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World Watch List 2013:

Worldwide 100 million Christians are persecuted for their faith in Jesus.

Every year, Open Doors publishes the World Watch List, illustrating the countries where Christians are most persecuted. The Open Doors World Watch List is the only annual survey of religious liberty conditions of Christians around the world. It measures the degree of freedom of a Christian to live out their faith in five areas of life - private, family, community, congregation and national life, plus a sixth element measuring the degree of violence.
In 2012, Christians in Nigeria, Iraq and Syria experienced the most violence, closely followed by those in Sudan and Columbia. In Eritrea, Myanmar, Kenya and Egypt the levels of anti-Christian violence were also extremely high.
North Korea remains the most nightmarish state in which to practice Christianity in the world today, taking out the top spot for the 11th year in a row. However, the 2013 Open Doors World Watch List also highlights the most significant persecution trend of 2012 as a rise of Islamism in every country that experienced the Arab Spring. This has resulted in massively increased pressure on large parts of the church in the Middle East and North Africa.
The trends are not uniformly gloomy however. In the Far East, with the exception of North Korea, the communist states have all marginally improved their treatment of Christians. Laos, Vietnam and China have all moved down the list.
Dropping out of the list this year, for various reasons, are Chechnya, Turkey, Cuba, Belarus and Bangladesh.

Click countries below to view profiles of the top 10

  1. North Korea
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Iraq
  5. Somalia
  6. Maldives
  7. Mali
  8. Iran
  9. Yemen
  10. Eritrea
See More Country Profiles

    1/4[ROTHSCHILD - ISRAELI SUPREME COURT ] is the creation of one elite family: the Rothschilds. In their negotiations with Israel, they have agreed to donate the building under three conditions: the Rothschilds were to choose the plot of land, they would use their own architect and no one would ever know the price of its construction. The reasons for those conditions are quite evident: the Supreme Court building is a Temple of Masonic Mystery Religion and is built by the elite, for the elite. Built in 1992, the Israel Supreme Court sits in Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset (Israeli legislature). Its peculiar architecture has earned critical praise due to the architects opposition of old versus new, light versus shadow and straight lines versus curves.
    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.

    2/4[ROTHSCHILD - ISRAELI SUPREME COURT ] Almost all critics and journalists have however omitted to mention the blatant occult symbols present all over the building. Masonic and Illuminati principles are physically embodied in numerous instances, proving without a doubt who runs the show in there. House of the Rothschilds The Rothschild family is an international dynasty of Germans of jewish descent who established a worldwide banking and finance operation. The offsprings of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) have spread all over Europe and became major actors in the social, political and economic life of the continent.
    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.

    3/4[ROTHSCHILD - ISRAELI SUPREME COURT ] By knitting close ties with the elite of England, Austria, France and Italy, the Rothschilds became a hidden force in most political events of the last centuries. Alternative historians say they are part of the infamous 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati, along with the Rockefellers and the Duponts. The Rothschilds are one of the originators of the Zionist movement and the most active actors in the creation of the state of Israel. James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset, Israels main political building. Right in front of it sits the Israeli Supreme Court, donated by another member of the dynasty:
    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.

    4/4[ROTHSCHILD - ISRAELI SUPREME COURT ] Dorothy de Rothschild. In the same general area of Jerusalem we can therefore find the Knesset and the Supreme Court, built by the Rothschilds and, following a perpendicular ley line, several blocks away, sits the Rockefeller Museum (other elite family). You might start to understand who owns this area now. see defination of "ley line" Interpretations of what is in and on the grounds of Court: abidemiracles()com/555701.htm The truth is, 99% of the mason will die without knowing what is really going on at the top. These forbidden secrets are previously only available to Master Masons belonging to the "higher degrees" such as the York Rite and the Royal Order of Scotland...
 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.
    @youtube--    [IMF FED ECB 666 high treason]    I invented this story of ReiUnius? No! So, even a child can understand its purpose: "If there is a ReiUnus is because you can not survive on this planet without him." Who is so stupid as to think of not being punished for his opposition? Lipsnx4u SAID: All that is spoken here...is not understandable by me. Nevertheless, i do know of Benny Hinn and do not agree with his person. Are you promoting him in this video? Please, let me know this. Thank you, for sharing. :) --ANSWER-    [IMF FED ECB 666 high treason]    If I have to judge people harshly? If I do not have to leave A hope AT ANY man, for his ransom? Then, the first to die, you'll be right! The Rei Unius came to overthrow the great crime of bank seigniorage with his Satanism: of NWO. Your ethical standards? this is the job of your politicians! Yes I love Benny Hinn & all muslim also!
 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.
    @Youtube-    [IMF FED ECB 666 high treason]    God only knows how I would have liked, that He, the Holy YHWH had given to another, the task he gave me. 1. But this is history: the enlightened are "Marranos" Satanists who claim to be Jews. Their objective is the destruction of all peoples through: IMF-NWO. 2. But this is history: they are 500 years, that the enlightened have all the tools, to unleash all the more unnecessary wars: The politicians have no ability to defend itself, since the bank seigniorage, it makes all us, of live in a cartoon cruel. The nightmarish reality: it is artificially formed by those who are the masters of all our money here because we are forced to react, as they expected by us, for the reality created by themselves: we are all going to die in 3 ° WWnuclear!
 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.
    @all men ---    [IMF FED ECB 666 high treason]    were created by God to be brothers. but today, there are many enemies and problems, which were planned and created artificially by enlightened: for make smoke in the darkness, for their absolute Satanism of IMF-NWO, may go unnoticed, but so you do not! enough! I claim in the name of God and man: the bank seigniorage and control of this planet! @Youtube-    [IMF FED ECB 666 high treason]    how is true holiness of God! All those who will insult or do hostility to my ministry will be submitted, all of them, a heavy rating: before his death. God has raised lorenzojhwh: the Rei Unius, to do evil to all his enemies all evil racists, such as: the Zionists, sharia, Satanists, Freemasons, leaders, elite, enlightened & all other excrement of the hell.
 humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3    Shalom Gerusalemme. "Drink your poisons made by yourself". CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.

