
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com 3205708054
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Rothschild is principal all your crimes
@LEGA ARABA -- Rothschild è il mandante, di tutti i tuoi delitti, ma, tu questo, tu non lo puoi dimostrare, perché, negli ultimi 10 anni, tu hai: 1). ucciso dai: 2, ai 4: milioni: di martiri cristiani. 2). tu hai tenuto: in uno stato di: dhimmi: 200 milioni di cristiani, 3). tu hai distrutto: 500.000 chiese. 4) tu hai brutalizzato: dai 20: ai 30: milioni di cristiani: con stupri, rapimenti di ragazze: per forzarle: al matrimonio: con un musulmano, torture, imprigionamenti, esecuzioni sommarie, menzogne di blasfemia, delitti di apostasia. 5). tu hai una politica aggressiva: in tutto il mondo: con i tuoi eserciti paramilitari di Al Quaeda. 6). ovunque, tu sei arrivato: usando: le bombe della NATO CIA? i cristiani si sono completamente estinti! ed è vero: che: tu sei peggio di Hitler! quando Rothschild lo dimostrerà? tu dovrai morire! la tua unica speranza: è: quella di rimuovere la Sharia, su tutto il pianeta, e di punire, "severamente", tutti coloro che la proporranno!
666 187AUDIOHOSTEM CIA - are your Satanists sisters! NEW YORK - Five women have died due to the fire, in a limousine, which were in California: the car was crossing: a bridge: that: connects the counties: of San Mateo and Alemada, near San Francisco: When are erupted the flames. This was reported: by the television network CNN, adding: that: the incident has taken place, on Saturday evening. The car were: around ten passengers - all women in their thirties: plus the driver. The five victims were: trapped: in the long white limousine, and for them there was nothing to do while: four of the other five, were injured, or for burns or smoke inhalation, but managed to escape. The driver, who, when he realized: that: the flames had invaded the cockpit: he immediately approached: and stopped the car, was unhurt. On the story: an investigation was initiated, but: the cause of the fire: again, has not been determined.
CIA 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- sono le tue sataniste! NEW YORK - Cinque donne sono morte a causa dell'incendio, di una limousine, su cui si trovavano in California: la vettura stava attraversando, un ponte che collega le contee di San Mateo e Alemada, vicino a San Francisco quando, sono divampate le fiamme. Lo riporta la rete televisiva Cnn, precisando che l'incidente é avvenuto, nella serata di sabato. Sull'auto si trovavano in tutto dieci passeggeri - tutte donne sui trent'anni - più l'autista. Le cinque vittime sono rimaste intrappolate all'interno della lunga limousine bianca, e per loro: non c'é stato nulla da fare, mentre: quattro delle altre cinque sono rimaste ferite, o per ustioni o per intossicazione da fumo, ma sono riuscite a fuggire. L'autista, che: quando ha realizzato che le fiamme avevano invaso l'abitacolo: ha subito accostato e fermato l'auto, è rimasto illeso. Sulla vicenda è stata avviata un'indagine, ma la causa dell'incendio: ancora: non è stata determinata.
CIA 666 187AUDIOHOSTEM --- which product: you use to keep polished: all the bones in your skeleton and, for polish your dickhead, it is also the same product? quale prodotto: tu usi per tenere lucido: tutte le ossa del tuo scheletro: e per lucidare la tua testa di cazzo, è lo stesso prodotto anche? JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 4 minuti fa is one: ADSL: like all others, and your Satanist who occasionally makes block? he knows it! @Maduro? I know that there have been problem, but, I have not had time to go into details, but, you Americans of shit 666 322? you do well not to do fall: in the chaos, that country: also! so che ci sono stati problem, ma, non ho avuto il tempo di scendere nei dettagli, ma, voi americani di merda? voi fare bene a non fare precipitare: nel caos: quel paese!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
LONDON, May 5 - In Britain: a family of five, in April: resorted to loans, has used credit cards: or, drew on savings: for grocery shopping. This was revealed by a study carried out: by the group 'Which?' that: observes the behavior of consumers. It is, he said: Manager: Research, of Data:'' shocking'', considered: that: they would be up to 5 million: the families: that, in fact, have no availability: liquid (money) to grocery shopping (for food): ie, for everyday food. - ANSWER - here's why: world War III is very close, because: it must prevent: the civil revolution! @ Rothschild: you failed! leave me the IMF.
LONDRA, 5 MAG - In Gran Bretagna: una famiglia: su cinque: nel mese di aprile: è ricorsa a prestiti, ha utilizzato carte di credito: o, ha attinto ai risparmi: per fare la spesa. Lo rivela uno studio condotto: dal gruppo 'Which?' che: osserva: i comportamenti dei consumatori. Si tratta, ha detto: il responsabile: della ricerca di dati: ''scioccanti'', considerato: che: sarebbero fino a 5 milioni: i nuclei familiari: che, di fatto, non hanno la disponibilità: di liquidi(denaro) per fare la spesa (per il cibo): quotidiana: di alimentari.-- ANSWER -- ecco perché: la III guerra mondiale è molto vicina, perché: deve prevenire la rivoluzione civile! @Rothschild: tu hai fallito! lascia a me il FMI.
CARACAS, May 5 - Barack Obama is:'' the principal chief of the devils'': thus, the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, after statements: by the head of the White House: on the political crisis in Caracas. '' In Venezuela, we are defending: the institutions, peace, democracy, the people,'' said Maduro: specifying: that: the government can sit: to discuss with anyone, even with the boss main devils like, Obama. - ANSWER - 187AUDIOHOSTEM 666 Master in youtube - that kid: Nicolas Maduro, is not very expert, aboit, Devils, like us! lol. because, the chief of all the devils is Rothschild, Obama and Satan?, they are only two licking, of IMF-NWO! lol. 187AUDIOHOSTEM - coward! there was a close, that I could have done harm to your employees, yogabro! you see how he has destroyed my job? - codardo! c'è mancato poco, che, avrei potuto fare del male al tuo dipendente! yogabro ! tu vedi come lui ha distrutto il mio lavoro?
@ my JHWH -- tu hai visto? io nel mondo, io ho soltanto 3 amici: 1. Papa Benedetto XVI, 2. un ragazzo dei servizi segreti del Kuwait; 3. Benjamin Netanyahu.. come questa brutta storia di farisei, poteri occulti massonici, non finirà nella tragedia di una III guerra mondiale? JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 33 minuti fa Abu Antar sharia jihad -- vieni fuori, musulmano traditore, codardo di uno sciita, che, tu fai l'amico dei satanisti istituzionali: di questa pagina, invece di fare l'amico con me!
[Farisei FMI-NWO, Nazisti, anime dell'inferno, e del satanico talmud: Illuminati, satanisti, padroni del mondo: gridarono, per la predazione dei popoli: e p la distruzione di Israele «Togli di mezzo costui; non deve più vivere!». ] At 21, 40b - 22, 22. Paolo testimonia che Cristo si è rivelato a lui sulla via di Damasco. In quei giorni. [21,40] Paolo, in piedi sui gradini, fece cenno con la mano al popolo; si fece un grande silenzio ed egli si rivolse loro ad alta voce in lingua ebraica, dicendo: [Atti degli Apostoli.22,1] «Fratelli e padri, ascoltate ora la mia difesa davanti a voi». [2] Quando sentirono che parlava loro in lingua ebraica, fecero ancora più silenzio. Ed egli continuò: [3] «Io sono un Giudeo, nato a Tarso in Cilìcia, ma educato in questa città, formato alla scuola di Gamaliele nell'osservanza scrupolosa della Legge dei padri, pieno di zelo per Dio, come oggi siete tutti voi.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
[Farisei FMI-NWO, Nazisti, anime dell'inferno, e del satanico talmud: Illuminati, satanisti, padroni del mondo: gridarono, per la predazione dei popoli: e per: la distruzione di Israele «Togli di mezzo costui; non deve più vivere!». ] Atti degli Apostoli.22,4] Io perseguitai a morte questa Via, incatenando e mettendo in carcere uomini e donne, [5] come può darmi testimonianza anche il sommo sacerdote e tutto il collegio degli anziani. Da loro avevo anche ricevuto lettere per i fratelli e mi recai a Damasco per condurre prigionieri a Gerusalemme anche quelli che stanno là, perché fossero puniti. [6] Mentre ero in viaggio e mi stavo avvicinando a Damasco, verso mezzogiorno, all'improvviso una grande luce dal cielo sfolgorò attorno a me; [7] caddi a terra e sentii una voce che mi diceva: "Saulo, Saulo, perché mi perséguiti?". [8] Io risposi: "Chi sei, o Signore?". Mi disse: "Io sono Gesù il Nazareno, che tu perséguiti".
