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Dianne Kavon


Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI4 minutes ago

"Get lost, crazily jewhating spamming obsessed vermin scum, piece of drek." — Aristobulus http://disq us/p/2czedrf

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI ] said [ there is nothing of all your slander that you could demonstrate against my holiness! however spam means always writing the same message and I don't spam this! if then, I leave the topic of the worldisraelnews article
and because I am just that the King of ISRAEL (who will build the third Jewish temple) that the sodomitic priests of Satan and Allah cannot accept!



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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI15 minutes ago

http://disq us/p/2czdmja

who cares what is in the name of Jesus he has no bearing in anything .. stop making him the worlds saviour since in no will he ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://disqus com/by/diannekavon/ Dianne Kavon •
Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me, that you killed him too soon, but that he still had many things to say again!



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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI16 minutes ago

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI24 minutes ago

DEM Bilderberg #Rockefeller Soros #PD M5S are a repugnant constitutional crime!

https://youtu be/Ka_xDlkbbqc#left #homophobe #fascist
Giorgia Meloni Do you support a different thesis from the left? They tell you that you are homophobic, racist and fascist.
Do you hold a thesis other than the #left? They tell you that you are #homophobe, #racist and #fascist
It has now become really sickening that anyone who tries to support a thesis other than the left should be branded as unpresentable. The time has come for these gentlemen to start answering questions, rather than hiding behind monsters that don't exist.
the unique autocratic thinking dominated lgbtq FED IMF ECB, and useless. these speak and listen to themselves. we must cancel the US elections and we must impose martial law!

DEM Bilderberg Soros #PD M5S sono un ripugnante delitto costituzionale!
#sinistra #omofobo #fascista
Giorgia Meloni Sostieni tesi diversa da sinistra? Ti dicono che sei omofobo, razzista e fascista.
Sostieni una tesi diversa dalla #sinistra? Ti dicono che sei #omofobo, #razzista e #fascista
Ormai è diventato davvero stucchevole che chiunque provi a sostenere una tesi diversa dalla sinistra debba essere bollato come impresentabile. È arrivato il momento che questi signori inizino a rispondere alle domande, invece che nascondersi dietro a mostri che non esistono.
il pensiero unico autocratico dominate lgbtq FED IMF ECB, e inutile. questi Parlano e si ascoltano da soli. dobbiamo annullare le elezioni USA e dobbiamo imporre la legge marziale!



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TheTruthWill SetYouFree2 hours ago

You have to be nice to Biden since he is going to be the next president of the USA! Why ? because even though he will putting money in the hands of terrorists ;Iran,and the Pa both of which have the goal to destroy Israel! The great state of Israel have to deal with the white house to continue to have the means and ability to survive ! So , Please try being nice to democrats for now !Long live Israel. Longue vie à la France! Je soutiens la France contre la terreur


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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI30 minutes ago

1. they created an octopus mafia system transnational Jewish Masonic joint stock company (S.p.A.) scam banking seigniorage
and they have occupied all institutions, all media, all government bodies
#Ue cheers #Biden, but is forced to wait (from Brussels, A. Mauro)
The post-vote chaos forces the chancelleries to impatient silence. The Slovenian Janša, premier in the country of Melania, escapes. Pd and M5s split [[ huffingtonpost it ]]
and then, do we expect TRuMP to win the election?
this is the Bilderberg regime, it is no longer democracy!
Civil unions, "recognition of same-parenting is up to the legislator"
the institutionalization of homosexuality as a value model will lead to Satanism throughout our society
there can be no marriage model outside the natural model

