🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Miniskirts of discord in Rome "I, the" cowardly feminist vice-principal "I only gave advice"
you can't go to school in a miniskirt, because this is prostitution not feminism!
IF YOU SAY YOU ARE Patriot, "politically incorrect" "stop DICTATURA gender LGBTQ"
Minigonne della discordia a Roma "Io, vicepreside femminista "codarda" io ho solo dato un consiglio"
tu non puoi andare a scuola in minigonna, perché questa è prostituzione non femminismo!
SE TU DICI DI ESSERE Patriota, "politically incorrect" "stop DITTATURA gender LGBTQ"
Mike Solomons 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
I was trying to find out about LGBT but I couldn't get a straight answer.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons •
Mark 12:28-31 YAHUSHA answered him, The 1st of all the commandments is, Hear, O Yashar’el; YAHUAH ELOHAYNU, YAHUAH is one And you shall love את eth YAHUAH ELOHAYKA with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.
Mike Solomons 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
I am sorry for my ignorance, who is Mark? Why should we take note of what he has said?
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons •
Rabbi Jesus of Bethlehem (heir to the throne of his father King David) with his 12 Apostles founded Christianity which is a branch of Judaism
because the Talmud, already at that time, had perverted the true Jewish religion of Abraham and Moses
il rabbino Gesù di Betlemme (erede al trono di suo padre Re Davide) con i suoi 12 Apostoli ha fondato il cristianesimo che è una branca dell'ebraismo
perché il Talmud, gia a quel tempo, aveva pervertito la vera religione ebraico di Abramo e Mosé
Mike Solomons 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
I didn't think you'd have an answer to my question "Who is Mark?"
Incidentally, your statement "the Talmud, already at that time, had perverted the true Jewish religion of Abraham and Moses" seems a very peculiar statement. Do you have any evidence to support your strange assertion?
I was intrigued to hear you suggesting that Jesus was a Rabbi. When my son was a child at school, he told a Christian friend that Jesus was Jewish, and his friend ridiculed the statement! Of course, Jesus was Jewish, and a Rabbi, you are quite right there, but I don't think he started Christianity, indeed I don't think the name Christian, hence Christianity, was coined until after he was murdered by the Roman administration.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 2 hours ago
the Talmud is the idol of JELOSY, which you are abusive, in the Temple of God,
and this is why:
the temple and the nation itself has been lost twice.
all that the Torah condemns?
Talmud and Koran make it legitimate.
those who have assembled / edited "THE JEWISH BIBLE, THE TANACK OR TANACH"
they are the same ones who wrote the demonic Talmud.
the priests of the Temple therefore polluted even small sections of THE JEWISH BIBLE, THE TANACK OR TANACH
1. introduced Erdogan's thought of supremacy,
2. usury against the goyims alone, to lead them to genocide as it is today as is the FED ECB NWO IMF SpA (all multinationals or joint stock companies, which are the kingdom of satan)
3. a deadly threat to Israelis who have been robbed of their paternal genealogies
immediately after the Christian Pentecost
when, the Priests of the temple did not know how to stem Christianity!
il Talmud è l'idolo della GELOSIA, che siete in modo abusivo, nel Tempio di Dio,
e questo è il motivo per cui:
il tempio e la stessa Nazione è andata perduta due volte.
tutto quello che la Torà condanna?
Talmud e Corano lo rendono legittimo.
quelli che hanno assemblato/redatto la "THE JEWISH BIBLE, THE TANACK OR TANACH"
sono gli stessi che hanno scritto il Talmud demoniaco.
i sacerdoti del Tempio quindi hanno inquinato anche piccole sezioni della THE JEWISH BIBLE, THE TANACK OR TANACH
1. hanno introdotto pensiero di suprematismo Erdogan,
2. la usura contro i soli goyims, per portarli a genocidio come è tutt'oggi come è la FED ECB NWO IMF SpA(tutte le multinazionali o società per azioni, che sono il regno di satana)
3. una minaccia mortale contro gli israeliani, che sono stati derubati delle loro genealogie paterne,
subito dopo la Pentecoste cristiana
quando, i Sacerdoti del tempio non sapevano come arginare il cristianesimo!