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
[Farisei FMI-NWO, Nazisti, anime dell'inferno, e del satanico talmud: Illuminati, satanisti, padroni del mondo: gridarono, per la predazione dei popoli: e per la distruzione di Israele «Togli di mezzo costui; non deve più vivere!». ] Atti degli Apostoli.22,9] Quelli che erano con me videro la luce, ma non udirono la voce di colui che mi parlava. [10] Io dissi allora: "Che devo fare, Signore?". E il Signore mi disse: "àlzati e prosegui verso Damasco; là ti verrà detto tutto quello che è stabilito che tu faccia". [11] E poiché non ci vedevo più, a causa del fulgore di quella luce, guidato per mano dai miei compagni giunsi a Damasco. [Atti degli Apostoli.22,12] Un certo Anania, devoto osservante della Legge e stimato da tutti i Giudei là residenti, [13] venne da me, mi si accostò e disse: "Saulo, fratello, torna a vedere!". E in quell'istante lo vidi. [14] Egli soggiunse:
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
[Farisei FMI-NWO, Nazisti, anime dell'inferno, e del satanico talmud: Illuminati, satanisti, padroni del mondo: gridarono, per la predazione dei popoli: e per la distruzione di Israele «Togli di mezzo costui; non deve più vivere!». ] Atti degli Apostoli.22,14"Il Dio dei nostri padri ti ha predestinato a conoscere la sua volontà, a vedere il Giusto e ad ascoltare una parola dalla sua stessa bocca, [15] perché gli sarai testimone davanti a tutti gli uomini delle cose che hai visto e udito. [16] E ora, perché aspetti? àlzati, fatti battezzare e purificare dai tuoi peccati, invocando il suo nome". [17] Dopo il mio ritorno a Gerusalemme, mentre pregavo nel tempio, fui rapito in estasi [18] e vidi lui che mi diceva: "Affréttati ed esci presto da Gerusalemme, perché non accetteranno la tua testimonianza su di me". [19] E io dissi: "Signore, essi sanno che facevo imprigionare e percuotere nelle sinagoghe quelli che credevano in te;
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
5 giorni fa
[Farisei FMI-NWO, Nazisti, anime dell'inferno, e del satanico talmud: Illuminati, satanisti, padroni del mondo: gridarono, per la predazione dei popoli: e per la distruzione di Israele «Togli di mezzo costui; non deve più vivere!». ] Atti degli Apostoli.22,20] e quando si versava il sangue di Stefano, tuo testimone, anche io ero presente e approvavo, e custodivo i vestiti di quelli che lo uccidevano". [Atti degli Apostoli.22,21] Ma egli mi disse: "Va', perché io ti manderò lontano, alle nazioni"». [22] Fino a queste parole erano stati ad ascoltarlo, ma a questo punto alzarono la voce gridando: «Togli di mezzo costui; non deve più vivere!». --ANSWER -- @BEnjamin NEtanyahu, mi dispiace di essere: così: autolesionista, ma, se tu tieni me, lontano da Israele? la più grande disgrazia, dopo il diluvio universale, si abbatterà su tutto il genere umano! e poiché, Dio ha fatto sedere me sul suo trono? io calpesterò sotto i miei piedi tutti i miei nemici!
politicalUniusREI ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
@Rothschild fariseo 666 322 IMF-NWO -- tu hai violato: "l'ordine": divino, naturale, Costituzionale, la tua: è congiura massonica internazionale, per fare la rovina di Israele, ecc.. di che morte, tu vuoi morire: bestia?
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[tutti gli atei: sono dei deficienti: e dei ritardati mentali] e la espressione: "nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, ma, tutto si trasforma", è quanto, di più demenziale, illogico, possa essere mai stato detto!" infatti, significa divinazzare la materia(ritenere eterna la materia), e quindi, dichiarare vero l'induismo, che è: una fonte di contraddizioni in se stesso, cioè, è anche: una forma di "panteismo", e poiché nel panteiismo non c'è una intelligenza personale, nel cosmo, cioè, il cosmo non ha identità di ersona(e questo è vero), allora, Dio è infinitamente immanente ed infinitamente, trascendente! Quindi qualcosa che ha generato la materia, e che a sua volta, non è stato generato da nessuno, deve esistere necessariamente! ecco perché sul piano filosofico: l'Essere(JHWH), che Genera, in modo dinamico: gli enti, o esistenti, deve esistere necessariamente!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[questo è il mondo, che, i farisei Illuminati, 666 del FMI-NWO, hanno avvelenato] 04/08/2013 INDIA. Christian leader tells Hindu fundamentalists that the constitution guarantees conversions The head of the Hindu ultra-nationalist group Rashtriya Sawayamsevak Sangh (RSS) states that "Hinduism does not accept conversions" because "they are not necessary." Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) president differentiates Hinduism from the Hindutva ideology in whose name the RSS engages in violence against India's religious minorities.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
04/08/2013 SRI LANKA Sri Lanka: Buddhist fundamentalists attack (also) Christians Ten different attacks against Christian communities in the month of March. Radical Buddhist mob demolish house of a Protestant pastor and torch a church. The hate campaign launched by some groups against religious minorities in the country continues. 04/08/2013 INDONESIA West Java: Islamic extremists and local authorities target Ahmadis by Mathias Hariyadi In Tasikmalaya Regency, hundreds of fundamentalists storm a school causing serious damage to the building. Before that, Bekasi authorities sealed off the al Misbaq mosque where a group of Ahmadis are holding out against its closure.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
04/08/2013 BANGLADESH Bangladesh, Prime Minister: No to a law against blasphemy Interviewed by the BBC, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the country is "a secular democracy" in which "everyone has the right to practice their religion." For days, supporters of the Islamist party have been calling for a blasphemy law that prescribes the death penalty for those who offend Muhammad and Islam. 04/08/2013 PAKISTAN Punjab, convert to Islam or die: The 20 year long nightmare of a Christian family by Jibran Khan Since the late 1980s Sadiq Masih Zafar and his family have been living under the constant threat of Islamist groups. In 1998, his daughter was kidnapped and seriously injured. Today her sister is being threatened with a similar fate. Despite reporting these threats, the police has never intervened. Lahore Priest: extremists enjoy impunity.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
04/08/2013 EGYPT - ISLAM satanis, ie criminal sharia! Tensions between Christian and Islamic groups. Six dead in three days, Four Copts and a Muslim shot dead in Khosous. The imams incite violence against Christians. Christian kindergarten and homes burned. At a funeral in the Cathedral of St. Mark, a group attack the funeral procession with Molotov cocktails and stones. Morsi and al-Azhar condemn the violence. The police almost totally absent. The Christians accuse the government of failing to provide any security for the minority. Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - There is growing tension between groups of Christians and Muslims after the killing of four Copts and a Muslim in the district of Khosous. At the funeral of the Christian victims, held yesterday in the Cathedral of St. Mark
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
(ANSA) - NEW YORK, April 8 - Unius REI give: the 'welcome'' at the efforts of China and Russia, about, North Korea, to prevent provocative actions by Pyongyang. .. good guys "now, you do: decriminalize, the Christianity" Unius REI: it is not a prophet, that: he says the words you hear from God. Unius REI: has the sovereignty of the Kingdom of God. That is, a Governor with sovereign powers and with universal jurisdiction .. so even the prophecies can be postponed, frozen, transferred from me. the Kingdom of God is committed to carrying out the will of Unius REI, is why, I have the mandate of divine kingship, to protect all the peoples!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[Saudi Arabia, rather than by Qatar, the same, Caliphate worldwide? ... but, this does not make sense, Because both finance: Al Qaeda to spread: Sharia in the world,] Syria victim of a conspiracy: a test more .. Syria, December 2012 - There are truths that do not like. Especially when it comes to giving reason to the Syrian government. The idea of a "conspiracy against: Syria," ridiculed: false, by fans of the Syrian revolution, is today: however: a confirmation in the revelations: the Lebanese daily Al Akhbar. Some audio recordings, provided by an anonymous source, highlight the role left: Played: by the deputy of the movement "Current of the Future" Lebanese Okab Sakr, a friend: by: Saad Hariri, the anti-Syrian conspiracy.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[Saudi Arabia, rather than by Qatar, the same, Caliphate worldwide? ... but, this does not make sense, Because both finance: Al Qaeda to spread: Sharia in the world,] Syrian Crisis, March 2013 - [but, idiot USA]. Recently, the United States has asked Qatar to discontinue its financial support, and logistics, the Syrian opposition. This request could mean that Washington prefers to cooperate on the Syrian dossier, with Saudi Arabia, rather than, with Qatar, ... but, this does not make sense, because both finance Al Qaeda: to spread sharia in the world. the U.S. wants to steal all the mineral resources, while the Arab League wants to spread: his Khilafat World! who is winning: is the League Arba, actually, because: it is this that is: the agenda of the Kabbalah of the IMF-NWO. to destroy: the world and, all mankind permanently!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[Saudi Arabia, rather than by Qatar, the same, Caliphate worldwide? ... but, this does not make sense, because both finance Al Qaeda to spread: Sharia in the world,] La Siria vittima di un complotto: una prova di più.. Siria, dicembre 2012 - Ci sono verità che non piacciono. Soprattutto quando si tratta di dare ragione: al governo siriano. L'idea di un "complotto contro: la Siria", ridicolizzata: dai fan della falsa rivoluzione siriana, trova oggi: però: una conferma nelle rivelazioni: del quotidiano libanese Al Akhbar. Alcune registrazioni audio, fornite da una fonte anonima, evidenziano il ruolo sinistro: giocato: dal deputato del movimento "Corrente del futuro" libanese: Okab Sakr, un amico: di: Saad Hariri, nella cospirazione anti-siriana.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[Saudi Arabia, rather than by Qatar, the same, Caliphate worldwide? ... but, this does not make sense, because both finance Al Qaeda to spread: Sharia in the world,]Crisi siriana, marzo 2013 - [ma, idiot USA]. Di recente gli Stati Uniti hanno chiesto al Qatar di interrompere, il suo sostegno finanziario, e logistico, all'opposizione siriana. Questa richiesta potrebbe voler dire, che, Washington preferisce cooperare sul dossier siriano, con l'Arabia Saudita, piuttosto che, col Qatar, ... ma, questo non ha senso, perché, entrambi finanziano Al Quaeda:per diffondere la sharia nel mondo
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Benjamin Netanyahu - see how: IMF-NWO, are doing culturally "scorched earth" against all, the allies of Israel, as well as the destruction: of every: minority, in all nations already Islamized for sharia. Benjamin Netanyahu -- come vedi si sta facendo culturalmente "terra bruciata", contro tutti, gli alleati di Israele, come anche, la distruzione di ogni minoranza nelle Nazioni ormai islamizzate. בנימין נתניהו - לראות איך: קרן המטבע-NWO, עושה מבחינה תרבותית "האדמה חרוכה" נגד כולם, את בעלי הברית של ישראל, כמו גם את ההרס: כל: המיעוט, בכל המדינות שכבר התאסלמו לשריעה.[by: do not forget Serbia Kosovo, and the wickedness of the world Caliphate, ie the sharia jihad of the IMF-NWO:]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
The praise criminal, Saudi Arabia, March 2013 - In his speeches in Saudi Arabia, the liar John Kerry has placed the kingdom of the regimes that "replied available proving the reforms." Instead, Saudi NAZI Arabia punishes two militants merely for expressing their opinion. Saudi Arabia NAZI, the conviction of two human rights defenders: a five and ten years in prison in Saudi Arabia, aggravates the budget of this country, in relation to attacks on freedom of expression, Amnesty International said today, Monday, March 11, when he adopted these two militants as prisoners of conscience (in the picture, Abdullah bin Hamid bin Ali al-Hamid) in fact, after North Korea is the country most criminal in the world, seen through the eyes of Christian martyrs
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