1. hanno creato un sistema mafia piovra trasnazionale ebraico massonico società per azioni (S.p.A.) scam banking seigniorage
ed hanno occupato tutte le istituzioni, tutti i media, tutti gli organismo governativi
#Ue tifa #Biden, ma è costretta ad aspettare (da Bruxelles, A. Mauro)
Il caos post-voto costringe le cancellerie a impazienti silenzi. Sfugge lo sloveno Janša, premier nel paese di Melania. Si spaccano Pd e M5s
e poi, noi ci aspettiamo che TRuMP possa vincere le elezioni?
questo è il regime Bilderberg, non è più la democrazia!
Unioni civili, "riconoscimento omogenitorialità spetta al legislatore"
la istituzionalizzazione della omosessualità come modello valoriale porterà al satanismo tutta la nostra società
non può esistere un modello matrimoniale al di fuori del modello naturale



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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREIan hour ago

catholic apostasy the darkest Jewish Masonic hours in the VATICAN how a modernist apostate hierarchy replaces the Catholic hierarchy!
In the hour of trial "Do you want to leave too?" Gv 6, 67 (Italian) Paperback - Oct. 27 2020
by Mons Carlo Maria Viganò (Author), Aldo Maria Valli (Editor)
Since the summer of 2018, when he revealed to the world his memorial on the case of former Cardinal MacCarrick, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has become the leader of a Catholic resistance movement in defense of right doctrine and faith in the sign of Tradition, against the now rampant apostasy.
Owner of the popular blog #Duc #in #altum, in which the Archbishop's interventions often appear, Aldo Maria Valli collects in this volume numerous contributions by the former nuncio to the USA texts that, ranging from the analysis of the situation of the Church to of spirituality, I compose an indispensable framework for understanding what it means today to be Catholic. A text that the archbishop wrote out of love for the truth and renouncing all royalties deriving from sales. "Listening to, or re-listening to, the voice of Monsignor Viganò - writes Valli - is like climbing a mountain. It's like breathing deeply after being exposed for too long to the miasma of lies, half-truths, words that arise from political opportunism and not from love for the Truth ".
#Carlo #Maria # Viganò (Varese, 1941), consecrated archbishop by St. John #Paul II in 1992, worked in the secretariat of state of the Holy See and was secretary general of the Governorate of the Vatican City State and #nunzio #apostolico in the United States of America.



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BobInBpt4 hours ago

It should be clear to all that Biden will be nothing more than a figure head and a pawn in the hands of Kamala Harris, Obama and "The Squad", who are all clearly anti-Semitic and hate Israel.


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Nefarious420 BobInBpt3 hours ago

Do you really believe come inauguration day that Joe will still be the nominee? I am not convinced they can Weekend At Bidens' him out.
youtu. be/Qu6PH9E5jiA


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Nefarious4206 hours ago

Biden is no friend of Israel and neither is Dan Shapiro.

On June 22 1982, Joe Biden was a Senator from Delaware and confronted then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin during his Senate Foreign Relations committee testimony, threatening to cut off aid to Israel. Begin forcefully responded, “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”


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Marsing8363910 hours ago

Quote "How would a Biden administration impact Israel?"

Someone 1st will have to point on a map where Israel is. Biden has enough trouble just trying to figure out how a doorknob works.


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Ernst Goldman4 hours ago • edited

If Biden leaves all Trump's actions in effect and does nothing else. It is all I hope for. Should he dare to rollback anything, Israel should forcefully object. Meanwhile build, build, build. Donald Trump called arabs' bluff and exposed state department's decade old racket. He demonstrated that Israel does not have to give up anything if someone truly wants peace. Biden can't go back to old charade.


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Uzy Goldhamer4 hours ago

Dan Shapiro is an Libertard idiot


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S. Segal3 hours ago

Biden was the Vice President to Obama. Obama was rather cold with Netanyahu and Israel. The new Democrat Party has gone way to the left with Socialist like Ocasio-Cortez, Hlaib, Omar, and many anti-Semitics and anti-Israeli politicians. Biden will welcome back the Iranian Nuclear Agreement relieving a lot of the sanctions that President Trump put on them. Biden, through the above mentioned, will push for peace with the so-called Palestinians going back a to a separate state which will tactfully lessen the defense of the state of Israel. Do the math. If Biden wins the presidency, Israel will suffer immensely. Anti-Semitism will grow to where it may not recover...