 JewsxMessiahUniusRei  TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@ my YHWH - I continue to call all of them, but, they all continue to resist me, and in fact, they do not came, from me! @ But, as ever, the King of Saudi Arabia continues to do evil to the innocent Christians, if the power of the West, it's all in the hands of Freemasonry: of: 322 JaBullOn maggot, worm and 666 Illuminati Jews lobby: banking seigniorage: of FED ECB IMF, Baal Peor Marduk? this is obvious: he is the synagogue of Satan: also! demonic satanAllah : worm, maggot worm worm, maggot whim whim, caprice, fancy, fad, freak, maggot. demonic
JewsxMessiahUniusRei  TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

rednck13 Commento sul tuo video: horror sharia jihad Mohammed False Prophet Wafa Sultan Trying to interpretative the prophecy before it happens is impossible. There is only one evil in the world. Baal is one of his many names for he must disguise himself differently with every new group of people he deceives. 666 is just his mark. God throughout the Bible uses a deceived people to punish his own people that have gone astray. What ever this thing is/ true Christians will not be deceived by it. 'He will even fool the elect, IF THAT WERE POSSIBLE" it is not possible to fool the elect -- ANSWER -- TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Moussai Presidangue / channel/UCvTinxHTHh0MQOagnmRHYnA --- 400 Christians are killed by Muslims everyday Hm cool , please can you show us how you came up with that number . Can you help understand please , be specific ,for example: 200 died in the US , 40 in south Africa .... , Be specific so we can all check and see that indeed you are a liar . -- ANSWER --- EVERY 5 MINUTES: a Christian is killed innocent in the world! every day: 300, martyrs, some are killed by the Muslims, and 100: about martyrs: they are killed: Hindu: Buddhists and communists, only, in one day: only: in Nigeria, your Boko Haram: 500 Christians killed: innocent ! in A giant prison: for all Christians in Eritrea: Christians are preserved in the desert in a container of iron etc.. etc. .. and you should be ashamed to have a computer in your hands, and be the Executioner, which denies freedom of religion for the death penalty, etc. .. for the crime of apostasy .. You're a monster!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Moussai Presidangue /channel/UCvTinxHTHh0MQOagnmRHYnA --- OGNI 5 MINUTI: un cristiano innocente viene ucciso nel mondo! ogni giorno: 1. 300, martiri, circa, sono uccisi dai musulmani, e 100: martiri circa: sono uccisi da: induisti: buddisti: e comunisti, soltanto, in solo giorno: soltanto: in Nigeria, i tuoi Boko Haram: hanno ucciso 500 cristiani: innocenti! in Una prigione gigante: per tutti i cristiani d'Eritrea: i cristiani sono consevati, nel deserto in container di ferro: ecc. ecc.. e tu ti dovresti vergognare, di avere un computer nelle tue mani, e di essere il boia, che, nega la libertà di religione: per avere la pena di morte, ecc.. per il delitto di apostasia.. tu sei un mostro!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

666 CIA IHateNEWLAYOUT - and why God should have, given: a power so immense: to Unius REI, a power, which is unprecedented, in all the history of mankind, at unius REI? for to hurt men? lol. but this does not make sense, because if God removes: his ministries of mercy? then, men destroying, himself, by alone! it does not matter, for me, if synnek1, today, he is a lowlife. but, I look at that synnek1 can become, a tomorrow ... for give to him all his blessings: in JHWH! I have not invested in the destruction of the human race, because, I hope the love for all.. I respect synnek1, because, I make hurting to him greatly, through my love for him! and I not hate americans, or other peoples.. for me there are no races, because I am the father of all mankind.. From this point of view, I can not be: a father: who may be happy to destroy his children, so, I have to invent a way, to save the Satanists and Masons, also:
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

