QUESTA è GENTAGLIA: LA FECCIA DELL'INFERNO! USA SPA FED, TRASFORMERà TUTTO IL PIANETA IN UNA SOLA COLONIA DI SCHIAVI, I MASSONI COMPLICI come: UE e ISRAELE, PENSANO DI GUADAGNARCI, mentre, LA LEGA ARABA i criminali SODALI, PENSANO DI POTERLI UCCIDERE TUTTI UN GIORNO! PERCHé NON C'è SPAZIO, CONTEMPORANEAMENTE, PER UN CALIFFATO MONDIALE, E PER UN NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE! INTANTO, SAUDITI MASSONI E FARISEI satanisti, STERMINERANNO TUTTI I CRISTIANI MARTIRI INNOCENTI DEL PIANETA. E QUESTO è UN BUON OBIETTIVO COMUNE PER I SATANA ALLAH: per stare tutti ancora insieme NELLA NATO: PRIMA CHE DIO JHWH FACCIA SCENDERE ANCHE SU DI LORO IL FUOCO DAL CIELO COME A SODOMA!! il portavoce del Dipartimento di Stato Mark Toner, un paio d'ore prima della conclusione dell'accordo sul cessate il fuoco in Siria, ha dichiarato «Io non so come esprimerlo meglio: o vi impegnate o state zitti». Con questa frase Toner ha descritto la dubbia serietà, a suo avviso, delle intenzioni della Russia per quanto riguarda l'accordo di armistizio in Siria. «‘State zitti' lo dice ai suoi colleghi, Mark, se questo stile idiomatico del rapporto è diffuso tra i diplomatici americani», ha scritto Maria Zakharova sulla sua pagina personale di Facebook:
OVVIAMENTE Tim Cook LUI DICE CHE, OBAMA è UN ATTORE, E CHE BUSH è IL GOVERNO PARALLELO DI SATANISTI MASSONI! NEW YORK, 27 FEB - ''Con tutto il dovuto rispetto, ritengo che ci siano carenze di leadership alla Casa Bianca su questo tema''. Lo ha detto, secondo le ricostruzioni del New York Times, l'amministratore delegato di Apple, Tim Cook,negli incontri con i vertici della sicurezza nazionale americana per risolvere la disputa con l'Fbi sullo sblocco dell'iPhone del killer di San Bernardino. Cook avrebbe detto che i dispositivi criptati come l'iPhone sono qui per restare e che le autorita' devono trovare nuove strade consone ad un nuovo mondo.
e perché ISIS andrebbe alla conquista di KOBANE, se, proprio per salvare la esistenza di ISIS, la coalizione Arabia Saudita vuol fare una invasione di terra? è CHIARO ERDOGAN HA ORDINATO AD ISIS DI ATTACCARE KOBANE, E LA DIFESA AEREA DELLA COALIZIONE NON è CREDIBILE! 27 FEB - Almeno 45 miliziani dell'Isis e 20 delle formazioni curde dell'Ypg sono morti oggi nei combattimenti avvenuti a Tal Abyad, città a nord di Raqqa verso la frontiera con la Turchia, che i jihadisti dello Stato islamico hanno cercato di conquistare sottraendola al controllo dei curdi. Lo afferma l'Osservatorio nazionale per i diritti umani (Ondus). Secondo la stessa fonte, gli aerei della Coalizione internazionale a guida americana hanno compiuto dieci raid a sostegno delle forze curde.
Luca 13,1 In quello stesso tempo vennero alcuni a riferirgli il fatto dei Galilei il cui sangue Pilato aveva mescolato coi loro sacrifici. 2. E Gesù, rispondendo, disse loro: Pensate voi che quei Galilei fossero più peccatori di tutti i Galilei perché hanno sofferto tali cose? 3. No, vi dico; ma se non vi ravvedete, tutti similmente perirete. 4. O quei diciotto sui quali cadde la torre in Siloe e li uccise, pensate voi che fossero più colpevoli di tutti gli abitanti di Gerusalemme? 5. No, vi dico; ma se non vi ravvedete, tutti al par di loro perirete. NON MI AVETE ASCOLTATO IN QUESTI 8 ANNI, PERCHé MI DOVRESTE ASCOLTARE proprio ORA, CHE è ormai TROPPO TARDI PER RIMEDIARE?
la fine dei tempi: PER TE è LA TUA MORTE: IMMINENTE, cioè la fine dei tuoi tempi! ] in ordine aI tempi, che Dio da alla vita di ogni uomo, per aderire ad una conversione e rinnovamento interiori, POI, circa ogni 5 anni, c'è un tempo umano! CORINZI 10,1.12 ] 1. Perché, fratelli, non voglio che ignoriate che i nostri padri furon tutti sotto la nuvola, e tutti passarono attraverso il mare, 2. e tutti furon battezzati, nella nuvola e nel mare, per esser di Mosè, 3. e tutti mangiarono lo stesso cibo spirituale, 4. e tutti bevvero la stessa bevanda spirituale, perché beveano alla roccia spirituale che li seguiva; e la roccia era Cristo. 5. Ma della maggior parte di loro Iddio non si compiacque, poiché furono atterrati nel deserto. 6. Or queste cose avvennero per servir d’esempio a noi, onde non siam bramosi di cose malvage, come coloro ne furon bramosi; 7. onde non diventiate idolatri come alcuni di loro, secondo che è scritto: Il popolo si sedette per mangiare e per bere, poi s’alzò per divertirsi; 8. onde non fornichiamo come taluni di loro fornicarono, e ne caddero, in un giorno solo, ventitremila; 9. onde non tentiamo il Signore, come alcuni di loro lo tentarono, e perirono morsi dai serpenti. 10. E non mormorate come alcuni di loro mormorarono, e perirono colpiti dal distruttore. 11. Or queste cose avvennero loro per servire d’esempio, e sono state scritte per ammonizione di noi, che ci troviamo agli ultimi termini dei tempi. 12. Perciò, chi si pensa di stare ritto, guardi di non cadere: NELL'OMBRA DELLA MORTE.
io ho lavorato per febbrilmente per questi ultimi 8anni, 10 ore al giorno, tutti i giorni, anche di Domenica, ed io ho fatto un investimento, rinuncia, sacrificio, di quasi 600000euro per impostare questo ministero politico universale, pur di non vedere tutte le strade del mondo macchiarsi di sangue... ma, il mio lavoro? è stato tutto inutile! VOI NON AVETE MERITATO DI SOPRAVVIVERE ALLA VOSTRA EMPIETà e MALVAGITà!
LA comprensione della minaccia demonia che è rappresentata dai farisei e dagli islamici, è qualcosa di soprannaturale, che, PER QUESTO sfugge ad una mente umana RAZIONALE, ma, se i nostri Padri hanno potuto sopravvivere agli islamici ed ai farisei, è stato soltanto perché loro erano i santi e gli eroi! MA, VOI SIETE I MASSONI TRADITORI LADRI, E I PORCI depravati PERVERTITI GENDER a sodoma, VOI NON AVETE UN FUTURO E PRESTO SARETE MACELLATI: e se non esistessero farisei e islamici: per realizzare la vostra macellazione? Dio stesso vi sopprimerebbe!
NON ho un problema con le quaNtità e con le qualità: al mio spirito immortale Dio ha dato la sovranità di questo maleficato pianeta per i prossimi 50 anni! ED IO NON MANCHERò DI AVERE COMPRENSIONE E TUTELA PER I MIEI AMICI!
FIGLI DEL DEMONIO FARISEO MASSONE E DELL'ANTICRISTO MERKEL BILDENBERG: VOI STATE PORTANDO LA EUROPA ALLA DISTRUZIONE, DEPRAVAZIONE E IGNOMINIA! 1. Polonia in piazza a chiedere democrazia, Migliaia manifestano contro il governo a Varsavia. 2. Hollande contestato a fiera agricoltori, Media, fischi e insulti contro presidente, "dimettiti"
Benjamin Netanyahu ] CHE la tua posizione è tutta una infamia, tutti lo possono vedere, Israele è come tutte le altre false democrazie massoniche senza sovranità monetaria un supporto per i Farisei cannibali e satanisti del Talmud Apostasia e della Kabbalah Magia nera: alto tradimento: i commercianti degli schiavi! MA, CHE TU SEI UNA INFAMIA LO DICE ANCHE LO TORAH: al Genesi 3,6 JHWH dice a Mosé: "ho osservato la miseria del mio popolo in Egitto, ed ho udito il suo grido a causa dei suoi sovrintendenti!" I SOVRINTENDENTI ERAno la TUA MAFIA DEI FARISEI massoni, I SOVRINTENDENTI ERANO GLI ALTRI EBREI AGUZZINI, VENDUTI A SATANA NEL SISTEMA MASSONICO, CHE è NATO IN EGITTO, PER RENDERE PIù ATROCE LA SCHIAVITù DEI TUOI FRATELLI! NON ERANO GLI EGIZIANI a RENDERE INTOLLERABILE LA SCHIAVITù IN EGITTO: NO! MA, ERA LA BRAMOSIA DI RICCHEZZE DEI SOVRINTENDENTI EBREI!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] quando due anni fa, io ti dicevo: "tu distruggi con armi atomiche la LEGA ARABA!" io non stavo scherzando, tu ora andrai all'inferno per avermi disubbidito! PERCHé QUESTE SONO LE CONSEGUENZE DELLA TUA RIBELLIONE, TU SARAI COSTRETTO A COMBATTERE, e a far morire i tuoi uomini, IN FAVORE DELLA LEGA ARABA, CONTRO, CINA E RUSSIA! ma, se anche, tutto il genere umano combattesse contro la CINA? non potrebbero vincerla! TU COMBATTERAI, E FARAI MORIRE I TUOI UOMINI, PER IL REGNO DI SATANA CONTRO IL REGNO DI DIO! PERCHé, TU NON RIUSCIRAI A MANTENERE NEUTRALE ISRAELE NELLA IMMINENTE, GUERRA MONDIALE!
Cia 666 SpA Fed ] ma, se, io sono sempre stato un bravo ragazzo: cattolico coerente, quando, io non avevo la fidanzata: ed ero un ragazzo con grossi problemi di irretimento sessuale, come ora, io potrei tradire mia moglie e potrei tradire il mio ministero e le mie consacrazioni? voi siete senza speranza!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] quando io ti dicevo: "oggi attacco nucleare!" poi, tu ti divertivi a vedere come loro, CIOè, tutti gli islamici, come loro erano tutti terrorizzati! ed io ti dicevo: "tu vedi, stai attento, che non c'è niente da ridere!" e poi, la Arabia SAUDITA comprava sempre più armi, ovviamente, da usare contro di te. 1. ovviamente, tu ridevi perché, tu non ti ritieni il loro nemico; 2. ma, loro hanno comprato le atomiche: anche, perché questa è la dimostrazione, che, loro si ritengono veramente: i tuoi nemici! [ IN CONCLUSIONE ] 1. [ QUì C'è UN COMPLOTTO DI FARISEI E SALAFITI PER DISINTEGRARE ISRAELE! ] 2. [ NON C'è NESSUN ISLAMICO E NESSUN SACERDOTE DI SATANA, CHE DUBITA CIRCA, IL FATTO CHE, IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE! PERCHé, I FIGLI DEL DEMONIO ARRIVANO PRIMA ALLA VERITà DEI FIGLI DI DIO! ] e se finalmente, come quel coglione che tu sei, tu aperto gli occhi sulla verità? ora la CIA ti ucciderà!
#RUSSIA tu userai le atomiche tattiche, contro gli aggressori europei, perché io ti voglio in ARABIA SAUDITA, quella troia: idolo demoniaca, di una vagina d'argento di 9anni a MECCA CAABA? nessuno dovrà più trovarla!
PER il DIO VIVENTE DI ISRAELE JHWH HOLY, tempo verrà, che io ti trascinerò dove tu non vorrai venire!
IL DIO VIVENTE DI ISRAELE JHWH HOLY, lui è alla mia destra, chi oserà scendere sul terreno della battaglia per incrociare la sua spada contro la mia? IL TERRORE SI DIFFONDE TRA TUTTE LE MALEFICATE CREATURE DI DIO!