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fof9l3 hours ago

Shapiro's responses were the same tired old policy that characterised the failed Obama-Biden administration and the state department bureaucrats for the last twenty years. It didn't take him long to talk about expanding relations with Arab states and immediately after that, "continuing to provide a two-state solution with the Palestinians". He, like most of the foreign policy illiterati in the US, just doesn't get it. Trump's Abraham Accords have changed the picture - the Pals have left the room, and are clearly not interested in anything even vaguely related to peace with Israel. If this is what we can expect from a Biden presidency, I wanna be the one who invents time travel, so that I can give Trump the four more years that his results so richly deserve.


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Rahel Pachter3 hours ago

Dan Shapiro is a shmuck. A leftist, liberal shmuck!


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Brooklyn Ease4 hours ago

You meant how would a Harris administration impact Israel, right?


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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI6 hours ago

DeepState, Bilderberg Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild #DEM and their CIA agents lgbtq priests of satan
they have filled the world internet with algorithms and filters, and they control everything with the A.I. (artificial intelligence)
and this makes the USA2020 elections legally invalid

DeepState, Bilderberg Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild #DEM e i loro agenti CIA sacerdoti di satana lgbtq
hanno riempito internet mondiale con algoritmi e filtri, e controllano tutto con la A.I. (intelligenza artificiale)
e questo rende legalmente invalite le elezioni USA2020
1 2



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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI6 hours ago

the worldwide Chinese-Wahhabi Masonic UE Bilderberg octopus
occupied that fake Merkel Macron democracy
who without monetary sovereignty was born dead!
and Israel worldisraelnews remains the only place in the world, where I can write something and where everyone can read it,
because I'm not harassed / neutered by algorithms and A.I.

la piovra massonica cinese-wahhabita mondiale
ha occupato quella democrazia
che senza sovranità monetaria è nata morta!
ed Israele worldisraelnews rimane l'unico posto al mondo, dove io posso scrivere qualcosa e dove tutti lo possono leggere,
perché non sono molestato/castrato da filtri algoritmi e A.I.
1 1

Dianne Kavon Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI2 hours ago

who cares what is in the name of Jesus he has no bearing in anything .. stop making him the worlds saviour since in no will he ever be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dianne Kavon

Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavonan hour ago

Jesus of Bethlehem heir to the throne of David and real true King Israele
he told me, that you killed him too soon, but that he still had many things to say again!

Jesus di Betlemme erede al trono di Davide
mi ha detto, che tu lo hai ucciso troppo presto, ma che lui aveva molte cosa ancora di dire ancora!


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Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI Dianne Kavonan hour ago

DEM S.p.A. FED (666 giurical personality your god) Bilderberg #Rockefeller Soros #PD M5S are a repugnant constitutional crime! #left #homophobe #fascist Giorgia Meloni Do you support a different thesis from the left? They tell you that you are homophobic, racist and fascist.
Do you hold a thesis other than the #left? They tell you that you are #homophobe, #racist and #fascist ] [ It has now become really sickening that anyone who tries to support a thesis other than the left should be branded as unpresentable. The time has come for these gentlemen to start answering questions, rather than hiding behind monsters that don't exist. the unique autocratic thinking dominated lgbtq FED IMF ECB, and useless. these speak and listen to themselves. we must cancel the US elections and we must impose martial law!
https://youtu be/Ka_xDlkbbqc

DEM Bilderberg Soros #PD M5S sono un ripugnante delitto costituzionale!

