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tu sei una brava persona

@King Saudi Arabia.--. il fariseo satanista Rothschild, che, ha rubato la sovranità monetaria ai popoli: è stato lui che ha detto a te: "tu sei una brava persona?"] Nigeria explores amnesty for Boko Haram. Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday made good on an idea he has been floating for a week: He formed a committee to explore amnesty for Boko Haram. The government released a statement that the panel will "constructively engage key members of Boko Haram and define a comprehensive and workable framework for resolving the crisis of insecurity in the country." That framework, according to Jonathan spokesma Reuben Abati, would include disarmament within 60 days, and the creation of a program to support victims of Boko Haram's violence.

   humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 6 secondi fa
[@ King Saudi Arabia. -. the Pharisee Satanist Rothschild, who has stolen the monetary sovereignty to all peoples: it was he, who said: to you: "You're a good person."] nsurprisingly, the initiative has sparked great debate, as well as healthy opposition from Christian organizations. For its part, Boko Haram has rejected the idea. "On the contrary, it is we that should grant you pardon," leader Abubakar Shekau is quoted as saying by AFP. The politics of violence, Ahmed Zaki Osman has a piece posted at the Egypt Independent in which he views the violence agasint Egypt's Copts during the past century through the prism of politics involving Egypt's rulers and the coutnry's Islamic blocs, with Christians as pawns. Osman's timeline stretches back to the early days of the republic, following the sunset of the monarchy.

   humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 18 secondi fa
[@ King Saudi Arabia. -. the Pharisee Satanist Rothschild, who has stolen the monetary sovereignty to all peoples: it was he, who said: to you: "You're a good person." ] Words nice; action better. Via BBC. "We need action not only words," Pope Tawadros II, leader of Egypt's Coptic Christians, told the private ONTV channel this week. The words came from President Mohammed Morsi, who telephoned Tawadros after Sunday's attack on St. Mark's Cathedral, where two people were killed by a mob. Morsi denounced the violence and promised an investigation. The action? "There is no action on the ground," Tawadros said. The president had "promised to do everything to protect the cathedral but in reality we don't see this."

   humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 48 secondi fa
[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite. -. Le pharisien sataniste Rothschild, qui a volé, la souveraineté monétaire, à tous les peuples: c'est lui qui a dit: pour vous: "Tu es une bonne personne." ] Latest News, Church shelled, seven Christians killed in Central African Republic Published: April 16, 2013. A weekend of violence in the Central African Republic included three artillery shells that crashed ... Sudan President's amnesty releases Christian woman Published: April 12, 2013. It has been a little more than a week since Salwa Fahmi Suleiman Gireis, a 64-year old Sudanese ... Bangladesh PM rejects Muslim demand for blasphemy law Published: April 10, 2013. The Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has turned down the demand of radical Islamists to .......

   humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa
[@ Rey Arabia Saudita. -. el fariseo satanista Rothschild, que ha robado, la soberanía monetaria, a todos los pueblos: fue él, quien dijo: a usted: "Eres una buena persona." ] Egypt's Christians, fearing instability, seek security elsewhere. Published: April 09, 2013 Pakistan court overturns blasphemy conviction, death sentence. Published: April 03, 2013. Anxiety high as rebels take over Central African Republic. Published: March 25, 2013. Church walls go up, then torn down by local government. Published: March 25, 2013. Kano bus bomb prompts religious leaders to joint call for urgent measures. Published: March 22, 2013.

   humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 1 minuto fa
[@ King Saudi-Arabien. -. der Pharisäer Satanist Rothschild, der gestohlen wird, hat die geldpolitische Souveränität, zu allen Völkern: er war es, der sagte,: Sie: "Du bist ein guter Mensch." ] Libyan human-rights official flees country after death threats. Published: March 21, 2013. India: Persecution Briefs. Published: March 19, 2013. Brazilians' ordeal in Senegal prison over, but legal challenges remain. Published: April 16, 2013. Two Brazilian missionaries held in a Senegal jail without charge for five months were released on bail this month, yet still face accusations they operated youth programs without permits. Jose Dilson Da Silva is a missionary with the Brazilian Presbyterian Church in the Senegalese capital Dakar. ...

   allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa
Lega ARABA -- pezzi di merda, voi siete sotto il tiro della mia arma nucleare!

   allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa
Abu Antar idiot sharia, for worldwide caliphate. ----- why, for you, Palestinians (ie, the hosts) You want to give, only, the "crumbs" of Palestine, as dogs: Canaanites? they are entitled to every square millimeter, just as, also, the Jews, and they are: the two peoples brothers, sons of Abraham and UNIUS REI, with only one law: for the kingdom of Palestine .. who is more Zionist piece of shit: the two of us? also Satanists: they have understood is that: you're an idiot self-defeating, in this way: it is you who want to keep alive the abomination of Israel, or perhaps: as you think: the King of Saudi Arabia and its damn League Arab (in secret), which is more useful to exterminate all the Jews, once again?

   allxRonPaul ha pubblicato un commento 1 ora fa
Abu idiot sharia Antar, for worldwide caliphate. ----- perché tu ai palestinesi (cioè, ai padroni di casa) tu vuoi dare, soltanto, le "briciole" della Palestina, come ai cani: cananei? loro hanno diritto ad ogni millimetro quadrato, proprio come, anche, gli ebrei, e sono: i due popoli fratelli, figli di Abramo e UNIUS REI, con una sola legge: per il Regno di Palestina.. chi è: più sionista pezzo di merda: di noi due? anche i satanisti: hanno capito: che: tu sei un idiota autolesionista, in questo modo: sei tu che vuoi mantenere in vita l'abominio di Israele, o forse: tu pensi come: il Re dell'Arabia Saudita e la sua maledetta Lega Araba (in segreto), che: è più utile sterminare tutti gli ebrei, ancora una volta?

   Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
Unius Rei is helping talmudic pharisees,

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
Bersani propone Prodi (ma, in realtà c'è già: un accordo sotto banco: con il PDL per eleggere MASSIMO DALEMA ), ok all'unanimità. Ministro dell'interno è il candidato di Scelta Civica. Marini rinuncia, M5S, INSISTE PER IL BRAVO: Rodotà. 19 aprile, 11:16, ma, per la Lega, "Prodi non è votabile: ha svenduto l'Italia, quando ha presieduto l'Iri". CRITICO IL PDL, PRODI è il CONTRARIO DI CIò, CHE, SERVE - -- ANSWER -- questo è tutto il disprezzo, che, [[ PD: e PDL (i complici di Rothschild, del FMI: nel sistema massonico: del signoraggio bancario, per l'avvilimento: totale della Costituzionale sovranità!)]] hanno verso il popolo italiano.

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NEW YORK - أعضاء مجلس الأمن: UN نعتقد: أن التصعيد من: العنف في سوريا بلغ مستويات غير مقبولة'''''' ويجب أن تتوقف فورا'' في بيان لها، خمسة عشر: أدان: بحزم: على نطاق واسع. الانتهاكات: حقوق الإنسان (والتي هي غير موجودة في جامعة الدول العربية): نفذت: من قبل السلطات السورية، والجماعات المسلحة،

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
حوادث العنف الجنسي وسوء المعاملة ضد الأطفال، وتجنيدهم كجنود. @ الأوغاد الأمم المتحدة! الناتو CIA الموساد، كنت قد جلبت، هناك، السلفيون تنظيم القاعدة، أي الخلافة في جميع أنحاء العالم، من جامعة الدول العربية! @ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - الجنائية النفاق، لأنه، ذهبت لمشاهدة، و "شبيك" في عين الأسد، ومن ثم، لم يكن لديك ووتش، و "شعاع"، التي في عينك ذين الذاتية؟

