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SAUDITA sharia Califfato NWO

non è più possibile che Israele deve essere costantemente ricattato e minacciato: dal terrorismo palestinese ] questa storia criminale di USA e LEGA ARABA, adesso deve finire, rapidamente, nella tragedia!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutte le volte che io sento parlare, la mia  "la presidente" della Camera, Laura Boldrini? mi vergogno profondamente di essere italiano, comprendo che non è più possibile per la mia Nazione Italia, di avere una speranza per il suo futuro, di poter evitare la guerra mondiale e la guerra civile contemporaneamente, perché sparare ai russi significa sparare ai nostri figli e vendere, totalmente il futuro delle prossime generazioni al demonio Rothschild usura mondiale, infatti coloro che hanno preso il potere in Europa sono i traditori, massoni Bildenberg, ideologia gender, quelli che un tempo erano i comunisti, questa è la morte della civiltà umanistica, l'anticristo distruggerà completamente la civiltà ebraico cristiana! Circa quello che, la  "la presidente" della Camera, Laura Boldrini, ha detto circa, il genocidio di Srebrenica: è da volta stomaco, Ovviamente, noi siamo tutti convinti che ogni genocidio, è da volta stomaco, se, non sono tutti i genocidi che hanno permesso la formazione della LEGA ARABA, e tutti i delitti nazisti che la mantengono in piedi, dato che la NATO ha regalato anche il Cosovo alla LEGA ARABA sharia. Forse la Boldrini non sa che, dopo i bombardamenti della NATO: contro i serbi, la internazionale islamica sharia LEGA ARABA, hanno fatto il genocidio di tutti i serbi del Cosovo, e che hanno ucciso soldati della NATO, e che hanno distrutto 3000 tra: Chiese, Cimiteri e Monasteri? Questa è la verità, la NATO CIA USA, UE UE, SpA Troika, Spa Fmi, ONU sono totalmente impegnati, per fortificare la LEGA ARABA: Allah Akbar genocidio nazista contro tutti gli infedeli, ecco perché Israele, Russia e Europa sono stati condannati a distruggersi tra di loro, e a subire un ennesimo fisiologico dominio genocidio islamico! L'ULTIMA SPERANZA PER NOI è UN TUO ATTACCO NUCLEARE PREVENTIVO CONTRO TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita il  Sudayrio della bestia di Allah ] [ io con il mio Dio JHWH, noi stiamo facendo tutto il possibile e anche tutto l'impossibile, per salvare la tua vita, mentre tu ed il tuo demonio dio Allah, ed il tuo alleato Talmud Rothschild, voi proprio voi state complottando contro la mia vita di dhimmi schiavo, e contro la vita di Israele! Sia lo Spirito SANTO il testimone tra te e me!
youtube ha cancellato questi miei commenti anche sulla mia pagina di: https://www.youtube.com/user/theuniusREI/discussion che li ha prodotti: [[ E QUESTA è LA DIMOSTRAZIONE DI UNA CONGIURA DI SPA 666 USA, E ARABIA SHARIA SAUDITA CONTRO ISRAELE ]] Salman dell'Arabia Saudita il  Sudayrio del cazzo che ti fotte ] qui c'è un solo uomo al mondo, che può salvare il genere umano, e che può salvare il mio ISLAM holy.. e quell'uomo sono io. infatti voi siete tutti una sola blasfemia e apostasia, se, come voi dite, anche Adamo, Abramo e Noé erano dei musulmani, che hanno inventato l'Islam.. e che l'Islam è la vera religione naturale.. Ma i nostri patriarchi? loro non hanno fatto tutte le cosa da bestie, che voi avete fatto

Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] brutta troia di uno psicopatico [ uno dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayri" TUTTI INCULATI COME MAOMETTO dai Farisei che hanno fondato l'ISLAM Coranico ] io ho saputo che, tu hai speso tanti soldi per fare parlare bene, mettere in luce positiva, la tua merda Maometto Sharia. ARABIA SAUDITA, dove ci sono tante chiese cristiane e dove i cristiani sono anche liberi di pregare Gesù nelle loro case. ecco perché in ONU circa il tuo nazismo pedofilia poligamia bomba demografica Erdogan, apostasia blasfemia pena di morte, per loro va tutto bene! Purtroppo, però voi avete fatto un fatale errore, cioè, perché voi non avete mai pensato di pagare anche me.. Anzi Rothschild mi voleva comprare, con la tazzina di un caffè, ma, ora, io non credo che, lui potrà mai fare il Nuovo Ordine mondiale, SpA 666 Fmi, così come tu non potrai mai fare il Califfato Mondiale, sharia, morte a tutti gli infedeli, semplicemente perché voi siete troppo taccagni! ] così, secondo te Allah ha portato, nel cimitero della storia i salAfiti, e poi, sempre Allah li ha fatti risorgere, perché, Allah non è riuscito a vincere i cristiani, mentre ora, certamente, Allah riuscirà a vincere i satanisti massoni, che, Governano il mondo SpA Fmi, SpA Banca MONDIALE: farisei del Dio gufo al Bohemian Grove 322 Anton LaVey Kerry, e che, tutto questo non si può dire? e che nessuno può dire neanche in modo Istituzionale? TU MI FAI PENA!?
YOU TUBE HA CANCELLATO QUESTI MIEI COMMENTI DA: https://www.youtube.com/user/youtube/discussion
e Da: https://www.youtube.com/user/humanumgenus/discussion
@ISRAELE ] e perché, loro tremano quando io dico : "USA e LEGA ARABA sono dentro una congiura, per distruggere Israele" e poi, io dico anche: "è indispensabile fare un attacco nucleare preventivo contro tutta la LEGA ARABA!] è CHIARO [ se, non fossero colpevoli di complotto? poi, non avrebbero così tanta paura di me!

Holy my JHWH santo KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TSEBAIOT, Salm?n bin Abd al-AzIz SALZIZ El SaUd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] amico E FRATELLO [ neanche quella testa di cazzo di Erdogan, che sogna di rifare l'impero Ottomano ecc.. ecc.. è così cretino da non voler evitare una guerra nucleare [ quindi tutti i Governi del mondo faranno tutto quello che noi decideremo di fare semplicemente perché noi siamo la verità e siamo la giustizia! PER ABBATTERE LA USURA MONDIALE, SPA, BANCA MONDIALE, NOI DOBBIAMO COSTRINGERE TUTTI GLI EBREI (tutte le 12 Tribù) DEL MONDO A RITORNARE NEL MIO REGNO UNIUS REI!

Holy my JHWH santo KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TSEBAIOT, SalmAAn bin Abd al-NAzISM AL-z Al SaUd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] amico il tuo scoraggiamento, è un attacco demonico, dei satanisti, e non ha nulla di razionale.. Quando fu rubato il SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO, tutto è andato verso il peggio, ed ora nessuno sa come affrontare, un problema, mentre contemporaneamente si formano altri 1000 problemi. MA SE NOI RIPRISTINIAMO LA SOVRANITà DEI POPOLI, E SE, NOI PARTIAMO DAL PRINCIPIO CHE OGNI UOMO DI QUESTO PIANETA, HA GLI STESSI DIRITTI E DOVERI, DI OGNI ALTRO UOMO.. poi, tutti i problemi del mondo si distruggeranno da soli! TU PUOI CREDERE CON ME NELLA POTENZA DELLO SPIRITO SANTO!

youtube ] ma tu hai avuto, SEMPRE AVUTO: il mio permesso di cancellarmi tutti i video che tu vuoi.. NON VOGLIO CHE LE TANTE MERDE PIENI DI SOLDI RUBATI NEL SISTEMA MASSONICO SPA SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO DEBBANO SOFFOCARE IL SANGUE DEI MARTIRI CRISTIANI.. Ed il sangue di tutti i popoli trasformati in schiavi della usurocrazia mondiale, che prevede in modo tecnico e funzionale la guerra mondiale per riaprire un nuovo ciclo monetario devitalizzante ed usurocratico