#sinistra #omofobo #fascista


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i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI6 hours ago

https://uniusreiorwarw666imf blogspot com/2020/10/bronicknicholas.html
algoritm A.I. filter google NWO FED IMF erased and make invisible my comment
yes attached screenshot "I HAVE MADE THE screenshots


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i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Metafisico🕎Universal🕎UniusREI6 hours ago

attached screenshot "I HAVE MADE THE screenshots
and I can prove it; if I go to Christian sites (anywhere in the world) to say something
priests of satan and their lgbtq erase or make it invisible, they can do it and they have done it make what I write invisible to all!
I gave this documentation to my lawyer!

screenshot allegato" IO HO FATTO GLI screenshot
ed io posso dimostralo; se vado sui siti cristiani (in qualsiasi parte del mondo) a dire qualcosa
sacerdoti di satana e loro lgbtq cancellano o rendono invisibile, possono farlo e lo hanno fatto rendere invisibile a tutti quello che io scrivo!
questa documentazione io la ho data all'avvocato mio!


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Pat Sanders4 hours ago

This person appears to be somewhat misguided on reality overall.


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i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH6 hours ago

666 Jews SpA FED IMF ECB NWO Owl ja-Bull-On lgbtq who voted DEM
they did so intentionally with the aim of wiping (shoah) Israel off the map

gli ebrei che hanno votato DEM
lo hanno fatto intenzionalmente con lo scopo di cancellare Israele dalle cartine geografiche

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[funny] 322 Kerry Bush virgins? oh, no! in their rite of initiation into 322, "skulls and bones", 1. have greatly blasphemed God, 2. received his fists on his testicles, 3. were sodomized .. 3. raped a girl, on the altar of Satan, ate her heart! but, this one has to understand, to get the power, and to temper, demonstrate, the appropriate attitude to power, as well as the loyalty of his own soul, the Spa, the Pharisees, the Illuminati, the Anglo-amercani, IMF?, some sacrifices must be done! and since, Secret associations are prohibited by the Constitution, then, Bush and Kerry are not in the possibility to defend themselves from my accusations .. to declare, with their silence, to be the most dangerous Satanists in the history of mankind!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

 my network

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com



siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood



LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️ kingdom this  tavola di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina)

is mine!

«Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re, adaptatione. Pater eius est sol, mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram, et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus hic est. Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiæ totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.»


«È vero senza menzogna, certo e verissimo, che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da una sola, per la mediazione di una, così tutte le cose sono nate da questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre, la Luna è sua madre, il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo, la Terra è la sua nutrice. Il padre di tutto, il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la Terra dal Fuoco, il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti, il cui metodo è qui. È perciò che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto, avendo le tre parti della filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto dell'operazione del Sole.»

https://160000christianmartyrs.blogspot.com/ uniusrei@gmail.com

https://666gender123.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://666seignioragebanking.blogspot.com/ 666seignioragebanking@gmail.com

https://accolitato.blogspot.com/ imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

https://abdallahkingabdullah.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://allchristianmartyr.blogspot.com/ allchristianmartyrs@gmail.com

https://allgiacintoauriti.blogspot.com/ allgiacintoauriti@gmail.com

https://auriti.blogspot.com/ jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://bilderberg-666-mes.blogspot.com/ jewish.x.messiah@gmail.com

https://blasphemy-shariah-genocide.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

https://bombaroli-sharia-salafiti.blogspot.com/ ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

https://cambiaregistro.blogspot.com/ ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

https://cannibalixsangue-cristiano.blogspot.com/ imjeshuachristmessiah@gmail.com

https://censoredrevolution.blogspot.com lorenzogalati@gmail.com

https://ciakillyoutubeximf.blogspot.com/ ciakillyourtubeximf@gmail.com

https://cina-super-potenza.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://close-youtube-page.blogspot.com/ stopspamistafield@gmail.com

https://copticmartyr.blogspot.com/ thecopticmartyrs2@gmail.com

https://corano666talmud.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://corano-666talmud.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