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NUEVA YORK - Los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad: la ONU creen: que la escalada de: violencia en Siria alcanzó niveles inaceptables'''''' y debe cesar de inmediato'' En un comunicado, los Quince: condenado: firmeza: la generalizada. : violaciónes de derechos humanos (que son inexistentes en la Liga Árabe): realizadas: por las autoridades sirias y grupos armados, los casos de violencia sexual, el abuso contra los niños y su reclutamiento como soldados. @ Bastardos de la ONU! La OTAN, la CIA Mossad, has traído, allí, los salafistas de Al Qaeda, es decir, califato en todo el mundo, de la Liga Árabe! @ Rey Arabia Saudita - criminal hipócrita, porque, ya se fue a ver, la "mancha" en el ojo de Assad, y luego, usted no tiene reloj, el "rayo", que está en tu propio ojo?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
紐約 - 安全理事會的成員:聯合國認為:在敘利亞的暴力升級,達到不可接受的水平''''",必須立即停止。十五在一份聲明中譴責:堅決:廣泛違反人權(這是不存在的,在阿拉伯國家聯盟):開展敘利亞當局和武裝團體發生的性暴力,虐待兒童的行為,他們被徵去當兵。 @聯合國混蛋!北約中央情報局摩薩德你,你都帶來了,還有,沙拉菲派"基地"組織,即全球哈里發,阿拉伯國家聯盟! @沙特阿拉伯國王 - 虛偽的犯罪,因為你去觀看,"斑點"在阿薩德的眼睛,那麼,你千萬不能有手錶,"梁",也就是在你自己的眼睛嗎?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NEW YORK - 안전 보장 이사회의 구성원 : UN는 믿는다 :의 상승하는 시리아의 폭력은 받아 들일 수없는 수준에 도달 '' '' '' 즉시 중단해야한다 '문 열 다섯에서 : 심판 : 단단히 : 널리. 위반 : 인간의 권리 (아랍 연맹에 존재되는) 시리아 당국과 무장 단체, 성적 폭력, 아동에 대한 학대, 그리고 군인으로서의 모집 사건 : 실시했다. @ 유엔 놈! NATO CIA 모사드 당신은, 당신은 아랍 리그, 거기 salafis 알 카에다, 즉 세계 칼리프의 지위를 가져왔다! @ 킹 사우디 아라비아 - 위선적 인 범죄 때문에, 당신은 볼 수 아사드의 눈에서 "베이컨"가서, 다음, 당신은 네 자신의 눈 속에있는 "빔"시계가없는 데요?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NEW YORK - Die Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats: UN glauben, dass die Eskalation: Gewalt in Syrien erreicht inakzeptable'''''' und muss sofort aufhören'' In einer Erklärung, die Fünfzehn: verurteilt: fest: die weit verbreitet. Verletzungen: Menschenrechte (die nicht existent sind in der Arabischen Liga): durchgeführt: von den syrischen Behörden und bewaffneten Gruppen, Vorfälle von sexueller Gewalt, Missbrauch gegen Kinder und ihre Rekrutierung als Soldaten. @ UN Bastarde! NATO CIA MOSSAD Sie, haben Sie gebracht, dort, Salafisten Al Qaida, dh weltweit Kalifats, der Arabischen Liga! @ King Saudi-Arabien - heuchlerisch kriminell, weil, ging man zu sehen, die "speck" im Auge des Assad, und dann müssen Sie nicht zu sehen, die "Strahl", das in deinem Auge?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NEW YORK - Les membres du Conseil de sécurité: UN croire: que l'escalade de: la violence en Syrie a atteint des niveaux inacceptables'''''' et doit cesser immédiatement'' Dans un communiqué, les Quinze: condamné: fermeté: le très répandu. violations des droits humains: (qui sont inexistants dans la Ligue arabe): réalisées: par les autorités syriennes et les groupes armés, les actes de violence sexuelle, la violence contre les enfants et leur recrutement comme soldats. @ Bâtards de l'ONU! OTAN CIA Mossad, vous avez apporté, là, salafistes d'Al-Qaïda, c'est califat mondial, de la Ligue arabe! @ Roi Arabie Saoudite - criminelle hypocrite, parce que, vous êtes allé à regarder, le "point" dans l'oeil du Assad, et puis, vous n'avez pas de montre, le "faisceau", qui est dans ton œil?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council: UN believe: that the escalation of: violence in Syria reached unacceptable levels'''''' and must cease immediately.'' In a statement, the Fifteen: condemned: firmly: the widespread violations: human rights (which are non-existent in the Arab League): carried out: by the Syrian authorities, and armed groups, incidents of sexual violence, abuse against children, and their recruitment as soldiers. @ UN bastards! NATO CIA MOSSAD you, you have brought, there, salafis Al Qaeda, ie, worldwide caliphate, of Arab League! @ King Saudi Arabia - hypocritical criminal, because, you went to watch, the "speck" in the eye of Assad, and then, you do not have watch, the "beam", that is in thine own eye?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
NEW YORK - I membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza: dell'Onu ritengono: che l'escalation: di: violenza in Siria abbia raggiunto livelli ''inaccettabili'' e debba ''cessare immediatamente''. In una dichiarazione, i Quindici: hanno condannato: fermamente: le diffuse violazioni: dei diritti umani (che, sono inesistenti nella Lega Araba): poste in essere: dalle autorità siriane, e dai gruppi armati, gli episodi di violenza sessuale, gli abusi, contro, i bambini, e il loro reclutamento, come soldati. @Onu bastardi! voi CIA NATO MOSSAD, voi avete portato, li, al Quaeda della Lega Araba! @King Saudi Arabia -- ipocrita criminale, perché tu sei andato a gurdare la "pagliuzza " nell'occhio di Assad, e poi tu non hai gurdato la trave che è nel tuo occhio?

   UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
لذلك، فإن الكثير من الشهداء المسيحيين الأبرياء الذين قتلوا من أجل الشريعة، أي له جميع أنحاء العالم؟ الخلافة - جواب - الشيطان انصرف! هللويا، آمين، هللويا، في اسم يسوع! כך, קדושים נוצרי רבים מדי חפים מפשע, נהרגו שלרעה, כלומר, בעולם שלו? ח'ליפות - תשובה - השטן כלך לך! הללויה, אמן, הללויה, בשמו של ישו! oui, trop de martyrs chrétiens innocents, tués pour la charia, c'est son monde? Califat - RÉPONSE - begone satan! Alléluia, Amen, alléluia, au nom de Jésus! so, too many Christian martyrs innocent, killed for Sharia, ie, his Worldwide? Caliphate --ANSWER -- begone satan! alleluia, amen, alleluia, in Jesus's name!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 3 ore fa
@Rothschild criminal FED ECB Bildenberg Trilateral, ecc.. ie, smasoic system: for banking seigniorage, IMF 666 NWO 322, for destroy Israel -- begone satan, amen, alleluia, in Jesus's name

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 4 ore fa
[04/14/2013. VATICAN. for, so many Christian martyrs innocent, of: Sharia: for the worldwide caliphate]. May the many persecuted Christians feel the comfort of the Risen Jesus, pope says. Before the Regina Caeli, the Pope said, "In these times, there are many Christians who suffer persecution, a great many, in many countries! Let us pray for them with love from our hearts, that they may they feel the living and comforting presence of the Risen Lord!" Vatican City (AsiaNews) - To religious persecution, "we must respond as Jesus did in his passion, [using] love and the power of truth" against misunderstanding and adversity, said Pope Francis in his address to the faithful as he reflected before the recitation of the Regina Caeli on the passages of the Acts of the Apostles in the liturgy of the third Sunday of Easter. "Where did the first disciples find the strength to bear witness, despite obstacles and violence?

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 4 ore fa
[VATICAN. for, so many Christian martyrs innocent, of: Sharia: for the worldwide caliphate]. It is obvious, he said, "that only the presence alongside them of the Risen Lord and the action of the Holy Spirit can explain this." In St Peter's Square, overflowing with the faithful, the Pope, speaking before the Marian prayer, said, "I would like to reflect briefly on the passage from the Acts of the Apostles that we read in the liturgy of this Third Sunday of Easter. This text says that the first sermon by the Apostles in Jerusalem filled the city with the news that Jesus had truly risen, according to the Scriptures, and he was the Messiah foretold by the Prophets. The chief priests and the rulers of the city tried to nip in the bud the community of believers in Christ and put the Apostles in prison, ordering them not to teach in his name."

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 4 ore fa
[VATICAN. for, so many Christian martyrs innocent, of: Sharia: for the worldwide caliphate]. However, Peter and the other Eleven replied, "We must obey God rather than men. The God of our ancestors raised Jesus, [. . .] exalted him at his right hand as leader and saviour [. . .]. We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:29-32). So they had the Apostles whipped and ordered them not to speak again in the name of Jesus. And they went forth, and as the Scripture says, "rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of the name" of Jesus. Pope Francis went on to say, "I ask myself: Where did the first disciples find the strength to bear witness? Plus, where did the joy and courage for the proclamation come from, despite the obstacles and violence? Let us not forget that the Apostles were simple men.