BERLUSCONI BOIA BESTIA BESTIONE VATTENE TRADITORE! ] [ LA MASSONERIA mi sta facendo attaccare da: SILVIO BERLUSCONI, MEDIASET, R.T.I. [ Copyright    Cattiva reputazione • Scadenza: 13 giu 2016. Se ricevi un altro avvertimento, il tuo account verrà sospeso. AVVERTIMENTO 1 [ ID video: vN6OhUeuwfM Rivendicato da R.T.I. il 10 dic 2014. Invia contronotifica. AVVERTIMENTO 2 [ Superpartes intervista Giorgia Meloni ID video: Ft8bG9dM-rM

Persecution of Christians in India [ ALMENO,altri 10 VIDEO DEL GENERE che MI SONO STATI DISTRUTTI non li ho riportati in questo elenco  ] AL SISTEMA MASSONICO ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG [ io non so chi è così interessato a distruggere la testimonianza del martirio dei cristiani, se non, PROPRIO, chi è il vero responsabile: IDEOLOGICO della loro morte! ]
** INDIA INCREASE ANIMOSITY vs CHRISTIANS 18 maggio 2014. Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito)
** Attack Pastor Walter Masih in Jaipur 18 maggio 2014.  Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito)
** What is Christianity 18 maggio 2014 Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso  »
** Islam Muslims converting Christianity Rene 18 maggio 2014 Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso
** Hindu Accepts Jesus Lord and Saviour 18 maggio 2014 Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso  »
** Egypt More muslims embrace Christ 18 maggio 2014 Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso
** Turkish attempt Exterminate Syrials Armenians Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso  »
** indonesia bibleschool 19 marzo 2014 Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso  »
** Dr C J Johnson Better Run 19 marzo 2014 Rifiutato (nuovo caricamento consentito) Ricorso  »
Monetizzazione. Questo account non è idoneo a causa della sua reputazione.
Turkey, Califfato, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bush, NSA ] Eih voi [ lol. ] imparate a camminare con la schiena diritta, davanti a me, oppure, vi scudiscio! lol.?


MoGHERINI in Donbass si diverte, perché quello che ha stabilito il referendum dei russofoni a lei non importa nulla! INFATTI PER LEI IL GOLPE DI KIEV è COSTITUZIONALE! Questi politici del sistema massonico, non hanno diritto ad un loro modo di ragionare! LE NOSTRE VITE DI SCHIAVI USURA MONDIALE? SONO VITE CHE HANNO PERSO OGNI VALORE!?


SalmAn bin Abd al-AzIz Al SaUd è re dell'Arabia Saudita ] amico sgozzatore allah akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli, sharia in tutto il mondo califfato [ nel tempo del sistema massonico? usura mondiale SpA Rothschild? anche internet è una truffa! infatti siamo nati schiavi dal 1600 (fondazione Banca SpA Inghilterra) e dobbiamo morire come schiavi, perché come sei demonio tu? 1000 volte di più, sono demoni i farisei SpA Banca Mondiale, Fmi 322 Bush NWO
Israel ] AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [ i satanisti di youtube hanno cancellato anche questi commenti miei: ]] google.com/adsense/ mi sembra giusto che 110 blogger circa, con TOTALI: 300.000 visualizzazioni al mese, producano soltanto 0,14 centesimi di euro a settimana, dato che sono i computer della CIA quelli che fanno scattare queste 300.000 visualizzazioni! ECCO perché chi non mi conosce, e non mi cerca intenzionalmente? lui non mi troverà mai! ed è un vero peccato che google non da anche ad adsense il suo motore alieno di intelligenza artificiale, per donare, ad ogni persona del pianeta un suo internet personalizzato: una trappola di illusione di libertà!?