L'elogio criminale: Arabia Saudita, marzo 2013 - Nei suoi discorsi tenuti in Arabia Saudita, dal bugiardo: John Kerry ha collocato il regno tra i regimi che "hanno risposto dimostrandosi disponibili alle riforme". invece, L'Arabia Saudita punisce due militanti solo per avere espresso la loro opinione. Arabia saudita, La condanna di due difensori dei diritti umani: a cinque e dieci anni di prigione in Arabia Saudita, aggrava il bilancio di questo paese, in materia di attacchi alla libertà di espressione, ha dichiarato Amnesty International, lunedì 11 marzo, quando ha adottato questi due militanti, come prigionieri di opinione (nella foto, Abdullah bin Hamid bin Ali al Hamid) infatti, dopo la Corea del Nord è il paese più criminale del mondo, visto con gli occhi dei cristiani martiri
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[shame Jordan] Jordan Confirms the Return of 35.000 of the Displaced Syrians Voluntarily to Home. About 35.000 of the displaced Syrians returned from al-Za'tari camp in Amman to their home since the beginning of the crisis to escape the bad conditions they are suffering in the camp. Spokesperson for Syrian refugee affairs in Jordan, Anmar al-Hamoud, affirmed to the AFP that the number of the displaced Syrians who returned to their country voluntarily since the beginning of the crisis reached 34.824, adding that Jordan government ensured on Thursday the return of 2500 refugees from al-Za'tari camp to Syria upon their request. Scores of Syrian refugees returned to Syria in the last months due to the difficult living conditions in the camp because of the shortage of humanitarian and medical services, kidnapping acts, robberies and fires.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Syria, is the Masonic plot to assassinate Israel, that is, kill Jewish Christian civilization] 04/05/2013. LEBANON. Maronite patriarch: in Syria, Arab spring's obscurantist potential could lead to religious conflicts. Card Bechara Raï speaks about "dark forces" working to disrupt states and institutions. "The growth of Islamic fundamentalism threatens moderate Muslims, who are the majority." Caught between a rock and hard place, Christians have no choice. any fear that the Syria conflict will deepen the Sunni-Shia divide in Lebanon. Beirut (AsiaNews) - Sectarian strife and obscurantism are increasingly casting their shadow on the Arab Spring's democratic potential, at least in Syria, and threaten to spread to some Lebanese regions, this according to Maronite Patriarch Card Bechara Raï. He spoke on the eve of a visit to France next Monday, further distancing himself from a movement that had generated so much hope
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Syria, is the Masonic plot to assassinate Israel, that is, kill Jewish Christian civilization] "Dark forces are working to undermine states and institutions," he said in a grave tone in front of the French Ambassador Patrice Paoli. "They seek tirelessly to sow 'fitna' (chaos) between different religious denominations that have until now coexisted peacefully and this, ironically, in the name of democracy and the Arab Spring." The patriarch's misgivings about the Arab revolt, especially in Syria, which the head of the Maronite Church as clearly singled out, seem to have been better understood than when he had expressed them during his first visit to the French capital, in September 2011. In the past 18 months in fact, many things have become clearer for both Lebanese and French leaders. Indeed, "have the latter not given up on the idea of arming the Free Syrian Army, fearful that the weapons might fall into the hands of fundamentalist groups?"
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Syria, is the Masonic plot to assassinate Israel, that is, kill Jewish Christian civilization] The patriarch's opinion also goes for the fundamentalism of Jabhat al-Nusra jihadists, who are consolidating their hold on some areas in Syria, as well as the political fundamentalism of the Muslim Brotherhood with regards to the (bad ) Egyptian model. The fact that he speaks of "dark" forces suggests that such groups are manipulated. "France, the country of the enlightenment, cannot be indifferent . . . vis-à-vis the rise of radicalism, fundamentalism and obscurantism, boosted by growing political contradictions and regional and international interferences," the head of the Maronite Church said in front of Ambassador Paoli. As secular as it may be, France, he said, must be forward-looking and not ignore the role played by Christians in the "democratic ferment" of Arab societies.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Syria, is the Masonic plot to assassinate Israel, that is, kill Jewish Christian civilization] "The growth of Islamic fundamentalism threatens moderate Muslims, who are the majority. They are likely to fall into fundamentalist mindset if Christians lose their place and beneficial influence in Arab societies." In stressing this point, the patriarch goes against currents of thought that have tried, for political reasons, to demonise Islam and lump together moderate and extremist Muslims. For this reason too, the cardinal warns the West about the possible consequences of a region without Christians. In view of this and with the support of all Christian religious leaders, Catholic and Orthodox, the patriarch is calling again, as he did in September 2011, for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and for a political solution to the conflict.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Syria, is the Masonic plot to assassinate Israel, that is, kill Jewish Christian civilization] Although he has never expressed this openly, for him it was never a question of supporting a regime, but of promoting a political solution that reduced the risk of Christian exodus from Syria. For the Maronite leadership in Bkerke, Christians have no choice, caught as they are between a rock and hard place, concerned more about the impact of the current fighting, which could last a long time or even go on indefinitely, than by long-term historical consequences. For a Lebanese who knows what is at stake, this is a matter of self-defence. In several Lebanese regions, starting with Tripoli, sporadic clashes have already broken out between Sunni fundamentalists and pro-Syrian forces. At the national level, the Sunni-Shia divide has been exacerbated.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Syria, is the Masonic plot to assassinate Israel, that is, the Jewish Christian civilization] Have we not seen Shia thugs shave off the beard of a Sunni cleric they had stopped in a Beirut neighbourhood? Of course, a jihadist danger exists in Lebanon. Some 2,700 armed men, loyal to different groups, are scattered across the country. For now, they are not that important. But this is no reason to neglect the potential danger of a possible radicalisation of the Sunni community, one that could lead to unacceptable violence. Latent radicalisation could bloom at the first incident. Fortunately, so far the army has not been contaminated by this. Instead, it has been able to keep in check outbreaks of violence. But can we ask soldiers, already stretched thin across the land according to specialists, to be everywhere at the same time?
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
04/06/2013 11:39 RUSSIA Flurry of controls on NGOs, Caritas St. Petersburg also targeted The inspectors also visited the Catholic organization in the capital of the North. Meanwhile, after the strict checks throughout the country, a Catholic parish in the south fined for violating fire safety regulations. Meanwhile, a small Catholic parish in Novocherkassk in southern Russia, was among the first victims of the wave of inspections. The church has been sentenced for violation of fire regulations. The parish priest, Father Alexei, must pay a fine of 675 euro. '' There are many possible explanations, it may be political or just another way to control the NGOs, but if the authorities want to solve the problem of fire regulations, they can do it in a completely different way,'' the priest pointed out, denouncing the excessive fine.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
04/06/2013 EGYPT. Egypt: Islamist Muslim Brotherhood set sights on al-Azhar The Grand Mufti of Egypt criticizes Islamists' attacks on authorities of the largest Sunni university. The great Imam al-Tayeb and the rector of the University are being investigated for the poisoning of 550 students. But according to AsiaNews sources the move is only a pretext of the Muslim Brotherhood to gain control of the institution. Al-Azhar cleric: "The Islamists are poisoning the minds of our students."04/06/2013 TURKMENISTAN Turkmenistan, another Jehovah's Witness imprisoned because conscientious objector The government in Ashgabat tightens its grip on young people who refuse to do military service. Religious minorities are the most exposed to government persecution.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[it was a murder of the state, of the Masonic banking seigniorage, all accomplices of IMF! shouts angrily at funerals .. also, for all those, who are committing suicide, because of a mortgage loan. Relatives of the victims say, was better than Boldrini was not came! a couple commits suicide because he can not pay the rent, also, Spain, like Italy, has seen in recent years an increase in suicides of people in financial difficulty. "The drama of Civitanova Marche, dismay and speechless. Convince us that we must all, out of the spotlight, there is: a real: and: dramatic social emergency, due to the theft of our sovereignity monetary, crime that is been: hidden from the complicity of corrupt politicians
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[è stato un omicidio dello Stato, massonico del signoraggio bancario, i complici dl FMI! grida rabbia a funerali.. anche, per tutti coloro, che, commettono il suicidio, a motivo di un mutuo ipotecario. Familiari delle vittime: dicono, Era meglio che Boldrini non veniva! una coppia si suicida, perché non può pagare l'affitto, anche, la Spagna, come l'Italia, ha visto negli ultimi tempi un incremento, dei suicidi di persone, in difficoltà economica. "Il dramma di Civitanova Marche, lascia sgomenti e ammutoliti. Dobbiamo tutti convincerci che, fuori dai riflettori, c'è una vera e drammatica emergenza sociale, dovuta al furto della nostra svranità monetaria, occultato dalla complicità dei politici corrotti
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Egypt: Muslim-Christian, in an blood night (ANSAmed) - ROME, APRIL 6 - One more night: of terror and blood on the outskirts of Cairo. Four Christians and a Muslim were killed in clashes exploded: a Khusus, sparked after a group of Christian children: he had the writing on the wall, of Islamic religious institution. The clashes, between, the two communities would degenerate to: the late intervention of the police. Around fifteen people were arrested. The President Bites asks that: it complies with the law and an end to violence. --ANSWER -- BUT, WE KNOW THE TRUTH, INSTEAD, THE CHRISTIANS were attacked, AS USUAL, because there is no life for minorities, into law sharia .. and the police arrived late, in mode intentionally
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[ che triste spettacolo di satanisti su questa pagina,] che, è poi, anche, quello che, ha voluto: realizzare, il maligno: Re dell'Arabia Saudita, "infatti, lui è un massone!" ha detto il mio amico sunnita, che, io ho chiamato, a spiegare l'ISLAM, ai miei alunni, e poiché, l'Islam significa: "tu non mettere nessuno, al fianco di Allah? ... poi, avendo fatto di se stesso: un massone, proprio lui, il maligno imparialista: per il Califfato mondiale, cioè, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita: è il vero nemico dell'ISLAM! perché, lui ha concluso, mai nessuna religione può fare del male, a persone innocenti di altre religioni... quindi è soltanto una strumentalizzazione dell'Islam, come anche il terrorismo islamico, che è una invenzione degli americani, perché, ha sostituito il vecchio nemico del comunismo sovietico, perché, infatti, l'industria bellica, degli Stati Uniuti, ha bisogno di un nemico!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
@Neji Jaber (Satanist: institutional, international Italian: scam, in the Masonic system, of seigniorage banking), CIA IMF-NWO: voodoo priests, in world, for to do: 200.000: human sacrifices, on the altar of Satan, every year. since, your German colleague: "IIlIIlllI" he would not wont do, to Merkel, his a sublime lesson, about, the sublime science of Satan, also, in consideration, of political significance, That the Satanists international, have inside, the organization of the NWO, IMF. Bildenberg, etc. and: all his corporations, occult powers: of darkness, Which arise: all from: banking seigniorage, Which, Been was stolen, from all prerogatives: Constitutional, then, perhaps, where is the privileged, who can donate: to the world: such as, this sublime lesson of science for evolutionism of satan? Because, You decided, that, will killed Israel? Because they could not, even, Israel be: also, a nation of slaves, like all the others Nations?