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 4 ore fa
[VATICAN. for, so many Christian martyrs innocent, of: Sharia: for the worldwide caliphate]. They were not scribes, nor teachers of the law or members of the priestly class. How did they, with their limits and opposed by the authorities, fill Jerusalem with their teaching (cf Acts, 5:28)?" It is obvious, the pope quickly added, "that only the presence alongside them of the Risen Lord and the Holy Spirit can explain this. The Lord, who was with them, and the spirit that moved them to preach, pushed them towards this extraordinary event. Their faith was based on an experience of the crucified and risen Christ that was so powerful and personal that they were not afraid of anything or anyone, so that for them persecution was a badge of honour, which enabled them to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and be like Him, bearing witness to Him with their lives."

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 4 ore fa
[VATICAN. for, so many Christian martyrs innocent, of: Sharia: for the worldwide caliphate]. The pontiff also stressed that the "history of the first Christian community tells us something very important, which applies to the Church of all the ages, even to us. When a person truly knows Jesus Christ and believes in Him, experiences His presence in life and the power of His resurrection, he cannot fail to communicate this experience. If he encounters misunderstanding or adversity, he should behave like Jesus did in His Passion: respond with love and the power of truth." Praying together the Regina Caeli, he said, "We ask for the help of the Holiest Mary so that the Church around the world may proclaim with frankness and courage the Resurrection of the Lord and bear effective witness to it through signs of brotherly love.

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 4 ore fa
[VATICAN. for, so many Christian martyrs innocent, of: Sharia: for the worldwide caliphate]. Brotherly love is the closest witness we can give that Jesus is alive among us, that he is risen. Let us pray, especially for Christians who suffer persecution. In these times, there are many Christians who suffer persecution, a great many, in many countries! Let us pray for them with love from our hearts, that they may they feel the living and comforting presence of the Risen Lord!" Next, the pope stopped and made the sign of the cross. This was followed by the recitation of the Regina Caeli and the blessing.

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[homoäktenskap] som är, alla de som har placerat sig under förbannelsen: ty de har gått emot Guds lagar, Bibeln, som var så avskyvärda, att sätta sig själv: i denna styggelse: av: homoäktenskap? han kommer att gråta tårar av blod, både: på hans liv, som, på livet för sina barn, som han själv har förbannat! begone satan, i Jesu namn! [gay Evlilik] kim, lanet altında kendilerini vermiş herkese: bunlar kendini koymak, bu yüzden iğrenç oldu Allah'ın yasaları, İncil, karşı gitti için: Bu ​​iğrenç in: içinde: eşcinsel evlilik? o kan gözyaşı, hem ağlayacak: hayatını, o, kendisi lanetlemiştir onun çocukları, hayatını! İsa adına defol şeytan,!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[małżeństw homoseksualnych], którzy są wszyscy ci, którzy oddali się pod przekleństwem: bo poszły przeciwko prawom Bożym, Biblii, który był tak ohydny, mówiąc sobie: w tej obrzydliwości: od: małżeństwa homoseksualne? będzie płakać krwawymi łzami, zarówno w jego życiu, że na życie swoich dzieci, że on sam przeklęty! begone szatan, w imię Jezusa! [casamento gay], que são, todos aqueles que se colocaram sob a maldição, porque ter ido contra as leis de Deus, a Bíblia, que era tão hediondo, a colocar-se: nesta abominação: de: casamento gay? ele vai chorar lágrimas de sangue, tanto: em sua vida, que, na vida de seus filhos, que ele mesmo amaldiçoados! begone satanás, em nome de Jesus!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[homofile ekteskap] hvem er, alle de som har stilt seg under forbannelse for de har gått mot Guds lover, Bibelen, som var så grufulle, for å sette seg selv: i denne styggedom: av: homofilt ekteskap? han vil gråte tårer av blod, både: på hans liv, som, på livene til sine barn, som han selv har forbannet! forsvinn satan, i Jesu navn! [gay Huwelijk] die, al diegenen die zich onder de vloek heeft geplaatst: want zij zijn gegaan tegen de wetten van God, de Bijbel, die zo gruwelijk, om zichzelf was: in deze gruwel: van: homohuwelijk? Hij zal huilen tranen van bloed, zowel: op zijn leven, dat, op het leven van zijn kinderen, die hij zelf heeft vervloekt! begone satan, in de naam van Jezus!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[homoseksuelle ægteskaber], der alle dem, der har sat sig under forbandelse, for de er gået imod Guds love, Bibelen, der var så afskyelige, at sætte sig selv: i denne vederstyggelighed: af: homoseksuelle ægteskaber? han vil græde tårer af blod, både: på hans liv, at på livet af sine børn, at han selv har forbandet! afsted satan, i Jesu navn! [homojen avioliitto], jotka ovat kaikki ne, jotka ovat asettuneet kirouksen alla, sillä he ovat menneet vastaan​​ Jumalan lakeja, Raamattu, joka oli niin hirvittäviä, laittaa itsensä: tässä kauhistus: of: homojen avioliitto? hän itkeä kyyneleitä, niin: hänen elämänsä, että ihmisten elämään hänen lapsensa, että hän itse on kironnut! Katoa saatana, Jeesuksen nimessä!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[زواج مثلي الجنس] الذين هم، كل أولئك الذين وضعوا أنفسهم تحت لعنة لانهم سلكوا ضد قوانين الله، والكتاب المقدس، الذي كان البشعة لذلك، ليضع نفسه: في هذا المكروه: من: زواج مثلي الجنس؟ وقال انه سوف يبكي الدموع من الدم، سواء: في حياته، وهذا، على حياة أبنائه، أنه هو نفسه قد لعن! انصرف الشيطان، في اسم يسوع!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[נישואים הומו] שהם, כל מי שיש להציב את עצמם תחת הקללה: שלהם הלכו נגד החוקים של אלוהים, התנ"ך, שהיה כל כך מתועב, לשים את עצמו: בתועבה הזאת: של: נישואי הומו? הוא בוכה דמעות של דם, הן: על חייו, ש, על חייהם של ילדיו, שהוא עצמו מקולל! כלך לך שטן, בשמו של ישו!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[समलैंगिक विवाह], जो शाप के तहत खुद को रखा है जो उन सभी कर रहे हैं: वे खुद को डाल दिया, ताकि जघन्य था जो भगवान के कानूनों, बाइबल, के खिलाफ चले गए हैं के लिए: यह घृणा में: की: समलैंगिक शादी? वह खून के आँसू, दोनों रोना होगा: उनके जीवन पर, कि, वह खुद को शाप दिया है कि अपने बच्चों के जीवन पर! यीशु के नाम में जानेवाला शैतान,!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[однополые браки], которые являются все те, кто поставили себя под клятвою, потому что идут против законов Бога, Библии, который был настолько отвратительным, поставить себя: в этой мерзости: о: однополые браки? он будет плакать кровавыми слезами, как: на его жизнь, что, на жизнь своих детей, что он сам проклял! Изыди сатана, во имя Иисуса!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[同性戀婚姻]是誰,所有這些人已經把自己的詛咒之下:他們違背神的律法,"聖經",是誰這麼令人髮指,把自己:在這可憎的事:同性戀婚姻?他就會哭涕血,既:在他的生活,他的孩子,他自己也被詛咒的生命!走開撒旦,在耶穌的名字! [동성 결혼] 사람은 저주 아래 자신을 배치 한 모든 사람들이다 : 그들은 자신을 넣어, 너무 가증했다 하나님의 율법, 성경에 갔을를위한이 혐오에서 :의 : 동성 결혼? 그는 혈액의 눈물을 모두 울 것 : 자신의 삶에 대한, 즉, 그 자신이 저주 그의 자녀들의 삶에! 예수의 이름으로 물러 가라 사탄!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[Homosexuell Ehe] wer sind all jene, die sich selbst gestellt haben unter dem Fluch für sie gegen die Gesetze Gottes, die Bibel, die so abscheulich, sich selbst gesetzt war gegangen: in diesem Greuel: von: Homosexuell Ehe? er wird weinen Tränen aus Blut, beides: auf sein Leben, das, auf das Leben seiner Kinder, die er sich selbst verflucht hat! begone Satan, im Namen Jesu! [El matrimonio gay] que son, a todos los que se han puesto bajo maldición, pues han ido en contra de las leyes de Dios, la Biblia, que era tan atroz, ponerse: en esta abominación: de: el matrimonio gay? él va a llorar lágrimas de sangre, ambos: en su vida, que, en la vida de sus hijos, que él mismo ha maldecido! begone satanás, en el nombre de Jesús!