XCILE625 SAID: I Do not Want to read your stuff cause you wright to much, so are you with or Against the christian god? -- ANSWER -> IDIOT! THERE IS NO A ONLY GOD CHRISTIAN!! because there is only one God for all, and we are all brothers 31/05/11
XCEL 625 ha detto: Non voglio leggere le tue cose causare wright a molto, quindi si è con o contro il Dio cristiano? - RISPOSTA -> IDIOTA! NON C'È UN SOLO DIO CRISTIANO !! perché vi è un solo Dio per tutti, e NOI siamo tutti fratelli
XwannabeXfamousX you call muslim people criminals well you must know that then christians and muslims will follow jesus and every person is different so dont dare to insult my religion. si chiama popolo musulmano criminali bene è necessario sapere che poi cristiani e musulmani seguiranno Gesù e ogni persona è diversa in modo da non il coraggio di insultare la mia religione [31/05/11] - ANSWER - in truth, I do not insult your religion, but his way of interpreting it, that is the sharia! You do not admit the equality of citizens of other religions before the state and hundreds of innocent Christians are killed every day in the Muslim world: that are Muslim nations: country. for all of this? is only Satan, of course! // in verità, io non insulto la tua religione, ma il suo modo di interpretare essa, cioè la sharia! Voi non ammettete la uguaglianza dei cittadini di altra religione di fronte allo Stato e centinaia di cristiani innocenti sono uccisi ogni giorno, nel mondo dai musulmani: cioè nazioni musulmane: tutto questo? è solo, satana certamente! [ 31/05/11 ] [You are just a follower of satan, poor you. You do not know what you Worship, We know what we worship AS SALVATION IS FROM THE JEWS. WORDS BY Jesus Christ John 4 :22 Sei solo un seguace di Satana, poveri voi. Tu non sai quel che voi adorate, sappiamo quello che adoriamo come salvezza viene dai Giudei. Parole di Gesù Cristo Giovanni 4: 22 REALLY? STRONZO MA GESù NON TI HA DETTO DI RUBARE IL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO A TUTTI I POPOLI SCHIAVIZZATI DAL NWO SPA FED GEZABELE SECOND UK!
Vedanta (I non vedo alcun motivo per voi di odiano gli ebrei .... Il poveri ragazzi subito nel corso della STORIA ..... ha scritto la Bibbia, che voi adorate con tanta passione ..... si può odiare MUSULMANI, perché se lo meritano [ 31/05/11 ]
@ IIVedantaII -> Jews have suffered, also rightly, because they have hidden masonic talmud agenda banking seigniorage, and, to their detriment: they go on for more than five centuries to hidden, the crime of genocide of the whole human race: that is, the banking seigniorage, and all their plots, that it could never have been written in history books. This led the Jewish lobby, at have the control of all world governments, as, has provided the document of the: "the Elders of Zion," that to be a fake, however, has been realized: in detail. However, as Coelet says: "there is a time to hate, and a time to love", this time for me still is, the time of love, therefore I still can not hate anyone. not even a dickhead like you.
@ Vedanta -> gli ebrei hanno sofferto, anche a ragione, perché hanno nascosto talmud agenda, sistema massonico signoraggio bancario! e, a loro danno: essi andare avanti per più di cinque secoli di nascosto, il crimine di genocidio di tutto il genere umano: cioè il signoraggio bancario, e tutte le loro trame, che non potrebbe mai sono stati scritti nei libri di storia. Questo ha portato la lobby ebraica, a avere il controllo di tutti i governi del mondo, come, ha fornito il documento del: "Anziani di Sion", che per essere un falso, però, è stato realizzato: in dettaglio. Tuttavia, come dice Coelet: "c'è un tempo per odiare, e un tempo per amare", questa volta per me è ancora, il tempo d'amore, quindi, ancora non riesco a odiare nessuno. nemmeno una testa di cazzo come te
LA ARABIA SAUDITA HA PORTATO AL NAZISMO TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA, PRESTO DOVREMO TUTTI COMBATTERE PER SOPRAVVIVERE ALL'ISLAM ] IL REGIME DEI MILITARI SI è SOSTITUITO AI FRATELLI MUSULMANI CHE HA PRETESO DI CACCIARE: TANTO VALE CHE RICHIAMATE MORSI A GUIDARE IL GOVERNO! [ Egitto, omicidio Regeni mette in luce attacco a libertà università, venerdì 26 febbraio 2016 Manifestazione di protesta contro la morte di Giulio Regeni. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany, IL CAIRO (Reuters) - Quando nei giorni scorsi, in Olanda, un collega ha chiesto alla storica Pascale Ghazaleh se volesse inviare un gruppo di studenti in Egitto, la sua risposta è stato un secco "no". "Ho detto che non pensavo che dovessimo farlo perché oltre a tutti gli equivoci in cui tradizionalmente si può incappare, bisogna tenere in conto anche le molestie... e puoi anche essere torturato e ammazzato durante la tua ricerca", ha spiegato Ghazaleh. L'omicidio del ricercatore Giulio Regeni, scomparso il 25 gennaio scorso, anniversario della rivolta che ha posto fine al regime trentennale di Hosni Mubarak, ha gelato la comunità accademica in Egitto e anche all'estero. Nel paese nordafricano gli studiosi dicono di aver lavorato a lungo sotto la minaccia di venire arrestati o deportati, ma la vicenda raccapricciante della morte di Regeni ha fatto sorgere il timore che la ricerca della conoscenza finirà per essere la vittima del più duro attacco alla libertà nella storia moderna dell'Egitto.
NATO bugiarda insidiosa vipera SPA FED SPA FMI NWO LUCIFERO BANCHE CENTRALI SISTEMA MASSONICO REGIME BILDENBERG: "non c'è nulla che tu puoi fare per sottrarti al tuo destino!" LA TUA ORA è STATA SEGNATA!
Tensioni tra Grecia e Turchia, operazione NATO vs clandestini è sul punto di fallire. QUESTA CONTESA SULLA SMILITARIZZAZIONE DI CERTE ISOLE, è UN FALSO PROBLEMA, DATO CHE LA NATO è UN SOGGETTO TERZO E IMPARZIALE! CIRCA "Il trattato di pace di Losanna del 1923. 26.02.2016 SE QUESTA STORIA CONTINUA, GRECIA E TURCHIA DEVONO ESSERE PUNITI ENTRAMBI! L'operazione della NATO nell'Egeo per il monitoraggio dei flussi migratori verso l'Europa è sull'orlo del fallimento per le divergenze tra Grecia e Turchia. Atene accusa Ankara di non rispettare le condizioni dell'accordo e di bloccare di fatto l'operazione della NATO. La Turchia rimane in silenzio, ma gli esperti militari e politologi del Paese si oppongono all'idea di far monitorare le acque territoriali turche a unità militari straniere. In queste condizioni come dovrebbe agire il gruppo navale della NATO nel Mar Egeo? Perché la Turchia inizialmente aveva accettato di lasciar pattugliare alle navi militari della NATO le acque del Mar Egeo, mentre ora si mette di traverso?
LE SANZIONI IRRAZIONALI IMMOTIVATE DELLA MERKEL UE USA NATO SONO UNA INVENZIONE SCHIZOFRENICA E FOLCLORISTICA! (27.02.2016) Il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel ha invitato gli uomini d'affari tedeschi a tollerare sanzioni contro la Russia, nonostante causino un grave danno alle loro attività. Secondo il Deutsche Welle, la Merkel ha fatto questa dichiarazione durante il ricevimento annuale del Consiglio economico dell'Unione Cristiano-Democratica, avvenuta ieri a Stralsund. «La Merkel ha riconosciuto che le sanzioni, in una certa misura, hanno inflitto un duro colpo al business, ma potranno essere annullate soltanto dopo la piena attuazione degli accordi di Minsk CHE KIEV DEVE ONORARE» scrive il DW. La scorsa settimana il primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orban, visitando Mosca, ha detto che il tempo dell'estensione automatica delle sanzioni contro la Russia è finito, e sempre più paesi sono a favore della cooperazione con la Russia:
LA TREGUA DEVE ESSERE RISPETTATA, OVUNQUE, E LA TURCHIA DEVE DARE IL BUON ESEMPIO! MENTRE GLI ISLAMICI ASSASSINI NON SIRIANI DEVONO TUTTI RITORNARE NEI LORO PAESI DI ORIGINE A MACELLARE PERSONE INNOCENTI! BEIRUT, 27 FEB - Alcune violazioni della cessazione delle ostilità scattata da mezzanotte sono denunciate oggi in Siria. L'ong, Osservatorio nazionale per i diritti umani (Ondus), in particolare, afferma che l'artiglieria turca ha nuovamente bombardato le forze curde dell'Ypg che nella provincia di Raqqa combattono l'Isis in una regione verso il confine turco. Da parte sua, il gruppo islamista ribelle Jaish al Islam afferma che elicotteri governativi hanno sganciato due barili bomba sulle sue postazioni nei pressi di Damasco.
NON è UNA QUESTIONE MORALE RELIGIOSA: A LIVELLO INDIVIDUALE, MA è UN FONDAMENTALE PROBLEMA ETICO LAICO COLLETTIVO, NESSUNA SOCIETà CIVILE PUò DARE RILEVANZA AD UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE: PUR TUTELANDO NEL PRIVATO I DIRITTI CIVILI A TUTTI SENZA DISTINZIONI! LA SOCIETà. SE NON DEVE PERSEGUITARE LA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE NEL PRIVATO, TUTTAVIA, COMUNQUE, DEVE CONDANNARE CERTI ATTEGGIAMENTI CONTRO NATURA PUBBLICI: CHE SONO OPPOSITIVI AD UN PROGETTO NATURALE, E OPPOSITIVI AD UNA SOCIETà PROCREATIVA, SANA ED UMANISTICA! NON SI POSSONO SCARDINARE I VALORI LAICI ED ETICI: IMPUNEMENTE! Il cerimoniale dell' 'homecoming kiss', il bacio del ritorno a casa dal servizio in mare, é una tradizione di vecchia data per la Marina reale canadese ma questa settimana questa consuetudine consacrata dal tempo aveva ben poco di tradizionale: per la prima volta nella storia della Royal Canadian Navy, l'onore del 'primo bacio' è andato a un militare gay. Davanti ad una folla di parenti dell'equipaggio della HMCS Winnipeg, il marinaio Francis Legare - appena sbarcato dopo una missione di oltre otto mesi - ha abbracciato e baciato appassionatamente il suo partner Corey Vautour sotto gli obiettivi delle telecamere. "Sono stato fuori per 255 giorni, quindi é una sensazione fantastica", ha detto sorridendo: "Non ho parole". Per Legare l'onore dell''homecoming kiss' é stato il premio della lotteria organizzata dalla Marina che dà la possibilità al vincitore di essere il primo marinaio a sbarcare fuori dalla nave e a condividere un bacio con il coniuge o il partner.
takfiri SATANA BUSH FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TUTTI takfiri IRAN TURCHIA SALMAN LEGA ARABA OCI GENDER LOBBY LGBT SPA FED BANCHE CENTRALI, Bildenberg regime, NWO MARDUK BAAL ] no! voi siete più o meno, ad uno stesso livello di intensità e qualità di perversione, il fatto è che, le corna degli altri, si vedono meglio rispetto alle proprie! in riferimento alle propria corna? tu non te le puoi vedere! ma, voi siete tutti impastati di luciferismo!
i Farisei SpA Banche CENTRALI, ENLIGHTENED PIRAMIDE MASSONICA, perversione demonica Talmud e Kabbalah, per trasformarvi in schiavi del signoraggio bancario? loro vi hanno tutti trasformati in qualche forma di perversione! ECCO PERCHé, CON LA TORAH IN MANO? I FARISEI VI HANNO TUTTI CONDANNATI A MORTE! io non mi vanterò di avervi uccisi io, perché non è questa la verità!
takfiri SATANA BUSH FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TUTTI takfiri IRAN TURCHIA SALMAN LEGA ARABA OCI GENDER LOBBY LGBT SPA FED BANCHE CENTRALI NWO MARDUK BAAL ] e certo che, lo hanno capito tutti, FINALMENTE LO AVETE CAPITO ANCHE VOI, anche i cretini lo hanno capito, quindi lo avete capito anche voi, piuttosto che comandare sul mondo? piuttosto, io preferisco uccidervi tutti!
ogni pedofilo incestuoso? lui loves homosexual propaganda GENDER to children
takfiri: IRAN TURCHIA SALMAN LEGA ARABA OCI ] ok, SE IL VOSTRO DEMONIO ALLAH, LUI vuole ritornare a fare il bravo ragazzo? ok! mi impegno a non fargli del male! Ma, di quel pervertito criminale falso profeta di Maometto, pieno di tutti i demoni: come una fogna? io NON NE VOGLIO PIù SENTIR PARLARE!