google adsense ] questo è sconfortante io ho bloccato:"Magia nera, astrologia ed esoterismo" e poi perché mi compare "veggenza gratuita" in http://kingxkingdom.blogspot.it/ ] [ se tu sei anche un satanista? ti do io per te, il consulto gratuito: di una una preveggenza di incidente stradale mortale!
adesso BASTA! anche questo commento non riesco più a rintracciare ] youtube ] se, io non ero così poco professionale, E COSì SPROVVEDUTO, IO non avrei mai commesso tanti errori inutili ed autolesionistici [ io ho messo tag uguali in modo automatico a tutti i video e questo è un problema anche per me, dato che adesso, IO non possono prendere i video: ad uno ad uno, e cancellare i tag: ad uno ad uno. (FOTTITI! DI QUANTI ANNI DI LAVORO IO HO BISOGNO ADESSO?). QUINDI, O TU MI ANNULLI TUTTI I TAG: IN MODO AUTOMATICO, I VIDEO DI QUELLA BESTIA DI MEDIASET: DI SILVIO BERLUSCONI IL MASSONE TRADITORE, oppure mi cancelli tutti i siti, ma ti prego, tu NON PRENDERTELA CON ME, PERCHé GOOGLE, o youtube, DA LA POSSIBILITà DI AGGIUNGERE TAG A GRUPPI DI DOCUMENTI E VIDEO MA, NON DA LA STESSA POSSIBILITà PER RIMUOVERLI! Poi, tu potresti ricevere il consenso degli utenti a rimuovere i video contestati in modo automatico, in questo modo tu potresti salvare molti canali.. ma, questa è la verità, la SpA, devono distruggere il lavoro di protesta dei popoli schiavizzati dal sistema massonico?
Israel ] a questo punto, in google e youtube, non c'è nessuna certezza che i miei documenti non siano stati modificati, o cancellati.. Quindi tutto internet è una truffa di plagio del sistema massonico del NWO

https://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/ Boko Haram victim ‘left for dead’ in 2012 loses sister and her two children in church bomb
Published: July 7, 2015 by Illia Djadi
The sister of a man whose miraculous survival from a shot in the head by Boko Haram took him to ...
Police rescue Pakistani Christian from ‘mob justice’ over blasphemy
Published: July 3, 2015 by Asif Aqeel
Rukhsana and other
 family members were beaten and had their faces blackened by an angry mob, June 2015
A Christian father of four was beaten, had his head shaved, his face blackened, and was dragged ...
UPDATE S Sudan pastors will face trial, judge rules
Published: July 2, 2015
A Sudanese judge has decided enough evidence exists to require two South Sudanese Presbyterian ...
Egyptian solider, the only Christian in his unit, found dead
Published: July 1, 2015
Modi’s UN Yoga Day latest example of co-incidence with Christian ‘high days and holidays’
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Case of the disappearing Christian CDs: 7 years on, Malaysian court orders their return
Published: June 24, 2015
Egyptian convert still in jail having served his time
Published: June 22, 2015
Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
Published: June 18, 2015
Community 'justice' expels Copts from their homes?

LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

Kevin Lancast ] e poiché tutta la LEGA ARABA è il nazismo shari'a, della violazione di tutti i diritti umani, poi, io che nucleare posso io lasciare alla LEGA ARABA oppure all'IRAN? presto colpirò, tutta la LEGA ARABA con le sanzioni!
ISRAEL ] Quì affianco al punto [ ! ] c'è anche un punto alto, che, con questo simbolo? youtube, Google, CIA SpA Fmi, NWO, loro fanno terminate tutti i miei articoli, e questo "punto" può essere un codice per inibire i motori di ricerca! [!?] infatti questo punto può essere visto in WordPad, ma di lui non può essere fatto: Copia-incolla.

Kevin Lancast ha commentato un video su YouTube.  Ieri 10/07 alle ore 21:16, ] Il legame tra il sionismo e wahhabismo ha rafforzato in modo che i sionisti dirottato l'ebraismo hanno rubato al-Quds e wahabiti hanno portato via la Mecca e Medina da musulmani. Sionista sostituito messaggio a Mosè di un scritti talmudici,] ANSWER [ c'è del vero, in quello che tu hai detto, ma, il sionismo di SpA Fmi Rothschild, non è il sionismo delle 12 Tribù di Israele, infatti con tutte le guerra vinte (per proteggersi dallo sterminio, Shoah, genocidio, annunciato formalmente) Israele oggi avrebbe dovuto essere il padrone di metà di tutto il Medio Oriente.. ma, questa è la verità satanisti massoni non hanno voluto realizzare le profezie bibliche in favore di Israele, per continuare a rubare la sovranità monetaria dei popoli, per fare di tutto il genere umano un solo branco di schiavi, ebrei e israeliani compresi! rubato al-Quds? tu sei pazzo! li c'era, il tempio di Gerusalemme, e voi con la vostra teologia nazista del genocidio, che è la teologia islamica della sostituzione siete voi i parassiti che rubate le Nazioni a tutti gli altri popoli che hanno subito il genocidio della Ummah Sharia, tutte le Nazioni e tutti i popoli infelici che erano prima di voi! Prima del maledetto vostro falso profeta!