   KingxKingdom ha pubblicato un commento 5 ore fa
[gay Marriage] who are, all those who have placed themselves under the curse: for they have gone against the laws of God, the Bible, who was so heinous, to put himself: in this abomination: of: gay marriage? he will cry tears of blood, both: on his life, that, on the lives of his children, that he himself has cursed! begone satan, in Jesus's name! [Mariage gay] qui sont, tous ceux qui se sont placés sous la malédiction, car ils vont à l'encontre des lois de Dieu, la Bible, qui était si odieux, de se mettre: dans cette abomination: de: mariage homosexuel? il va pleurer des larmes de sang, à la fois: sur sa vie, sur la vie de ses enfants, qu'il a lui-même maudit! begone satan, au nom de Jésus!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 6 ore fa
[[you are bringing, all peoples, to the World War III]] Bersani criminal damn traitor of the Italian people: [throws the mask!]: 'New phase', you definitely ruin the Italian people slave, more and more!. was this, that you had in mind from the beginning, blasting: "Marini (ie, the Masonic system of banking seigniorage: ("from pan "), to bring the duel: Two Illuminati, the most dangerous of Rothschild: ie, Bildenberg cult: agenda: SpA slavery: corporations: IMF-NWO: Prodi and D'Alema ("the embers!") Bersani criminale maledetto traditore: del popolo italiano: [getta la maschera!]: 'Fase nuova', tu rovina definitivamente il popolo italiano schiavo!. era questo, che, tu avevi in mente: sin dal principio, fare saltare: "Marini (ie, sistema massonico del signoraggio bancario: ("la padella"), per portare al duello: due Illuminati, più pericolosi di Rothschild: cioè, Bildenberg cult: agenda corporations: FMI-NWO: Prodi-D'Alema ("la brace!")

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 7 ore fa
08/feb/2013 - Beppe Grillo said: "I am for gay marriage, as we have said. It is a freedom. Absolutely, not even to discuss. - ANSWER - perhaps you were gay, too, as a boy? "Eih, the kecca!" why do you want, all of this: great evil to our society??.., all of this: great evil to our family? gays do not need: the wedding, and you are doing: evil only: that Christian civilization, which is fundamental human rights!, as he said the atheist: Benedetto Croce: "Why we can not call ourselves Christians," because this: is shown: "outside the family, and the secular Christian civilization" we have known??: only: the most aberrant crimes, against: human dignity, namely: the agenda of the Pharisees, and their Talmud cursed for: destroy Israel, the Jewish-Christian civilization, and to spread the Satanism on the world .. you're making, the biggest mistake of your life!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 7 ore fa
08/feb/2013 -- Beppe Grillo: said: "Io sono per i matrimoni gay, l'abbiamo dichiarato. È una libertà. Assolutamente, neanche da discutere. -- ANSWER -- forse, sei stato gay, anche tu, da ragazzo? "Eih, la kecca!" perché, tu vuoi un così, tutto questo: grande male: alla nostra società, ed alla famiglia? i gay non hanno bisogno: del matrimonio, e tu stai facendo: del male soltanto: a quella civiltà cristiana, che è fondamentale ai diritti umani!, come ha detto l'ateo: Benedetto Croce: "Perché non possiamo non dirci cristiani", perché questo: è dimostrato: "al di fuori della famiglia, e della laica civiltà cristiana": noi abbiamo conosciuto: soltanto: i crimini più aberranti, contro: la dignità umana, cioè: la agenda dei farisei e del loro maledetto talmud per: distruggere Israele, la civiltà ebraico-cristiana, e per diffondere il satanismo sul mondo.. tu stai facendo il più grave errore della tua vita!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 7 ore fa
@ Arab League --- you saw in the picture(ANSA) loop: ie, in the eyes of Netanyahu, "we are prepared to defend ourselves" 18 April, 20:20, you saw her distress? in your international crime, OF ISLAMIST FOR SHARIA AND WORLDWIDE CALIPHATE, is no longer compatible with the security of the entire international community, it's because you're a dickhead: of a religious maniac crazy, idiot terrorist! that, Rothischild: Enlightened, god owl at bohemian grove FED ECB IMF-NWO: the Pharisees, you will be able to spread, after III world war, the Satanism and its micro chip on the entire planet, fro do his universal worldwide slavery !

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 8 ore fa
@ Arab League --- Netanyahu, said: "We are prepared to defend ourselves. [18 April, 20:20] TEL AVIV, -'' We are not aggressive. We do not seek a military confrontation, but we are prepared to defend ourselves, if the need arises!, I think that the people know, that, that, that, I say, is measured and serious.'' - ANSWER ---> @ Arab League - guys, we should not forget, that you are the Nazi extermination TOTAL: because you are Satanists of sharia: for: worldwide Caliphate against all Peoples!, and if you have become, so, religious maniacs, to be crazy stoned? I'm not responsible! my evil against you? is a lesser evil : inevitable, because, the whole human race, has the right to survive, your evil and the wickedness of the Pharisees!, and unfortunately, this has been proven .. with religious maniacs, you can not think! therefore, ye are, from this time under, nuclear attack preventive: in mode constant!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 8 ore fa
@Lega Araba --- Netanyahu, said: "noi siamo preparati a difenderci.[18 aprile, 20:20] TEL AVIV, - ''Non siamo aggressivi. Non cerchiamo un braccio di ferro militare, ma, siamo preparati a difenderci, se si presenta la necessità!; penso che il popolo sappia, che, ciò, che, io dico è misurato e serio''. -- ANSWER ---> @Lega Araba -- ragazzi, non dobbiamo dimenticare, che, voi siete i nazisti, DELLO STERMINIO TOTALE: perché voi siete i satanisti della sharia: e del Califfato Mondiale! e se, voi siete diventati così maniaci religiosi, da essere rincoglioniti? io non sono responsabile! il mio male contro di voi? è un male minore: inevitabile, perché, tutto il genere umano, ha diritto di sopravvivere, alla vostra malvagià ed alla malvagità dei farisei! e purtroppo, questo è stato dimostrato.. con i maniaci religiosi, non si può ragionare! quindi, voi siete da questo momento, sotto nucleare attacco preventivo: costante!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 8 ore fa
[stop justicialism Masonic, of pharisees IMF 666] Berlusconi: Musharraf? but, for the independence of constitutional powers. can judiciary, can inquisitiveness, can report: any politicians, but, may not pursue, with the law, during the election campaign, or during the political mandate, because there's: parliamentary immunity! In this way: the judiciary:destroy the constitutional sovereignty, of the people, and, it is higher: the same people, so we have, the more dangerous conditions: for a judicial coup, which can lead to disaster of the French revolution, which is the Civil War!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 8 ore fa
Berlusconi: Musharraf? ma, per l'indipendenza dei poteri costituzionali. la magistratura può inquisire, denunciare: uomini politici, ma non li può perseguire, durante la campagna elettorale, o durante il mandato politico, perché esiste l'immunità parlamentare! In questo modo la magistratura distrugge la sovranità costituzionale del popolo, e si rende superiore al popolo stesso, quindi, noi abbiamo, le condizioni più pericolose: per un golpe giudiziario, che, può portare al disastro della rivoluzione francese, che è la guerra civile!

   JewsxMessiahUniusRei ha pubblicato un commento 8 ore fa
@Arab League --- my children, ----->. you have seen? also: "TheVArious7" ie, chief priests cannibals voodoo, ie, satanism international, institutional, supports my kingship, in order to preserve its survival! because, the rats are the first to abandon: the sinking ship? are not Satanists, those that better than anyone, know the evil? --- ANSWER -- if, in me: Unius REI, there was: hatred, aggression, rancor, revenge, greed, desire for power, etc. .. as my spirit could stand, permanently, in the presence of our God Holy Holy Holy Allah? That's why, I have extended, too, to China and Russia, the right to preemptive nuclear attack against, your World Caliphate, which you have shown! because self-defense by Rothschid 666, 322 Bush (who have underground cities to save 2 million people only), which, they decided, to purify, across the planet, with the atomic fire? no! is not a sin!

