious plane crash, after informing his office of: having information sensational ' is dynamite ... ' "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.) ..
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered, by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Satan has: caught on also: in South Africa, with: all the gruesome aspects of: his worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on the altar of: Prince of the darkness ... orgiastic meetings, where young, are: forced to have sex with: dogs or goats, symbols, most oleographic of: Lucifer "(" Corriere della Sera ", 20 May 1990). SURVEYS covered up. The investigations are almost always covered up, there is: as, a conspiracy of: silent, mysterious shell. Ted Gunderson, for: With respect, the United States has: said: "I have four witnesses, detailed, of: three inmates involved in: satanic rituals, and: one of: an: priest, of Utah,
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] that: I have confirmed the existence of: fifty-sixty thousand, annual cases of: human sacrifices. (...). Been are: found numerous cemeteries, in: the whole country, with: dozens of: corpses not identified, and: no one has: investigated to: bottom ... "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.). satanic crimes, are: in: expansion, in: around the world. for: how much, regards England, Dianne Core, head of the Institute Childwatch (Association of: Assistance, and: protection of minors), has: unions denounced the Satanists, with: political lobbying that: they tend to: cover up their atrocities.
BrotherhoodUniversal 2 sett. fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Dr. Core: it has, among other things, said: "Unfortunately: not , we have not yet identified: the summit: the hierarchy that: controls: Satanism in: Great Britain .... enjoy of: protections: at the highest level. " Pedophiles Satanists: are: present: also: to London. "Corriere della Sera" of 18 March 1990 complaint: "London. Tortured Children: e: raped in: the: course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracts: to: force from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: immolated The Twilight Zone ... sound, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: teenagers tenders: the high priests of: a cult: and: their followers: for: to be raped. Once pregnant, small, would be forced to have abortions
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as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the purification of the Satanists, that: they would drink the blood, or if they ciberebbero. ... Investigation carried out by 66 groups of: research, 'National Society, for: the prevention of cruelty against children' in: the United Kingdom, confirms the existence of: such practices ... " . [[Satanists and: terrorists (I) Dawn Perlmutter. Director, Institute for the Research of Organized and Ritual Violence ...]] [[Revelation 17:1, "... the great whore, that: sit, on: many waters. "Revelation 17:15" The waters that: you saw and: on which is seated, the prostitute, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18," The woman that: you is seen: the great city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:7, "In his heart he says," I are: queen, not, are: the widow, and, not, I will never mourn. "A global superpower, that: is manifested in: three ways: economic superpower. Revelation 18:3:" ... and the merchants of the earth, are: enriched, with: the excesses of: luxury. "Revelation 18:11:" And the merchants of the earth will mourn, and: mourn, for: her because no one buys their cargoes any more ... "Revelation 18:15," The merchants of: these things that: you are: rich by her, shall stand afar off, for: fear of: his torment ... "Revelation 18:23," ... I thy merchants were the great men of the earth, and : all nations, are: were deceived by your sorcery. "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] military superpower. Jeremiah 50:23: "as, it never is: broken, hath been broken, the hammer of all the land?" Jeremiah 51:20: "You have been, for, me an: hammer, a tool of: war with: you I shatter nations, I destroy kingdoms." Isaiah 14:4-6 Casting Lots, "Did the oppressor has: finished? Has: finished esattrice gold? The LORD has: broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers. Him that: furiously struck down peoples of: a continual stroke, he that: angrily ruled over the nations is: chased without mercy. ". Political superpower. Jeremiah 51:44: "... The nations not, shall come over to: him ..." Revelation 17:18: "The woman that: you have seen, is: the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth . "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:9-10: "When the kings of the earth shall see the ... of smoke: his fire and weep: mourn for: and her: they will say: "Ah! Ouch! Babylon, the great city, the mighty city! Your judgment is: come in: also: the moment! The dwelling of: a large part of the Jewish population exiled. Jeremiah 51:45: "O my people, out of: means to: you, ye every man his life before the fierce anger of Lord!" Revelation 18:4: "Come out of her, my people, that, not, be an accomplice, of his sins, and, not, be involved, her plagues." Zechariah 2:7: "Now, O Zion!, In: escape, thou that: clothes, with the Daughter of: Babylon!" Babylon is represented by a woman. Revelation 17:1: "..