666 CIA IHateNEWLAYOUT --- --- it does not matter, for me, if synnek1, today, he is a lowlife. but, I look at that synnek1 can become, a tomorrow ... for give to him all his blessings: in JHWH! I have not invested in the destruction of the human race, because, I hope the love for all.. I respect synnek1, because, I make hurting to him greatly, through my love for him! and I not hate americans, or other peoples.. for me there are no races, because I am the father of all mankind.. From this point of view, I can not be: a father: who may be happy to destroy his children, so, I have to invent a way, to save the Satanists and Masons, also:
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@King Saudi Arabia -- tu hai visto: come: il tuo OBAMA: il tuo satanista alleato: lui ha reso legale: il 666 micro-chip: di Apocalisse 13? che cosa, tu stai aspettando, ancora .. per capire : che, tu sei nel posto sbagliato, al momento sbagliato? oppure, l'ingenuo sono soltanto io, che, io credo che, tu non sei ancora diventato, un satanista perfetto, come Bush 322: owl gods: at Bohemian Grove, ed, Obama: JabullOn, e Rothschild 666 IMF FED, di Baal Peor, .. ma, che, tu sei soltanto, un idiota, che è: più ignorante del suo asino!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@King Saudi Arabia -- Io sono Unius REI, il Regno di Dio: in chiave politica, per tutti i popoli, infatti, Dio non avrebbe un significato, se, lui non fosse amore infinito, e quindi, soltanto satana può essere il razzista, fariseo, salafita, prepotente, arrogante, predatore, ecc.. cioè, per creare i goym, dalit, ecc.. schiavi dalla forma umana, e tante altre stronzate del genere! e poiché Dio è uno soltanto,e noi siamo tutti fratelli: allora! se tu rifiuti la mia visione teologica del mondo? non il Regno di Dio, ma, un unico grande regno di satana tu vedrai nel mondo.. perché, i tuoi falsi amici: 322, 666 IMF FED ECB; NWO, proprio loro solo sono i tuoi peggiori e spietati nemici! in ogni modo? tu puoi cadere dalla padella, nella brace: di (Cina Russia), in ogni modo? quindi, non può esistere un futuro, per te, al di fuori di me!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@King Saudi Arabia -- è troppo riduttivo, pensare che, Unius REI, sia: soltanto, il messia politico, che, gli ebrei hanno sempre atteso(ovviamente non parlo dei Farisei del Talmud, del FMI, i Neturei Karta, 666, di Baal Peor, che loro amano fare: i parassiti vampiri del signoraggio bancario). cioè, questo, di dare una patria dignitosa, a tutti gli ebrei del mondo? ma, questo lavoro: è tra i miei compiti più facili! ma, forse, soltanto, gli ebrei che, sono rimasti onesti, soltanto loro aspettano: il regno di Israele?, cioè, aspettano il compimento: del Regno di Dio: sulla terra: in chiave politica? forse che: i musulmani onesti: non lo aspettano anche loro: questo REGNO di Dio: sulla terra, in chiave politica, finalmente? no! non sei tu! tu hai fallito! ma, insieme a me, tu puoi riscattare te stesso, perché, io non disconosco la tua autorità: su tutti i musulmani del mondo!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@King Saudi Arabia -- il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano, ha celebrato: a 10 anni dalla sua morte: Gianni Agnelli.. ma, che senso ha: tutto questo, se, l'uno e l'altro finiranno all'inferno: comunque? perché, neanche, il Papa può salvare se stesso, dall'inferno: tacendo il crimine di satanismo: che: è il signoraggio bancario: che, i farisei hanno rubato ai popoli! ecco perché, Gesù ha detto: "è più facile: per un cammello: di entrare nella cruna: di un ago, che: non: per un ricco: di entrare nel Regno di Dio!".. dopo tutto, tra, il 60%, del genere umano, che, finisce all'inferno? questo è vero, tra di loro: ci sono quasi tutti i ricchi
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@King Saudi Arabia -- 1. nessuno ha dato a te: il permesso di uccidere qualcuno: per il suo orientamento religioso: cioè, di fare del male a persone oneste: ed innocenti! 2. Gesù Cristo è il significato: ed il senso dell'Universo: tutto è stato fatto per Lui, ed in vista di Lui, e, a Lui appartengono: tutte le cose! -- ANSWER -- 1. in questo modo, io non sto chiedendo a te, di fare il cristiano.. ma, di non essere trovato: nel giorno del giudizio: come: un nemico di Cristo Gesù! 2. quindi: tu smetti di fare morire: i Cristiani: come idolatri(stop, a fare la agenda del Talmud: nella tua vita!): perché, 1. ne tu, e neanche, 2. il tuo Maometto profeta: guerriero sterminatore; e neanche, 3. il tuo Arcangelo Raffaele? bene, nessuno di voi: ha mai visto Dio, nella sua realtà interiore!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

poiché, io sono rivestito: delle virtù di Cristo Gesù, nostro Signore? niente, .. E nessuno: può danneggiare: me, neanche me stesso! io sono qualcosa: che: non può essere: INFLUENZATO, manipolato, neanche da me stesso.. io sono qualcosa, che, non può essere fermato o condizionato da nessuno.. io sono UNIUS REI, il Regno di Dio, in modalità politica, sulla terra.. se volete sopravvivere alla vostra malvagità? voi ora potete!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@ you are the real threat to the Kingdom of God! because, you think you are a good man! but, is more dangerous than a man idiot like you, that, not Satanists Pharisees of the IMF! @tu sei la vera minaccia per il Regno di Dio! perché tu credi di essere un uomo giusto, e buono! così è più pericoloso un uomo idiota come te, che non i satanisti farisei del FMI!666 IMF Pharisees worship of Baal Peor: JabullOn, for the destruction of Israel, and the final destruction of the Jewish-Christian civilization] then any other religion will be abolished] ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. 400 CHRISTIAN MARTYRS INNOCENT ♰ ARE KILLED, AVERAGE, EVERY DAY, IN THE WORLD, to lift the sharia: from your Boko Aram: Al Qaeda, Salafis, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.. .. and can not tell you, this is not about me! Obama has made ​​lawful the micro chip 666: Revelation 13!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