ISRAELE ] tu sai tutto di me [ io non sono un mistico, carismatico o profeta, ecc.. no! IO SONO SOLTANTO, UN POLITICO RAZIONALE AGNOSTICO UNIVERSALE E METAFISICO TEOCRATICO LAICO: DEL REGNO DI DIO JHWH: CHE è ANCHE IL REGNO DI ISRAELE! la scienza (ANTONINO ZICHICHI) ha detto che: esistono 34 dimensioni diverse: (in senso orizzontale), oltre questa nostra dimensione (SOLAMENTE TRIDIMENSIONALE), se, questo è vero? io non lo so! Secondo la mia metafisica, io conosco: in modo astrattivo, deduttivo, speculativo: che, ci sono soltanto, sette dimensioni (in senso verticale)! TUTTAVIA, NELLA POSIZIONE DI FEDE IN CUI LO SPIRITO SANTO MI HA POSTO? NON C'è NESSUNO IN TUTTA LA CREAZIONE, CHE PUò SFUGGIRE ALLA MIA SOVRANITà E GIURISDIZIONE, ECCETTO DIO STESSO, OVVIAMENTE! .. E QUESTA è UNA BENEDIZIONE per voi, PERCHé SE FOSSE DIPESO DA ME? OGGI IL MONDO DEGLI UOMINI NON ESISTEREBBE PIù!
PERCHé, TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO DEVE SUBIRE LE CONSEGUENZE DI UNA RELIGIONE CORROTTA, DI VERSETTI SATANICI, E DEL SUO FALSO PROFETA CRIMINALE? PERCHé, LA LEGA ARABA è ALLEATA DELL'OCCIDENTE? MA, QUESTO NON è UN AFFARE PER NESSUNO! MOGADISCIO, 26 FEB - Nove civili e cinque estremisti islamici sono rimasti uccisi nell'attacco di oggi contro un albergo a Mogadiscio, rivendicato dal gruppo integralista filo al Qaida al Shabaab. Lo rende noto la polizia somala.
Regeni ucciso da professionisti tortura, 'Parla' il pc del ricercatore, nessun legame con servizi segreti. SAUDITI E ISLAMICI SHARIA NAZISTI IN TUTTO IL MONDO NE RISPONDERANNO! 26 FEB - Nessun rapporto con i servizi segreti italiani né di altri Paesi. Il computer di Giulio Regeni 'parla' e comincia ad offrire tasselli importati agli inquirenti che da oltre un mese stanno provando a dare un'identità a chi lo ha ucciso: veri e propri professionisti della tortura, secondo chi indaga in Italia. Dall'esame del portatile del ricercatore dell'università di Cambridge, che nelle scorse settimane i genitori hanno consegnato ai magistrati della Procura di Roma che sulla morte del giovane friulano ha avviato una indagine per omicidio, non emergono legami con servizi segreti. A chi indaga non risulta che Regeni fosse stato schedato dalle autorità egiziane, anche se l'episodio di una foto scattata da uno sconosciuto durante l'assemblea di un sindacato indipendente aveva turbato il ricercatore universitario. Altra certezza per gli inquirenti è che il delitto è maturato nel quadro delle attività di ricerca ed eseguito da professionisti della tortura e delle sevizie.
in effetti se OBAMA e KERRY, non si portassero dietro tutto il personale agenzie fuori controllo, del governo occulto parallelo di Bush e Rothschild, potrebbero anche avere una immagine onorabile e onorata per il mondo: perché in se stessi loro sono dei bravi ragazzi!
ERDOGAN IDIOTA ] se, qualcuno riuscisse ad amare me, di più di come, io devo amare lui? poi, non è vero che, io sono UNIUS REI! E SE QUALCuNO RIUSCISSE A AMARE PIù ME, DI COME UNIUS REI PUò AMARE LUI? questo è proprio IMPOSSIBILE! non c'è nessuno che può vincere Unius REI in qualcosa: circa giustizia verità speranza e amore! se, ci fosse odio nel mio cuore? IO NON POTREI POSSEDERE LA MIA RAZIONALITà, IMPARZIALITà: EQUIDISTANZA: OGGETTIVITà! non raggiungerai mai la felicità umiliando qualcuno! LA VERà MANIFESTAZIONE DI FORZA E POTENZA è L'AMORE! LASCIA STARE IL TUO PROGETTO IMPERIALISTICO DI CONQUISTA DEL MONDO, 1. NON HA SENSO; 2. NON NE VALE LA PENA! SALMAN E BUSH SONO DUE COGLIONI DI ROTHSCHILD SPA FED: LASCIALI PERDERE, NON SONO DUE BRAVI RAGAZZI!
PSALM 139: FOR MY JEWS AND MY TO ALL ] [ 1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.
2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
JHWH HOLY thinks I am so important, that He takes knowledge of my every action and thought. [[ PER TUTTI COLORO CHE NON VOGLIONO PIù CAMMINARE IN VIE DI DELITTI, DI SMARRIMENTO E ERRORE! ]] "Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways." vs. 2,3. He is always present with me. I cannot escape Him.
"If I ascend up into heaven thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there." v. 8
He created me in a wonderful fashion, for a purpose He planned for me in eternity past
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." vs. 14,16
His continual loving care for me cannot be measured.
"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee." vs. 17,18.
Allow Him to show me my spiritual condition.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me." vs. 23,24a
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
Accept the plan He has designed for my life, beginning now with my salvation.
"and lead me in the way everlasting." v. 24b
Realize that Jesus Christ, my Creator, so loved me that He, as God, took upon Himself human flesh, and came to this earth to be punished for my sin by dying on the cross.
"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
Realize that because of His death, burial and resurrection for me, I can have the gift of spending eternity with my Creator.
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
Repent of my sin: accept what God thinks of my sin. "repent ye, and believe the gospel." Mark 1:15 Believe with all my heart that Christ died, was buried, and came back to life for my sins. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13 Pray this simple prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that You suffered the punishment for my sin by your death on the cross, and that You arose from the grave. I now receive You into my heart as my Savior. Thank You for saving me and forgiving me right now. I will serve You with all my heart. Amen. "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31 -M.S.B.
Cristiani perseguitati in Asia: anche i buddisti stanno col nemico Satana Allah Gufo Baal Spa Farisei Massoni Gender Darwin. In sei stati dell’Asia in cui sono maggioranza, i buddisti collaborano a reprimere le altre religioni. Lo documenta il Rapporto 2004 dell’Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre.
ISRAEL ] NO MY DAUGHTER! Jewish Temple is incompatible with the MASONIC State OF Israel!
#PUTIN ] lol. [ figurati, lol. ] non mi offendo affatto, se lascio completare a te il Presepe Satanico! 666 CIA Poroshenko born in Bethlehem
QUESTA UCRAINA NAZISTA DI FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI MERKEL ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG, STA DIVENTANDO UNA MINACCIA PER LA SOPRAVVIVENZA DEL GENERE UMANO: QUESTO è EVIDENTE DANNO PER CERTO DI POTER SFONDARE FACILMENTE LE DIFESE DELLA RUSSIA: TUTTAVIA, VETRIFICARE LA UCRAINA CON ARMI ATOMICHE TATTICHE, IN CASO DI ATTACCO? IO NON CREDO CHE PORTEREBBE A UNA DEFLAGRAZIONE NUCLEARE TOTALE! Ucraina, Mar Nero: Poroshenko ordina di rafforzare l'esercito al confine con la Crimea, (26.02.2016) Il presidente dell'Ucraina Petr Poroshenko ha incaricato il ministero della Difesa e lo Stato Maggiore di rafforzare le capacità militari nella regione di Kherson, confinante con la Crimea, e lungo la costa del Mar Nero, si legge in un comunicato del capo di Stato.
"Al ministero della Difesa e allo Stato Maggiore delle forze armate dell'Ucraina è stato ordinato di avanzare proposte per un significativo rafforzamento delle capacità militari nella regione di Kherson e lungo la costa del Mar Nero", — si legge nel comunicato, segnala "RIA Novosti". La Crimea è ritornata ad essere una regione russa nel marzo 2014 a margine di un referendum, in cui il 96,77% degli abitanti della penisola si è espresso a favore della riunificazione della Russia. Le autorità ucraine si rifiutano di riconoscere i risultati delle elezioni e definiscono la Crimea "un territorio occupato".
Cambiare i nomi alle città della Crimea? "A Kiev c'è schizofrenia politica"
Poroshenko firma il decreto sulla creazione del servizio la reintegrazione della Crimea
Crimea, Russia: La questione non esiste, perciò è impossibile discuterne
Da oggi sospesi legami commerciali tra Ucraina e Crimea, eccezioni a beneficio di Kiev
“La Crimea ancora una volta ha mandato a quel paese Kiev”
Ucraina concentra le truppe ai confini di Crimea e Transnistria
Energia da Ucraina non indispensabile per Crimea, per Kiev blocco è boomerang:
LA ARABIA SAUDITA HA SOPPIANTATO TUTTI I GOVERNI DELLA LEGA ARABA CHE è DIVENTATO UN COLOSSO DI SUPER POTENZA NUCLEARE: PRESTO FAGOCITERRANO IL PIANETA! POVERO INNOCENTE MARTIRE CRISTIANO: GIULIO REGENI: LA TUA PATRIA? è UN GENDER: DI MASSONE SENZA SOVRANITà MONETARIA!! Mentre l'Eni festeggia nuove trivellazioni in Egitto, il caso Regeni rimane al palo, 26.02.2016, Il colosso petrolifero italiano ha annunciato il successo dell'attività perforativa del pozzo denominato “Nidoco North 1X”, nei pressi del delta del Nilo, che porterà – secondo le previsione dei tecnici –, alla produzione giornaliera di circa 45mila barili di olio cosiddetto equivalente (boed). interessi economici presenti sembrano gravare sempre più sull'omicidio del giovane dottorando italiano Giulio Regeni, scomparso dalla capitale egiziana il 25 gennaio scorso e ritrovato morto dieci giorni dopo. Sebbene sia chiaro che lo studente sia stato barbaramente torturato, che le ipotesi di morte accidentali siano totalmente da escludere e che sia più che ragionevole ipotizzare un coinvolgimento (diretto o indiretto che sia) delle forze di sicurezza nazionali, le autorità del Cairo continuano a mantenere un atteggiamento poco chiaro in merito alla vicenda. E le crescenti partnership economiche tra i due paesi, si ricordi anche la recente visita del ministro Guidi in Egitto, potrebbero ulteriormente ostacolare la ricerca della verità.
Le stranezze del caso Regeni, ucciso dall'Arabia per far un dispetto all'Italia:
PURTROPPO QUESTA è LA VERITà E LA CONOSCONO TUTTI ORMAI: GRAZIE A ME! La distruzione della Siria secondo il nipote di John Kennedy, 26.02.2016, L’intelligence degli Stati Uniti avrebbe utilizzato i terroristi per tutelare gli interessi petroliferi americani. [ John Kerry minaccia Assad: non staremo a guardare come imbecilli ]
La decisione degli Stati Uniti di organizzare una campagna per rovesciare il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad, sarebbe motivata in gran parte dal rifiuto di Bashar al-Assad di acconsentire al passaggio sul suolo siriano di un gasdotto che avrebbe portato il gas del Qatar sino in Europa. La pipeline avrebbe dovuto attraversare Arabia Saudita, Giordania, Siria e Turchia. Valore dell'operazione 10mila milioni di dollari. Lo scrive Robert Kennedy Junior, nipote dell'ex presidente degli Stati Uniti John F. Kennedy, nella rivista Politico.