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Jordan, agenda, do "buffer zone" in Syria. Damascus to Amman launches warning: no more, training the rebels. but, King Abdullah: do not: reply and execute: policies: dictated by Washington towards Syria. Syria, 70 opponents: against: Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood. The protest contained in a letter that 70 dissidents historians, and activists have sent at the Arab summit in Doha, to ask, to decide the future of Syria, the Syrians are. - ANSWER - THIS story: sciacallagio, that is, to send terrorists from another country (which are always jihadists, who are working to make the world caliphate,of Saudi Arabia, and to stifle: exterminate, finally, all minorities)? this is an international crime, seen from different points of view. Here, the false democracies Masonic of banking seigniorage, show the true face of Satanism of the Pharisees,of the IMF-NWO
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Giordania progetta, "zona cuscinetto" in Siria. Damasco lancia avvertimenti ad Amman: basta con, l'addestramento dei ribelli. Re Abdallah: non: risponde ed esegue: le politiche: dettate da Washington: verso la Siria. Siria, 70 oppositori: contro: Qatar e Fratellanza islamica. La protesta contenuta, in una lettera che 70 dissidenti storici, e attivisti hanno inviato, al vertice arabo, a Doha, per chiedere, che, a decidere il futuro della Siria, siano i siriani. -- ANSWER -- QUESTA storia di: sciacallagio, cioè, di inviare terroristi: da una Nazione vicina (che, sono sempre jihadisti, che, lavorano per fare il califfato mondiale, dell'Arabia Saudita, e per soffocare: sterminare, definitivamente, tutte le minoranze)? questo è un criminine internazionale, visto da diversi punti di vista. Ecco, che le false democrazie massoniche del signoraggio bancario, mostrano, il vero volto del satanismo dei farisei, del FMI-NWO
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Abu Antar has posted a comment 14 hours ago Oh, I thought it was Saruman. --ANSWER-- @ Kain Abu Antar jihad, for sharia ---- yes, all your shitty ARE interpretations, of spammers of CIA - IMF:666 for, NWO system masonic corporations SpA, FED ECB, banking seigniorage, first, you pretending to be an atheist, now you pretend to be a Christian, but, who works as a Muslim who wants to destroy Israel, but, this is the truth, you're a piece of shit spammer, of the CIA, only. all of your money, your salary? are not yet suitable for all medicines and doctors That you will have to pay, in you criminal life.. be gone spammer
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
Spouses suicide, brother, with woman (Reuters) - Civitanova Marche (Macerata), APRIL 5 - Tragedy in the tragedy in Civitanova Marche's brother Annamaria Sopranzi, the woman of 68 years committed suicide with her husband Romeo Dionisi, 62 years, for problems economic, not just hearing the news and 'in turn committed suicide by jumping into the sea. The body 'was recovered by the Port Civitanova. The man, Joseph Sopranzi, was 70 years old. Futile attempts to revive him. - ANSWER - THANKS, Rothschild, IMF FED, ECB, thank you for your Masonic conspiracy, you have stolen our monetary sovereignty, and for your political lobbying, and mass-media, the people do not know it yet, that he was stolen, his monetary sovereignty! You will answer for all suicides and despair, for the inevitable insolvency, for the crisis: moral and economic of the people .. stealing power: financial? then, you have stolen the historical consciousness of Peoples, and the sense of reality: also!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
because there are, too, so too many bad people in the world, who can see only the evil around him? I am amazed of all these slanders against me! my YHWH, in return for my love, they want to give me their hatred! perché, nel mondo c'è tanta gente cattiva, che sa vedere soltanto il male intorno a se? sono meravigliato di tutte queste calunnie contro di me! my JHWH, in cambio del mio amore, loro vogliono dare a me il loro odio!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
of course, because I am only a universal political (national and: supra-national, at the same time), and as we know, the scope of each, politician: is : only, rationality, common sense, the 'opportunities, the choice of the lesser evil, ie, the values univesalmente and rationally shared (to be in harmony with oneself and with the whole Universe), here: those who: are in communion, in a political way, with UniusREI, ie, even atheists and agnostics, that is, also, they participate in the divine nature of God through communion with unius REI, because, the root of the divinity, of every man, is given of the love, because it is for: Love, that is, being human, that, he be make: to be done, in the image and likeness of God, because, in the projects of Satan Pharisee IMF-NWO, there is the slave goyim, but, in God's plan, there is always a king, son of God, which is in every man
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
ovviamente, poiché, io sono, soltanto, un politico universale (nazionale, e: sovranazionale al tempo stesso), e come si sa, l'ambito di ogni, uomo politico: è: esclusivamente, la razionalità, il buon senso, l'opportunità, la scelta del male minore, cioè, i valori più univesalmente e razionalmente condivisi (per essere in armonia, con se stessi: e con tutto l'Universo), ecco che: tutti coloro che: sono in comunione, in modo politico, con, UniusREI, cioè, anche atei ed agnostici, cioè, anche, loro partecipano, della natura divina di Dio, attraverso la comunione con Unius REI,perché, la radice della divinità: di ogni uomo: è data dall'amore, perché è: per: l'Amore, che, è: nell'essere dell'uomo, che il suo: essere: realizza: di essere stato fatto, ad immagine e somiglianza con Dio, perché nei progetti di satana fariseo, c'è lo schiavo goym, ma, nei progettti di Dio, c'è sempre un Re, di natura divina, in ogni uomo
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
ROME - ITALY. Napolitano and his ugly controversy ["Left alone by the parties" "After seven years I'm running, my mandate in a surreal way, finding the subject of absurd reactions of suspicion, and incomprehensible conspiracy between the genius and the insane ...".] - answer - when someone, and the movement, of 5 stars, has done, did, ie, dropping the political criminal theater, staged by the Pharisees: Enlightened: 666, JaBullOn Baal, Marduk owl: and: the Pharisees monsters : for the destruction of Israel, 322, of the IMF, ie, the Masonic system of banking seigniorage? This is obvious to all ... you are the criminal traitors of the popular sovereignty, and, rapists of the Constitution, to buy our money, by the Pharisees, for: 270%: of its value. This told me the scientist Giacinto Auriti
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
03/21/2013[ Islamic fury says: "purified heretics and infidels with fire!" INDONESIA. ] West Java: Christians in the streets to stop church demolition, charges against clergyman by Mathias Hariyadi. About a hundred members of a Bekasi church are demonstrating in favour of religious freedom. Local authorities plan to demolish their place of worship in a few hours time. After the community's pastor files a case against a Muslim leader who proffered death threats against him, he finds himself charged with defamation and could go to jail. Jakarta (AsiaNews) - About a hundred of protesters from the Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP) Filadelfia Church in Bekasi (West Java) took to the streets in suburban Jakarta in a final attempt to save their church, which they have been using for the past 13 years.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[ Islamic fury says: "purified heretics and infidels with fire!" INDONESIA. ] Not far from their place of worship, some 200 Muslims are staging a counter protest, chanting and shouting slogans against them like "Demolish the church right away" and "They are infidels and they build churches without permits". The building in question has been closed, official seals placed on its doors by local authorities claiming (along with Muslim groups) that it was built without the proper permits. Demolition, city officials said, was a matter of a few hours. Meanwhile, the pastor that runs the church has been charged of "defamation". In the past, he was the target of death threats. Increasingly and despite the fact that religious freedom is protected under the constitution, the Christian minority in the world's most populous Muslim nation is the victim of abuse and discrimination.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[ Islamic fury says: "purified heretics and infidels with fire!" INDONESIA. ] In their attempt to save their church, demonstrators invoked Jesus. "All we are doing is pray; we are not breaking any law," they stressed. However, pleas and appeals appear to be getting them nowhere. The demolition of Bekasi's Filadelfia Church appears more and more likely after years of battle before the courts between the community and local authorities. On the margins of this case, police recently announced that it had opened a file against Rev Palti Panjaitan, a member of the Filadelfia Church, for defamation after charges were filed against him by Abdul Azis, a Muslim extremist leader who had made death threats against the Christian clergyman in the past.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
[ Islamic fury says: "purified heretics and infidels with fire!" INDONESIA. ] In view of these threats, Rev Panjaitan had filed charges the Muslim extremist leader in April 2012. Instead of investigating the case, police dragged its feet in order to let it lapse. However in December 2012, Abdul Azis filed defamation charges against the Christian leader. And that is not all. Members of the Filadelfia Church have also been the victims of attacks during their religious services, which they have had to hold in the open after they were barred from their church building. Now their pastor is under investigation and could go to jail.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
03/21/2013 MYANMAR Meikhtila: two dead, a mosque destroyed in clashes between Buddhists and Muslims A trivial altercation between a Muslim gold trader and a Buddhist customer at the root of violence. Hundreds of people involved; allegations that the police failed to intervene to stem the onslaught. The central government on alert, fearing an escalation. Delegations of Buddhists and activists are trying to restore calm. -- ANSWER -- THESE MANIACS, MONSTER, ignorant, bigoted, manipulated by governments, YET, are in THE STONE AGE, AND KNOW ONLY THE LANGUAGE of violence! poor innocent Christian martyrs, among them! QUESTI MANIACI, MOSTRI, ignoranti, fanatici, strumentalizzati dal Governi, SONO ANCORA, ALL'ETÀ DELLA PIETRA, E CONOSCONO, SOLTANTO, IL LINGUAGGIO DELLA CLAVA! poveri martiri cristiani innocenti, in mezzo a loro!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