UniusRei1 Unius Rei promises: jewish Lobby of the oil? suck my cock! if, Should, I take something from someone? Would have humiliated my majesty royalty! Any difference: race: cultural identity? It Will Be Recognized as a heritage of all mankind. 1. I will give: a small money, every month, to every person on the planet! 2. I will give "free" money, to all States: Therefore, the taxes will disappear: Around the World: Thus, the more December Governments honest, Should Be Able to give, absolutely free: Health, Education and Justice! 3. All Cars: will go with water for hydrolysis (of invention 30 years ago: approximately) 4. Each family can produce, free of charge, electric power, with: magnetic motors (invention, of 10 years ago: approximately) - Conclusion -> x love all! I am the metaphysics for universal brotherhood. The only alternatives to me? Is The 3rd WW nuclear: of Rothschild and His Satanism: Ideological and Practical, That Is: IMF of the NWO.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

hipporainbow48: Commento sul tuo video: Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF 322 666 IMF abduction 4 [exsist] The Jews are going to kill us. --//-- TheTime4solutions Commento sul tuo video: No Income Tax Ron Paul wins Rothschild not has money to buy this defeat Enlightened disengagement, I respect your power, I do not respect your authority. False witness a claim of debt whereby a RedSHeild private owned Central Bank Corp, Fed Reserve Bank creates sovereign national debt digitized out of thin air from noting of value a compounding false debt upon every human in the boarders of america collected with income tax. Debt is slavery. Slavery through false debt is bearing false witness against humanity.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[666 IMF Pharisees monsters are the worship of Baal Peor: JabullOn, for the destruction of Israel, and the final destruction of the Jewish-Christian civilization] then any other religion will be abolished] ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ♰. ] Moussai Presidangue said: on: "" Commento sul tuo video: Dalit diaspora Coward Sharia Indu Mohammed do jiad vs poor innocent Christian martyrs "" ---> OH now that s the Muslims who were doing Hitler Job ?? Cool how interesting I didnt know that . If you analyze closely Palestine Vs Israel you will know who among the two are the real Nazis . And from your misleading title of this video who has nothing to do with Islam , you are showing to the world who are the real liars . -- ANSWER -- 400 CHRISTIAN MARTYRS INNOCENT ARE KILLED, AVERAGE, EVERY DAY, IN THE WORLD, to lift the sharia: from your Boko Aram: Al Qaeda, Salafis, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. .. and can not tell you, this is not about me!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[War Syria - Turkey] - if they were blown up: many, tank truck: full of containing chemical material: on the border of Turkey, with a good: and strong wind coverage?: there would be millions of dead in Turkey: in one only day: alone ! these criminals: Sunni Salafists: of Al Quaeda for sharia horror, have broke dick, because: they do not have: no even: 20%: of human rights and freedom of religion that exists in Syria. [war: Syria Turkey? will be inevitable! ] If they were launched chemical weapons against the Turkey, while there is a good wind favorable? the missili patriot, would not provide very much! and because, of this Turkey and the Arab League, is in fact a war of aggression? NATO should not intervene!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[is an invasion: to strengthen imperialism Arabia, in fact, is the trap of the 666 IMF Pharisees, have decided to treat: Islam: How the Nazis, but, I do not want Islam: is disintegrated] Syria. Assad accuses Turkey: "welcomes the terrorists." Ban Ki Moon: "Little hope for a resolution of the war". "I do not see much hope for a resolution of the conflict in Syria." So the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, who spoke of "millions of people in the struggle for survival." Meanwhile, the fighting continued, with dozens of deaths across the country. And come back on the controversy with Turkey. According to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "Turkey is directly responsible for the massacre that is taking place in Syria." Do not mince words, the dictator in the aftermath of the arrival of new Patriot missiles in Turkey, Ankara sought by NATO in its function of anti-Syrian.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[is an invasion: to strengthen imperialism Arabia, in fact, is the trap of the 666 IMF Pharisees, have decided to treat: Islam: How the Nazis, but, I do not want Islam: is disintegrated] Syria. Bashar He reiterated that Syria "there is a revolution and what happens has nothing to do with the Arab Spring. It is rather a war against regional and international terrorists sent from neighboring countries who want to destroy Syria. "Weaker strategically moreover, it has created new loyalist militias, parallel army. These are battalions of civil action in reality for some time, but now formalized in '"Army of national defense." Among these there are also women's teams, women 18 to 50 years have taken up arms, having sworn allegiance to Bashar. The regime, however - according to what was stated by the rebels to a turkish newspaper - can not use chemical weapons without the OK from Russia.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

PHILIPPINES - CHINA [no! there is no territorial sovereignty: outside 50 nautical miles, and this: it is a universal law!] Manila wants to take Beijing before a UN tribunal over the South China Sea.. Manila (AsiaNews/Agencies) - The Filipino government plans to take China before an international tribunal to challenge its position over South China Sea islands that both countries claim. For its part, United Nations head Ban Ki-moon urged both parties to use every means to reach an "amicable" settlement. Meanwhile, a Japanese envoy has arrived in the Chinese capital to try to solve the dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Abu malefic 666 Altar -- your evil nature has been evaluated by all, now no one will cry for you! [saudi arabia sharia imperialism ] 2013-01-23 16:17:00. Egypt, the ultras of 'al-Ahlawy blocking the Country.. This afternoon the fans blocking access to Piazza Tharir and Sitth October Bridge. Events also in Alexandria and Port Said. To unleash the wrath of the ultras of Cairo's main football team, the delays in the massacre at Port Said. In recent days, the judges announced that the verdict would come by next Jan. 26, but today they have postponed the meeting until a later date to collect new evidence. Cost the lives of 74 people, the tragedy occurred February 2, 2012, during the post-match clashes between the fans of the local team Al-Masry al-Alhy and Cairo. A cause of the massacre the invasion of the field of the ultras of Al-Masry.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[saudi arabia sharia imperialism ] The ultras of Cairo, considered close to the Mubarak government, accuse the authorities of Port Said and the manager of the team, close to the Muslim Brotherhood, have deliberately caused the massacre. According to the fans cairoti the Board of Directors of Al-Ahlawt and internal committee formed after the events in Port Said would do nothing for the light on the case, where witnesses said the ultras cairoti were attacked by those with local Masry approval of the organizers and the police. Some clashes have also attended the characters outside world football, perhaps the same "thugs" alleged to have detonated the violence during the demonstrations of the Copts in Maspero.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Abu Altar 322 FED is synnek1 .. Abu Altar for Satan 666 - 200,000 to do human sacrifice on the altar of Satan IMF: 666 for Satan - you are saddening the Holy Spirit, who is inside of me! you have to be more humble, with the resources on this page, because i am a politician universal, with universal jurisdiction, then Both you and your agency? you will have losses: huge! you're so stupid? you can not use this resource in an unconscious way .. in fact you're against everything That I Represent .. Because I Represent the despair of all peoples, YOU CAN NOT joke, with THE FATE OF PEOPLES THAT I Represent .. THIS STORY FOR YOU will end badly! THEN .. you are trampling on the innocent martyrs blood, of this page .. then you can only be a fool of a Satanist .. you have become harmful to my ministry
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