L'infrastruttura avrebbe rafforzato il Qatar, paese che ospita, presso la base di al-Udeid, la sede del comando militare statunitense in Medio Oriente. Il presidente siriano concesse invece lo sviluppo di un gasdotto iraniano. Conseguentemente, le intelligence di Stati Uniti, Qatar, Arabia Saudita e Israele avrebbero cominciato a finanziare l'opposizione siriana per rovesciare il regime di Assad. La CIA infatti, secondo Wikileaks, avrebbe trasferito sei milioni di dollari all'emittente televisiva dell'opposizione siriana Barada TV, con sede a Londra, al fine di preparare il rovesciamento di Assad, che, tra l'altro, ha fornito alla Cia tutte le informazioni sui terroristi dopo gli attacchi dell'11 settembre. L'intelligence degli Stati Uniti ha così utilizzato i terroristi per tutelare gli interessi petroliferi americani e, a tal fine, il "gruppo criminale petrolifero" dello Stato islamico, conclude Kennedy, sarebbe il risultato di una lunga storia di intervento degli Stati Uniti nella regione, che ha portato alla caduta di diversi regimi in Medio Oriente a partire dalla metà del XX secolo:
my ISRAELE ] [ quell'infame di ERDOGAN ha detto: "IO NON BARATTO LA SOVRANA TERRITORIALITà DELLA TURCHIA CON NESSUNA AMICIZIA". allora, perché lui invade impunemente la sovranità della Siria, Iraq e Grecia? ABBATTETELO COME UN CANE!
my ISRAELE ] [ quell'infame di ERDOGAN ha detto: "eh quante storie, fa PUTIN, per due soli piloti uccisi!" ED IO CREDO CHE PER LUI? LA TUA VITA NON VALE PIù DI UN PEZZO DI MERDA!
dear 187AUDIOHOSTEM io so anche, che, non sei stato tu a farmi uccidere le mie due amiche cattoliche in youtube!
dear 187AUDIOHOSTEM quando io ti dissi: "io ti ho fatto sbagliare, e ora il tuo sacerdote di satana, ti metterà nel bidone di acido solforico!" tu mi rispondesti: "no! lui non lo farà con me!" MA, SE NON TI PROTEGGO IO: continuamente? TU SARESTI STATO già UCCISO, PERCHé TU SEI CADUTO IN DISGRAZIA E SEI diSCESO DECADUTO DALLA ZONA INVISIBILITà o IMPUNIBILITà!
U.S. dollar is Pharisees Enlightened from Lucifer "Novus Ordo Seclorum", ANNUIT COEPTIS SpA FED 322 NWO at Bohemian GROVE the OWL Baal Allah Mecca Caaba sharia Saudi Saud Erdogan ABOMINAZIONE ANTICRISTO! .. ma dove lontano pensate di arrivare? io ordino a: ISRAELE RUSSIA INDIA CINA, di applicare un massivo attacco nucleare mondiale immediato preventivo!
Allah Spa FED la bestia ] World Watch List over 200 million Christians are persecuted for their faith in Jesus in Worldwide. Obama è premio NOBEL nella latrina dei Bush
ISRAELE ] io sono un politico universale, io vivo soltanto: di atti politici concreti, non di chiacchiere o discorsi! TUTTO QUELLO CHE, QUALCUNO POTREBBE DIRE? NON HA NESSUN SIGNIFICATO PER ME! QUALI SONO LE SUE OPERE, QUALI SONO I SUOI FRUTTI, dove sono i suoi risultati? ora le conseguenza degli USA UE NATO e loro LEGA ARABA sul mondo: e contro tutti i martiri cristiani? sono conseguenze devastanti!
IN UE USA NATO SPA FED BCE CIA NSA? SONO LE BESTIE DI SATANA! LA LORO MIOPIA è PARI ALLA COMPLICITà: CON TUTTI I DELITTI DELLA LEGA ARABA, E QUESTO ANCHE, PER L'OCCIDENTE DEI ROTTI DI CULO, I PERVERTITI A SODOMA? è UN SUICIDIO! ] CHE POI SONO PROPRIO LORO CHE STANNO ANNIENTANDO LA CIVILTà CHE LI PROTEGGE, PER QUANTO ODIO HANNO CONTRO ISRAELE, CONTRO LA BIBBIA, E CONTRO CRISTO! [ Turkey backs down on closing Bursa's only church ] QUALE ALLEANZA, SENZA RECIPROCITà, è MAI ESISTITA IN TUTTA LA STORIA DEL GENERE UMANO? VOI LA AVETE FATTA! Feb. 24, 2016. Local Christians were given only 8 days to leave. French Church Cultural Centre, Bursa, Turkey. Picture taken in 2004. World Watch Monitor. The local government of the northwestern Turkish city of Bursa ordered that its only church, which serves four congregations, be vacated by Friday (26 Feb.) before rescinding the order on Tuesday. Ismail Kulakcioglu, the pastor of the Protestant congregation, said they were given less than a week to vacate the building. Approximately 200 Christians share the church for their Sunday worship services. The Directorate General of Foundations originally gave oral notice to church leaders on 18 Feb. that they had only five days to leave. It eventually extended the deadline by three days, before removing the order to vacate altogether on 23 Feb. Four different branches of Christianity congregate in the building, officially known as the French Church Cultural Centre. They include Latin Catholic, German Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant fellowships. Under Turkish law, non-Muslim faith communities face significant legal hurdles in registering an officially sanctioned house of worship. Multiple congregations often share the same space. Restored icon inside the church. World Watch Monitor. On Tuesday, the Bursa municipality and the Directorate General of Foundations announced that Christians would not be prevented from using the church. Kulakcioglu noted that the city government's original decision to close the church was at odds with its self-proclaimed image as a city of religious tolerance. In a press release, Kulakcioglu said that he and the local government considered Turkey to be a cultural mosaic, and they did not want to see this mosaic smashed to pieces. The pastor already has an appointment to meet with the Bursa mayor, Recep Altepe, to sign a new protocol for future use of the church building. In 2013, city officials and church leaders hosted a delegation of Christian and Muslim theologians from Germany as part of an inter-religious dialogue initiative. Elpidophoros Lambriniadis, the Greek Orthodox metropolitan of Bursa, has praised the Catholic congregation for allowing Orthodox Christians to worship there. Bursa is a conservative city of 2 million in the industrial Marmara region of Turkey. Located 100 miles (160km) southeast of Istanbul, Turks have nicknamed it “Green Bursa,” both for its nearby forests and its Islamic identity. The church is a relic of a time when Bursa had a large non-Muslim population. It was built in the 1880s to serve local French-speaking people from the Levant (especially Lebanon) – Latin Catholics who lived under the Ottoman Empire – as part of a complex that included the Pere Augustin Assumption College. French Christians are buried in the nearby cemetery. The four congregations moved into the church after restoring it between 2002 and 2004. They reopened it for worship after signing a protocol with the Bursa municipality. The eviction order came from a supposed lapse in the protocol. It expired in 2015, and the Bursa municipality told the congregations to reapply. Their renewal application was received positively, but an element within the city council opposed it, Kulakcioglu said. Bursa's city council grants use of the building for religious purposes and the Directorate General of Foundations owns the property. Failure to institutionalise religious freedoms. For decades, the church sat in ruins. Aykan Erdemir, a Turkish academic who grew up in Bursa and is now a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told World Watch Monitor that as a child he played among the piles of rubble with friends. He saw the church's reopening as a symbol of Bursa rediscovering its multicultural past. Erdemir said the eviction order was a sign of Turkey's failure to institutionalise religious freedom for its non-Sunni Muslims. “Christians do not have any legal entitlement to the building. They only have usage rights for the time being, which I think is a very precarious situation,” he said. “Members of non-majority religions have to depend on the goodwill of bureaucrats and the majority population.”Such problems will continue to happen until religious minorities have property rights for their houses of worship and restitution rights to use their historical churches, Erdemir said. According to some Turkish officials, the recent decision to close the church was based on a misunderstanding over the church's legal status, not the specific targeting of Christians. Toros Alcan, a Turkish-Armenian representing minority interests on the Foundations Directorate, said that nobody in the Bursa municipality or his organisation ever produced a written order that the church be vacated. “I don't know where talk of this order for the church to be vacated came from. It could be a rumour or a journalist's report.”
Protestant worship service at Bursa’s French Church Cultural Centre, led by Pastor Ismail Kulakcioglu, Protestant worship service at Bursa’s French Church Cultural Centre, led by Pastor Ismail Kulakcioglu. World Watch Monitor, The church remains a symbol of the city's non-Muslims' struggle to become an accepted part of society. Kulakciolgu said he had tried to convince the council that Bursa would lose a priceless piece of its cultural heritage if the congregations were forced out of their building. “We're trying to explain that this church – which is used as a house of worship by different congregations – is perhaps the only example of its kind in the world,” he said. Bursa's Christians have come under persecution in the past. In 2004, three ultra-nationalists beat a Turkish convert from Islam into a coma for distributing New Testaments. One was the president of the local chapter of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The victim, Yakup Cindilli, suffered physically and mentally and never fully recovered. The three attackers were jailed and faced criminal charges for assault, but were not convicted.
my JHWH holy ] Salman Erdogan mi hanno detto: "perché, io devo fare un accordo con te, se io oggi, io ho quella possibilità, che, il fariseo mi ha dato, di poterti uccidere?" ED IO SENTO COSì LONTANO DA ME ISRAELE, OGGI, LONTANO ANNI LUCE!
Farisei anglo-americani Enlightened Rothschild: SpA Banche Centrali, loro hanno fatto colonizzare il cervello delle persone di questo pianeta, con le connessioni biologiche neuronali aliene! non esiste più una vita privata, per le persone di questo pianeta! TUTTI POSSONO ESSERE RICATTABILI, TUTTI POSSONO CADERE SOTTO IL CONTROLLO MENTALE, DI ENTITà PSICHICHE SOPRANNATURALI! "I TOM KILL YOU", lui è sempre: IhateNewLayout, due sacerdoti di satana: insieme a "187AudioHostem" che mi hanno dimostrato di poter vedere attraverso i miei occhi, e di poter percepire attraverso, i miei sensi: lui disse: "INSIDE IN YOU HEAD", POI, PERò LUI SI SPAVENTò ANCHE, PERCHé MI DISSE, DI SENTIRE ANCHE LUI, di avere a sua volta QUALCOSA NEL SUO CERVELLO!
iamericanright, tells me ["Lo" Armistead was a Free Mason. End of debate] --ANSWER-- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. even the demons know how to say beautiful words to what God is was referring Armistead when he said?"Trust in God and Fear Nothing" maybe he wants to refer bafomet murdok or to the same divinity invisible who are the 40 Jewish bankers of the monetary fund of seigniorage banking and that are to of upon of Governments also if the people do not know. indeed Freemasonry is Satanism already excommunicated by the Catholic Church Freemasons have the only despair of ending in deep hell for them there is no hope of forgiveness. I "lorenzojhwh" prophesied in the name of Jesus and in blood of Innocent Lamb a deadly disease and the misfortune more evil for children of all Freemasons!
"one is God -God is one" every religion has its own structure wrong and must be helped only the laity or the atheists have the power to humiliate and disciplinary the Religious. While the religious have the power to regulate the laity because the world is better!response to "jewishpride4life"
we accept Christ because Christ has accepted us Put of Christ we are clothed with of all its perfection and then we can say: "It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me!"
The banks are satanists Paco
Many that today are rich will to hell! Of their own few going to last place in Kingdom of God! Deceived by those of religion that for first fall in deep hell. Is better an atheist that do many works of justice instead of a religious that has no faith for move mountains.Do not go Muslim to [] because you are not free to become a Christian! Why shame, persecution and death await you certainly! Own yourself have thrown the shame on the sanctity of Islam and Allah! Stop! You do blasphemy because the violence is the tool of Satan! Why you scared? Why do you feel inferior? To lorenzojhwh be needed only 2 hours for to put the Islam to a level better of Christianity is culturally that spiritually. There is no envy in the kingdom of God whose law is to multiplication for all: true justice and equality of all men before the law. God bless you and all your good project
KoriAlex":Because Satanism means freedom]Freedom of any violation of natural law anarchy?But if Adam and Eve in purity of the immortal life and in the science infused were deceived! Who are you to instruct them by Satan?Trust of God "the truth will set you free."John8:32this is a political ministry for the liberation of peoples of Satanism by andseigniorage banking if you are rude with this ministry in power you will be certainly punished Now choose or the flowers or the carrion!Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse.To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower and he is happy rich blessed full of friends and women.Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?
