universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
mi hanno chiuso la scheda dei commenti .. in tutti i miei canali
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
dear Xi-Jinping from China! ] [ Justin Trudeau SUPERMAN bisessuale! Emmanuel Macron SUPERMAN bisessuale! Boris Johnson SUPERMAN bisessuale! Ursula von der Leyen SUPERWoMAN bisessuale! Adesso io dico come fai tu a vicere questa guerra mondiale Rockefeller NWO se non diventi trisessuale, infatti se tu vai in una stalla ? poi, tu vedrai che un Mohamed's pecora, prima o poi si innamorerà di te!
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
il Bush teschio Co.&Spa 322 ossa di kerry: i pirati di Rockefeller
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele lgbtq sottosezioni del satanismo
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Leggi tuttogli INFAMI come DRAGHI Pd M5S vedono soltanto le violenze di DESTRA, perché le violenze di Sinistra non sono gravi! Meloni asfalta il Pd: "Il governo può sciogliere Fn. Ma spiegatemi una cosa" http://a.msn.com/01/it-it/AAPqUVV?ocid=st "
L'Italia è una Repubblica fondata sul lavoro", prosegue Meloni."Dire che la gente non può lavorare perchè non ha un lasciapassare del governo o debba vedere sensibilmente diminuito il suo stipendio se non ha un lasciapassare del governo, lo capiano che è una cosa enorme?". Le proteste non sono cessate, ed andranno avanti in tutta Italia senza alcun dubbio: il leader di FdI si dice certo che dal 15 tali episodi di insofferenza nei confronti dell'esecutivo presieduto dall'ex governatore della Banca centrale europea si ripeteranno. "Considero una vergogna che Lamorgese venga a riferire in aula dopo più di 10 giorni dall'accaduto. Io credo che sia una priorità sapere cosa pensa il ministro e capire come intenda impedire che si ripeta".
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
le ultime parole della prostituta: Letta: "Prima e ultima volta che governiamo con Salvini" il Pd perde tutte le elezioni ma sta sempre al Governo, che congiura incubo Rothschild-Mattarella stiamo vivendo in Italia?
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Leggi tuttoFriend, Here’s the truth: The botched and embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan had nothing to do with past Administrations or things that happened “from 20 years ago,” (other than we should not have been in the Middle East in the first place!). The horrible “withdrawal” was caused, in particular, because the Military was taken out before American citizens and $85 Billion worth of the highest-grade Military equipment anywhere in the world. Only the Biden Administration is responsible for this, which is why JOE BIDEN MUST RESIGN. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to stand with me and DEMAND Joe Biden resign as President of the United States. DEMAND JOE BIDEN RESIGN I trust you know that I’m fighting every second of every day to SAVE AMERICA. I’m doing it because I truly love America too much to watch it turn into a SOCIALIST NATION at the hands of Joe Biden and the radical Left. Every time I see another Patriot make a contribution to stand with me and save our Country, I’m inspired to fight EVEN harder for you. When I left office, the Taliban was held at bay, we had as long as we wanted, there was no reason to rush, no soldiers were killed or even shot at for over 18 months, and if they didn’t meet certain conditions, we would have hit them very hard. But then Biden and Milley removed the Military in one of the dumbest Military moves in history, and it all began. So sad for our Nation. I trust that you’re with me right now, Friend, which is why when I look at the supporter list in 1 HOUR, I know I’ll see your name. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT TODAY and DEMAND Joe Biden resign. Thank you,
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele Vaticano-Bilderberg ha impedito ai preti di potersi sposare (legge naturale universale), quindi è la prima responsabile di tutti i loro atti di pedofilia. ora, ogni legge naturale universale è superiore ad ogni legge di tipo religioso
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Leggi tuttola NULAND ed il golpe della NATO a Kiev, la violazione dei patti degli insorti contro il Presidente eletto, i cecchini della CIA a Maidan, la repressione dei russofoni, pogrom di russofoni a Odessa, etc.. ] [ La Russia ha condannato le autorità dell'Ucraina. "Capra con vovkom tirato, tilki skin vid kozi zostalasya". Con questo proverbio ucraino, Dmitry Medvedev ha descritto la situazione attuale nelle relazioni tra Russia e Ucraina, definendo i negoziati con le autorità di Kiev privi di significato. Il suo articolo ha preceduto la visita a Mosca del vice capo del Dipartimento di Stato Victoria Nuland – uno dei simboli del colpo di stato in Ucraina nel 2014. Come dovrebbe Kiev capire una tale mossa di Medvedev e cosa dovrebbe aspettarsi la Russia dai negoziati con la Nuland?