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as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.]. Come, I will show you the judgment that: the great whore, that: sits on: many waters ... the waters, that: you've seen and: on which, the prostitute sits, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18:" The woman that: you saw is : the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "Babylon is: dressed with expensive clothes. Revelation 18:16:" And the great city, that was clothed of: linen, of: purple, and: of : scarlet. "descriptions made above, are: some of the many references that: indicate clearly as America, the great power known as, Babylon, and New York as the city, for the fall, in: the: chapter 18 of Revelation. now we see, America, and New York, in: particular, are: compatible with: the descriptions, to: purpose of: Babylon:
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] A Global Superpower: Economic, Military and: Politics. The United States of America, are: the only superpower, the world survived. for: to be, in: this position of power: it serves, of: diplomatic strategies, very subtle, military force, and: of the economic sanctions. If you have been convinced by the powerful propaganda machine of the American mass media, that: the United States, are: a force, that: fights for: freedom, and: for: charity, then it means, that: you have been deceived, and : taken: around. I believe that: the truth, seen through the eyes of God, is: that: America is: unethical, oppressive, self-centered, arrogant, greedy, murderous, proud and hypocritical.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] in: the: 1948, George Kennan, that: he directed the Department of: State, until 1950, he wrote an: document, entitled, Plan of: Studio of the Policy, in: the: whom was written: "We have approximately 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6, 3% of the population ... in: this situation is: clear, that: not, we can avoid of: arouse envy, and resentment towards us. Our real mission for: the near future is: of: plan , agreements, which allow us of: maintain this condition of: ... for disparities: do this, we need to do: unless, of: all sentimentality, and: of dreams to: eyes open, but, but pay attention to our immediate goals ...
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[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] We have to finish, of: speaking of: unrealistic goals, such as, human rights, improving of the conditions of: life and: democratization. The next day, in: the: which spoke of: power, in: honestly, is: long gone. "(From What Uncle Sam Really Wants, of Noam Chomsky, Odonian Press, 1986, p. 7, 9 -10.) The Fall of: Babylon. The fall of: Babylon will take place in: three phases. The first will be the judgment of God, that: will lead to the destruction of the "big city" of: Babylon. The prophet Zechariah, witnessed the removal of the demonic spiritual forces, that: had inspired the ancient nature of: Babylon. This woman was placed in: a basket, and: to: Zachary, it was said, that: he was for: to be brought to a new earth: in: the: Babylon which would be resurfaced.
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as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "And the angel that: talking to: myself, went out, and: said: 'Lift up your eyes, and, look, that: what comes out of there.' I said, 'What?' He said, 'This is the ephah that: out'. Then added: 'Throughout the country, do not have an eye, that: for: the one'. And behold, he was raised, a plate of lead, and: in : the ephah, sat a woman. And he said, 'This is: evil', and: threw in: middle of the ephah, then threw the plate of lead, on the mouth of ' ephah. I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women that: they advanced, the wind was in their wings, and: the wings that: they were, like, wings of: stork, and they lifted up, the 'ephah between the earth and: heaven. agg: I said to the angel, that: he spoke to: me' Where are they taking the ephah? ' He answered:
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] 'In the country of: Shinar, for: build him a house there, and: when will be prepared , will be set there in its place. "Zechariah 5:5-11. On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue of Liberty, and, in: the: ceremony: the: what was revealed, the 'old pagan god, he said: "We do not, forget, that: Libertas, has: e his residence here, not, we must, therefore, neglecting his altar chosen one" held in: hand a golden cup full abominations, and: of the filthiness of her fornication. upon her forehead was written, an: mysterious name: 'Babylon the great the mother of the harlots, and: abominations of the earth.'
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] and: I saw, that: the woman was drunk of: blood of the saints and: of: blood of the martyrs of Jesus "(Rev 17:4-6) It speaks of: a cup, as, many other times in: the: Bible, and: also: here its meaning is: very important. in: the: pagan world but: also: in: the Jew and: Christian, the cup was usually a sign of: blessing. but: here we have an: opposite meaning: the cup is: full of: 'abominations and: filth' and: of: ' and blood of the saints: the martyrs of Jesus. 'She gets drunk, of: this drink "inhuman" this toast shows the total inhumanity of the empire. This fact is maintained thanks to the blood of the victims [via the war and that weapons].