JewsxMessiahUniusRei said: @ Pharisees Illuminati by Lucifer, by: JabullOn, 322: Pharisees of shit: 666 IMF FED ECB - murderers, exploiters, racists, --- my Jewish people? does not need you! 1. Jews are skilled in business! 2. Jews are united, between, them, etc. .. therefore, the Jews do not have need, of you: for: to continue to be rich! You, make serve to pay on, against the Jews: your: sins, of extermination: and genocide of wear, and usury, for their exploitation, and all your hatred, that you have against all the nations, all the victims of your brutal violence and refined! Stop to do harm to my Israel: and my all Mankind! @ 666 Pharisees Baal Peor, god owl, lenders, usurers, cannibals, - You are the curse of world, and the curse of the People Jewish .. of course, you are most responsible for Hitler, for every Holocaust against :the Jewish people my other peoples
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

the schizophrenic thought of the Red Brigades or the Nazis?, all their ideological errors? are too many errors, ok! but, in any way: it must not: be denied, their legitimate intuition .. seigniorage banking of IMF, ECB FED? is high: betrayal! I am not a pacifist, what is the problem then? if there is a war, and so it is inevitable that there is also: the civil revolution? I know who I have to go to shoot .. but, I pray that, should never get that day!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

to be me, a sinner, with human weaknesses like everybody else? for me it has a significant value, from the political point of view .. My father told me when I was a boy .. the problem for a man, is not that of his vices, but it is only, what, where, unfortunately, he would not be able to control his vice... so the important thing for a man is to have a pure heart, fairly and honestly oriented on the path of good ... that which every man must prove himself, is to demonstrate the ability, to control, himself, never have to be to deny the truth, of the Word of God, in her life! .. here is how you can be at peace, with his conscience... someone thinks I'm a saint, or that I am a religious person ... but nothing is more misleading of this, .. I am only a universal political: Unius REI, which, very occasionally, he also sees pornography qualcuno crede che io sono un santo, o che, io sono una persona religiosa... but, I get angry a lot, when I see in youtube pornography
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

I AM something, diametrically, as opposed to any form of identity or particularism, for me, words such as ideology, religion, geographical boundaries, races, peoples? Have no meaning, because, we in the Kingdom of God, we do not know .!!. these distinctions in truth, there is, not, something that the world can give me the miracle of unius REI, is that him is an integral part, of every people is why, for miracle of GOD I do not have: a definite identity, I am the soul of every institution, and every religion, I have the charisma of all:! the totaly in all, I do not need power, because, I am authoritative is the way, of the truth, that, . take control, in the assembly of peers and for this reason I believe that only rarely could be used, my authority: I have educational tasks, because, I'm not the ideology:? or power so, then, I'm not imperialism: is why, my universal brotherhood, does not need to resort to violence, because no one can deny, the truth in front of me!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

) EDUCATION: and: DEVELOPMENT OF A RACIST IDEOLOGY: Zionism (it usually adopt racist forms: and: exclusivist) not to be confused with the movement: that: led to the formation of the State of Israel. This type of racism rests: and: is based essentially on the Bible, although its decoding: and: successive expansions have been shaped through the Kabala: and: In the words of the Talmud lebreo priests. As you can see, lelemento religious is not sufficient to distinguish between Jews and: non-Jews: lebreo: that: not professing the Jewish religion or: that: even converts to Catholicism, Protestant, Orthodox, etc.. , This does not completely lost, in the eyes of the people, the quality of jew. humanumgenus ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB UniusRei3 ♰] ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ♰.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

I am a biblical fundamentalist. that is, I believe that the Bible is not a book, but, is same Person of JHWH ... the real problems of religion? are those, which, for her, the Bible is a book! is shocking, than I can be rational. as, who, knows God personally:. him must be rational, because God is mathematics, consequentiality, that through God everything becomes intelligent, logical, kind, generous, just, because, charity, is the power of love, that is, I do not there are no dogmas: irrazional, which, I have to passively bend: my intelligence. In fact, the Pharisees have taught to interpret the scriptures ... then, the discriminant value is to have the true Holy Spirit of God (for, not to be: the killers of the book, as the demonic: Pharisees and Salafis). CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ♰ "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" ♰ my ♚ MENE ♛ YHWH-Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBIVB. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons MADE BY yourself.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