   TheVArious7 ha pubblicato un commento 14 ore fa
I don't fell like spamming anymore finally I broke from your curse unius rei after 7 months

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 15 ore fa Segnala spam
[ 04/18/2013. NEPAL crazy ]. Forced abortions to control Nepal's religious minorities Nepal's National Women Commission, a government organisation dedicated to the defence of women, raises the issue. In the poorest villages, gynaecologists videotape the pains of childbirth to convince women to have abortions. Kathmandu (AsiaNews) - More and more Nepali doctors are forcing women to undergo illegal abortions, this according to the National Women Commission (NWC), an organisation set up by the Nepali government to protect the rights of women. For NWC spokesperson Mohana Ansari, various religious and economic factors are behind it, including a desire to limit the number of births among Christian and Muslim minorities,

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 15 ore fa
PAKISTAN: of couse: "Sharia is better than democracy, but, is not better of my kingdom".] Islamabad: arrest warrant for Musharraf, new shadows hover over general election. The high court issued the order based on a 2007 arrest warrant. The former president immediately leaves the courtroom escorted by his men. Catholic leadership appeal to people to participate in vote. Bishop of Islamabad: we must "fight for the country" and pray "for peace." Islamabad.The Islamabad High Court has issued an arrest order against the former president and army General Pervez Musharraf on the basis of an arrest warrant approved by judges in March 2007. The former leader - who recently returned to his homeland after four years of exile - was present in the courtroom at the time of the reading of the order. The lawyers tried to obtain a bail extension, while the police did not respond to the order allowing him to leave the court immediately after the ruling, escorted by his men.

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 15 ore fa
[your grass is dry, it can easily burn. PAKISTAN: of couse: "Sharia is better than democracy, but, is not better of my kingdom".] Musharraf is involved in a series of legal battles and has been trying to escape arrest for several charges, including treason and judicial proceedings regarding the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and another tribal leader in Balochistan . The Pakistani Taliban have already promised on several occasions to kill the former president, who seized power in a 1999 coup. As established in recent days by the Electoral Commission, the general elections in Pakistan will be held next May 11. For the first time in the history of the country, the previous government led by the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) President Asif Ali Zardari has been able to complete its mandate albeit amidst controversy and no small amount of scandals. Now there will be a "democratic" handing over of powers, after decades of dictatorships and military coups.

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 15 ore fa
[your grass is dry, it can easily burn. PAKISTAN: of couse: "Sharia is better than democracy, but, is not better of my kingdom".] On the future of the election, however, weigh the threats of violence by the Taliban and Islamic extremist fringes. Threats that have materialized in recent weeks with the killing of five politicians vying for a spot in the next parliament. Added to these is a general view held in the country, particularly among young people, according to whom "Sharia is better than democracy." This is what emerged in a recent poll, conducted on a sample of 5 thousand children between the ages of 18 and 29 years, in addition, more than half of the respondents said that "the democratic model did not benefit the country," while 94% feel it is going "in the wrong direction" compared to 50% in a similar survey in 2007. In the Catholic sphere, Minister for National Harmony Paul Bhatti is a candidate within the ranks of the Pakistan People's Party.

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 15 ore fa
[your grass is dry, it can easily burn. PAKISTAN: of couse: "Sharia is better than democracy, but, is not better of my kingdom".] He is the brother of Shahbaz, massacred by Islamic fundamentalists in March 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy laws. Speaking to AsiaNews, the bishop of Islamabad / Rawalpindi Rufin Anthony launches an appeal to the Christian electorate to "turnout en masse to vote" despite the violence. The prelate emphasizes the religious minority's deep bond with the nation and their desire to "fight for the country," combined with the desire to "pray for peace in Pakistan." This is echoed by Fr. John Francis, of the diocese of Lahore, who emphasizes the "deep political crisis" that the country is currently going through and the doubts surrounding an administration that "fails to prevent" attacks and violence that affect minorities as well, who should be "guaranteed security".

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
@666 CIA IMF masonic system --- I'm comfortable, on throne of JHWH, but your satan burn!

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
04/18/2013 NORTH KOREA Musan, a mosaic to Kim's glory collapses on the 'Day of the Sun' by Joseph Yun Li-sun The 5-by-8-metre mural located near the central station depicts Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il. According to a local source, "it fell down because of the strong wind, since corrupt officials stole money destined for the planning and materials." This is the first time a symbol of the dictatorship collapses, and the population is now afraid of retaliation by the police. -- ANSWER -- I am NOT finding anything good in you, and therefore, I decided to blow hard against .. to you? not be able to resist: in Jesus's name, amen, alleluia, let go free Christians!! let go free Christians!! let go free Christians!! let go free Christians!!

   IIlIIlllI ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
hello unius rei how are you?

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
04/18/2013 [criminals: VIETNAM and North Korea] Vietnamese Catholics pray to Our Lady for the release of Viet Tan activists. On April 24, the appeal process begins for the 14 young people convicted with ranging sentences on "terrorism" charges. At least 29 thousand people have signed a petition for the "young patriots" acquittal. Signatories include bishops, priests and Buddhist monks. The group increasingly "icons" of the "non-violent" struggle against corruption. Hanoi (AsiaNews) - With special prayers to the Virgin, on the day dedicated to Our Lady each month, Vietnamese Catholics are following the appeal process of the 14 Christian activists - 13 Catholic and a Protestant - scheduled to begin on April 24. The beginning of the hearing at the Nghe An provincial court, in the north, is set for 7:30 am and the entire community is already abuzz

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
[criminals: VIETNAM and North Korea] about the fate of the group of young people. In recent weeks, family and friends have launched a petition for their release. They were jailed with sentences ranging from 13 to three years, with additional period of house arrest and probation under the generic charged of "terrorism" and propaganda against the Communist state and the government, in violation of Article 79 of Penal Code. The activists were targeted for their involvement in a movement called Viet Tan, a non-violent group that supports democracy and has ties with the United States, which the authorities consider "terrorist." According to trial witnesses, the defendants often claimed that their commitment was only an aid to the population, spreading news and criticism of the corruption of party and government members and their accumulation of wealth during the financial crisis.

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
[criminals: VIETNAM and North Korea] In recent weeks they have been abused and ill-treated in prison, the prison authorities have also denied them medicines and other basic necessities, as well as prohibiting them newspapers, books and writing materials. The sentencing of activists has aroused indignation among the Catholics of Vietnam and the diaspora, who have branded the sentence imposed by the courts in the name and on behalf of the communist authorities as "barbaric" and the unjust. To date, almost 29 thousand people - including some bishops - have signed a "declaration of intent" that asks the government to restore freedom to these "young patriots". Together with the prelates, there are also the signatures of prominent personalities from Buddhism and many local priests.

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
[criminals: VIETNAM and North Korea] The group is now an icon of the "courageous" and "non-violent" struggle against abuse and corruption in the party. In their peaceful struggle they have promoted social activities and awareness campaigns in a nationalist slant, including a clear stance against the "imperialism" of Beijing in the South China Sea. On the 24th of each month the Catholics of Vietnam pray to the Virgin Mary, this month's intentions will be for the release of the activists. Meanwhile, the prayers of the families of young Catholics have had a great response worldwide, although the Nghe An provincial authorities continue with their policy of an iron fist "condemning innocent people whose only fault is to have the future of the nation at heart " .

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
India: raped and killed at age 6, in the landfill body A five year old boy was raped in a kindergarten in New Delhi from his teacher - ANSWER - Lord have mercy, Christ, have mercy Kenya: shooting in a restaurant, 5 dead Even three wounded, the group ambushed by gunmen 18 April, 20:08-ANSWER - ALWAYS the Arab League for his caliphate?

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
.. and because it was the Rothschilds to stab behind Israel, when Ariel Sharon, possessed all the Egyptian desert! Why, with the desert, Israel could no longer be destroyed during the World War III! ...e perché fu Rothscild a pugnalare alla spalle Israele, quando: Ariel Sharon, conquistò tutto il deserto egiziano! Perché con quel deserto Israele non avrebbe più potuto essere distrutto durante la III guerra mondiale!

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 16 ore fa
[Ariel Sharon is alive!] Jerusalem, January 27, 2013 - Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is showing the first signs "encouraging" of consciousness and recovery from the terrible stroke that for 7 years has made him a vegetable. Doctors at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba who have it in care reported having registered in Sharon a "significant activities' brain" during an MRI in which they were shown photos of family members and was made to listen to a tape with voice of his son Gilad. The doctors explained that technically the former Prime Minister is not in a coma but in a state of "minimal consciousness". Sharon, 84, was hospitalized after a stroke Jan. 4, 2006.

   lorenzoALLAH ha pubblicato un commento 17 ore fa
Abu Antar Idiot - I have never seen Jesus of Bethlehem, 1. collect taxes from someone, or, 2. to hurt an honest person: at any prate of the world! and why I am Messiah jewis, and, Mahdi Palestinian? because, for the kingdom of God, all men in the world are one only family! if I decided to destroy Israel and sharia, who could prevent it? No, Satan can not! -- io non ho mai visto Gesù di Betlemme, 1. raccogliere le tasse da qualcuno, oppure, 2. fare del male ad una persona onesta: in qualsiasi prate del mondo! e perché mai io sono Messiah ebreo e Mahdi palestinese? perché, per il regno di Dio, tutti gli uomini del mondo: sono una sola famiglia! se io ho deciso di distruggere Israele e la sharia, chi potrebbe impedirlo? no, satana non può!