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] and: this is the same blood: Used empire, for: bless and: enrich his followers. They also share the cup, in: a sign of: Alliance with: empire and: of: submission to His laws (Rev. 14:8). The woman is: mother of the abominations of the earth, a land subdued by his power, that: is manifested through the injustice, violence, murder: but: all this have to do it, is: the only way for: maintaining " peace. " is: a 'prevention' are present in: Babylon, the threat of violence, for: to keep people calm, and: the use of violence against: any "probable" enemy.
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@MCMXXXlll nazi 666 Rothschild IMF 322 NWO --- you must tell your Merkel, who, I did not need his Islamist Masons, Satanists Pharisees Illuminati bank seigniorage, in my kingdom, all those that she loves so much .. tu devi dire alla tua Merkel, che, io non ho bisogno dei suoi massoni islamisti, satanisti farisei, Illuminati del signoraggio bancario, nel mio Regno, tutti quelli che lei ama tanto..
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[ormai, siamo di fronte ad una minaccia globale: fatta, da: USA: di nazisti farisei satanisti: per il controllo globale"il grande fratello: aliens abductions agenda", perché, Obama, rimane imbarazzato per il golpe, che, 85% degli egiziani ha approvato, mentre, diffonde gli islamisti(della Lega Araba) per il mondo. è il FMI, che, necessita di una guerra mondiale: per sollevare il regno di satana: sul genere umano] Snowden, raffica di richieste d'asilo. Anche l'Italia tra i Paesi dove cerca rifugio talpa del datagate. 02 luglio 2013, 13:31Il diplomatico ha aggiunto che "non abbiamo alcun dubbio che in questo caso c'é stato un ordine della Casa Bianca" che ha portato a proibire il sorvolo dell'aereo in cui viaggiava Morales in Spagna, Francia, Italia e Portogallo. Llorenti ha stigmatizzato "l'atteggiamento razzista, coloniale e subordinatO" dei governi europei che hanno palesemente "violentato le regole del diritto internazionale".
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minaccia globale: fatta, da: USA: di nazisti farisei satanisti: per il controllo globale"il grande fratello: aliens abductions agenda", perché, Obama, rimane imbarazzato per il golpe, che, 85% degli egiziani ha approvato, mentre, diffonde gli islamisti(della Lega Araba) per il mondo. è il FMI, che, necessita di una guerra mondiale: per sollevare il regno di satana: sul genere umano] CUBA, VICENDA MORALES E' UN 'ATTO INAMMISSIBILE' Il ministero cubano degli Esteri ha aggiunto che ''giorni fa, gli Stati Uniti hanno minacciato l'Ecuador, un paese fratello, con misure economiche coercitive, il che non puo' essere tollerato per nessun motivo, perche' e' un danno alla nostra America intera, che deve essere respinto dall'intera comunita' internazionale''. Edward Snowden, l'ex analista dei servizi segreti americani, ha rivelato ''l'esistenza di un sistema di spionaggio globale da parte degli Usa in violazione della sovranita' degli Stati e dei diritti delle persone''.