Mike Solomons 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 2 hours ago
I suspect that you've been taken in by a group of "nutters" as you have no answers to serious questions but quote unsubstantiated nonsense.
I suggest that you look at the supposed "Authority" of your more peculiar statements. When you do and see that you are actually siupporting heresy, I suggest an extended period of contemplation.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 42 minutes ago
what baseless nonsense?
in the academic field
everyone knows that the priestly tradition (the fourth tradition)
has assembled the previous three traditions from Tanak (eloist javista and deuteronomistics).
but it is the same (temple priests) who began to write the Talmud
in their arrogant contempt, racist supremacism,
and their Satan Rockefeller insane pride in being able to perfect God's Word
quali sciocchezze prive di fondamento?
in ambito accademico
sanno tutti che la tradizione sacerdotale (la quarta tradizione)
ha assemblato le precedenti tre tradizione dalla Tanak (eloista javista e deuteronomistica)..
ma sono gli stessi (sacerdoti del tempio) che hanno incominciato a scrivere il Talmud
nel loro arrogante disprezzo, suprematismo razzista,
e loro Satana Rockefeller insano orgoglio di poter perfezionare la Parola di Dio
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Mike Solomons • 2 hours ago
I am a historian, theologian, philosopher, theologian and exegete
I doubt that, I could say something that cannot be documented!
I am lorenzoJHWH the messiah of the Jews
and I am Unius REI the universal and eternal Governor and administrator of the Kingdom of Almighty God,
I will crush all my opponents like crabs.
but I'm not a religious man NO,
in universal politics I am the universal law and the natural law
I am an agnostic in political mode, and therefore I do not base my discursive power on the Bible,
but, in a secular way solely on the power of rational logic!
io sono uno storico, teologo, filosofo, teologo ed esegeta
dubito che, io potrei dire qualcosa che non può essere documentabile!
io sono lorenzoJHWH il messia degli ebrei
e sono Unius REI il Governatore e amministratore universale ed eterno del Regno di Dio Onnipotente,
io schiaccerò come piattole tutti i miei oppositori.
ma io non sono un uomo religioso NO,
in politica universale io sono la legge universale e la legge naturale
io sono in modalità politica un agnostico, e quindi non fondo il mio potere discorsivo sulla Bibbia,
ma, in modo laico unicamente sul potere della logica razionale!
Mike Solomons lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah • an hour ago
Thank you, you have confirmed my suspicions.
You should be more cautious in accepting wild and unproven theories as they weaken your core message.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • an hour ago
quali " teorie selvagge" ?
what "wild theories"?
Mike Solomons 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 39 minutes ago
Re-read your own posts and you'll see.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 34 minutes ago
you cannot bring charges against an innocent person
without being able to prove them
because yours is slander!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 38 minutes ago
I'm waiting for your apology, for your faults against me!
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Mike Solomons • 32 minutes ago
I am sorry, I have drawn your attention to your mistakes and the way you appear to have been taken in by wild nutcase theories.
Why do you expect an apology? A thank you from you would, however, be appropriate.
I am sorry, but as a general message to those expounding nutcase theories but who decline my help, this correspondence is closed as I'm going back to work.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 30 minutes ago
you are a satanist
i neer decline your help,
you slander innocent people without justification / proof
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Mike Solomons • an hour ago
here there are many people who want to see the demonstration of some of your suspicions!
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i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Mike Solomons • an hour ago
I destroyed all the churches of satan on youtube
I have imposed my Kingdom of ISRAEL
to the masonic youtube world government (NWO that I took control of)
the Holy Spirit brought me here!
what is your arrogant ignorance?
io ho distrutto tutte le Chiese di Satana di youtube
io ho imposto il mio Regno di ISRAELE
al governo massonico mondiale di youtube ( NWO di cui ho preso il controllo)
quì mi ha portato lo Spirito Santo!
e allora
cosa è la tua boriosa ignoranza?
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Mike Solomons i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH • 38 minutes ago
You should be more cautious in accepting wild and unproven theories as they weaken your core message.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 33 minutes ago
stop a bulling and slander me without prof!
you cannot bring charges against an innocent person
without being able to prove them
because yours is slander!