Kevin Lancast ] tu sei un fazioso disonesto, tu sei un uomo di parte, perché la giustizia possa abitare in te, ecco perché lo Spirito Santo della SAPIENZA ha abbandonato il tuo cuore ]  youtube.com/channel/UCQaZ0f9qmpWg57RD1SaKNhw ] [ Two important historic Letters on Palestine! ] [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb5itesRgu8 quale destino può avere un musulmano che decide di diventare un cristiano, in tutta la LEGA ARABA? certamente verrà considerato un traditore dello Stato, gli toglieranno moglie e figli.. Ormai questa storia sharia, è diventata una questione di vita o di morte tra la LEGA ARABA contro tutto il resto del Genere umano! inoltre, io non posso riconoscere qualcosa a qualcuno in tutto il mondo, se non si riconosce a tutti gli ebrei del mondo, il diritto di avere una loro patria, come tutti gli altri popoli.. poi, è normale che loro fanno il satanismo della usura mondiale, per farci tutti morire anche in questa terza guerra mondiale!

LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

no, you lie, there is no freedom of religion in all arab league! sharia is nazism, and christians for you are dhimmi slaves
https://plus.google.com/u/0/117710123286522706919 Kevin Lancast ha commentato un video su YouTube. you are criminal fake master, like Mohammed is criminal fake prophet

gli ebrei hanno l'immenso valore di dire un mare di verità, in mezzo ad un oceano di raffinata ipocrisia assassina, infatti nessuno di loro dice del signoraggio bancario che è il satanismo del talmud, che, è innalzare proprio satana sul mondo, è vero che l'Ebraismo è caduto in apostasia, e questo è il motivo perché JHWH fece cacciare dai romani tutti gli ebrei! ] [ per certi aspetti, i musulmani hanno diritto a fare degli attentati, da questo punto di vista ] [ How does a man kill ‘in God’s name’? asks former UK Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Published: July 8, 2015 by Ronald Boyd-MacMillan
A vital text in winning the peace' - Sacks' new book, Hodder & Stoughton] Ten years on from the 7/7 London bombings, in which 52 people were killed and hundreds were injured by four separate suicide bombers, the world is still looking for an answer as to why religious people kill in the name of God. “When religion turns men into murderers, God weeps.”
So starts the first line of Jonathan Sack’s new book, Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence, revealing a book bv a believer distressed not only by the violence, but puzzled by the theological tragedy that drives the violence.  He wants to know what makes religious people kill in the name of God, and shows broad learning in evolutionary biology, social psychology, sociology and theology to present an argument that is sure to enlighten as well as provoke.

my Jhwh holy [ [ se, l'ebreo migliore del mondo, lui mi dicesse: le vere parole di Dio, le migliori parole del mondo, senza prima parlarmi della sua soluzione per superare il signoraggio bancario, che è schiavitù e satanismo a livello mondiale? poi, non ci potrebbe mai essere nulla che io potrei accettare da lui.. così come, io non potrei mai accettare nulla di buono o di vero da un musulmano, se, prima, lui non mi dice, come potrà fare condannare il nazismo omicida della sharia per fare riconoscere i diritti umani universali sanciti dallo ONU nel 1948. SE, io NON AVRò UNA RISPOSTA a queste MIE PROBLEMATICHE? poi è evidente farisei e islamici in genere, LORO hanno pensato che la guerra mondiale per ora è una buona occasione per fare sparire la civiltà ebraico cristiana, ecco perché Russia, Europa e Israele, SPARIRANNO!
Salman dell'Arabia Saudita psicopatico OR "Sette Sudayri Allah idolo califfato tutti i, succhiatori del dio gufo JaBullOn Baal 322 NWO SpA 666  la bestia: un solo anticristo" ] è INUTILE che tu fai gli attentati intimidatori, ai consolati italiani, loro sono troppo coglioni per capire qualcosa, e se, forse, potrebbero qualcosa capire? loro sono troppo massoni per prendere delle coerenti iniziative: in modo autonomo! è come se, tu volessi pretendere da Obama una sua iniziativa, ben sapendo che i nostri politici sono attori di un sistema massonico militare piramidale, di cui è il satanismo la struttura più interna (infatti tutti tacciono di fronte al crimine di alto tradimento del signoraggio bancario).. Quindi la Germania finge di essere amica di Israele, mentre altre NAzioni fingono di essere amici della Palestina, mentre è tutta la truffa di una sola regia, che si trova nel Farisei Talmud e kabbalah.. ecco perché, se tu vuoi sopravvivere tu devi cambiare i tuoi piani segreti, smettere di complottare insieme a Rothschild contro Israele, e costringere Rothschild a venire nel Regno di Israele... TU NON HAi UNA POSSIBILITà IDEOLOGICA, CULTURaLE O POLITICA DI SOPRAVVIVERE, PERCHé TUTTA LA MERDA CHE TU HAI DIFFUSO NEL MONDO? HITLER NON LO AVEVA ancora FATTO!