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
solo un idiota non metterebbe se stesso sotto la corona di Unius REI, per farsi sbranare da Rothschild il fariseo!

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: masonik sistem, şeriat --- İsa adına defol şeytan,. amin, elhamdülillah! Defol, Şeytan "Matta 4:10 İsa, ona dedi ki:" Çünkü şöyle yazılmıştır, Defol, Şeytan için: İsa adına, amin Alleluia! hallelujah, mucit ve aldatma ustası, insanın kurtuluş düşmanı. @ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: hệ thống masonic, Sharia --- begone Satan, trong tên của Chúa Giêsu. A Men, alleluia! "Matthew 04:10 Sau đó, Chúa Giêsu nói với ông:" begone, Sa-tan: vì có lời chép, Begone, Sa-tan: trong tên của Chúa Giêsu, A Men Alleluia! Hallelujah, nhà phát minh và bậc thầy của sự lừa dối, kẻ thù của sự cứu rỗi của con người.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ MMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: masonska sustav, šerijat --- Odlazi Sotona, u Isusovo ime. amen, aleluja! "Matej 4:10 Isus mu reče:" Odlazi, Sotona, jer je pisano: Odlazi, Sotona: u Isusovo ime, amen aleluja! aleluja, izumitelj i majstor laži, neprijatelj čovjeka spasenja. @ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: Masonic system sharia --- begone satan, i Jesu navn. amen, Halleluja! "Matthew 04:10 Da sagde Jesus til ham:" Forsvind, Satan: thi der er skrevet, Bort, Satan: i Jesu navn, amen Halleluja! halleluja, opfinder og mester i bedrag, fjende af menneskets frelse.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: Masonic stelsel, sharia --- Weg satan, in Jesus se naam. amen, Halleluja! "Matthew 04:10 Toe sê Jesus vir hom:" Gaan weg, Satan, want daar is geskrywe: Weg, Satan in Jesus se naam, amen Halleluja! Hallelujah, uitvinder en meester van bedrog, vyand van die mens se redding. @ FMN Rothschid FED BQE NWO 322: Sistemi masonike, Sheriati --- Shporru Satan, në emër të Jezusit. Amen, Aleluja!! "Mateu 4:10 Atëherë Jezusi i tha:" Shporru, Satan, sepse është shkruar: Shporru, Satan: në emër të Jezusit, amen Aleluja!! , Hallelujah shpikës dhe mjeshtër të gënjeshtrës, armik i shpëtimit të njeriut.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: ng mga mason system, sharia --- kinulong demonyo, sa Jesus ng pangalan. siya nawa, alleluia! "Mateo 04:10 Pagkatapos ay sinabi ni Hesus sa kanya," lumayas, si Satanas: para ito ay nakasulat, lumayas, si Satanas: sa Jesus ang pangalan, siya nawa Alleluia! hallelujah, imbentor at master ng ​​panlilinlang, kaaway ng kaligtasan ng tao. @ IMF Rothschid FED EKP NWO 322: vapaamuurari-järjestelmä, sharia --- begone saatana, Jeesuksen nimessä. Amen, Halleluja! "Matthew 04:10 Silloin Jeesus sanoi hänelle:" Katoa, Saatana: sillä on kirjoitettu, Katoa, Saatana: Jeesuksen nimessä, aamen Halleluja! halleluja, keksijä ja mestari petosta, vihollisen ihmisen pelastuksen.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ ММФ Ротхсцхид ФЕД ЕЦБ НВО 322: Масонски систем, шеријатско --- Одлази сатана, у име Исуса. Амен, Алелуја! "Матеј 4:10 А Исус му рече:" Одлази, Сатано, јер је написано, Одлази, Сатана: у Исусово име, амен Алилуја! Алелуја, проналазач и мајстор обмане, непријатељ спасења човека.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ МВФ Rothschid FED ЕЦБ NWO 322: масонские системы, шариат --- Прочь Сатаны, во имя Иисуса. Аминь, Аллилуйя! "Матфея 4:10 Тогда Иисус сказал ему:" Отойди от Меня, сатана, ибо написано, отойди от Меня, сатана, во имя Иисуса, аминь Аллилуиа! Аллилуйя, изобретатель и мастер обмана, враг человеческого спасения.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322 : 프리메이슨 시스템, 샤리아 --- 예수의 이름으로 물러 가라 사탄. 아멘, 할렐루야! 물러 가라, 사탄은 "마태 복음 4:10 예수 께서 그에게 말씀 하셨다"는 기록, 물러 가라, 사탄 예수의 이름으로, 아멘 할렐루야! 할렐루야, 발명가와 사기의 달인, 인간의 구원의 적. @ IMF Rothschid FED歐洲央行NWO322:共濟會的系統,伊斯蘭教---走開撒旦,在耶穌的名字。阿們,哈利路亞! "馬太福音4:10耶穌對他說,"去吧,撒旦:因為經上記著,走開,撒旦:在耶穌的名,阿們哈利路亞!哈利路亞,發明家和欺騙敵人的人的救贖主。

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ आईएमएफ Rothschid तंग आ ईसीबी NWO 322: मेसोनिक प्रणाली, शरीयत --- यीशु के नाम पर जानेवाला शैतान,. आमीन, ईश - वंदना! हट जा, शैतान "मैथ्यू 04:10 तब यीशु ने उससे कहा," यह लिखा है, जानेवाला, शैतान के लिए: यीशु के नाम में, आमीन Alleluia! हलिलुय, आविष्कारक और छल का गुरु, आदमी की मुक्ति के दुश्मन.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ ΔΝΤ Rothschid FED ΕΚΤ NWO 322: μασονική σύστημα, σαρία --- εξαφανίσου Σατανά, στο όνομα του Ιησού. Αμήν, Αλληλούια! "Κατά Ματθαίον 4:10 Τότε ο Ιησούς είπε," εξαφανίσου, ο Σατανάς: γι 'αυτό είναι γραμμένο, εξαφανίσου, ο Σατανάς: στο όνομα του Ιησού, αμήν Αλληλούια! Αλληλούια, εφευρέτης και master της εξαπάτησης, εχθρός της σωτηρίας του ανθρώπου.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: masonic system, sharia --- forsvinn satan, i Jesu navn. amen, halleluja! "Matteus 04:10 Da sa Jesus til ham:« Forsvinn, Satan! For det står skrevet: Forsvinn, Satan: i Jesu navn, amen Halleluja! halleluja, oppfinner og master av svik, fiende av menneskets frelse. @ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO322:フリーメーソンシステム、シャリア---イエスの名前で仰せられた悪魔。アーメン、ハレルヤ!仰せられ、サタンは"マタイ4:10するとイエスは彼に言った、"それは書かれている、仰せられ、サタンのために:イエスの名において、アーメンハレルヤ!ハレルヤ、発明者と詐欺のマスター、人間の救いの敵。

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ FMI Rothschid FED BCE NWO 322: sistema maçônico, sharia --- begone satanás, em nome de Jesus. Amém, aleluia! "Mateus 4:10 Então, Jesus lhe disse:" Vá embora, Satanás, porque está escrito: Vá embora, Satanás, em nome de Jesus, Amém. Aleluia! aleluia, inventor e mestre de enganos, inimigo da salvação do homem. @ MFW Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: System masonic, szariat --- begone szatan, w imię Jezusa. amen, alleluja! "Mateusza 04:10 A Jezus rzekł do niego:" Precz, szatanie, bo jest napisane, Precz, szatanie: w imię Jezusa, amen Alleluja! Alleluja, wynalazca i mistrzem oszustwa, wróg zbawienia człowieka. @ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: vrijmetselaars systeem, sharia --- begone satan, in de naam van Jezus. Amen, halleluja! "Mattheüs 04:10 Toen zeide Jezus tot hem:" Ga weg, satan, want er staat geschreven, Begone, Satan: in de naam van Jezus, Amen Halleluja! halleluja, uitvinder en meester van bedrog, vijand van de redding van de mens.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ IWF Rothschid FED EZB NWO 322: Freimaurer System, Scharia --- begone Satan, im Namen Jesu. Amen, halleluja! "Matthew 04.10 Da sprach Jesus zu ihm:" begone, Satan! Denn es steht geschrieben:, Hinweg, Satan: im Namen Jesu, Amen Halleluja! Halleluja, Erfinder und Meister der Täuschung, Feind des Menschen Heil. @ FMI Rothschid FED BCE NOM 322: sistema masónico, sharia --- begone satanás, en el nombre de Jesús. Amén, aleluya! "Mateo 04:10 Entonces Jesús le dijo:" Vete, Satanás, porque está escrito: ¡Vete, Satanás en el nombre de Jesús, Amén Aleluya! aleluya, inventor y maestro del engaño, enemigo de la salvación del hombre. @ IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: Masonic systemet, sharia --- begone satan, i Jesu namn. Amen, halleluja! "Matteus 04:10 Då sade Jesus till honom:" Försvinn, Satan, ty det är skrivet, Försvinn, Satan: i Jesu namn, amen Halleluja! hallelujah, uppfinnare och mästare svek, fiende av människans frälsning