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Mike Solomons • 23 minutes ago
An English lesson would seem appropriate. Slander is generally verbal, Libel is generally written. There are exceptions, e.g. if broadcast, e.g. by television, or formal in a Court of law, it's libel.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • a few seconds ago
i am eager to talk about it
a real topic
and not about your hell smoke!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • a minute ago
you haven't proven any of your dogmatic allegations / claims against me
and this is very serious for you
it's called personality murder!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 36 minutes ago
your ignorance is not the highest level of scientific research
I am a 60 year old Italian teacher
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Mike Solomons • 25 minutes ago
At 60 you should have become more discerning!
For the record, I am English, 72, an engineer.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 3 minutes ago
no specialization in philosophy, geopolitics, history, theology and sacred writing exegesis
evident ignorance in these areas!
i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Mike Solomons • 2 hours ago
the name of Christianity, was coined in Antioch
and the founder of Christianity was Saint Paul
or Paul of Tarsus
who was a pupil of the Pharisees and of the great Rabbi Gamaliel.
he was a serial killer of Christians,
was present at the martyrdom of Deacon Stephen ..
but he was landed by Jesus on the Damascus Road
where because of this vision he became blind
il nome di Christianity, was coined ad Antiochia
e il fondatore del cristianesimo è stato San Paolo
o Paolo di Tarso
che era un alunno dei Farisei e del grande rabbino Gamaliele.
lui era un assassino seriale dei cristiani,
era presente al martirio del Diacono Stefano..
ma fu atterrato da Gesù sulla Via di Damasco
dove a causa di questa visione divenne cieco
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 4 hours ago
#LGBT, is an acronym used as a collective term to refer to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people.
we believe that God created only Adam and Eve
however we also believe in free will
but the powerful LGBT lobbies of the NWO (new world order)
are a section of the Churches of Satan (an extreme threat to society)
in fact their satanic theosophy "GENDER"
is a maximalist dictatorship (of the Deep State FED IMF ECB Bilderberg EU antichrist regime) that also attacks 3 year old children in kindergarten
LGBT, è una sigla utilizzata come termine collettivo per riferirsi a persone Lesbiche, Gay, Bisessuali e Transgender.
noi crediamo che Dio ha creato soltanto Adamo ed Eva
tuttavia crediamo anche nel libero arbitrio
ma le potenti lobby LGBT del NWO (nuovo ordine mondiale)
sono una sezione delle Chiese di Satana (una estrema minaccia per la società)
infatti la loro teosofia satanica "GENDER"
è una dittatura massimalista (del Deep State FED IMF ECB regime Bilderberg UE anticristo) che si abbatte anche contro i bambini di 3 anni all'asilo
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Mike Solomons 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 3 hours ago • edited
Oh dear. My post was a joke, humour a bit of fun in amongst these serious posts.
I suspect that you are not a native English speaker. It is a "play" on the English word "straight". A heterosexual person is described in a form of slang as "straight". "Straight" also, in its main meaning, refers to something not in any way curved or bent. It also is used as "clear, beyond confusion". Interestingly a "straight answer" does not have to be correct. Consider the question, "who was the greatest man who ever lived?" and the answer:- "Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived". The example answer is a straight answer regardless of whether you agree or disagree.
If you re-read my post, hopefully you'll understand the attempt at light hearted humour.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mike Solomons • 2 hours ago
Oh dear i answer to all always
Paul Bailey Mike Solomons • 14 hours ago
i am Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH • 4 days ago
John Kerry says 'no peace in the Middle East without the Palestinians'
it is a useful instruction
John Kerry says ‘no peace in the Middle East without the Palestinians’
è una utile istruzione
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[funny] 322 Kerry Bush virgins? oh, no! in their rite of initiation into 322, "skulls and bones", 1. have greatly blasphemed God, 2. received his fists on his testicles, 3. were sodomized .. 3. raped a girl, on the altar of Satan, ate her heart! but, this one has to understand, to get the power, and to temper, demonstrate, the appropriate attitude to power, as well as the loyalty of his own soul, the Spa, the Pharisees, the Illuminati, the Anglo-amercani, IMF?, some sacrifices must be done! and since, Secret associations are prohibited by the Constitution, then, Bush and Kerry are not in the possibility to defend themselves from my accusations .. to declare, with their silence, to be the most dangerous Satanists in the history of mankind!