"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed: drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit: antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
this is a political ministry for the liberation of peoples of Satanism by andseigniorage banking if you are rude with this ministry in power you will be certainly punished Now choose or the flowers or the carrion! sosBROADCAST: the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower, and he is happy, rich, blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA
The bank seigniorage demonstrates the violation and the contempt and the establishment of a hidden Masonic Jewish monarchy throughout the world. But this monopoly Financial may prove conspiracy of existence of any other monopoly that he produces and that obey to him The monopoly strategic of information is the first tool of control of the people:Only an idiot does not understand that is global NetWork. If you hide the 10% and you interpret it another 10% of strategic information. here is that the lack of 20% of information strategic is sufficient for a distortion of reality which will become virtual will be the slave unconsciously the jew banker and so you will have missed your life. Not only rating is corrupt the Your life is sucked, but the JUSTICE is profaned because reigns the lies in the world! For the Masonic corruption of every government you will need you to believe that Bin Lander has felled the Twin Towers. We are all prisoners of 40 Jew Satanists SpA
I am not a religious even though it may seem that way. I am a personal friend and son and representative of God on earth. But this for me is not important As you know not ever lose your soul in the deep hell. To me atheists are better than those who are religious but do not have the faith to move mountains And this should not happen and will not happen If you to do many works of justice There are many tests and you do not see? Here you will find all the evidence on the existence of Christ who seek
this is a political ministry for the liberation of peoples of Satanism by andseigniorage banking if you are rude with this ministry in power you will be certainly punished Now choose or the flowers or the carrion! sosBROADCAST: the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower, and he is happy, rich, blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA
If you just want to be me of replies then you'll need to run the risk of becoming a Christian? I said to you "adamz101" many times that I can not make discussions on the superiority of a religion! Want to be blocked? this is what you want? But if you decide to want to risk your religion, you have to know that I illustrate my Christian faith in my site:
own you"givingheadtothedead" I was waiting for you from long time accursed Antichrist and the devil to which I have given ordersin the name of Jesus I have ordered to take you to bring you here for your entire destruction! Now, you'll need to receive that death that you have served and to which you belong! How strong is the fear of your boss who has decided to sacrifice his best man? I "lorenzojhwh" in the name of Jesus crushes the spirit of death in the depths of hell:Begone Satan! idiot "givingheadtothedead" you have rejected the death that Christ has done for you and now you must die
givingheadtothedead ]♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. ]
And what brings your HOLYass to my chamber of Horrors?I do not believe in satanizm.I believe in whats real DEATH is the true GOD of ALL.........Preach your CRAP elsewhere.............338Fornictate your Corpse...!
sosBROADCAST: the Lord God give a great value to symbols for this reason all those who make music metal end for fall under the curse. To avoid corruption of the young and to protect his many friends who are metal "lorenzojhwh"states that from now symbol of the metal are the flowers everyone choose his flower, and he is happy, rich, blessed full of friends and women. Why falling to death under the misfortune of the Satanists and give up all this happiness that God wants give to you filling of fragrant flowers the your hands?God bless you all very and veryAMENALLELUIA
Everything is of God and then all is our: "OK!" As? You have come from Egypt to worship JHWH? No one hunting! But just you are entered into a house and have hunted the legitimate inhabitants because one of your ancestors lived there 2000 years ago: YOU ARE CRAZY! This you have done because the uncle Satanist American (the real master of the world) that of the seigniorage banking SpA the have permission to you! Before that "lorenzojhwh" lose patience and come him to beat the your head against the rocks until the stones do not cry for the pain! 1- Break down this monster law of the State of Israel 2- built the temple of JHWH 3- ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible 4- based all of you upon a network of city of special autonomy 5- you proclaimed Jerusalem "open city property throughout the world". In this way: 1 realize the prophecies; 2 Palestinians have everything; 3 Jews will have all; 4 and will end this fuck to war.
When I said to the world[Break down the State of Israel ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible]Because there was not a single Muslim who said:"right!" Because your goal is the genocide of all Jews?And where you have not done a genocide?You're doing genocide in Sudan! Wherever you are now, many Christians were first!In what cemetery you set them brought Cain!How many Christians you kill each day in the world? To Who of you has talked Allah? to None! Yet, Allah spoke to Abraham and in truth always speaks to my heart!I asked him:"it is true that you said that the Muslim is superior?"Allah told me:"as a man can give or say all this evil on the Infinite Justice?"You are the disgrace of yourselves and not the Jews or the Americans because as you rightly say:"Allah is the Lord!"despair injustice ignorance fanaticism superstition stupidity ruin destruction will always be with you if you do not give a spiritual interpretation to the Koran!Have mercy for your children
Why we must hate Muslims?If we must have hatred towards to Muslims then we must have love towards to Satanists?friend "Gal19new86"I do not write well the English but you have a problem with the demons if you do not understand me and indeed many Satanists surround you. Someone i have hunted him for you something else you hunted by yourself!You are Satanist? lorenzo UniusREI decided in the name of Jesus, that youtube is not for you: go! you can count those who have already died here? You trust, even Satan, and everyone knows that he is a liar?We even protect the mercy of God? You'll be here again to cancel your account? Or your youtube remain here in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of these victims, what did you eat? Even to the thief his life seems to be the best possible since it began. But you are evil children of darkness murderers and criminals.You will die!
You are Satanist? lorenzo UniusREI decided in the name of Jesus, that youtube is not for you: go! you can count those who have already died here? You trust, even Satan, and everyone knows that he is a liar? We even protect the mercy of God? You'll be here again to cancel your account? Or your youtube remain here in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of these victims, what did you eat? Even to the thief his life seems to be the best possible since it began. But you are evil children of darkness murderers and criminals.You will die!
"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed: drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit: antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
"dovetastic" tells me:[You are speaking to a sufi muslim who has both arab and jewish ancestry. Jews and muslims are bothers and sisters. We even have the same dietary laws. Not all muslims are bad as you convey here. Your messages of hate is not kind and it is not the christian way either. The prophet Jesus [pbuh] spoke of love, forgiveness, showing kindness and compassion to others. Preach peace for all humanity of Earth where ever we come from.] -ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. sweet is for the wolf to talk about peace when he have yet the blood of the lamb between the teeth. No one can hide his true thoughts in front of the ministry of power and justice of "lorenzojhwh".You know the ruin that is for fall throughout the world for the hypocrisy of all the men? This ministry of "lorenzojhwh" in truth is the last mercy that God grants to the world. For this reason, it breaks down violently against each: man, religion and government
I'm not speak english idiot! talk to me in Portuguese, Russian ou Spanish ¬¬'
When I said to the world [1- Break down this monster law of the State of Israel 2- built the temple of JHWH 3- ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible]*because there was not a single Muslim who said: "right!" *because your goal is the genocide of all Jews?*and where you you have not done a genocide? You're doing genocide in Sudan! Wherever you be now, were many Christians before but of them you have made a genocide! How many Christians you kill each day in the world? To Who of you has talked Allah? to None! Yet, Allah spoke to Abraham and in truth always speaks to my heart! I asked Allah:"it is true that you said that the Muslim is superior?" Allah told me:"as a man can give or say all this evil on the Infinite Justice?"
Everything is of God and then all is our: "OK!" As? You have come from Egypt to worship JHWH? No one hunting! But just you are entered into a house and have hunted the legitimate inhabitants because one of your ancestors lived there 2000 years ago: YOU ARE CRAZY! This you have done because the uncle Satanist American (the real master of the world) that of the seigniorage banking SpA the have permission to you! Before that "lorenzojhwh" lose patience and come him to beat the your head against the rocks until the stones do not cry for the pain! 1- Break down this monster law of the State of Israel 2- built the temple of JHWH 3- ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible 4- based all of you upon a network of city of special autonomy 5- you proclaimed Jerusalem "open city property throughout the world". In this way: 1 realize the prophecies; 2 Palestinians have everything; 3 Jews will have all; 4 and will end this fuck to war.
2/2 seigniorage- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. All rights of seigniorage are always of Adam and therefore are only our own, because God always sees Satan and international banker jew S.p.A. as a usurper! You be strong and brave with the your God and humiliated yet God and yourself bearing on you these parasites. But those of seigniorage and we are Satanists we can not their win without have for us a pure spirituality. But those clever Jews SpA have surrounded any corruption and prostitution so few of us have preserved a soul incorrupt while all are instinctive and selfish as pets.The whole world is subjected to this hidden Masonic Jewish monarchy them that are the directors and we the unsuspecting actors of that Virtual reality/hypnotic that their have created trapping us in a deadly spell. However, the people if they were freed as would use their freedom?
1/2 seigniorage -- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Eva had not yet had the first ovulation, which had already been thrown out of paradise. The rights gifts of Adam passed to Satan which is only a shadow dead Having lost him His body angelic in celestial battle against the 2/3 of angels loyal to God. Bat the Kingdom of God is among to you by Abraham with faith, by Moses with the law and by Jesus with the grace and you have not understood anything! because JHWHAllah says: "the your ways/thoughts are objected to my ways/thoughts. Stop Satan! Go! In the name of Jesus I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell! TALITAKUMI Resurrect you now! Resurrect humanity all from your shame! Make a peace with all people and our selfs and God. We may hate the wrong things that the people have done that we knew God would not like it, but not hating them as a person. We should forgive them.
3/3 Messages This is the great punishment, this time does not originate on Earth but is sent from heaven. Will be produced by a celestial body, a large comet that rigirerà quickly around the Earth. First there will be an obscure that will last three days and three nights, the air is stagnant, without oxygen, and the intense heat. Will be annihilated much of humanity: Jesus of Maria Giulia Jeahenny: When in a cold winter's night, thunder explodes from the mountains to tremble, then very quickly close the doors and windows . Your eyes must not desecrate the terrible event with curious eyes. Meeting in prayer before the crucifix, put under the protection of my Holy Mother. Do not be taken by any doubt as to your salvation Turn blessed candles, recited the rosary. Persevere three days and two nights. I, your God I will have purified more. Magnificent will be my kingdom of peace.
2/3 Messages Bayside (USA, 1970-75) - Veronika Lueken: "God (the father) has already released the ball on its trajectory toward you!" The people who follow Babylon will punished forever! Revelation 18 1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2With a mighty voice he shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. 3For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
1/3 Messages Bayside (USA, 1970-75) - Veronika Lueken:You are a perverse generation, and there attracted the hand of doom that is not coming to target. On earth will be a great darkness. The air is stagnant, with no oxygen. There will be light. The candles will be lit in a small number. Then the heat will become intense. You will be advised on the approach of doom some 'before.The GREAT DESTRUCTION affect the humanity in two stages. The first time you have the Great War (the third world war), which lead away from the ground a third of men, and then the BALL of Redemption, who lead by another third. The punishment, therefore, will be a huge ball of fire, and the world will be baptized in the fire.
Messages Bayside (USA, 1970-75) - Veronika Lueken: "God (the father) has already released the ball on its trajectory toward you!" The people who follow Babylon will punished forever! Revelation 18 1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2With a mighty voice he shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. 3For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
"Jewishfan" said: "Please fuck yourself!" -- My answer to your kind request -- to your many requests addressed to me kindly reply to that that to me is seemed the more publishable -- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. The promises of God are valid in ever. It is not necessary the conversion to Christianity and not is from me request. If you become Christians? I "lorenzojhwh" I have to make me jew! Why Judaism is indispensable in the projects of God. But what happened to your faith? Where is your religion? Where is your temple? Who prevents that this 3° Temple is built? This ministry is invincible and has already obtained the collapse of bank seigniorage in the world Before being humiliated naively studied the 263 comments of the entire channel So you will see: 1- some of the victims excellent 2- the evolution of the Ministry 3- Justice of thought 4- objectives and the means
You worthless shit dude.