03/21/2013 PAKISTAN. Pakistani Muslims: solidarity with Christians, victims of Lahore arson attack, by Shafique Khokhar. Over a thousand people attended an inter- religious conference. Hindu and Sikh leaders also present, as well as Saudi Muslim personalities. Appeal to Islamabad to punish those responsible for the attacks. Government of Punjab applauded for its support. Invitations to harmony and combat extremism. --ANSWER -- STOP! Saudi Arabia, jihad imperialim, Stop! evil religion SatanAllah Sharia! criminals salafis talibani, Al Quaeda, ecc.. to make a single worldwide caliphate, and, make the inevitable: World War III, because: the King of Arab Saudta, he says, can not do killing, all musulman, therefore, we will always prevail
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
1 mese fa
03/21/2013. PALESTINE-ISRAEL-USA. Barack Obama greeted in Israel with rockets from Gaza by Joshua Lapide. The rockets cause no casualties, but damage a house in the south of Israel. For Palestinians, "Obama is worse than George W. Bush." Disappointment over broken promises of 2009 Cairo speech. Yesterday, Obama reiterated the "unbreakable bond" between the U.S. and Israel. Jerusalem (AsiaNews) - Heavy rockets fired from the Gaza Strip this morning struck the south of Israel, just as U.S. President Barack Obama - who landed yesterday in Tel Aviv - prepared to visit the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. ---ANSWER -- ARE, only, THE FIREWORKS OF SAUDI ARABIA! the two-state solution is not possible, otherwise, you would have already realized, the purpose of Muslims, more, times stated is the final solution of Hitler, only, ie, agenda talmud IMF 666 CIA!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
of course, that, I am the Zionist, of New World Order, of universal brotherhood, for the kingdom of Palestine! in total contrast: against : at 666 NWO, of Zionists IMF Pharisees! for the destruction of Israel, and to subjugate the whole human race, in a global slavery!.. certo, che, io sono il sionista: del NWO, della fratellanza universale, per il regno di Palestina! in totale contrapposizione: al 666 NWO, dei sionisti farisei del FMI! per la distruzione di Israele, e per soggiogare ,tutto il genere umano, in una schiavitù globale! bien sûr, que je suis sioniste, de Nouvel Ordre Mondial, de la fraternité universelle, car le royaume de la Palestine! en contraste total: contre: à 666 NWO, des sionistes pharisiens FMI! pour la destruction d'Israël, et de subjuguer tout le genre humain, dans un esclavage mondial!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
CustodeDELLAmalvagità - WHY, do you believe that the natural law is easy, or that the KINGDOM of God is not to be achieved at the cost of our blood? and why do you think you're doing just you: the sacrifice? all make sacrifices! Jesus said, "with the misure, with which you measure others? Then, with the same size, you will be measured to you again! .. That's why, you will not enter paradise, why, you like: the Pharisees, and the king of Saudi Arabia? thou hast driven out, honest people: from heaven!-- PERCHÉ, tu credi, che, la legge naturale sia facile, o che il REGNO di Dio non debba essere conquistato, a prezzo del nostro sangue?? e perché, tu credi di fare soltanto tu: dei sacrifici? tutti fanno i sacrifici! Gesù ha detto, "con la misua con cui, tu misuri agli altri? poi, con la stessa misura, tu sarai misurato, a tua volta!.. ecco perché, tu non entrerai in paradiso, perché, tu come: i farisei, ed il re dell'Arabia Saudita? tu hai cacciato persone oneste dal paradiso!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
if tomorrow morning, I'm hit by a truck?, my Holy Spirit will go: to Ihatenewlayout, [and others, 1000 as he, because I have the power to replicate myself, in fact, the Spirit can not die!] because if God was not ashamed of me? then, God is not ashamed, either, of: an ex-priest of Satan: as, Bartolo Longo, ecc.... love will never be lost!.. l'amore non potrà mai andare perduto! i love king saudi arabia, and , synnek1.. and I want all of them with me in paradise .. and unius REI has the power, in itself, to bring who he wants in heaven! ed Unius REI, ha il potere, in se stesso, di portare chi lui vuole in paradiso!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
but, unius REI, is a minister of God, with the royal powers, with the right of administration, and the right to autonomy and representation: universal, about, the Kingdom of God. REI unius of this: it is like a new covenant, between, God and men! because, the prophet says: "He pulls out, from his treasure, as, modern things, and ancient things" .. therefore, I am, all the best: for things the modern .. and also: the best of the old, that is, the natural law, because the alliance of the natural law, can not be denied, never by God Himself, because it is written: "the gifts of God are without repentance!". I live and I recognize: your dogmas, for myself, but I give free, the grace that comes from your dogmas, free gift all blessings, on the whole world! the human race was already lost! but, I am the redemption, mercy: in Jesus's name! and you're jealous as Satan
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
the first moral law? it is in the consciousness of man, made in the image and likeness of God, YHWH (since we know his real name) therefore, no revelation and no holy book, may: deny the natural law, "do good and avoid evil".. that is, just that: the King of Saudi Arabia, do, with their IMF Enlightened, for destroy Israel: ie, Pharisees, all that they make with you: that is hurting innocent people and honest, which do not fit into the canon of your religious formalism, ... la prima legge morale? essa sorge nella coscienza dell'uomo, fatto ad immagine e somiglianza di Dio, JHWH (visto che conosciamo il suo vero nome) quindi, nessuna rivelazione, e nessun libro sacro, possono: rinnegare la legge naturale, "fai il bene, ed evita il male" che è: proprio quello: che, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita, i farisei, loro fanno insieme a te: cioè fare del male a persone innocenti ed onesti, che non rientrano in canone di formalismo religioso,
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
others, judge, who wins, between, us! not us! Because we are the contestants! you have to test your claims .. but this is the truth: you are not atto test your statements, and slander against me .. why do you talk like a parrot! you do not bring rational arguments, reasons you do not, you're a fucking book: the Bible and the Koran Talmud (dogmatism, absurd, and not, Purged: contextualized in the evolution of dogma itself), but not breathing, living the Holy Spirit through you! You are the worst murderers! Because, human nature, and all that was good, there may be in it? is annihilated by the demon of religion!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
you know why synnek1, closed the page: "YouTube Spotlight"? because, he is master youtube staff. a priest of voodoo Satanist, he was afraid, when he looked: himself through me ... because, in fact, I am a mirror: that is, "metaphysics"! but, it must be noted, a Satanist? he sees, the better better than you, because you are a blind total, he saw: himself, but, you are not able: to see yourself, and your mistakes .. and in fact: you can not understand what it means: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice!" or "endless love" .. because God can not excluded: men pure, that: they suffer: for justice, only because they do not come in the guise of a doctrine
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[Sunni heretic Catholic who does not deserve to live! lol.] CustodeDellaFede --lol. is all your fault, though, with my articles, I did do the resign, of: His Holiness Benedict XVI, the most lovable man: and humble in all the world! and now: the Apostolic See: be: really: vacant! Idiot! and if the Pope, that, comes next: it is bad? then, now, lol. for now, lol. this: it is a fatwa ( فتوى, fatwa, فتاوى, Fatawa) against you! lol. è tutta colpa tua, se, con i miei articoli, io ho fatto dimettere, Sua Santità Benedetto XVI, l'uomo più amabile: ed umile del mondo! ed adesso: la Sede Apostolica: sarà: veramente: vacante! Idiota! e se: il papa che viene dopo: è cattivo? quindi, adesso, lol. per ora, lol. questa: è Una fatwā (arabo: فتوى, fatwā, plurale فتاوى, fatāwā): contro di te! lol.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
CustodeDellaFede --- boy crazy, but, if you were: the King of Saudi Arabia? because, thou have his same mentality!.. and because people like you (sedevacantists) are only 2000: in the world? Besides, you you killed all mankind! However, the Pharisees Enlightened 666 IMF, are smarter than the Salafists, because the Pharisees turn all men, into slaves, and at least we earn through the bank seigniorage... ragazzo, ma, se tu eri: il Re dell'Arabia Saudita? poiché, tu hai la sua stessa mentalità? e poiché, quelli come voi(sedevacantisti) sono soltanto 2000, in tutto il mondo? poi, tu uccidevi tutto il genere umano! però, i farisei sono più furbi dei salafiti, perché i farisei trasformano gli uomini in schiavi, ed almeno ci guadagnano, attraverso, il signoraggio bancario
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
Hallelujah, Glory to God: living of Israel: my YHWH, forever in eternal alleluia .. all the peoples of the world, are looking: to Their king unius REI: where, will find the way of salvation, the Good Shepherd, will lead to: on the pastures of PEACE! *** [[Declaration of love: of unius REI, to 4 billion women] every curve, That, is born? it deserves to be cherished, and, where it ends? it deserves to be kissed! my women, you are a fairy tale: in fact, you are full of curves, while, I am full of love, just, only for you! ]] *** [[Gandhi said to me today: "I have seen no man, to pronounce divine words, so perfectly, as Jesus of Bethlehem, but, then, I am no longer Became a Christian, because, I Racists met Christian, who, were full of hypocrisy and inconsistency, as hinduists "]]
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ 666 CustodeDellaFede - lol. "Death to the heretics, like you!", in fact, lol. you are a Sunni heretical Catholic, and, I am a Shia orthodox Catholic ... you go away: piece of shit! lol. لول. "الموت للزنادقة، مثلك!"، في الواقع، لول. كنت الكاثوليكية هرطقة السنة، وأنا الأرثوذكسية الكاثوليكية الشيعة ... تذهب بعيدا: قطعة من القرف! لول.-- lol. "morte agli eretici!", infatti, lol. tu sei un sunnita eretico cattolico: mentre, io sono uno sciita cattolico ortodosso ... tu vai via: pezzo di merda! lol. À 666 CustodeDellaFede - lol. "Mort aux hérétiques, comme tu veux!", En fait, lol. vous êtes un catholique sunnite hérétique, et, je suis un catholique orthodoxe chiite ... vous m'en aille, merde! lol.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