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@ Israel - if it turns out, that every fugitive is captured by the new: super, Nazi superpower USA: the occult and Masonic power: for banking seigniorage? Then, it will be much more difficult, almost impossible, to work for your safety ... (since the Pharisees SpA IMF, etc. .. have been shown to love more Salafis,than not you) is very strange, that the Americans 322 666 IMF NWO: project aliens abductions "big brother, for: global control", have afforded, to civilians, tasks such delicacy, in general, in strategic roles using the Satanists, who are their slaves perfect ... and your interest, then, that Edward Snowden, be free: to say everything: she wants, and that: his integrity: psychophysics: be protected, because: he objectively, is a hero of democracy: against: the Nazi Satanists Americans, the cult of: JabullOn, the cannibal god owl Baal, at the Bohemian Grove .. then, at least, you do not make the figure bleak: the Freemasons European Bildenberg, for curse yourself
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@Israele -- se, si scopre, che, ogni fuggitivo, viene catturato, dalla nuova: super, nazi superpotenza USA: dei poteri occulti e massonici? poi, sarà, molto più difficile, quasi impossibile, poter lavorare per la tua sicurezza... (visto che i farisei: SpA FMI, ecc.. hanno dimostrato di amare più i salafiti, di te) è molto strano, che, gli americani 322 IMF 666 NWO: progetto aliens abductions "grande fratello, del controllo globale", abbiano offerto, ai civili, compiti di tale delicatezza, in genere, in ruoli strategici usano i satanisti, che, loro sono degli schiavi perfetti... e tuo interesse, quindi, che, Edward Snowden, sia libero: di dire tutto quello: che vuole, e che: la sua integrità: psicofica: sia tutelata, perché: lui oggettivamente è un eroe: della democrazia: contro: i nazi satanisti americani, del culto di: JabullOn, il cannibale al Bohemian Grove.. quindi almeno tu non fare la figura squallida: dei massoni europei Bildenberg
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07/04/2013 EGYPT. The dream comes true, Egypt is free from a hateful regime. The country has been waiting with patience and hope for the day when the Muslim Brotherhood would be forced to step aside. Now, armed with a great social diversity that is also a great wealth, we can hope for a new and better nation. Starting from the young people, the "true pyramids" of modern Egypt. It is the end of the Muslim Brotherhood. Cairo (AsiaNews) Amazing, amazing the huge crowds gathered all night long and more and more today in all squares in all towns of Egypt. Something never before seen in Egypt or anywhere else in the world.Tens of millions of... Backed by al-Azhar and Coptic Church, Armed Forces chief announces new presidential election After suspending the constitution imposed by the Muslim Brotherhood, General Al-Sisi sets Egypt on a course for new elections. When the announcement is made, celebrations break out in Tahrir Square.
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[informatico americano Edward Snowden(l'eroe della democrazia e dei diritti umani contro: i nazi 666 FMI-NWO, farisei anglo-americani, che, complottano, contro, la esistenza di Isrele). ha diritto di ricevere: rifugio e protezione, da ogni Governo del Pianeta, ed ogni atto di ostruzione?: è da considerare: un atto di guerra: perché, la verità sulle telecomunicazioni è un diritto non alienabile] Su Twitter si sono susseguiti i messaggi dei capi di Stato. Per l'argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner «sono tutti pazzi, ed è un giudizio definitivo» perché «i capi di Stato e il loro aereo godono di una immunità totale, non è possibile questo grado di impunità'. E ha aggiunto di aver parlato con il suo collega uruguaiano, José Mujica, che si è detto «indignato». Da parte sua, il ministro degli Esteri venezuelano, Elias Jaua, ha detto che il fatto che vari paesi europei abbiano chiuso il loro spazio all'aereo del presidente boliviano costituisce
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[American Edward Snowden (the hero of democracy and human rights against: the Nazi FMI-NWO 666, Pharisees Anglo-Americans, who are plotting against the existence of Isrele). is entitled to receive: shelter and protection from any government on the planet, and every act of obstruction?: it is to be considered: an act of war, because, the truth about telecommunications is a non-assignable right] «una aggressione brutale e grossolana» riguardo alla quale devono «assumersi le loro responsabilità». Il segretario generale dell'Unasud, il venezuelano Ali Rodriguez e quello dell'Organizzazione degli Stati Americani (Osa), il cileno José Miguel Insulza, hanno poi sottolineato la necessità di una presa di posizione comune di tutta l'America Latina, per denunciare quanto accaduto a Morales. Quanto al sospetto che a bordo dell'aereo del presidente boliviano si trovasse Edward Snowden,
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[Estadounidense Edward Snowden (el héroe de la democracia y los derechos humanos en contra: los nazis FMI-NWO 666, fariseos anglo-americanos, que están conspirando en contra de la existencia de Isrele). tiene derecho a recibir: refugio y protección de ningún gobierno en el planeta, y cada acto de obstrucción: no se ha de considerar: un acto de guerra, porque, la verdad acerca de las telecomunicaciones es un derecho no transferible] Insulza ha detto che «nulla può giustificare una azione così irrispettosa verso la più alta carica di un paese». Intanto, dopo lo stop forzato a Vienna, l'aereo di Morales ha effettuato uno scalo tecnico alle Canarie e da lì e ripartito verso la Bolivia dove dovrebbe atterrare a notte inoltrata. Ora il Parlamento boliviano potrebbe approvare una risoluzione nella quale chiederà al governo di dichiarare "persone non grate" gli ambasciatori di Italia e Francia e la console del Portogallo,
[avete visto?] ex-Presidente MORSI [lui vuole fuggire] perché tutti gli islamici sono traditori: "rozzi", "sprovveduti" come Erdogan, non sono traditori raffinati come, possono essere i massoni salafiti-farisei, da cui, Israele, proprio non può più salvare se stesso.