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
il fatto che la chimera covid19 è stata fatta dalla CIA UK UE in CINA? questo non vuol dire che il virus è stato fatto dai cinesi.. magari i cinesi si sono vendicati per essere stati colpiti dalla CIA, soltanto
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Garland Memo on Parent Protests May Chill Free Speech by Alan M. Dershowitz October 12, 2021 The memo acknowledges that "spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution." .... Nothing wrong with that. But no similar memo was directed against Black Lives Matter and other far-left groups that not only threaten violence against public officials and private citizens, but also engage in a considerable amount of criminal conduct, such as arson and destruction of property. As a result of this timing, context and apparent lack of concern for the Black Lives Matter type of protests, many parents are understandably worried that the Justice Department may be engaged in selective investigations and ultimately selective prosecutions. The most distressing aspect of this memorandum is its apparent focus on right-wing activities, as distinguished from equally dangerous left-wing activities. The rule of law must always pass the "shoe on the other foot test." In the past, the ACLU vigorously protected the rights of Klansmen, Nazis and other right-wing thugs with whom they fundamentally disagreed. They worried about the chilling effect that government threats could have.... These concerns seem to have been subordinated to partisan and ideological considerations. I like Merrick Garland. I supported his nomination to the Supreme Court. And I think he was a good choice for Attorney General. It is in this spirit that I call on him to clarify his memorandum in two respects: (1) by making it clear that law enforcement will not investigate or prosecute raucous protests that fall on the protected side of the Constitutional line; and (2) that whatever standards law enforcement does apply must be applied equally to protests by left-wing agitators. I disapprove of teaching captive student from the "critical legal studies" playbook, precisely because it is not critical or objective. It tends to be propaganda rather than education. But I will defend protests against both views with equal vigor, because the First Amendment does not distinguish between protected and unprotected protests based on content, and neither should the Justice Department.
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Leggi tuttoL'Europa isterica sui simboli cristiani s'inchina all'Islam Giulio Meotti Oct 12 Dalle infermiere costrette a dimettersi per una piccola croce al collo ai santi cancellati dall'euro, dalle presentatrici tv costrette a nascondere la croce ma non il velo. Strani questi laiconi, colorano Londra per la fine del Ramadan e in Germania convertono a forza il paesaggio consentendo la preghiera del muezzin, neanche fossimo alla Mecca...
universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele
Attorney General Merrick Garland recently released a memorandum addressing "a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff...." The actual words of the memorandum – the lyrics – seem appropriate on their face, but the music is discordant with the First Amendment.
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lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
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[funny] 322 Kerry Bush virgins? oh, no! in their rite of initiation into 322, "skulls and bones", 1. have greatly blasphemed God, 2. received his fists on his testicles, 3. were sodomized .. 3. raped a girl, on the altar of Satan, ate her heart! but, this one has to understand, to get the power, and to temper, demonstrate, the appropriate attitude to power, as well as the loyalty of his own soul, the Spa, the Pharisees, the Illuminati, the Anglo-amercani, IMF?, some sacrifices must be done! and since, Secret associations are prohibited by the Constitution, then, Bush and Kerry are not in the possibility to defend themselves from my accusations .. to declare, with their silence, to be the most dangerous Satanists in the history of mankind!