https://creationreal.blogspot.com ilredisraele@gmail.com

https://corpodicristo.blogspot.com/ ilredisraele@gmail.com

https://deiverbumdei.blogspot.com/ jhwhverbum@gmail.com

https://democrazia-estinta.blogspot.com/ alldavidduke@gmail.com

https://dirittoxlaxvita.blogspot.com/ jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://drinkypoisonjhwhwins.blogspot.com/ drinkypoisonjhwhwins@gmail.com

https://dominusuniusrei.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://donbass-libero.blogspot.com/ allgiacintoauriti@gmail.com

https://eterna-legge-universale.blogspot.com/ galati900@gmail.com

https://evolutionxcrimeideological.blogspot.com/ evolutionxcrimeideological@gmail.com

https://evolutionxtalmud.blogspot.com/ excaliburisuniusrei@gmail.com

https://fag322nato666gender.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

http://fedxdieximfxsynagoga666.blogspot.com excaliburisuniusrei@gmail.com

https://fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana.blogspot.com/ allchristianmartyrs@gmail.com

http://forzearmate.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://friendxkinguniusrei.blogspot.com noahthenephilim@gmail.com

http://gendermammapapa.blogspot.com thecopticmartyrs2@gmail.com

http://gezabeleelisabettaqueen.blogspot.com 1278351721aw@gmail.com

http://gmos-ai.blogspot.com stellamarisdefinibusterrae@gmail.com

https://guerraimfnucleare.blogspot.com/ 1278351721aw@gmail.com

http://hellxdespairxdestruction.blogspot.com hellxdespairxdestruction@gmail.com

http://humanumgenus.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://ilcomandamento.blogspot.com lsbetlemme@gmail.com

http://illuminatidemoplutogiudaicomassone.blogspot.com demoxplutoxgiudaicoxmassone@gmail.com

http://imf666killyouxtubexstopme.blogspot.com imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

http://immagini-parlanti.blogspot.com fedele339@gmail.com

http://inzivosi-lurdacchioni.blogspot.com stopspamistafield@gmail.com

http://israeljhwh.blogspot.com king.x.kingdom@gmail.com

https://jezebel666imf-nwo.blogspot.com/ thecopticmartyrs2@gmail.com

https://jesus-christ-bethlehem.blogspot.com/ lorenzo.betlemme@gmail.com

https://jhwh1osannauniusrei3.blogspot.com/ jhwh1osannauniusrei3@gmail.com

https://jhwhinri.blogspot.com/ fedele339@gmail.com

http://jhwhisrael.blogspot.com   uniusrei3@gmail.com

https://jhwh-lorenzo-uniusrei.blogspot.com/ stopyouporntubesatan@gmail.com

http://jhwhpantocrator.blogspot.com jhwhpantocrator@gmail.com

http://jhwhxallahxbrama.blogspot.com allxronpaul@gmail.com

https://jewsxmessiahuniusrei.blogspot.com/ jewish.x.messiah@gmail.com

http://yerushalayim-jerusalem.blogspot.com Il blog è stato distrutto da google

https://yerushalayim8jerusalem.blogspot.com/ yerushalayimjerusalem@gmail.com

http://yeshua-ha-mashiach-notzri.blogspot.com jhwhsanto@gmail.com

http://yesuniversalbrotherhood.blogspot.com imjeshuachristmessiah@gmail.com

http://king-of-kings4justice.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://king888kings.blogspot.com satansynagogue@gmail.com

http://kingdominusuniusrei.blogspot.com shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://kingdomxuniusrei.blogspot.com ilredisraele@gmail.com

http://kingdomofjhwh.blogspot.com kingdom.of.jhwh@gmail.com

http://kingxkingdom.blogspot.com king.x.kingdom@gmail.com

http://legaisisaraba.blogspot.com galati900@gmail.com

http://lorenzoallah.blogspot.com lorenzoallah@gmail.com

http://lorenzojhwh.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

https://lorenzojhwhxjustice.blogspot.com/ galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://lorenzo123579.blogspot.com lorenzogalati@gmail.com