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@ Rothschid IMF ECB FED NWO 322: masonic system, sharia --- begone satan, in Jesus's name. amen, alleluia! "Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him," Begone, Satan: for it is written, Begone, Satan: in Jesus's name, Amen Alleluia! hallelujah, inventor and master of deceit, enemy of man's salvation @ FMI Rothschid FED BCE NWO 322: système maçonnique, la charia --- begone satan, au nom de Jésus. Amen, alléluia! »Matthieu 4:10 Alors Jésus lui dit:" Retire-toi, Satan! Car il est écrit: Retire-toi, Satan: au nom de Jésus, amen alléluia! alléluia, inventeur et maître de la tromperie, ennemi du salut de l'homme

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
@IMF Rothschid FED ECB NWO 322: masonic system, sharia --- begone satan, in Jesus's name. amen, alleluia! Matteo 4:10 Allora Gesù gli disse: "Vattene, Satana, poiché sta scritto: Adora il Signore Iddio tuo, ed a lui solo rendi il culto."Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him, "begone, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."מתיו 04:10 ואז אמרו לו ישוע, "כלך לך, שטן: שההרים כתובים, פולחן ועשה, את ה 'אלהיך, ולו בלבד, יעשו לך לשרת." ثم قال متى 4:10 يسوع له: "انصرف، الشيطان: لأنه مكتوب، انت شلت العبادة، الرب إلهك، و، له فقط، وانت تخدمها."

   IIlIIlllI ha pubblicato un commento 18 ore fa
Abu Antar is stupidly

   Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
You're an ignoramus. I pity you.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
[scientist Giacinto Auriti said: for seigniorage banking: that is been stolen: by Rothschid? you will be condemned to extermination] Crisis could kill: other, 250,000 businesses, says Confcommercio, Almost four: in ten families: worried about debt, says survey 18 April, (ANSA) - Rome, April 18 - Almost four in 10 Italian families fear they won't have the money to pay their mortgage while at the same time, new: 250,000 companies are at risk of shutting their doors. Such are some of the results of the ongoing economic crisis in Europe that has hit recession-plagued Italy very hard, Carlo Sangalli, president of Confcommercio, said Thursday.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
[scientist Giacinto Auriti said: for seigniorage banking: that is been stolen: by Rothschid? you will be condemned to extermination] His group released the results of a survey taken on some of the impacts of the crisis, and called on government to do more to support families and businesses. "This long crisis is deleting the most vital part of the country," which is its entrepreneurs, said Sangalli, whose group: represents Italian business. Up to 250,000 operations could be forced: to close this year and many more are losing hope, said Sangalli. Making matters worse, 11 million: Italian households have been forced to slash spending and are frightened they won't be able to pay Italy's rising taxes. They're especially worried about a hik:

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
thanks @666 pharisee Rothschild IMF --- Greece: 'More and more children are suffering from hunger "In 2012, 10% of students in elementary and middle schools went hungry. "We are now at levels Africans' A moment of protest of teachers in Athens, April 16 (ANSA). "Not even in my worst nightmares: I would have expected a situation like that. We are now at the point where the children arrive at school hungry. Families have difficulties not only with the job, but: to survive. "Leonidas Nikas is the director: an elementary school in Athens. It tells what: he lives every day. Scenes that some time ago in Europe were thought unthinkable and now, because of the economic crisis: hit the country, has become an everyday reality. Children: at school looking for food in the garbage, other than: ask fellow leftovers for a snack, or folded in two children: for hunger pains: or fainting.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
Germany: Go ahead, said: Bundestag, for: aid in Cyprus! The fate of Nicosia'' relevant'' Eurozone (lol.). 18 April, "A little, default of Cyprus?lol. would put at risk, too, countries such as Spain and Italy." He said the Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, speaking in the Bundestag, and remembering that "the ECB, European Commission and the IMF: International Monetary Fund, they decided the fate of Nicosia, which is relevant for the eurozone." - ANSWER - IS NOT ENOUGH: seize: 40% of big capital, stolen from the Russian capitalists? and they often are, then, to declare that the IMF is now an empty lot, inflated by compressed air! it is essential to World War III immediately to save the IMF

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
Via libera Bundestag agli aiuti a Cipro La sorte di Nicosia ''rilevante per eurozona''. Germania: 18 aprile, "Un'insolvenza di Cipro metterebbe a rischio anche paesi come Spagna e Italia". Lo ha detto il ministro delle Finanze Wolfgang Schaeuble, parlando al Bundestag, e ricordando che "Bce, Commissione europea e Fmi hanno ritenuto la sorte di Nicosia rilevante per l'eurozona". -- ANSWER - NON È STATO SUFFICIENTE: sequestrare: il 40%, dei grandi capitali, rubati ai capitalisti russi? e sono proprio loro a dichiarare che il FMI è ormai un sacco vuoto, gonfiato dall'aria compressa!

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
Slaughter in the U.S.: the outbreak of a fertilizer company: Fertillizzanti factory explodes in Texas, is killing! - ANSWER - with these Satanists: 322, 666, that the Pharisees have created, and that took control of the most STRATEGIC sizes, in the U.S.? this nation is lost! and, in fact, will end up being disintegrated by God through a giant meteor! Strage in Usa: per lo scoppio di una ditta di fertilizzanti: Esplode fabbrica di fertillizzanti in Texas, è strage! --ANSWER -- con questi satanisti: 322, 666, che i farisei hanno creato, e che, hanno preso il controllo dei punti più strategici degli USA? questa nazione è andata perduta! e, infatti, finirà per essere disintegrata da Dio, attraverso, un meteorite gigante!

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 19 ore fa
@grazie Rothschild FMI -- «Sempre più bambini soffrono la fame» Nel 2012 il 10% degli studenti delle scuole elementari e medie ha sofferto la fame. «Ormai siamo a livelli africani» Un momento della protesta degli insegnanti ad Atene, il 16 aprile (Ansa). «Neppure nei miei incubi peggiori mi sarei aspettato una situazione del genere. Siamo ormai al punto in cui i bambini arrivano a scuola affamati. Le famiglie hanno difficoltà non solo con il lavoro, ma a sopravvivere». Leonidas Nikas è il direttore di una scuola elementare di Atene. Racconta quello che vive tutti i giorni. Scene che qualche tempo fa in Europa erano ritenute impensabili e ora, a causa della crisi economica che ha colpito il Paese, è diventato una realtà quotidiana. Bambini che a scuola cercano cibo nella spazzatura, altri che chiedono ai compagni gli avanzi della merenda, o bimbi piegati in due per i crampi della fame o che svengono.

[Unius REI: ie, lorenzoAllah, or, lorenzoJHWH: could be the Jewish Messiah?] [this must be understood, the time of the mystics, is not same: of our, is not exactly the same: our: chronological time][PROPHETIC, by RABBI YITZHAK KADURI, said that, the name of the Messiah: is Jesus Christ] said: "On Hashanah Rabba, the actual war of Gog and Magog will commence and will last for some seven years." .. but, will be: between, 300 years. rabbi, Rabbi Kaduri told his attendant, "I have just seen the face of Moshiach ("The Messiah"). 2004. In the Yediot Acharonot News, Rabbi Kaduri predicted "great tragedies in the world are foreseen".

[Unius REI: ie, lorenzoAllah, or, lorenzoJHWH: could be the Jewish Messiah?] He pointed the direction of the catastrophes as being in the region "where Jews are going to the East." Rabbi Kaduri also announced to the Israeli press at this time, "The Maschiach is already in Israel". Rabbi Kaduri: said: "Jewish people return to the Land of Israel, due to terrible natural disasters which, threaten the world".. "The soul of the Messiah has attached itself, to a person in Israel." 2006. to pay tribute to the "mystic sage" that touched their hearts and gave them hope in a world of progressive chaos that their messiah would honor his promise to come and guide them though their coming "time of trouble". Last Prophecy of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri (2006).