My friend "jefeisdguard" have given to me a saying/proverb: "No, not There are foreign here, But there are just friends that unfortunately we have not yet reached" Knowing God and discover that know also you and these to makes us automatically (more than friends), but even brothers. Jesus is the Son of God. He is God in the Flesh.. Repent and turn away from all sins!! Any of you who will hear Jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords... Praise God the lamb has died for you and your sins have been foregiven call on the name of the lord Jesus Christ to save you.
"Jewishfan" tells me: "Get a life dude. Smell the humus." -ANSWER-- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. In the name of Jesus and for the blood of Innocent Lamb, ordered in the name of JHWH 1- that is closed under a cloak of lead, the soul of all those who have no fear of God worldwide 2- that becomes harmful the food and water of all the powerful of this world: Satanists, banks, SpA, Freemasonry, political, seigniorage banking, ecc 3- If you do not let the will of Satan by June 25 were ordained cataclysms and flagella worldwide. Now you say thanks the Satanist "Jewishfan"
"sameoldfitup2008" said "Police accused of being fearful in tackling culprits over citys growing toll of racial assaults THE number of white victims of racist attacks in a Yorkshire city has risen 30 per cent in a year to more than 300 and police have been accused of being afraid to take on the culprits" --ANSWER-- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. the seigniorage banking port corruption in life policy, moral, spiritualand institutional of World. If not listen me and continue to listen the television of Satanists we do all those set an ugly death!
in truth "lorenzojhwh" for the holiness of God I have no antipathy everything that is lives is precious to God! None being affected or be damaged if they are obedient to him. [The Holy Church condemns any discrimination between the men: Nostra Aetate 5]the holy father Giov. Paolo II to Casablanca in 1985 said: "God today invites us to change the Our style] But the modernism always weaken the Church until the students do not learn by heart the catechism of St.Pius X. Who would save his life will lose it,but who does not lose his life for the Kingdom of God is not worthy of him. TALITAKUMI blessed are the: poor, pure, merciful, meek, compassionate! But woe to you rich because you already had today for your reward!
God has not given the law because is respected, but for declare to every man his wickedness. Abraham was not the law but it was made just for the faith and the grace[in fact made many mistakes in his youth]All those that work for build the own Justice are failed. For the their humility the prostitutes prior to you in the Kingdom of God. I have accepted your invitation"calebBiscool" but you hours do away those horns! "Grace for all of us and for all the atheists who are "good will" but Death to the rebels Satanists! Amen."VenusSatanas" say to friends: Vobiscum Satanas NOX? You are a bankrupt "SatanicNewsNetwork" you are losing subscribers to hundreds. But you have tired the patience of God and now you must die!"killpatrick1982"tells me"hey dick head god whants me to drive my porsche where my rolex and send my money on drink in heavy metal culbs FUCK YEH!!!!!!" -ANSWER-- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. I can not see happy days in your future:"Saved!"With these eyes I saw you dead among the victims of the road.
Everything is of God and then all is our: "OK!" As? You have come from Egypt to worship JHWH? No one hunting! But just you are entered into a house and have hunted the legitimate inhabitants because one of your ancestors lived there 2000 years ago: YOU ARE CRAZY! This you have done because the uncle Satanist American (the real master of the world) that of the seigniorage banking SpA the have permission to you! Before that "lorenzojhwh" lose patience and come him to beat the your head against the rocks until the stones do not cry for the pain! 1- Break down this monster law of the State of Israel 2- built the temple of JHWH 3- ratified the Palestinian Territory as one and indivisible 4- based all of you upon a network of city of special autonomy 5- you proclaimed Jerusalem "open city property throughout the world". In this way: 1 realize the prophecies; 2 Palestinians have everything; 3 Jews will have all; 4 and will end this fuck to war.
humanumgenus♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ UniusRei3 ]♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB.♰. ] God has not given the law because is respected, but to declare to every man his wickedness. Abraham was not the law but it was made just for the faith and the grace [in fact made many mistakes in his youth]. All those that work for build the own Justice are failed and are intended to deep hell. For the their humility the prostitutes prior to you in the Kingdom of God I have accepted your invitation"calebBiscool", but you hours do away those horns! "Grace for all of us and for all the atheists who re "good will" but Death to the rebels Satanists! Amen. [" VenusSatanas" say to friends: Vobiscum Satanas "NOX" you are a bankrupt "SatanicNewsNetwork" you are losing subscribers to hundreds] But you have tired the patience of God and now you must die! All those who are not committed in the war against Satanism lose their children in it! Amen! ALLELUIA
Ther is no god but allah the creator of the heavens and the earth and to him we will return.
Ther is no god but allah the creator of the heavens and the earth and to him we will return.
There is an ethical universal and natural that be also spirituality. If there were a universal truth then this is the test of God's existence. This is beyond the TRUTH is: "do not lie". This is beyond the JUSTICE is: "do to others, what we do not want for you"Then, God is all good which is opposed to evil. Then, God is the only project possible for men. So, God is the metaphysics humanistic and personalistic of Justice and of truth that makes equal all the men of front to Law. Now, even atheists have a name to worship God! Now we can give the start to a new universal political action against the New World Order of Satanists of seigniorage banking give energy to local identities and the self determinations National: 1 - "richness of plurality and diversity" 2 - "No to the flattening of the hen house!"[is a very welcome your comments or your greeting]
We are all waiting to see the fruits of this ministry that the Lord has raised for recent times. As in the days of Elijah Also today il Satanism actually prevail in each field. The institutions and religions do hard work but the land of civilization every day decreases. The only ones with real faith today are the Satanists because they are terrified in the face of this ministry. In fact, many of them were hit to death! You can not send to you the intense activity of this ministry political that: 1-acting in the spirit of Assisi 2-not search of do Proselytism 3-defends the right of "freedom of religion" worldwide 4-Protects every name that is used to praise God in the sky in support of every believer. However the infinite power of This divine ministry crush all the rebels and the stubborn opponents. Because certainly this ministry must succeed in its goals. You come regularly to study all the feedback channel for your strength and victory
Science has proven by a century through the psychoanalysis that the "you" or the "I" is an illusion. Indeed in our psyche there are 3 identities: 1-child 30% (feelings) 2-parent 30% (authorities) 3-rational 60%(1 subconscious 2 unconscious 3 conscious). But the psyche has 3 properties: intelligence (faith) will (charity) memory (hope). Even our being is made of components: spirit (agape) soul (philia) body (eros). Throughout the whole universe is 3: electron proton neutron(these are made up of 3 quasar). Now, no one disputes this: "the man was made in the image of God "AMEN ALLULIA! God is made similar to you: "is 1 as 3" If you want to be blessed? God bless you! The Church? has always persecuted the true servants of God and "lorenzojhwh" had no different treatment!
and one, own today for do sex becomes Satanist when all the women do not know as do sex because all the males have become gay? Idiot! Now thanks for his wickedness "NeoDio84" in its list you are: SATAN you have done already now a face from the dead Your doctor is very concerned for you because you still just live! The world has witnessed "head monkey died" it is only your boss Satan that is killing you! In the name of God I order every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? Seem sweet temptations, but they have claws to rip the soul "begone Satan" CSPB CSSM LNDSMD VRSNS MVSMQ LIVB = drink your poisons made by yourself Amen Alleluia But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits without hypocrisy. James 3:17
[1/2 lorenzojhwh] Many people today are like the animals in search of their satisfaction biological and this for the moral degradation that led the bank seigniorage (materialism) and all religions (hypocrisy). But a man really evolved living in that despair which leads him or its destruction (some dependencies if born so invariably leads to death) or to find God as a real person. The religion, atheism, Satanism, Communism, lust, wealth, etc. may be fine for everyone. But, the faith is only for few men truly intelligent. Now, a man could live without food but not without hope. And if we now I do deceive to you? You believe also to me! Most intelligent come every day a spy my comments and are concerned the fighting Violent that "lorenzojhwh" has always. In fact, there is always some naive that challenge this Ministry of Justice.
[2/2 lorenzojhwh] Of course, if he had read all the comments Channel not might and silent would have enriched Himself of a divine wisdom. Really this Ministry is an event of all mankind and serves for glorify all believers Callers the same God with each name can under the sky. This ministry has the right of representation Total on earth of the Royal Divine monarchy of the Kingdom of God. Equally happened for the Ministry of prophet Elijah to which God did not ordered of say curse. But the free will of prophet Elijah punctually is realized [1Re17] Why "lorenzojhwh" as the prophet Elijah is in faith "continually in the presence of the Lord". What has already been prophesied in the presence of the Lord, is to be already established in perpetuity and there is no possibility of change. Repent and save you from destruction!
I see some loyal musumani be panic in the face of this divine wisdom that comes from the Ministry of "lorenzojhwh"But Allah has sent me to fortify spiritually Islamic theology because be able to compete effectively the Christian theology. It is not "lorenzojhwh" a worshiper and servant of Allah? But if Islam is still kept from ignorant, intolerant, fanatic and violent "lorenzojhwh" destroy the Islam against his will! With the new technology holographic and tridimensional you can not keep people in ignorance because the signal fall on a small mobile phone and will be seen the internal small glasses alone fall Satellite directly on worldwide. If by that time Islam has not done fireplace cultural and theological that Christianity has already done: Islam will disappear! While Christianity has the problem of corruption of the already condemned heresy of modernism.
the law given by Moses is remained a dead letter for you, but God had mercy of your hearts of stone. You delude yourself when observed the Law because observed only the your appropriate selfishness while the Lord has asked of love him with all the your life and with all the your strength. You do not love but God love you equally and wants that the its Law is written in your hearts because be him with the his Holy Spirit to do it in you. Not have said to you that God is your Father?The good news that i port at all is this: "Your slavery is over!"God keeps the promises it has made to Israel and reconciles himself with the world God is coming to you all even to all sinful and to all the more derelict not close to God the your door[Jesus of Zeffirelli]When the Justice violent of"lorenzojhwh"tried to oppose the Mercy, JHWH have responded: "the heart of the law is forgiveness!"So own this was established in heavenly placesAMEN ALLELUIA
This ministry of "lorenzojhwh" moves in the spirit interfaith Assisi Of communion and of love of every people and every religion. Pursue the full freedom of religion worldwide. Defends mankind from: Satanism, seigniorage banking and Freemasonry. Constructs a new project secular and metaphysical whose symbol universal is the Third Jewish Temple. But, being a ministry in might still get all its aims also through terrible punishment.In the name of God I order every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? Seem sweet temptations, but they have claws to rip the soul "begone Satan" CSPB CSSM LNDSMD VRSNS MVSMQ LIVB=drink your poisons made by yourself Amen Alleluia
Jesus said: "I am the good shepherd that giving the his life for his sheep. I am the good shepherd I know my sheep and these know me. Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and give my life for my sheep. And I have other sheep that are not from this fence: also those I have to drive. they listen the my voice and become a only flock, under a only Pastor.John 10.11]--this is the answer to evil- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. "aljazairi2" that always says: "Shiite Jewish donkey" on its website mixes the true with the false. Then I asked him. You date me Saudi Arabia or in every Muslim country that freedom I do you of to proselytise in Europe? If reply is "no!" then Deleted immediately that Site liar!
"Sweemoo" told me:[the money we have in our pocket is a diabolical oppression and indicates superiority of Satan over us" man you christ worshipers are FREAKS get a life. HAIL SATAN!]-ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. SATAN you have done already now a face from the dead Your doctor is very concerned for you because you still just live! The world has witnessed "head monkey died" it is only your boss Satan that is killing you! In the name of God I order every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? Seem sweet temptations, but they have claws to rip the soul "begone Satan" CSPB CSSM LNDSMD VRSNS MVSMQ LIVB=drink your poisons made by yourself Amen Alleluia But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits without hypocrisy.James 3:17
lol, "the money we have in our pocket is a diabolical oppression and indicates superiority of Satan over us" man you christ worshipers are FREAKS get a life. HAIL SATAN!