Hallelujah, Glory to God: living of Israel: my YHWH, forever in eternal alleluia .. all the peoples of the world, are looking: to their king unius REI: where, will find the way of salvation, the Good Shepherd, will lead all: on the pastures of PEACE! @ King of Saudi Arabia - you saw, that beautiful testimony he gave to you: His Holiness Benedict XVI? and if you were in possession: of your faculty? you would have had the courage to talk to me! I know a great: Muslim who lives in Kuwait: my minister, a man with a pure heart, in 5 years? is the only person with whom: I have never had a fight, why, you can not argue with a man with a pure heart, only to differences of opinion, and in fact, he does not agree, with the my aggressions against the you! but, he could replace you, upon your throne, or the throne of the:Arab League, because, he has not washed like you, hands in innocent blood, inside the synagogue of Babylon: The IMF 666, as, you is, you did!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ SYNNEK1 - BETWEEN, 322 YOU: IMF FED ECB PHARISEES 666, the cannibals to do: 200.000: human sacrifices to Satan, etc. .. and between the Islamists, who, they make 300 innocent Christian martyrs, every day? ok! you are getting used to me, very dangerously, at the presence, of many dead bodies! .. and one of these days? the bodies will become, just you too! @ SYNNEK1 - ENTRE, 322 VOUS: FMI FED BCE PHARISIENS 666, les cannibales à faire: 200.000: des sacrifices humains à Satan, etc .. et entre les islamistes, qui, elles faire 300 martyrs innocents chrétiens, tous les jours? ok! vous vous habituez à moi, très dangereusement, à la présence de nombreux cadavres! .. et un de ces jours? les corps deviendra, juste toi aussi!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
[islamists: are satanists too] President al-Assad Congratulates Ahmadinejad on Anniversary of Islamic Revolution Victory. President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday sent a congratulatory cable to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on the anniversary of the Victory of the Iranian Islamic Revolution. In his cable, President al-Assad expressed, on behalf of the Syrian people and on his own behalf, heartfelt and best wishes to President Ahmadinejad and the friendly people of Iran.--- ANSWER - My wishes? for: all the murderers of Islamists like you? must all die into the hell! if you do not give me the freedom of religion? is just what will be: for the happiness of the IMF 666! --- ANSWER -- I miei auguri? è che, tutti gli assassini degli islamisti come voi? devono tutti morire: bruciati all'inferno! se non date a me la libertà di religione? è proprio quello, che avverrà, per la felicità del FMI 666!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
@ Illuminati Pharisees 666 FED ECB, IMF, the Pharaohs of the New World Order 322. --- Rothschild 666, Bush 322 - how? also, your heart has hardened, such as were hardened, the heart of Pharaoh in Egypt? How, too: love to suck: banking seigniorage, against all Peoples, ie, like to suck the blood of all the people, as to him? guys, it arrito, too, for you, the time to go to work like everyone else .... @ King of Saudi Arabia - I do not settle, never, of 300,000 sq km, to be given to the Jews and the Palestinians! why do you then I do not has given me, anything still, however, you have to stop, to kill the innocent Christian martyrs, for the whole world .. I want the freedom of religion. from you immediately, but it is to save Islam from extinction! I know that, to you, does not seem so, but in reality it will be, just like that, in the reality!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
2 mesi fa
However, 666 synnek1? lol. he was a Satanist, very clever! lol. his death? is been a bad loss, for me! but I do not think God has had mercy on his soul evil, now he is: with Satan, to make weeping: and the cries of pain: all time at rhythm of music, because: synnek1? he was also a singer! @ Rothschild - lol. no! Synnek1, he is not dead yet, but after him, that he closed his page (Korean) to youtube (/user/YouTube/discussion) lol. and:his discussion: is been stop end? he is ashamed, now, to come along on this page: of American youtube! @ King Saudi Arabia --- how you can be so unhappy to the point, to believe that God Allah he is happy, when, you're killing the innocent martyrs christians, throughout the world?
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
1_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] And.. the Qur'an: Pescara, EXAM? Muslims instead: of: the Bible should attack: First: solve problems relating to the preparation of the Koran. I will mention at least: two principles: 1) after: the death of: Muhammad were: destroyed and: burned all the manuscripts from which the original Koran were "extracted" three Korans, but with outstanding differences between them. Even today Muslims: not: know: what they contained: the first three copies of the "original".. To know: just investigate their: tradition, volumes Al-Bukhari (note: the masters Muslims, too, if: not: it: they admit openly, believe, this collection: of: the most authoritative books of the Koran itself) . From these texts: that: tell: Islamic history written by the early Muslims, we learn: that: the text of the Koran is: Status: burnt.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
2_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] Here, the text: Al-Bukhari vol. 6, p. 479, 61.3.510: "Anas son of Malik narrated: Othman sent to: each province an: Koran: that: he had done: copy and: ordered: that: all other manuscripts (3) Quranic well as original fragments that: entire pages, were: burnt. " (Note: Othman was the third: caliph to: 19 years after his death: of: Muhammad. Othman took charge: of: to create "their" version of the Koran in 650 AD It was later murdered by his teammates for his destruction: believed the "true original".) Why burned?: Also: Muslims are asking right now why Othman and burned: destroyed the Koranic manuscripts and realized: copied from the first disciples: of: Muhammad. Is a valid assumption: that: this: Extreme: Act: of: assured destruction: of: to get the final version: of: a Koran (the fourth) among three other versions that: contradicted already: among them:
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
3_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] ( there will be: were many differences in the texts ...) The Council: Qur'anic: he had therefore decided: to protect Islam from future investigations. Again we ask them, why? The vulnerability of Islam is: well made obvious by the same "authoritative tradition" even: to: a child.. 2) The version of "othmanica" of the Koran is: and now lost: practically non-existent. The tests are: in the manuscripts remaining Islamic Museums: of Istanbul (Turkey) and: to: Samarkand (Turkmenistan). The outcome: examinations carried out, expert scholars: the evidence: that: These manuscripts are being "rewritten" at least 170 years after the disappearance of the Qur'an: "Othman version." Islam hides these historical facts examined in the world today. We have: ask them these questions!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
4_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] In the light: of: this data: of: the fact, Muslim friends: not: can more we insist on at least: three things: 1): that: the current copy of the Koran is the exact copy filed in heaven: and: down directly (Nazil) from Allah. 2): that: is the true account: that: Muhammad have left: their: and: nor: that: is considered the "miracle of: Mohammed". 3): that: the Gospel has been: changed! Imaginary Interview: of: Magdi Allam: Dear Muhammad, we live in a dark age, marked by a fanaticism that: is inspired to: an Islam understood: as submission to: extremist interpretation of the Koran. "I: have: a man like any other, chosen: by God to spread his revelation. I: said to my disciples: that: not: I worship you, too: are fallible. Muslims say that: the verses of the Koran are: in their be: context: historical, combining: faith and: the reason for the prevailing
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
5_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] in every age the essence of Islam: that, is not: submission but peace, security, respect, moderation and: justice. " What would you say to the terrorists that: kill in the name of Islam? "What are the criminals that: offend: Islam and: violates: the commandment, divine: second: that" whoever kills an: no person: that: this has murdered or another: taken: corruption in the land: is: as if: he murdered the whole of humanity. ' For the preachers of: hatred: Jews, Christians and also: Muslims: that :: not: submit themselves: to them the mercy they: extended: "corruption on earth." "The Jews and The Christians: not: are infidels but People of the Book. I: I: testimony: God: one: that is: the God of Abraham,: of: Moses and of: Jesus God himself: has: announced, 'We have done: of: the people you and various
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
6_6. @king Saudi Arabia [my Holy Islam: my Universal brotherhood] : to tribe that: you knew to: the story, but the most noble of: you: is: one: that more fears God. "Woe to the preachers of: hatred that: condemn: to: death Muslims, where the Clement and: the Merciful: has: warned that: "Let there be no compulsion in religion," and has: ruled: "The truth is from your Lord: who wants to believe, who: not: wants to reject the Faith. " What: is: the message that: she would send the Muslims today and: for all humanity? "That life is: the most valuable asset that: God you: has: given: and: that: today the true faith: is: to excel the sanctity of life: of: all. God himself: the Almighty has: prepended: the pious deeds ostentation of the cult: religious: "You are the best nation on the light for humanity: that: Invite to: do good, rejects this: That is: Deprecated, and: believe in God. '"
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
@ king of Saudi Arabia - I am very excited, not because, finally, I found the time to fine-tune my system for extraction of hydrogen from water (hydrolysis), and bubbles: that I was able to produce? I might be able to have a savings: about 30% on fuel! In fact, in barely four minutes, I counted ten drops of water that left the muffler, but the system does not heat up, because I've done a "cell" of 10 liters! but because, when I work manually, it is just, that: the moment: an intuition of the heart that I call metaphysics, puts me in touch with: the feelings of God! of course, it is not possible to love God and then, hate brother (ie, every other human being on this planet) lol. but, not according to the meaning:of the Talmud: where the Nazis Satanists Pharisees IMF 666?, ie, humans-are only to them, while we are animals in human form: only, ie, their slaves!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