[Unius REI: ie, lorenzoAllah, or, lorenzoJHWH: could be the Jewish Messiah?] Before he passed away, in 2006 at the age of 108, he left a note for us. Per his request, the note was read a year after his death. In it Rabbi Kaduri states that he met the Messiah, who will come shortly after the death of Ariel Sharon. could it be, that, they keep Ariel Sharon in a coma to avoid the return of the Messiah?[but the prophecies can not be fought!] KADURI'S PORTRAYAL OF THE MESSIAH. A few months before Kaduri died at the age of 108, he surprised his followers when he told them that he met the Messiah. Kaduri gave a message in his synagogue on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, teaching how to recognize the Messiah. He also mentioned that the Messiah would appear to Israel after Ariel Sharon's death.

[Unius REI: ie, lorenzoAllah, or, lorenzoJHWH: could be the Jewish Messiah?] (The former prime minister is still in a coma after suffering a massive stroke more than a year ago.) Other rabbis predict the same, including Rabbi Haim Cohen, kabbalist Nir Ben Artzi and the wife of Rabbi Haim Kneiveskzy. Kaduri's grandson, Rabbi Yosef Kaduri, said his grandfather spoke many times during his last days about the coming of the Messiah and redemption through the Messiah. His spiritual portrayals of the Messiah "reminiscent of New Testament accounts" were published on the websites Kaduri.net and Nfc: 'It is hard for many good people in society to understand the person of the Messiah. The leadership and order of a Messiah of flesh and blood is hard to accept for many in the nation. As leader, the Messiah will not hold any office, but will be among the people and use the media to communicate.

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 20 ore fa
[Unius REI: ie, lorenzoAllah, or, lorenzoJHWH: could be the Jewish Messiah?] His reign will be pure and without personal or political desire. During his dominion, only righteousness and truth will reign. 'Will all believe in the Messiah right away? No, in the beginning some of us will believe in him and some not. It will be easier for non-religious people to follow the Messiah than for Orthodox people. 'The revelation of the Messiah will be ful lled in two stages: First, he will actively confirm his position as Messiah without knowing himself that he is the Messiah. Then he will reveal himself to some Jews, not necessarily to wise Torah scholars. It can be even simple people. Only then he will reveal himself to the whole nation. 'The people will wonder and say: 'What, that's the Messiah?' Many have known his name but have not believed that he is the Messiah."

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa
666 synnek1 -- coglione sbloccami blogger

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa
@Rothscild 666, Bush 322: IMF FED ECB; NWO Sharia -- Begone, Satan: in Jesus's name, amen Alleluia! hallelujah, inventor and master of deceit, enemy of man's salvation

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa
@ Israel - with the destruction of Judeo-Christian civilization, that the Pharisees Enlightned: god owl Baal: JabullOn at Bohemian Grove: FED IME 666: satan synagogue: new babylon tower: have planned? demons (Islamists, communists, maniacs of: religios) and 666 zombies masonic system: 322: NWO, will dominate the planet! please do not die! sustain with courage, your heart, and act in this preemptive nuclear attack: for the glory of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Defend human dignity, in the key battle of this century: for: the free will, of all men on the planet, of this: we are the guardians and those responsible

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa
abu antar criminal TERRORIST Islamist jihad SHARIA ---- [/ watch? v = 02FKf2qACHA] Patrick Buchanan - "Gaza is an Israeli concentration camp." crazy! Israel will be an "concentration camp" of Arab Legue: of course! --- But, you save get out, the baby out of the water dirty: Always! you save: the good that is in all things! is why, i am UNIUS REI. . the word of God: 1. "cursed the man who trusts in other men!" Cursed is the man who praises Unius REI, because that is idolatry, "high: treason" against YHWH! 2. When the King UNIUS REI is angry against you? you remain silent, and do not forsake your meal, so, that his royalty is, always, greater than its wrath!

   HolyJHWHsanto ha pubblicato un commento 21 ore fa
abu jihad SHARIA antar criminal TERRORIST ISLAMIST ----[/watch?v=02FKf2qACHA] Patrick Buchanan - "Gaza is an Israeli concentration camp." crazy! Israel will be "concentration camp" of Arab Legue: of course! --- ma, tu fai uscire il bambino dall'acqua sporca: sempre! tu salva il bene che è in tutte le cose! is why, i am UNIUS REI. . dice la parola di Dio: 1. "maledetto: l'uomo che confida nell'altro uomo!" maledetto: è l'uomo che loda Unius REI, perché questo è idolatria, "alto: tradimento" contro, JHWH! 2. Quando il Re UNIUS REI è adirato contro di te? tu rimani in silenzio e non abbandaonare il tuo pasto, perché la sua regalità è superiore alla sua ira!

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[funny] 322 Kerry Bush virgins? oh, no! in their rite of initiation into 322, "skulls and bones", 1. have greatly blasphemed God, 2. received his fists on his testicles, 3. were sodomized .. 3. raped a girl, on the altar of Satan, ate her heart! but, this one has to understand, to get the power, and to temper, demonstrate, the appropriate attitude to power, as well as the loyalty of his own soul, the Spa, the Pharisees, the Illuminati, the Anglo-amercani, IMF?, some sacrifices must be done! and since, Secret associations are prohibited by the Constitution, then, Bush and Kerry are not in the possibility to defend themselves from my accusations .. to declare, with their silence, to be the most dangerous Satanists in the history of mankind!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

 my network

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com



siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood



LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️ kingdom this  tavola di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina)

is mine!

«Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re, adaptatione. Pater eius est sol, mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram, et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus hic est. Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiæ totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.»


«È vero senza menzogna, certo e verissimo, che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da una sola, per la mediazione di una, così tutte le cose sono nate da questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre, la Luna è sua madre, il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo, la Terra è la sua nutrice. Il padre di tutto, il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la Terra dal Fuoco, il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti, il cui metodo è qui. È perciò che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto, avendo le tre parti della filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto dell'operazione del Sole.»

https://160000christianmartyrs.blogspot.com/ uniusrei@gmail.com

https://666gender123.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://666seignioragebanking.blogspot.com/ 666seignioragebanking@gmail.com

https://accolitato.blogspot.com/ imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

https://abdallahkingabdullah.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://allchristianmartyr.blogspot.com/ allchristianmartyrs@gmail.com

https://allgiacintoauriti.blogspot.com/ allgiacintoauriti@gmail.com

https://auriti.blogspot.com/ jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://bilderberg-666-mes.blogspot.com/ jewish.x.messiah@gmail.com

https://blasphemy-shariah-genocide.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

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https://cannibalixsangue-cristiano.blogspot.com/ imjeshuachristmessiah@gmail.com

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http://hellxdespairxdestruction.blogspot.com hellxdespairxdestruction@gmail.com

http://humanumgenus.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

http://ilcomandamento.blogspot.com lsbetlemme@gmail.com

http://illuminatidemoplutogiudaicomassone.blogspot.com demoxplutoxgiudaicoxmassone@gmail.com

http://imf666killyouxtubexstopme.blogspot.com imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

http://immagini-parlanti.blogspot.com fedele339@gmail.com

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http://israeljhwh.blogspot.com king.x.kingdom@gmail.com

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http://king-of-kings4justice.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

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http://wakeupusaxronpaul.blogspot.com ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin,
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg, in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano, che è stato veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud , Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò, non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano anche alla merda, ma con te, io farò una eccezione!


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

una volta che, tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi, il giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti, e questo spiega la creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però, che questa sua Riyad depravazione ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio di un prestito di soldi nostri, visto che sono risorse che l’Italia versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban, che non è Conte, ha detto no.  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” – VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico, catturato prima di arrivare in Europa come profugo, a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi, del ‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi islamici, svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo devono provare anche tutte le bambine"  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah, lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
















LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 


 comment burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! 


  ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF:

 DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!



1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES Satana Talmudich agenda and in the Supreme Sanhedrin, black magic
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEAGUE OCI and its jihadist galaxy UMMA Kuranic dogma genocide of replacement theology, resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide


«Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa, di pietra squadrata e liscia, per istoriarne la facciata. Carogne crapulano, ospiti d’usura. » Canto XLV di Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali solo il Prof. GIACINTO Auriti risponde infallibilmente su:

moneta, credito, usurocrazia

“Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro”, (… quì ti incontrerai spitualmente con lui!)

siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com

non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Xi-Jinping] why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM? ...