Like is can attack the man bad and every problem (diseases, debts, etc.) and how you can find the victory? Having faith in God and using this prayer to break the evil and strengthen the good! As the little David with his little stone bring your attack against the giant Goliath "do not be afraid, because you will be supported by spiritual energies that you've activated!" When you begin the spiritual battle I promise you that I will be with you, because the love of the servants of God can overcome space and time. In the name of God I order every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? Seem sweet temptations, but they have claws to rip the soul "begone Satan" CSPB CSSM LNDSMD VRSNS MVSMQ LIVB=drink your poisons made by yourself Amen Alleluia
Se il dott. Prof. Giacinto Auriti, fondatore dell'università di Teramo, ecc... dimostra come il 270% della ricchezza mondiale finisce gestita da poche persone, poi le conseguenze devastanti di questa informazione le può desumere anche un bambino. "Playlistvideo87" mi scrive: "Faccio così che dici ? Masterizzo un cd mp3 con "genius seculi" le testimonianze di alcuni politici sul singnoraggio bancario e le tue lezioni in mp3 sul signoraggio ed in più stampo e allego il tuo "DOCUMET SECRET" e la mia lettera che porterò in questura o dai carabinieri" --ANSWER-- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Ho letto quello che mi hai scritto e per me va bene! Tu hai fatto il tuo dovere di cittadino cioè portare a conoscenza della Stato le ipotesi di reato! Tu non fare affermazioni ma rivedi il tutto e mettilo in forma dubitativa getta la responsabilità sugli altri, tipo: lorenzo UniusREI ha detto!
The money we have in your pocket are a diabolic oppression and indicates the superiority of Satan over us: fraud, crime induction to slavery and violation of sovereignty. But who asks for a loan to the bank?be put under diabolical obsession and continually threatens the spiritual life and his emotional balance!What the powerful stand by to their people is criminal and illegal and can never find forgiveness with God! 1-Enough! to see Shiites and Sunnis we see only Muslim brothers! 2-Enough! to see Catholics, Orthodox and Protestant we see only the Christians! 3-Enough! to see the differences of religion, we see only the servants of God throughout the world who oppose to: S.p.A, Bank seigniorage, New World Order. Why was attacked Iraq?Because together to Iran and to China not belong to the bank of seigniorage of the 40 Jews SpA that make our money and for this they are our true tyrants.They (Satanists) more powerful, we always weaker Which lie now to destroy the Iran and China?
The great Muslim theologian"aljazzerawatch13" is in my heart! thus concludes:[God is closer to you than your jugular vein. "Quran L:16"but the distance is as far as "eternity". Don't take it too easy!AS A PROPHET, YOU REACHED THE CLIMAX OF PERFECTION, BUT IN "OBEDIENCE", YOU ARE NOT YET "PERFECT". Oh friend of God, founder of monotheism, constructor of the road of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (PBUH)! Oh symbol of Man's glory, dignity and perfection You are Ibrahim, but to be "obedient" is much more difficult. You have to be "absolutely free". Do not be so confident and proud of yourself since there is always the possibility of "falling" at any "peak". The fall of those at the highest peak is most disastrous and tragic!] Already a time I told him this:"The well our comes from God and blesses the whole world. I wish that you to work towards an Islamic authority recognized worldwide with "iipctvadmin" of Pakistan"
In this way "Marinemauro" have responded to an atheist "i am christian: 1)god created everything surround us and he is not human to be created, because it is too perfect 2)god created the universe so we can live and maybe someday we should all move to another planet. 3)humans are responsible for disabilities and everything happens on the world, both good and bad things because God can not judge we if we are not truly free...4)there is no "the christian god", "the muslim god" or "the indu god". god is one and is common in all the REAL religions. 5)you said:"if God exists is a monster!"But in showing us we are transformed us, because we heard Satan.6)your question is completely pointless. people need to travel to love for various reasons. How the hell could people travel with a tower NWO?"
response to "78China7788China" -- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Does not matter the form of government, but the degree of happiness of the people! What, becouse democracy exists in the West? The Democracy of the banks of Freemasons of perverted and Satanists? If China is not open to God this ministry of "lorenzojhwh" Obligation, be for me to attack the Chinese government! That you translate into Chinese and foul everyone know! When the China opens to God will be a glory in all the world and close the mouth to the Satanists who want to attack her!
"*" tells me:"Well apparently I'm some kind of Satanist in the eyes of god because I didn't read a pointless youtube message.Looks like I'm going to hell."-ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Surely God does not show resentment against of you. For two reasons:1-all the your sins have been taken delivery by Innocent Lamb that the has paid for you!2- In his mad love for you God considers guilty only the devil of your sins. Now you must not deny the sin that your Holy Scriptures say and you must return to God with sincere heart. Although early, in the name of Jesus and Allah the "freedom of religion" will be recognized throughout the world but you have to change your heart! Especially You must understand that to win this war against the darkness be requires the cooperation of all. The men most powerful and richest are perverted and Satanists! You Continue to be intolerant, ignorant and divided? Not religion, But the faith will soon disappear in the whole world because of the cruelty and hypocrisy!
i love and respect jesus like all the muslims because he is a prophet thanks for the invite :)
Thank's alot for invite dear friend , Happy days for U.
"jcwfnn2b" tells me: God bless you all. I am really trying to encourage our younger Christians! I will be featuring new original talent as much as possible and I really appreciate your time and interest. If you are blessed and enjoy please be sure to rate and leave an encouraging comment. I know the Lord will bless you for it! Praise the Lord and give love to our brothers and sisters in Christ! It is our reasonable service to our heavenly father. Prayers & Blessings,Jan's Music Ministry Channel CHILD OF GOD - original by Carlo Amboy (trini)the song tells us that we are the Children of God and by His Grace and Mercy we are loved, even though we are sinners, He still loves us. He sent His son Jesus to sanctify us and died for are sins. That's the LOVE of God. To God be the Glory!
78China7788China: said[20年了仍不忘記電視播放那一幕,中國學生兩膝跪著,手上拿著請願書,向中共最高當局,請求接收!!! 那只有在大清帝國或更久以前年代才有的"上京請願",怎中共這邪惡集團還是下了毒手,用機槍坦克清除這些異己,中共該滅,五毛該絕,才是天理! 20 years Do not forget that scene on television, Chinese Students and knees knees, Holding a petition To the highest authorities of the Chinese Communists, Receiving the request!!! That only in the Qing Dynasty during the past years or more before the "petition to Beijing," How the Chinese Communist evil group that is still under the hands, Tanks with machine guns to clear these dissidents, The anti-Communist China, fifty cents of the way, Is God!--ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. When the China opens to God will be a glory in all the world and close the mouth to the Satanists who want to attack her!
"Netta2158" said [A Glorious Sabbath to One and All Praise be the LORD our living GOD! Praying for a blessed, joyous, GOD inspired Sabbath and weekend for each and everyone of you and your loved ones. May we pray that the LORD implants a seed in the non-believers hearts and minds, and that HE finds a way for that beautiful seed to grow with in them for their spirits to willing reach out to GOD and seek HIM. I pray we all continue to repent sincerely, pray diligently, and "go and sin no more" according to John 8:1-11. I bid everyone peace, contentment, and love while we journey along the narrow path walk leading to the LORD. God bless us all.yours through Jesus Christ our Savior,Annette 8^) .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. ]--ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. "To this point only God may save us! You want pray with me? I have founded a spiritual movement universal perpetual and World even for atheists. Your every Monday, from 20.00 to 21.00 in the way of meditation or prayer that you like you are in communion with my heart for ever!"
You are Satanist? lorenzo UniusREI decided in the name of Jesus, that youtube is not for you: go! you can count those who have already died here? You trust, even Satan, and everyone knows that he is a liar? We even protect the mercy of God? You'll be here again to cancel your account? Or your youtube remain here in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of these victims, what did you eat? You do not you realize how IS TERRIBBILE what you said! In the name of Jesus I prophesied, throughout the West, against all political, mason, journalist or director: misfortune, confusion, anxiety, depression, insane, evil, sickness, enmity, evil and dishonor over the next three months. CSPBCSSMLND SMDVRSN SMVSMQL (IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself In the name of Jesus I order every spirit of antichrist: go! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness
JHWH shown to me as many Satanists pretend to be pro/against Israel to increase the hatred! I feel very badly for what "barbaralee15" says and you? [The Zionist sickness is all around us now. Homosexuality, pedophilia, hatred of christianity, atheism, war, pornography, violence, drugs, the financial crisis around the world, the wars in the middle east, What do we do to protect ourselves? Freemasonry runs the B'nai B'rith and Hadassah and they in turn run the ADL, JDL, and Aipac. the Brith is NOT a Jewish organization, it is an ILLUMINATI organization. And almost all of the blood rituals performed by the Illuminati are the same as the ones from the ancient Cabala that the Talmudists STILL practice. Just a lil thing I forgot to mention considering today is one of the most powerful ritual days of the year for these creatures. Many sacrifices will be offered tonight.]
Solv0Mens" said ["Push Play so you can see how the Elite are preparing kids for the New World Order with occult stories & subliminal Symbolism. This are only examples, I recommend you to Watch the "Digimon" series for more understanding. Synopsis of the "Digimon 02" serie : With most of the original characters now in high school] KillRockfelleRochild said :[WANTED DEATH: ROTHSCHILD, ROCKFELLER AND ALL ILLUMINATI MEMBERS THEY CREAT THE SWINE FLU VIRUS THEN IN 2012 WE ARE UNDER MARTIAL LAW.. SECRET ROCKEFELLER'S BANK HAS CLOSELY COLLABORATED WITH NAZI TO CHASE EUROPEAN JEWS OUT TO ISRAEL.The movement created by the Rothschilds to lay false claim to the land we call Israel or Palestine is known a Zionism.This term is OPPOSED by Many Jews. The most viable Zionist front in the United States Today are the so-called 'Neocons', who were behind 9/11 uncle sham wants you... it appears thet the stars (of David) and stripers (of Aushwitz) will be with as forever]Yes! national self-DERMINE!
KillRockfelleRochild said : [WANTED DEATH:ROTHSCHILD,ROCKFELLER AND ALL ILLUMINATI MEMBERS THEY CREAT THE SWINE FLU VIRUS THEN IN 2012 WE ARE UNDER MARTIAL LAW..SECRET ROCKEFELLER'S BANK HAS CLOSELY COLLABORATED WITH NAZI TO CHASE EUROPEAN JEWS OUT TO ISRAEL.The movement created by the Rothschilds to lay false claim to the land we call Israel or Palestine is known a Zionism. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish peoplewhen it is actually a political movement devised, funded and promoted through the House of Rothschild and OPPOSED by Many Jews. The most viable Zionist front in the United States Today are the so-called 'Neoconservatives' or 'Neocons', who were behind 9/11 uncle sham wants you... it appears thet the stars (of David) and stripers (of Aushwitz) will be with as forever]
my friend "ShesSooooooSazzy" says: "Mankind is in the grip of a vicious Satanic cult whose power is so great, they can make their war against humanity seem normal and inevitable. Even when their plot is exposed, they can convince everyone that it is racist and in bad taste to believe it. They have men fixated on porn while they erect a police state. Western society is morally bankrupt. This elaborate cult network controls politics, information and culture. Most leaders are dupes or traitors. The "Intelligentsia" has been bribed while the public is distracted and lives in a fool's paradise.
"BlackCappa" said: An offensive posting. I say this with all charity: shut it. -ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. How you can enter the kingdom of God, where the martyrs who are the bosses you spit in the face?your human respect,disgust ago: hypocrite! You are the true enemy of Islam and not me! Innocent blood of than carnage of Christian innocent hours weighs on you for the day of the trial? I can not say, that I have said, if I had not, official documentation. Can I try it! To "lorenzojhwh" is not allowed to lie! It could not exist "lorenzojhwh" if he cheated once throughout in the his life! Which prophet was ever admired? Him, the prophet, is anxious to help all, but to him only God is concerned! The Islam has not signed the fundamental charter of human rights. because Islam does not want renounce the shameful practice of slavery You do not look with evil eye the Your doctor that comes with the scalpel to save your life!
1/5 (Quran, 3:85)"adamz101" said: "JHWHALLAH? no! there is only one God. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter. Who can stop God from punishing you? --ANSWER- .CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. My Jewish friend "MARRANA" St. Teresa of Avila said:"We must choose a spiritual guide: scholarly cultured, educated to a guide very religious and holy" and thou "adamz101" you're a saint ignored! When Pope Benedict XVI went to Cologne and because of its great culture was slandered around the world The representative of all Muslims in Italy [another ignored like you] Taking advantage of this moment of misfortune unmerited.