@ King of Saudi Arabia - when you love, someone, or, something, in a very strong (and unius Rei loves so: the whole human race: as, also: well, the vile Satanists), you can not, perhaps, to tune you same with his feelings, and the needs of your loved one? ok! This intuitive form: of love: for me: is metaphysics: why, I do not: see, and not feel God, with: my physical senses: of course! and: that: it is just, because, between, me and God, there is: a deal: to that effect .. that is, unius REI should be an example: can: as rational: they can be imitated: by any other man: also: if an atheist because: for God: every man is a prince (in fact, lol. well, also, Satanist IhateNewLayout, search: to imitate me)! how, all much shit: going into Talmud, the Koran and the Bible?, how, could there be? but, to this conclusion? I would never have been able: to reach it, alone
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
is obvious to all. every thing can be used: or: exploited: as: a weapon to achieve: its objectives, but as it was: desperate the situation of the past, where, the intolerance: was been: absolute, and therefore: to do live: the different for from you: it was the same thing: that: damnation yourself to death. So: it is logical to think that, someone: in despair! then, he could manipulate, pollute, the Holy Scriptures! is obvious and dramatic, the verse of the Torah: that: it allows the Jews to do pay: the money at interest: only at non-Jews! .. that pretext? has served: to invent the crime: of: Satanism, and: genocide, that is, to sell even the money created out of nothing (seigniorage banking). yet, that verse: he was sentenced: by all the prophets, and it is: in contrast: with: the sense of the whole Bible, but, about the Satanists Pharisees? there is no better: deaf: of those who: do not want to hear! so,time, are, always, the Jews better, that end up in the Holocaust
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- we Christians, that, we have, always, immediately, the Islamic aggression, and that we continue: to suffer, even today, the wickedness of the Koran, we are not able, easily, to see: the bright side, of Islam, ie: all the extraordinary contribution: the splendor, that, the Koran and Islam: have given: to the Kingdom of God! This, I felt in my heart: "How can a man: who has done so much good, also: do: so much evil?" And, so I had: an intuition, [[in your stores, you might have: the true copy of the Holy Qur'an, that is, its authentic copy! ]] Gloria God forever! Alleluia! Salam Shalom + = blessing too .. perhaps, from this original copy: the oldest? could leave the true image of Islam, which, I brought in my heart, always! because it is clear to everyone that many fairy tales: and unrealistic (apocryphal) are finished in the Qur'an, and this could also re-evaluate the figure of the Prophet Muhammad
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
Arabia-- noi cristiani, che, noi abbiamo, sempre, subito, la aggressione islamica, e che, noi continuare: a subire, ancora oggi, la malvagità del Corano?, noi non siamo riusciti, facilmente, a vedere: il lato positivo dell'Islam, cioè: tutto lo straordinario contributo: lo splendore, che, il Corano: e l'Islam hanno dato: al Regno di Dio! Questo, io ho sentito nel mio cuore: "come può, un uomo: che, ha fatto tanto del bene, fare anche: tanto del male?" e così io ho avuto: una intuizione, [[ nei tuoi depositi, tu potresti avere: la vera copia del Santo Corano, cioè, la sua copia autentica! ]] Gloria Dio per sempre! Alleluia! Salam + Shalom = blessing too.. forse, da questa copia originale: la più antica? potrebbe uscire la vera immagine dell'Islam, che, io ho portato, nel mio cuore, da sempre! perché, è evidente a tutti: che, molti racconti fantasiosi: ed irrealistici(apocrifi): sono finiti nell'attuale Corano, e questo potrebbe, anche rivalutare, la figura, del profeta Maometto
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- è evidente a tutti.. ogni cosa: può essere usata: o: strumentalizzata: come: un arma: per raggiungere: i propri obiettivi, ma, come era: disperata: la situazione del passato: dove, l'intollerenza era assoluta, e quindi: far vivere il diverso: da te: era la stessa cosa: che: condannare: te stesso: a morte. Allora: è logico pensare: che: qualcuno preso dalla disperazione: abbia potuto manipolare, inquinare, le Sacre Scritture! è evidente: e clamoroso, il versetto: della Torà: che: permette agli ebrei di prestare: ad interesse il denaro: ai non ebrei.. quel pretesto?, è servito: per inventare il crimine: di: satanismo, e di: genocidio, cioè, di vendere addirittura il denaro creato dal nulla (signoraggio bancario).. eppure, quel versetto: è stato condannato: da tutti i profeti, ed è: in contrasto: con: il senso: di tutta la Bibbia, ma, riguardo ai satanisti farisei? non c'è migliore: sordo: di chi: non vuol sentire!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- quando, tu ami qualcuno, o qualcosa, in maniera molto intensa(ed Unius Rei: ama così: tutto il genere umano: come, anche, gli spregevoli satanisti), tu non riesci, forse, a sintonizzare te stesso, con, i suoi sentimenti, e con, i bisogni della persona amata? ok! questa forma intuitiva: di amore: è per me la metafisica: perché, io non: vedo, e non: sento: Dio, con: i miei sensi fisici: ovviamente! e: questo: è soltanto: perché, tra me e Dio: c'è un accordo: in questo senso.. cioè, Unius REI deve essere un esempio: possibile: quanto razionale: da poter essere imitato: da ogni altro uomo: anche: se ateo: perché: per Dio: ogni uomo è un Principe(infatti, lol. anche, il satanista IhateNewLayout: cerca: di imitare me)! quanta merda: nel: talmud, Corano e Bibbia, potrebbe esserci? ma, a questa conclusione? io non sarei mai potuto giungere da solo!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
@king Saudi Arabia -- io sono molto emozionato, non perché, finalmente, io ho trovato, il tempo, per perfezionare, il mio impiato di estrazione dell'idrogeno dall'acqua(idrolisi), e dalle bolle: che, io sono riuscito a produrre? io potrei riuscire ad avere un risparmio: di circa del 30%, sul carburante! infatti in appena, 4 minuti, io ho contato dieci goccie di acqua che sono uscite dalla marmitta, eppure l'impianto non si riscalda: perché io ho fatto una: "cella" di 10 litri!! ma, perché, quando io lavoro manualmente, è proprio quello: il momento in cui: una intuizione del cuore: che, io chiamo metafisica, mi mette in contatto: con: i sentimenti di Dio! ovviamente, non è possibile amare Dio: e poi, adiare il fratello(cioè, ogni altro essere umano: di questo pianeta) lol. ma, non secondo la accezione: del talmud: dove per i nazisti satanisti farisei del FMI 666?, gli umani: sono: soltanto loro: mentre, noi siamo gli animali dalla forma umana!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
last night (just 8 hours ago): I have seen my youngest son: to read the Bible, and if my children, they're not too tired?, they remember, always, spontaneously, to read the Bible, before going to bed, (after all, subrogated so, in this way, the absence of a father in their life) ... he was reading chapter 43: the prophet Isaiah! of course, today YHWH, the Holy speaks with love: both unius REI: in v. 8-9, as well as, to his Jewish people: in all the other verses .. ieri sera (proprio: 8 ore fa): io ho visto il mio figlio più piccolo: di leggere la Bibbia, e se i miei figli, loro non sono troppo stanchi?, loro si ricordano, sempre, spontaneamente, di leggere la Bibbia, prima di andare a letto, (dopotutto, surrogano così, in questo modo, la assenza di un padre nella loro vita)... lui stava leggendo il capitolo 43: del profeta Isaia! ovviamente, oggi JHWH, il Santo: si rivolge con amore: sia a Unius REI, nel v. 8-9, come anche, al suo popolo ebraico in tutti, gli altri versetti..
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
King of Saudi Arabia - my friend! who might be: so dumb(until, at this point), so as to: transform: his big friend, more affectionate, as: unius REI,.. in his more: big enemy, ie, UNIUS REI: which YHWH God, today, HE has given to him? Who is: so: silly: so much idiot: from become: turn bad, all good: that: is coming to him? Of course, the Bildenberg Emma Bobino? she would not be so stupid! Because if today unius REI, that: he is just a man: any, of the road [like all: 7 billion people on the planet]: everyone wants him, as a friend, today! ... So who would not want to be friends with unius REI today? and, what will happen when all the governments of the world will be forced to recognize him as unius REI, publicly? yet, it is a real ruin, which, today, there are: in all the world, so many: criminals idiots, that, own, them are not, still, smart as Emma Bonino Bildenberg!
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
came my kingdom, among the corpses of Psalm 110] What should not be forgotten, is that: the mind of Paul was corrupted: by the racist doctrine of the Pharisees NAZI 666, With Their damn talmud .. as many Islamists: to worship God, in the sharia With Their accursed Koran:? kill many Christians,! but God knows who is predestined to salvation (to have mercy on his life), and who is predestined to damnation (to ruin the man guilty)! Because the demands of justice can not be suppressed! Therefore, if Jesus Christ does not kill for me, now, all over the world, a good number of pieces of shit? then, he can not be God! Because I called Rothschild and the King of Saudi Arabia?, but they did not come: from me! I am unius REI! and since, my ministry is political: that's why, I can expect: expect from him: the my kingdom
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
01/12/2013. CHINA - JAPAN Tensions over the Senkaku/Diaoyu feed the winds of war between Tokyo and Beijing China scrambles two fighter planes to the disputed islands, complaining that Japanese planes disturbed its normal patrols. For Japanese prime minister, sovereignty over the atolls is not negotiable. Military expert says the East China Sea is becoming a potential source of crisis; "it's possible that the two countries could exchange fire". Beijing (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Beijing and Tokyo are inching closer to military confrontation over a group of islands in the East China Sea after China yesterday sent two J-10 fighter jets to monitor Japanese military planes near the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. --ANSWER --A state can not BUY FROM A PRIVATE, of the ISLANDs! but this is the good way!, ie, In 2008, as a token of détente, the two governments signed an agreement for joint development and research on the islands, but it was never implemented.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
because, I have only a political vision of the Kingdom of God? I have no problem, with, atheists, indeed, for I am the door of metaphysics (the natural law Universal), I am the only possibility: for all men to be able to enter paradise, outside, of the covenant of the Cross! Genesis 3:14. cursed are you (murderess: sharia), more than all the cattle, and, over all the wild animals (666 nazi Pharisee IMF), crawl on your belly (you will not see the presence of God: as, atheist) and eat dust (you will not have eternal life)! Genesis 9.5. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every BEAST criminals (LIKE monsters, go to hell). And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life, of his fellow man.