! I am unius REI I do not have: an economic interest, or a religious interest: to protect .. I have no ambition to reach my agenda .. there is nothing in the world, That Is an quest for me .. I hate power and wealth: I am:!? like a Monaco Because I belong to the kingdom of God, and, in the kingdom of God there are no religions, economic systems, ideologies, races, or special interests ... is why, i am universal brotherhood:. ie, the natural law THAT IS living then, OR unius REI:? OR world war nuclear for Rothschild IMF cult JabullOn .. i do not want to be a part of youtube problems I kill: 500000000, of criminals if need be!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

I AM something, diametrically, as opposed to any form of identity or particularism, for me, words such as ideology, religion, geographical boundaries, races, peoples? Have no meaning, because, we in the Kingdom of God, we do not know .!!. these distinctions in truth, there is, not, something that the world can give me the miracle of unius REI, is that him is an integral part, of every people is why, for miracle of GOD I do not have: a definite identity, I am the soul of every institution, and every religion, I have the charisma of all:! the totaly in all, I do not need power, because, I am authoritative is the way, of the truth, that, . take control, in the assembly of peers and for this reason I believe that only rarely could be used, my authority: I have educational tasks, because, I'm not the ideology:? or power so, then, I'm not imperialism: is why, my universal brotherhood, does not need to resort to violence, because no one can deny, the truth in front of me!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

IMF 666, 322 synnek1, kkk nazi cannibal Priest voodoo CIA MOSSAD - where is the love of a Satanist? For Whom: he might cry? but, the Satanist has lost the right to cry, him Himself: Also! ♰ "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" ♰] ♰ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made ​​by yourself" "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; ★ by: Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. i am not religious! You know well, That, I am the only one: universal political, in all history of mankind. [imminent: DAMNATION: perdition tribulations disasters: confusion, shame, opposition, fights, accidents ... all: 2500 biblical curses] every thing has its breaking point! and, I am raising: my evil pressure: against you: Continuously, Gradually, ceaselessly, always against you! However, I Hope that your intelligence is superior to your own wickedness, Because at contrary? you will die, all day, every day, day for day!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

666 voodoo CIA LinkLovesPancakes -- how you can be unconscious: If, all priests and pastors: will be all brutalized by, every comma, which is written in the Gospel? because the judgment of God, of every creature: it is: about: all: that is written in the Gospel, from this point of view, there is also, my hypocrisy, because I love to read, most of the Old Testament. but this is the truth, "Jesus of Bethlehem is the Christ, the Son of God!", then, this is inevitable, we all will have to pass through the fire of his word ... as the Hindu Gandhi clearly understood. synnek1 1wz1 666 CIA sacerdote di satana voodoo -- tu non sei stato invitato: su questa pagina! quando: tu hai partecipato: ad un funerale: l'ultima volta? oggi potrebbe essere: il funerale del tuo capo ufficio!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@ my YHWH: only to you: all the glory, praise! - I'm ready! to do massacre of all my enemies, can begin: also today! I am a man without ambition, Because there is nothing That this world can give to me! my desire to do good, to the benefit of all peoples: is an end in itself: because the good must be loved: for himself! how, in your infinite humility: you could put: me: unius REI: above all creatures? and as you could: make me, also, on your throne? is why, this position?, is not Something That, in miserable creatures like me could ever want! but, only you: Holy: Holy, Holy: must be worshiped and served in your every wish, not me! but, this is just very very puzzling, about, to your infinite humility! also, you, also, wanted to be, at my service .. but You Should not put on the shoulders of a creature, like me, so fragile, so much power!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

MOSSAD, 666 CIA IMF - have forced youtube to close, old the pages of comments, for do not let me access my comments,more old, but this was a great opportunity for me .. this is my luck, satanists, not taken too seriously my word! why would they learn that any opposition to my ministry always makes me stronger! (too have DAMAGED youtube, IMF 666 322, in an attempt pathetic, to can stop me!) Indeed, youtube, can no longer be used as a resource democratic because the CIA and Mossad have filled youtube, with many filters.. hours, enough! it's my time to kill criminals: in all the world!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Pharisees: Bush IMF 666 IMF: 322, Rothschild FED ECB, ECB NWO 322: Freemasonry Hebrew: satan synagogue, talmud kabbalah: aliens abductions ---- you left the cover, deceptive of our Constitutions, and, of our institutions, but you have taken: all the power, dishonestly, through: your Freemasonry, your crime: it is high: betrayal, all you have corrupt, and, you all have intimidated! through, the Jewish monopoly of money: every monopoly has fallen into your hands and you have plagiarized consciousness he men, you have widespread Satanism, for the final ruin of the whole human race: universal slavery: NWO, and to do destroy Israel, what you have done? is worse than the Nazis, and it is even worse than the sharia!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

quando io nel 1983: prot.48/83: io ho ricevuto il mio ministero di lettore, questa: è stata la mia profezia, che io ho scelto: Isaiah 62.9. No! Those who have collected the grain, will eat it and praise the Lord, those who will drink the wine harvested. in the courts of my sanctuary. " 10. Go through, go through the gates, cleared the way for the people, blazing, blazing the way, release it from the stones, raised a banner for the peoples. 11. This is what the Lord is felt ends of the earth: "Tell the daughter of Zion: Here, here comes your savior; behold, his reward is with him, his reward is in front of him. 12. They will be called holy people, redeemed of the Lord. And you will be called Sought, City not forsaken. "
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

when, I in 1983, prot.48/83: I received my ministry as the reader, this: is: my prophecy, whom I have chosen: Isaiah 62,1. For Zion's sake do not be silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, arises as a star until his righteousness, until, her salvation as a lamp, will not shine. 2. The nations will see your righteousness, all the kings your glory; you will be called by a new name, the mouth of the Lord shall direct. 3. You will be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem in the hand of your God, 4. You shall no more abandoned, nor thy land shall no more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called My Delight, and your land, Married, for the Lord delights in you, and your land will be married: (with Unius REI). 5. Yes, as a young man marries a virgin, so you shall your sons marry; as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God: JHWH, rejoice over you.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