KABUL, June 30. - Afghan President Hamid Karzai has denounced: the existence of a plan, supported by some countries'''' (also afraid to name the demons: ARAB LEAGUE: Saudi Arabia: the religious maniacs, who are pushing into the abyss, the human race to do, genocide planned by the worldwide caliphate :) for: Afghanistan into a reality'' federal and feudal'' and hand over: one part to the Taliban. In a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Karzai reiterated: that: in the last six months: some countries, non-Western, are trying: to impose a federal project'': feudal and in which: some areas of 'Afghanistan would pass: under the control of the Taliban.'' --- ANSWER - were been the Pharisees Illuminati, IMF-NWO 666, that, have raised Islamic imperialism, to make: the final predation: of all mankind
KABUL, 30 GIUgno. - Il presidente afghano Hamid Karzai: ha denunciato: l'esistenza di un piano, ''sostenuto da alcuni Paesi'' (ha anche paura: a nominare i demoni: LEGA ARABA: Arabia Saudita: i maniaci religiosi, che, stanno spingendo nel baratro, il genere umano: per fare, il genocidio previsto dal califfato mondiale:), per: costituire in Afghanistan ''una realtà federale: e feudale'', consegnandone: una parte ai talebani. In una conferenza stampa: con il premier britannico: David Cameron, Karzai: ha ribadito: che: negli ultimi sei mesi: alcune Nazioni, non occidentali, stanno cercando: di imporci un ''progetto federale: e feudale in cui: alcune zone dell'Afghanistan: passerebbero: sotto il controllo dei talebani''. --- ANSWER -- sono stati: i farisei Illuminati, del FMI, che, hanno sollevato l'imperialismo islamico, per fare la predazione definitiva: di tutto il genere umano
ROMA, 30 GIU - Italia, ma, anche Germania, Francia e altri paesi: Ue: hanno accordi segreti: con gli Usa: per il passaggio di dati personali: alla National Security Agency: lo denuncia al Guardian: la nuova 'talpa' del Datagate, Wayne Madsen. E secondo: lo Spiegel, gli Usa: spiano: anche: diplomatici: e pc Ue. "Sarebbe uno scandalo enorme", afferma l'Europarlamento, che: chiede spiegazioni immediate. Il trasferimento di Snowden: è nelle mani della Russia, dice: il presidente ecuadoregno Correa. --ANSWER -- i massoni Bildenberg, e tutti i (demo-pluto-giudaico-massoni, per rovinare Israele), loro non possono dire: "noi non ne sapevamo niente!", perché, questi crimini non potevano essere commessi, senza, il loro tradimento.
666 IMF-NWO: IHateNEWLAYOUT has posted a comment, 6 hours ago: "@ MyJHWH?? California?? lol" --ANSWER -- where lives my love?, I also live them! if Jesus of Bethlehem, has put in me the love for all people, and to every people, and to every nation, perhaps I am guilty? dove vive il mio amore?, li anche io vivo! se, Gesù di Betlemme, ha messo in me, l'amore per ogni persona, e per ogni Popolo, e per ogni Nazione, forse io sono colpevole? Am I: a traitor to the Constitution, Satanist, murderess, thief, liar, mason: such as: all Islamists, Pharisees, Illuminati, Obama Bush, Kerry, Rothschild and all politicians of the world? sono forse io: un traditore della Costituzione, satanista, assassino, ladro, bugiardo, massone: come: tutti gli islamisti, farisei, Illuminati, Obama Bush, Kerry, Rothschild e tutti i politici del mondo? [scolds all of you the Holy Spirit, ye cursed children of the devil! rimprovera tutti voi lo Spirito Santo, maledetti figli del demonio!]
[to prevent the love between Jews and Christians was invented, by IMF-NWO 666, 322, the myth of "Christian-Nazi"] [per impedire l'amore tra ebrei e cristiani: viene inventato, dal FMI-NWO 666, 322, il mito: di: "cristiani-nazisti"] Vatican Newspaper: Giovanni Palatucci Collaborator Charge Is Attempt To Smear Catholic Church And Pope Pius XII. Reuters | By Philip Pullella. Posted: 06/25/2013 . Vatican paper contests study on alleged Nazi collaborator. Sat, Jun 22 16:33 PM EDT. VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican newspaper said on Saturday a decision by scholars to brand a wartime Italian previously praised for saving Jews as a Nazi collaborator was part of an attempt to smear the Catholic Church during the papacy of Pope Pius XII. An article, titled "To Strike at the Church of Pius XII" and written by historian Anna Foa, said the decision to re-classify Giovanni Palatucci, a Catholic, as a collaborator was at best hasty and more study was needed.
[to prevent the love between Jews and Christians was invented, by IMF-NWO 666, 322, the myth of "Christian-Nazi"] Palatucci had been previously credited with saving around 5,000 Jews while he was police official in the city of Fiume, now part of Croatia. He died in the Dachau concentration camp in Germany in 1945 at the age of 35. In 1990, Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial honored Palatucci as a Righteous Among the Nations, the highest recognition for those who helped Jews during World War Two. But, earlier this week The New York Times reported that the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington was removing mention of his exploits from an exhibition after officials learned of new evidence that purports to show he was a Nazi collaborator. In her article in the Vatican newspaper, Foa, a Jewish-Italian author and historian at Rome's La Sapienza University, said the target of the move against Palatucci was "the Church of Pius XII".
[to prevent the love between Jews and Christians was invented, by IMF-NWO 666, 322, the myth of "Christian-Nazi"] "The impression is that ... in targeting Palatucci the desire was essentially to hit a Catholic involved in rescuing Jews ..., " she wrote. "But this is ideology and not history," she wrote. The issue of whether the Vatican and the Church under Pius XII did all it could to help Jews had dogged Catholic-Jewish relations for decades. Pius reigned from 1939 to 1958. Critics of Pius say he turned a blind eye to the Holocaust but his supporters say he worked behind the scenes to encourage the Church to save Jews because speaking out more forcefully would have worsened the situation for all. Foa wrote that more documentation and study was necessary about Palatucci "from comparisons with other situations and not from interpretation".
[to prevent the love between Jews and Christians was invented, by the IMF-NWO 666, 322, the myth of "Christian-Nazi"] The New York Times article said more than a dozen scholars from the Centro Primo Levi at the Center for Jewish History in New York reviewed nearly 700 documents before concluding that Palatucci was a Nazi collaborator and not a savior of Jews. Among other things, the scholars concluded that Palatucci was sent to Dachau not because he helped Jews but because German occupiers accused him of embezzlement and treason. [pour empêcher l'amour entre juifs et chrétiens a été inventé par le FMI-NWO 666, 322, le mythe de la «Christian-nazi"] [para evitar que el amor entre los Judios y los cristianos se inventó, por el FMI-NWO 666, 322, el mito de la "Christian-nazi"] [for å hindre at kjærligheten mellom jøder og kristne ble oppfunnet, av 666 IMF-NWO, 322, myten om "kristen-Nazi"]
06/28/2013 VATICAN. Pope: Christian unity, an "urgency" in a world "hungry for truth and love". Francis receives Ecumenical Patriarchate delegation in Rome for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. The Pope and Bartholomew, who sent a message, highlight how the search for unity is not the compilation of different opinions promulgated to integrate in a harmonious way, but the revelation of the one truth expressed through and in the divine person of Jesus Christ. 06/29/2013 VATICAN. Pope: like Peter and Paul, let us be conquered by Christ. In today's Angelus, Francis noted that today is a day of celebration for the Church of Rome and the universal Church. The Church of Peter and Paul "has become, immediately, spontaneously, the reference point for all the churches around the world. Not for the power of the Empire, but for the strength of martyrdom, the testimony of Christ." He greeted the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and said a Hail Mary with those present.
06/28/2013 VIETNAM Catholic lawyer in jail on false charges prays and fasts before his trial Hunger strike is increasingly becoming a tool of civic protest against prison conditions and illegal arrests. Le Quoc Quan goes to court on 9 July on 'tax evasion' charges. For activists, this is a ploy the authorities used to imprison him. Barred from his profession, he has continued the fight for rights on his blog. -- ANSWER -- @VIETNAM -- STOP! your crazy ideology
ROMA, 29 GIU - Incubo finito per Rimsha Masih, la ragazza pakistana cristiana disabile accusata da un imam di blasfemia per aver bruciato pagine del Corano. Rimsha ha raggiunto con la sua famiglia il Canada e ha iniziato una nuova esistenza. Il caso, che aveva suscitato l'indignazione internazionale, scoppio' dopo l'arresto della 14enne nell'agosto 2012. Rimsha fu rilasciata dopo tre settimane, quando si scopri che le prove contro di lei erano state manipolate. Tuttavia continuo' a ricevere minacce di morte. -- ANSWER -- @King Saudi Arabia -- quando il genere umano: potrà uscire: dall'incubo: della tua maledizione? un cristiano viene ammazzato, ma, un altro: è costretto ad andare via, perché solo voi siete i santi, e tutti gli altri sono satana.
Morta astrofisica Hack, Addio signora stelle. La scienziata è deceduta la notte scorsa all'ospedale di Cattinara, dove era ricoverata, da una settimana. Messaggio di Napolitano: ha onorato l'Italia. --- ANSWER -- arrivederci Margherita.
infatti, non è possibile: poter impostare: la fratellanza universale: su basi soggettive, o religiose, o spirituali! "la fratellanza universale è soltanto, impostata, sulla pura razionalità della legge naturale: "fai il bene, ed evita il male", cioè, non mentire. non fare ad un altro uomo, il male, che, tu non vuoi ricevere per te, uguali diritti, ed uguali doveri per tutti". è tutto qui, il mio insegnamento pubblico! non c'è altro, e non ci potrebbe mai essere altro!
@my JHWH -- se, io potessi dare questa "croce", questa "pena", di interpretare: il ruolo di Unius REI, ad un altro uomo? lo lo farei molto volentieri! ... ed infatti, tutto quello che: io ho detto nella fede, e dal punto teologico?, ha solo un valore personale ed intimo: per me stesso, ... quindi, non ha nessun significato, dal punto di vista politico. infatti, in politica io sono come un ateo! son soltanto i satanisti di questa pagina che costringono me a parlare di religione, o di teologia.
@cannibal IHateNEWLAYOUT FMI-NWO.-- [Unius REI è un prototipo, per ogni uomo, tutti possono e devono interpretare il ruolo di Unius REI] il mio insegnamento: è pura razionalità, (il mio ruolo è una proposta politica precisa: per il Regno di Palestina. Circa la mia persona, essa, non ha nulla di narcisistico, carismatico, o profetico, io non ritengo di essere più importante di nessun altro uomo in questo pianeta, e meno di nulla: riguardo il culto della personalità) e, tutto questo: potrebbe dare la vita al mondo, voi satanisti siete la malattia, il cancro e se, il mondo vuole vivere? vi deve estirpare!
World Watch List 2013:
Worldwide 100 million Christians are persecuted for their faith in Jesus.
Every year, Open Doors publishes the World Watch List, illustrating the countries where Christians are most persecuted. The Open Doors World Watch List is the only annual survey of religious liberty conditions of Christians around the world. It measures the degree of freedom of a Christian to live out their faith in five areas of life - private, family, community, congregation and national life, plus a sixth element measuring the degree of violence.
In 2012, Christians in Nigeria, Iraq and Syria experienced the most violence, closely followed by those in Sudan and Columbia. In Eritrea, Myanmar, Kenya and Egypt the levels of anti-Christian violence were also extremely high.
North Korea remains the most nightmarish state in which to practice Christianity in the world today, taking out the top spot for the 11th year in a row. However, the 2013 Open Doors World Watch List also highlights the most significant persecution trend of 2012 as a rise of Islamism in every country that experienced the Arab Spring. This has resulted in massively increased pressure on large parts of the church in the Middle East and North Africa.
The trends are not uniformly gloomy however. In the Far East, with the exception of North Korea, the communist states have all marginally improved their treatment of Christians. Laos, Vietnam and China have all moved down the list.
Dropping out of the list this year, for various reasons, are Chechnya, Turkey, Cuba, Belarus and Bangladesh.
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