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
666 @ google youtube - you do not have any right to stop my work, that is to block chrome. ie, block my blogspot: google chrome - made it impossible, the possibility to copy: and paste the formatting of this page (/YouTube/feed?filter=1), and in fact, I'm not copying it, but, however, they are blocking me, or "disturbing "to: blogspot and chrome, too! @ IMF FED ECB - thieves! the enemies of mankind. Pharisees Neturei Karta of shit to destroy Israel. you where to return to me, the banking seigniorage: that you have stolen! where is the vagina: that is the throne of grace: of: YHWH, in my Jewish Temple III? and where are the boobs: breasts: full of milk, to bless all the peoples in Jerusalem? Rothschild wicked cursed Pharisee of shit: NAZI Satanist: 666 322, usurer usurer of the IMF, That you stole banking seigniorage! you have done all this great evil against all peoples! ok!
StukaRudel36 ha pubblicato un commento
3 mesi fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
The worst thing is, not, the 3rd WW with 5 billion dead, which will be done to destroy Israel completely. A Satanist told me, lorenzojhwh: "You have blocked the evolution of mankind!" 1. Who gave these monsters, the aim of winning, the whole human race? 2. Who gave a body to the demons, for to creating aliens and flying saucers? -ANSWER-[unius REI. ♰ king Israel: MANE ♰ ♰ THECEL PHARES]. Only the enlightened Jews, the Pharisees of the IMF 322, freemasonry, 666, only they could commit this monstrosity! 1. This message is for the whole planet. 2. THIS is the shame of all: Illuminati: Jews, Freemasons, politicians around the world. But I've got news for all of them, "terror", in fact, the leaders of Satanism have learned to die of fright:
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
Garikic posté un commentaire: il ya 18 heures: IIIIIIlllllllllll, - réponse - tous les satanistes institutionnels, internationaux (l'organisation la plus dangereuse du monde) (4 satanistes, américains, européens et 6 satanistes), qui, ils ont reçu l'ordre de leurs supérieurs pour garder le contrôle de cette page / user / ? YouTube / alimentation du filtre = 1, c'est à dire qu'ils sont une partie: des services secrets: l'OTAN CIA, m'ont quitté: le contrôle de cette page (pour moi, leur plus dangereux ennemi), et pour l'amour de moi, et, pour l'amour de toute l'humanité, risquent le licenciement, et peut-être même leur vie .. pour soutenir mon ministère, parce que personne, plusieurs d'entre eux, peut savoir, comment nous sommes très près de la, nucléaire troisième guerre mondiale ... vous devez honorer, alors ces 666 hommes, qui font preuve d'un sens des responsabilités, beaucoup plus élevé que celui de leur franc-maçonnerie politique
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
Garikic posted a comment: 17 hours ago: IIIIIIlllllllllll, I'm going to miss you most of all scarecrow. lol --answer-- all Satanists institutional, international, (the most dangerous organization in the world) (4 Satanists, American, and 6 European Satanists), that, they were ordered by their superiors to maintain control of this page /user/YouTube/feed?filter=1, ie, they are a section:of secret service: NATO CIA, have left me: the control of this page (to me, their most dangerous enemy), and for the love of me, and, for the love of all the mankind, are risking dismissal , and maybe even their lives .. to support my ministry, because nobody, more of them, can know, how we are very close to the, nuclear World War III ... you must honor, then these 666 men, who are demonstrating a sense of responsibility, much higher than that of their freemasonry political
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
Garikic posted a comment: 17 hours ago: IIIIIIlllllllllll, I'm going to miss you most of all scarecrow. lol --answer-- tutti i satanisti istituzionali, internazionali,(la più pericolosa organizzazione del mondo) (4 satanisti, americani, e 6 satanisti europei), che, loro hanno avuto l'ordine dai loro superiori, di mantenere il controllo di questa pagina, /user/YouTube/feed?filter=1, cioè, sono una sezione: dei sevizi segreti: NATO CIA, hanno lasciato a me: il controllo di questa pagina(il loro nemico più pericoloso), e stanno rischiando il licenziamento, e forse anche la loro stessa vita.. per supportare il mio ministero, perché nessuno più di loro può sapere, di come, noi siamo molto vicini alla III guerra mondiale nucleare... onore quindi a questi 666 uomini, che stanno dimostrando, un senso di responsabilità, molto superiore a quello dei loro politici
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
[silent killers: satanic beasts of IMF FED ECB: for destroy Israel! talking science, of: prof. Giacinto Auriti] Marco Saba: Italy: DI PIETRO ask the gov about seigniorage fraud. Posted By: watcher51445 [Send E-Mail] Date: Sunday, 5-Jun-2011 12:40:14 VKD: This is involved with this FINANCIAL FRAUDS not SENIOR CITIZENS] [10:10:06 AM] Marco Saba: Italy: DI PIETRO ask to the gov about seigniorage fraud /wp-content/uploads/2009/09/antonio-di-pietro.jpg [ i10Comandamenti ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa
JHWH1OsannaUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento
4 mesi fa
[silent killers: satanic beasts of IMF FED ECB: for destroy Israel! talking science, of: prof. Giacinto Auriti] Antonio Di Pietro (born October 2, 1950) is an Italian politician. He was a Member of the European Parliament, an Italian Senator, and Minister of the Prodi Government. He was a prosecutor in the team known in Italy as Mani Pulite (Clean Hands) in the early 1990s. Mani pulite (Italian for clean hands) was a nationwide Italian judicial investigation into political corruption held in the 1990s. Mani pulite led to the demise of the so-called First Republic, resulting in the disappearance of many parties. Some politicians and industry leaders committed suicide after their crimes were exposed. The corruption system that was uncovered by these investigations was usually referred to as Tangentopoli, or "bribesville".
Informazioni su JHWH1OsannaUniusRei
objective of satanists American Jews: of the IMF? is not to win: the nuclear world war .. otherwise, they would not allow: the economic development: of China against: the West. But, your agenda: is that: the total destruction: of the whole human ...
di JHWH1OsannaUniusRei
Data di iscrizione 25/mar/2012
Paese Italia
IMF CIA kill youtube & my uniusrei2
JHWH the King of kings
1.241 iscritti
President Metaphysical Mankind
1.195 iscritti
ReiUnius free Israel&Palestine
1.228 iscritti
christian martyrs
188 iscritti
Unius Rei King Universal
108 iscritti
Evolution is Crime Ideological
152 iscritti
Shoah Tolosa Vs IMF nazi 666
20 iscritti
IMF 666 Kill youtube x Stop ME: Unius REI
48 iscritti
drink your poison: JHWH wins hallelujah
28 iscritti
all christian martyrs will win

questa NON è una testata giornalistica
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood
LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️ kingdom this tavola di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina)
is mine!
«Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re, adaptatione. Pater eius est sol, mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram, et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus hic est. Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiæ totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.» |
«È vero senza menzogna, certo e verissimo, che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da una sola, per la mediazione di una, così tutte le cose sono nate da questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre, la Luna è sua madre, il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo, la Terra è la sua nutrice. Il padre di tutto, il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la Terra dal Fuoco, il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti, il cui metodo è qui. È perciò che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto, avendo le tre parti della filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto dell'operazione del Sole.» |
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1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin,
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg, in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano, che è stato veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud , Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò, non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano anche alla merda, ma con te, io farò una eccezione!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
una volta che, tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi, il giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti, e questo spiega la creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però, che questa sua Riyad depravazione ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio di un prestito di soldi nostri, visto che sono risorse che l’Italia versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban, che non è Conte, ha detto no.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” – VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico, catturato prima di arrivare in Europa come profugo, a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi, del ‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi islamici, svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo devono provare anche tutte le bambine"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah, lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH
comment burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF:
DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!
1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES Satana Talmudich agenda and in the Supreme Sanhedrin, black magic
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEAGUE OCI and its jihadist galaxy UMMA Kuranic dogma genocide of replacement theology, resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide
«Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa, di pietra squadrata e liscia, per istoriarne la facciata. Carogne crapulano, ospiti d’usura. » Canto XLV di Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali solo il Prof. GIACINTO Auriti risponde infallibilmente su:
moneta, credito, usurocrazia
“Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro”, (… quì ti incontrerai spitualmente con lui!)
siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
mag 10
- cannibal CIA masonic system
- all criminals should be scared
- news are able to escape the censorship Masonic
- sarete sgozzati sulle fogne
- Russia santo 3
- Russia santo 6
- Russia santo 8
- agenda talmud per distruggere Israele
- Jesu's nationalism against satan's synagoghe
- Rothschild is principal all your crimes
- about yourself could survive
- la pietra scartata dai costruttori
- slave hell labor
- Satanist institutional internationa Bildenberg
- man hell woman
mag 10
- ► 2014 (192)
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Te iré contando. Gracias una vez más por estar ahí, por poder contar contigo. Un fuerte abrazo,Luis Losada Pescador y todo el equipo de Cit...
HellxDesPairTruction is more convenient @Illuminati, @666Rothschild, @ 322Bush, @Queen ElisabettaII -> @ IslamIsForNiggers -> go fool...
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. Catalogue record for this book available from British Library. 1st Edition Printing 2005. ...
The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a majo...
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. Catalogue record for this book available from British Library. 1st Edition Printing 2005. ...
l'Olocausto ebraico è stato un abominio è un qualcosa che non può essere negato! Was there Really a Holocaust? By Dr. E. R. Fields...
[Lorenzojhwh המלך: ישראל (הציונית הממלכה) לעומת רבנים Kakam האילומינטי הציונים: רוטשילד] אתה אומר לעצמך: זה: אתם גיבורי ישראל: ו: אתה מעמיד ...
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM
why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Xi-Jinping] why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM? ...

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[funny] 322 Kerry Bush virgins? oh, no! in their rite of initiation into 322, "skulls and bones", 1. have greatly blasphemed God, 2. received his fists on his testicles, 3. were sodomized .. 3. raped a girl, on the altar of Satan, ate her heart! but, this one has to understand, to get the power, and to temper, demonstrate, the appropriate attitude to power, as well as the loyalty of his own soul, the Spa, the Pharisees, the Illuminati, the Anglo-amercani, IMF?, some sacrifices must be done! and since, Secret associations are prohibited by the Constitution, then, Bush and Kerry are not in the possibility to defend themselves from my accusations .. to declare, with their silence, to be the most dangerous Satanists in the history of mankind!