[[@Israle - we want to try to make discernment of the hearts? chiedi a Giordania, ed Egitto di mettere, una tua base militare nei loro territori. [aggressione degli anglo-americani salafiti] Nove autobomba, almeno 30 morti, a Baghdad: oggi,// ieri, Iraq: bomba in moschea sunnita, almeno 20 morti. Egitto: Morsi ai militari, 'esilio, in cambio, di piazze libere' (questo, mai, in modo assoluto, mai!)]], Nove autobomba sono esplose stasera in aree commerciali di Baghdad, con un bilancio provvisorio salito ad almeno 30 morti e oltre 100 feriti. Lo rivelano fonti ospedaliere e di polizia irachene.
[[@Israle - we want to try to make discernment of the hearts? you ask to Jordan, and Egypt to put a military base in their own territories. [this is Anglo-American-Salafis: aggression ] Nine car bombs, at least 30 dead in Baghdad today, / / Yesterday, Iraq: bomb in the Sunni mosque, at least 20 dead. Egypt, Bites, to the military, 'exile, in return, the freedom: of the squares' (this, never, absolutely, ever!)]] Quattro auto imbottite d'esplosivo sono state fatte saltare nei quartieri sud, due nel centro, due nel nord, una nell'est. Nel centro della capitale irachena, nel quartiere di Karrada,
[[@Israle - we want to try to make discernment of the hearts? Vous demandez à la Jordanie et l'Egypte pour mettre une base militaire dans leurs propres territoires. [c'est anglo-américaine salafistes: agression] Neuf voitures piégées, au moins 30 morts à Bagdad aujourd'hui, / / Hier, l'Irak: la bombe dans une mosquée sunnite, au moins 20 morts. Egypte, morsures, à l', 'exil, en retour, de la liberté: des carrés »militaire (! Cela, jamais, absolument jamais)]] i due attentati sono avvenuti a pochissimi minuti l'uno dall'altro intorno alle 20:30 locali, quando la gente, terminato il digiuno quotidiano imposto dal Ramadan,
[[@Israle - we want to try to make discernment of the hearts? Le preguntas a Jordania y Egipto para poner una base militar en su territorio. [esto es Anglo-American-salafistas: agresión] Nueve coches bomba, al menos 30 muertos en Bagdad, / / Ayer, Irak: bomba en la mezquita sunita, al menos 20 muertos. Egipto, Bites, la, 'el exilio, a cambio, la libertad: de las plazas militares' (! Esto, nunca, absolutamente nunca)]] si riversava in strada per mangiare o fare acquisti. Le altre sette autobomba sono esplose in varie zone di Baghdad nell'arco di un'ora circa. Il bilancio provvisorio di oggi porta a 490 il numero dei morti per le violenze in Iraq dall'inizio di luglio, secondo un conteggio dell'Afp.
[[@Israle - we want to try to make discernment of the hearts? Sie bitten, Jordanien und Ägypten, um eine Militärbasis in ihrem eigenen Hoheitsgebiet. [Dies ist ein anglo-amerikanisch-Salafisten: Aggression] Nine Autobomben, mindestens 30 Tote in Bagdad heute, / / Gestern, Irak: Bombe in der sunnitischen Moschee, mindestens 20 Toten. Ägypten, Bites, dem Militär, Exil, Rückkehr in die Freiheit: der Quadrate '(! Diese, nie, absolut nie)]] Ieri un kamikaze con una cintura esplosiva si era fatto esplodere in una moschea sunnita nei pressi di Baquba, uccidendo 20 persone.