http://lucertole-sudditi.blogspot.com shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

http://messiajesus.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://monarchiabancaria.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://morte-prematura.blogspot.com alldavidduke@gmail.com

http://nazioni.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://nessunouniusrei.blogspot.com uniusrei33@gmail.com

http://newworldorder-nuovo.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://noah-ararat.blogspot.com/ noahthenephilim@gmail.com

http://ordinemondiale.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://pensiero-e-azione.blogspot.com fedele3397@gmail.com

https://regno666unitonwo.blogspot.com/ 1278351721aw@gmail.com

http://revenge-yitzhak-kaduri.blogspot.com shoahtolosa666imfnazi@gmail.com

http://rivoluzione-culturale.blogspot.com list.posta@gmail.com

http://satan-is-faggot.blogspot.com lorenzojhwh@gmail.com

http://satanici.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://satanism-sharia-imperialism.blogspot.com ilredisraele@gmail.com

http://satanqueenfagot.blogspot.com satanqueenfagot@gmail.com

http://shalomgerusalemme.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://shoahtolosavsimfnazi.blogspot.com shoahtolosa666imfnazi@gmail.com

http://signoraggio-spa.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://signoraggiomondiale.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://simec-aurito.blogspot.com/ fedele339@gmail.com

http://sonosatanici.blogspot.com jhwhsanto@gmail.com

http://spadadoppiotaglio.blogspot.com 666seignioragebanking@gmail.com

http://stellamarisdefinibusterrae.blogspot.com stellamarisdefinibusterrae@gmail.com

http://stopyoutubegooglepornsatan.blogspot.com stopyouporntubesatan@gmail.com

https://talmud666.blogspot.com/ satansynagogue@gmail.com

http://tutelasovranit.blogspot.com jhwhinri@gmail.com

http://unius-lorenzojhwh-governatore.blogspot.com list.posta@gmail.com

http://uniusrei-king.blogspot.com lorenzo.betlemme@gmail.com

http://uniusrei-or-wwiii.blogspot.com list.posta@gmail.com

http://uniusrei.blogspot.com uniusrei@gmail.com

http://uniusrei2.blogspot.com uniusrei@gmail.com

http://uniusrei3.blogspot.com uniusrei3@gmail.com

http://uniusreiking.blogspot.com 666seignioragebanking@gmail.com

http://uniusreiorwarw666imf.blogspot.com uniusreiorwarw666imf@gmail.com

http://uniusreixkingdom.blogspot.com uniusrei3@gmail.com

http://universaldominusuniusrei.blogspot.com jhwhsanto@gmail.com

https://universale-metafisico.blogspot.com/ universalemetafisico@gmail.com

http://wakeupusaxronpaul.blogspot.com ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin,
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg, in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano, che è stato veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud , Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò, non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano anche alla merda, ma con te, io farò una eccezione!


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

una volta che, tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi, il giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti, e questo spiega la creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però, che questa sua Riyad depravazione ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio di un prestito di soldi nostri, visto che sono risorse che l’Italia versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban, che non è Conte, ha detto no.  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” – VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico, catturato prima di arrivare in Europa come profugo, a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi, del ‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi islamici, svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo devono provare anche tutte le bambine"  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah, lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
















LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 


 comment burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! 


  ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF:

 DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!



1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES Satana Talmudich agenda and in the Supreme Sanhedrin, black magic
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEAGUE OCI and its jihadist galaxy UMMA Kuranic dogma genocide of replacement theology, resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide


«Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa, di pietra squadrata e liscia, per istoriarne la facciata. Carogne crapulano, ospiti d’usura. » Canto XLV di Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali solo il Prof. GIACINTO Auriti risponde infallibilmente su:

moneta, credito, usurocrazia

“Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro”, (… quì ti incontrerai spitualmente con lui!)

siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com

non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Xi-Jinping] why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM? ...