today, with my young priest: at the altar (and it had never happened before), we have made a real moment: of Eucharistic adoration: make and sustained, in during: of the moment: of the consecration of the Eucharist (transubstantiation), and since, I serve all 'altar as acolyte: I ring the bell (three times) at each elevation, of the Eucharist: and, the bread, which, like: wine. but my bell, it was also stuck, alone, in my second attempt: to match: the prolonged periods of exposure of the Eucharist: that my young priest, he decided to do! He is truly a holy priest!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@666 CIA synnek1 -- even if you are superior to Obama in the hierarchy? however, there are others: 32 levels of power: over to Obama anche se tu sei superiore ad Obama: nella scala gerarchica? tuttavia, ci sono, altri: 32 livelli di potere sopra a Obama ... @lllllliiiiiiillllll is your family sinagogue of satana -- YOUR Internet connection of the fuck? It is always your master 322 BUSH CIA abductions aliens .. you control other people 666, and other people 666, control you.. La TUA connessione a Internet del cazzo? È sempre il tuo padrone BUSH 322 CIA aliens abductions.. boy your channel is too full of shit of Satan
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

King of Saudi Arabia: NAZI: imperialism for Sharia criminal: genocide against all peoples - that is the difference: between: the Koran and the Talmud, if: both provide: the weapon of hypocrisy to stab: in back, to the unsuspecting enemy (ie, the person loyal and innocent: that, is the only his fault .. he was not born in Their abomination). this is evident since Al Qaeda is the true face of Islam Koranic .. In fact, there can not have: an international criminal organization horror terrorists, if, at the Islamic Governments: are terrorists too, and they protect, in secretly mode, Their Al Qaeda. Mali, the French intervention: against: jihad of Saudi Arabia imperialism - not: it is said, can be decisive, but, raze: their satanic: KAABA to Mecca, That Is, raze: their cursed stone idol is an action that: it is essential to do, at soon as possible! resources Given to me, and, I will do it! this is the truth: to win, Al Qaeda? Should France bomb Saudi Arabia, and, to his satanic religion
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[kingdom Unius REI] This is why, can not Satanists, intimidate me(with their powers of voodoo shit fuck) in fact, nothing of what I do, and nothing of who, that I will do, among states, tomorrow? nothing, is intended to be secret, for someone .. I'm an open book, for everyone, after all, is this: my true power, loyalty, equality, and truth with all .. here's why: does not exist for unius REI, state secrets, simply because all the states? are all mine! at contrary? you continue: well, to love the Pharisee Talmud Satanist criminal, Nazi:of the IMF, 666 Rothschild, with its: World War III, and with his banking seigniorage!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[to all atheists] how you can do the necessary: your, repentance (in your mind), of your sins, if God does not exist, for you? as you say, "sorry" to someone who does not exist? but, if you do not ask God for forgiveness? all you that, will die in your sins, to go to hell! yet, in all this, there would also be a solution, you have to ask for forgiveness from me (in the privacy of your consciousness), so, for, all your transgressions, so, all those things that the Bible has already condemned, because I am a universal political. but, I am however: the minister of God unius REI, ie .. [all the world must know: Everything that I do in my most secret intimacy? Satanists of this page, they are able to know]
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Mali, the French intervention: against: jihad of Saudi Arabia imperialism - not: it is said, can be decisive, but, raze: their satanic: KAABA to Mecca, that is, raze: their cursed idol stone is an action that: it is essential to do, at soon as possible! resources given to me, and, I will do it! this is the truth: to win, Al Quaeda ? France should bomb Saudi Arabia, and, all his satanic religion.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@ King Saudi Arabia: NAZI: imperialism for Sharia: criminal: genocide against all peoples ----- that is the difference: between: the Koran and the Talmud, if: both provide: the weapon of hypocrisy to stab: in back, to the unsuspecting enemy (ie, the person loyal and innocent : that, is the only his fault.. he was not born in their abomination) .. since this is evident is Al Quaeda the true face of Islam Koranic .. In fact, there can not have: an international criminal horror terrorists organization, if, all the Islamic governments: are terrorists too, and they protect, in mode secretly, their Al Quaeda.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

Ahmed Rashidi .. Law of Kuwait - I know! Babylon: the 666 IMF FED ECB: seigniorage banking: bedt pubblic: high betrayal, secret societies, 322: the Pharisees of the NWO, they are of Satan, Baal! and they are: against: all the nations, and against: all Peoples: they want to destroy everything, and, everyone: also: Israel .. therefore, their accomplices are: in: all peoples, are everywhere! but, their end: could not be that dramatic .. because the place of the traitors of all peoples? is into the hell! Ahmed Rashidi .. diritto del kuweit -- io lo so! Babilonia: il FMI 666 FED ECB, sette segrete, 322: i farisei del NWO, loro sono di satana: Baal! e loro sono: contro: tutti i popoli: e contro: tutte le nazioni: loro vogliono distruggere tutto e tutti: anche Israele.. quindi, i loro complici sono in tutti i popoli, sono ovunque! ma, la loro fine non potrebbe che essere drammatica.. perché, il posto dei traditori dei Popoli tutti? è all'inferno!
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