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Zdr1SEpGbHSDUZjWgUNtg    ]  about [  what you say against Israel is all right, but, because you have denied a homeland to all Jews in the world, they now have the duty and the right to take all Country to all the peoples of the world .. and, that they can do, because, the occult Masonic power, is the system of the IMF World Bank SpA 322 NWO, Gmos AI aliens abductions agenda: they are Satanists of the Pyramid and all the worshipers of God cannibals Owl at Bohemian Grove! they did not want to be Satanists, but you deny them the opportunity to return to their God YHWH in Saudi Arabia .. you have forced them to be Satanists and so it is right that you have to become their slave now, you die silent and not to cry !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Me2gqVg_Q   ISRAEL BIGGEST TERRORIST STATE of 666 Rothscild

quello che tu dici contro Israele è tutto giusto, ma, poiché, tu hai negato una Patria a tutti gli ebrei del mondo, loro ora hanno il dovere ed il diritto di togliere una Patria a tutti i Popoli del mondo.. e loro lo possono fare, perché il sistema massonico del Fmi SpA Banca Mondiale 322 NWO, Gmos A.I. agenda alienz abductions: loro sono i satanisti della Piramide e gli adoratori cannibali del Dio Gufo al Bohemian Grove! loro non volevano essere i satanisti, ma, tu negando a loro la possibilità di ritornare dal loro Dio JHWH in Arabia Saudita.. tu hai costretto loro ad essere i satanisti e quindi è giusto che tu devi diventare il loro schiavo: adesso, tu muori in silenzio e non piangere!!

Benjamin Netanyahu ] io non ho trovato disattivato Adsense su questo canale, [ NO! ] cioè io non ho mai trovato attivato Adsense su questo canale ed io ho dovuto RIFARE la procedura  DI inizializzazione, PER ADSENSE, come per la prima volta, e questa circostanza ha dell'assurdo! [ NON SOLO ] WINDOWS UPDATE IERI MI HA RESO INACCESSIBILE IL MIO COMPUTER PER 5 ORE, E PER OGGI? LUI NON HA ANCORA FINITO! IO NON SO IO OGGI QUANTE ORE WINDOWS UPDATE HA DECISO DI TENERMI IL COMPUTER INDISPONIBILE! Tu vuoi dire a Rothschild l'usuraio parassita ecc. ecc.. di smetterla di farmi rompere il cazzo dalla CIA? Perché il fatto che lui sarà felice in Arabia SAUDITA? Questo evento è già stato profetizzato! Infatti è detto che il deserto diventerà una foresta e fiorirà, come il Paradiso del Signore!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] il demonio religioso dogmatico Allah degli islamici è molto ostinato [ in realtà, tutti i musulmani sono tutti delle persone molto amabili, se non sono loro a gestire il potere politico ] perché l'Islam è la forma più pericolosa di nazismo della storia. Questo coglione di https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Zdr1SEpGbHSDUZjWgUNtg/discussion lui crede che sono gli ismaeliti che sono stati sempre in Palestina tranne un breve periodi di 400 anni che invece sono stati gli ebrei! Questi sono assassini seriali e fanno il genocidio con convinzione dogmatica, fervore religioso, è sufficiente la presenza di una moschea per dichiarare che quello è diventato un "muslims country", quindi, che si deve mettere la legge sharia, e che tutti gli altri sono schiavi dhimmi! INFATTI LORO HANNO LA TEOLOGIA DELLA SOSTITUZIONE! e cazzo: se tu non farai un attacco nucleare contro la Giordania Turchia e Arabia Saudita, almeno? è proprio vero che tutti noi diventeremo i dhimmi, perché è per questo che il GENDER di Califfo Obama ONU, stanno lavorando!
Bush 322 Senior 666 NWO ] al più bel caprone di satana [ tu voi dire ai TUOI sacerdoti di satana della CIA, che io mi sono stancato di togliere l'elenco dei miei link blogger, dai miei siti, che loro si ostinano a pubblicare, a reinserire, sui miei blogger: layout, addirittura in modo multiplo?