@ Israel - you have a territory, too small, also, an attack missile conventional, in mode cross, would, in check, for destroy, all your defenses! therefore, it is essential for you, immediately, expand your territory ... @Israele -- tu hai un territorio troppo piccolo, anche un attaco missilistico incrociato, metterebbe, sotto scacco tutte le tue difese! quindi, è indispensabile, per te, immediatamente, dilatare il tuo territorio @ Israel - those who, has sold ballistic missiles to Saudi Arabia? the Pharisees Anglo-American, they have betrayed: you! if the Pharisees and the Salafis, have been silent on ballistic missiles, then you may have also been silent about the presence of atomic bombs, which may have received from pakistan
@ Israel - with All These associations: Masonic: occult, esoteric, satanic, secret, who: can have more trust: today: of none? is possible can dominate, nations, in a hidden way, SpA (totally invisible behind politicians, fearful, corrupt, especially powerless, about, the destinies of the peoples Entrusted to them). Salafis brothers pharisees all enlightened by satanAllah Baal, 666 IMF 322 NWO, masonic system, occult power, have accumulated immense wealth in absolute contempt, of peoples who, die of hunger, and lack of cultural knowledge, and spiritual, Because The sense of : true love of God: YHWH, was torn from Their Hearts, with a satanic project: premeditated, "this is the enslavement of all mankind the destruction of Israel"

questa NON è una testata giornalistica
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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- Soldati azeri distruggono le tombe armene nel Karabakh
siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood
LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️ kingdom this tavola di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina)
is mine!
«Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re, adaptatione. Pater eius est sol, mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram, et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus hic est. Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiæ totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.» |
«È vero senza menzogna, certo e verissimo, che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da una sola, per la mediazione di una, così tutte le cose sono nate da questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre, la Luna è sua madre, il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo, la Terra è la sua nutrice. Il padre di tutto, il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la Terra dal Fuoco, il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti, il cui metodo è qui. È perciò che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto, avendo le tre parti della filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto dell'operazione del Sole.» |
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1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin,
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg, in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano, che è stato veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud , Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò, non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano anche alla merda, ma con te, io farò una eccezione!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
una volta che, tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi, il giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti, e questo spiega la creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però, che questa sua Riyad depravazione ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio di un prestito di soldi nostri, visto che sono risorse che l’Italia versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban, che non è Conte, ha detto no.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” – VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico, catturato prima di arrivare in Europa come profugo, a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi, del ‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi islamici, svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo devono provare anche tutte le bambine"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah, lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH
comment burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF:
DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!
1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES Satana Talmudich agenda and in the Supreme Sanhedrin, black magic
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEAGUE OCI and its jihadist galaxy UMMA Kuranic dogma genocide of replacement theology, resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide
«Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa, di pietra squadrata e liscia, per istoriarne la facciata. Carogne crapulano, ospiti d’usura. » Canto XLV di Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali solo il Prof. GIACINTO Auriti risponde infallibilmente su:
moneta, credito, usurocrazia
“Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro”, (… quì ti incontrerai spitualmente con lui!)
siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
- ► 2014 (192)
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Te iré contando. Gracias una vez más por estar ahí, por poder contar contigo. Un fuerte abrazo,Luis Losada Pescador y todo el equipo de Cit...
HellxDesPairTruction is more convenient @Illuminati, @666Rothschild, @ 322Bush, @Queen ElisabettaII -> @ IslamIsForNiggers -> go fool...
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. Catalogue record for this book available from British Library. 1st Edition Printing 2005. ...
The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a majo...
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. Catalogue record for this book available from British Library. 1st Edition Printing 2005. ...
l'Olocausto ebraico è stato un abominio è un qualcosa che non può essere negato! Was there Really a Holocaust? By Dr. E. R. Fields...
[Lorenzojhwh המלך: ישראל (הציונית הממלכה) לעומת רבנים Kakam האילומינטי הציונים: רוטשילד] אתה אומר לעצמך: זה: אתם גיבורי ישראל: ו: אתה מעמיד ...
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM
why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Xi-Jinping] why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM? ...

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[funny] 322 Kerry Bush virgins? oh, no! in their rite of initiation into 322, "skulls and bones", 1. have greatly blasphemed God, 2. received his fists on his testicles, 3. were sodomized .. 3. raped a girl, on the altar of Satan, ate her heart! but, this one has to understand, to get the power, and to temper, demonstrate, the appropriate attitude to power, as well as the loyalty of his own soul, the Spa, the Pharisees, the Illuminati, the Anglo-amercani, IMF?, some sacrifices must be done! and since, Secret associations are prohibited by the Constitution, then, Bush and Kerry are not in the possibility to defend themselves from my accusations .. to declare, with their silence, to be the most dangerous Satanists in the history of mankind!