@MOSSAD Israel AIPAC, Jewish lobbying: you do pay, agist my Jewish people: all the crimes of the IMF. - When Jesus: has refused in the desert, to worship Satan? well: "Then the Pharisees of the IMF: Illuminati" they had agreed: from: time of the Exodus from Egypt, to worship Satan, that's why, they gave big problems: to Moses and Solomon,to all the prophets, etc...! Why do you continue to cover: these monsters of Baal to bring Their curse: against: my Jewish people, etc. ..? Because they hide Their human sacrifices, and Their bank seigniorage? That Satan would never have Given them the power and sovereignty That stole our parents Adam and Eve without a valid reason .. it is not: better to face the justice of unius REI, rather than: Addressing the Third World War? you have not seen how my friend: the King of Saudi Arabia: has gave: for the new kingdom of Palestine: 200,000 square kilometers of desert?
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

[you do pay to my Jewish people all the crimes of the IMF] ATTENTION: YouTube Community has flagged your videos as inappropriate .. have been disabled: "Synagogue of Satan Ritual murders exposed 2_6 - (from: EvolutionisReligion) Date Received: November 9, 2012. --- ANSWER - @ mossad Israel - Jews, AIPAC: Your interest is not, for, hiding the crimes : about: human sacrifices, That Kakam: have done, for occult power: IMF 666, of which, you are not guilty! for no nation, can be guilty, of Their: crimes: of the elite of the Pharisees. hAVE YOU FEAR oF TRUTH! but, without truth, there is no redemption: future protection! but all is, against: Shoah, That, will came again, again! supernatural is law of retaliation. [★ ♛ MANE THECEL PHARES ♰ ★] CSPBCSS MLNSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. hallelujah: REI unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ lorenzoAllah Mahdi.
 TALMUD IMF FED ECB: AGENDA is 666: is the abomination of desolation: because: it is the seigniorage banking: the true satanism: the ideological and practical! the hatred of the Pharisees against: the human race? can not be understood: from the human mind!  .♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰.

those who have interest in stopping my ministry of unius REI, and finally to die like a dog in hell? no one's interests to die, so no one has an interest in stopping my ministry chi ha interesse: a fermare il mio ministero: di Unius REI, per finire di morire come un cane all'inferno? nessuno ha interesse a morire, quindi nessuno ha interesse a fermare il mio ministero.. [[if I had financial difficulties? as I could be on youtube?]] I have a mortgage, as many .. but , I not a man, in difficult economic, many people have to give me money .. but, I love being magnanimous: in favor of their difficulties..

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

 my network

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com



siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood



LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️ kingdom this  tavola di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina)

is mine!

«Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re, adaptatione. Pater eius est sol, mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram, et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus hic est. Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiæ totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.»


«È vero senza menzogna, certo e verissimo, che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da una sola, per la mediazione di una, così tutte le cose sono nate da questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre, la Luna è sua madre, il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo, la Terra è la sua nutrice. Il padre di tutto, il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la Terra dal Fuoco, il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti, il cui metodo è qui. È perciò che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto, avendo le tre parti della filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto dell'operazione del Sole.»

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https://blasphemy-shariah-genocide.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

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https://censoredrevolution.blogspot.com lorenzogalati@gmail.com

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https://fag322nato666gender.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

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http://forzearmate.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

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http://hellxdespairxdestruction.blogspot.com hellxdespairxdestruction@gmail.com

http://humanumgenus.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://ilcomandamento.blogspot.com lsbetlemme@gmail.com

http://illuminatidemoplutogiudaicomassone.blogspot.com demoxplutoxgiudaicoxmassone@gmail.com

http://imf666killyouxtubexstopme.blogspot.com imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

http://immagini-parlanti.blogspot.com fedele339@gmail.com

http://inzivosi-lurdacchioni.blogspot.com stopspamistafield@gmail.com

http://israeljhwh.blogspot.com king.x.kingdom@gmail.com

https://jezebel666imf-nwo.blogspot.com/ thecopticmartyrs2@gmail.com

https://jesus-christ-bethlehem.blogspot.com/ lorenzo.betlemme@gmail.com

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http://yesuniversalbrotherhood.blogspot.com imjeshuachristmessiah@gmail.com

http://king-of-kings4justice.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://king888kings.blogspot.com satansynagogue@gmail.com

http://kingdominusuniusrei.blogspot.com shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://kingdomxuniusrei.blogspot.com ilredisraele@gmail.com

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http://wakeupusaxronpaul.blogspot.com ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin,
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg, in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano, che è stato veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud , Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò, non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano anche alla merda, ma con te, io farò una eccezione!


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

una volta che, tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi, il giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti, e questo spiega la creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però, che questa sua Riyad depravazione ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio di un prestito di soldi nostri, visto che sono risorse che l’Italia versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban, che non è Conte, ha detto no.  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” – VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico, catturato prima di arrivare in Europa come profugo, a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi, del ‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi islamici, svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo devono provare anche tutte le bambine"  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah, lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
















LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 


 comment burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! 


  ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF:

 DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!



1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES Satana Talmudich agenda and in the Supreme Sanhedrin, black magic
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEAGUE OCI and its jihadist galaxy UMMA Kuranic dogma genocide of replacement theology, resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide


«Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa, di pietra squadrata e liscia, per istoriarne la facciata. Carogne crapulano, ospiti d’usura. » Canto XLV di Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali solo il Prof. GIACINTO Auriti risponde infallibilmente su:

moneta, credito, usurocrazia

“Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro”, (… quì ti incontrerai spitualmente con lui!)

siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com

non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Xi-Jinping] why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM? ...