lo INTUIVO, che, anche in questo canale youtube https://www.youtube.com/advanced_settings ad Sense, è stato rimosso, cioè, non è stato disattivato per qualche presunto problema, ma, proprio è stato rimosso, ed io devo rifare la procedura di riaccreditamento, come se non fosse mai stata fatta, eppure youtube Adsense mi ha già pagato 70 euro in pubblicità!  [[I pagamenti vengono gestiti attraverso un account Google AdSense. Devi associare un account AdSense al tuo account YouTube per riscuotere i pagamenti.]] ORMAI QUESTO è TUTTO UN MANICOMIO CRIMINALE è TUTTA UNA MANIPOLAZIONE DELLA CIA, AI MIEI DANNI [[ Monetizzazione: Verrai reindirizzato ad AdSense per collegare il tuo account AdSense esistente o per crearne uno nuovo, se non ne hai ancora uno. Una volta completata questa procedura verrai reindirizzato su YouTube.

stop al bullismo della CIA DAGATE contro di me ] VOI 322 666 SPA SMETTETE DI MANIPOLARE I MIEI SITI [ i commenti di questo canale https://www.youtube.com/user/metaphisicsUniuREI/discussion fanno riferimento a nove mesi fa (chi li ha cancellati?)! mentre, per blogger io sono stato quì il 13maggio,2015 e il 14maggio, in un altro blog di ilredisraele@gmail.com. mentre per gmail io sono stato quì, il 10, e 20 giugno, e, ancora, il 2 e 5 luglio, quindi è impossibile che io non avevo fatto la procedura di iscrizione ad AdSense.
Bush 322 Senior 666 NWO ] al più bel caprone di satana [ tu hai così tanto amato i tuoi figli e i tuoi nipoti, da averli voluti tutti tenere tutti, vicino a te all'inferno! Eppure lo sanno tutti, i demoni che ti hanno dato il potere oggi, continuamente? sono gli stessi demoni che ti stupreranno, continuamente! NON è POSSIBILE PER UN ANTICRISTO DI MASSONE ISLAMICO, ECC.. di poter ENTRARE IN PARADISO, è IMPOSSIBILE, perché sono i martiri cristiani che hanno le chiavi del Paradiso! ]] ATTENZIONE: MOLTO IMPORTANTE [[ Quindi, io non ho un problema, circa il fatto che, Gesù di Betlemme, POSSA ESSERE, ovvero, sia o meno: il Cristo Messia della Verità, perché, io sono soltanto un politico, ed io non ho competenze di tipo religioso, io denuncio soltanto i crimini contro la dignità e contro la sacralità della vita umana (metafisica laica).. ma, chi odia ideologicamente, il messaggio di amore che il Vangelo porta? lui è anticristo, certamente! QUESTO è IL TRAGICO DESTINO DI HA FATTO DI SE STESSO IL NEMICO DELLA CROCE! Infatti l'ateo Benedetto Croce antifascista ed anticlericale, lui indicò nel simbolo della Croce: il vertice di tutti i valori che sono mai potuti apparire in questo pianeta!
Iran: Khamenei, da Usa arroganza globale. Guida suprema, combatterla è il cuore della nostra rivoluzione. UN NAZISTA DELLA SHARIA SENZA LIBERTà DI RELIGIONE E CON PENA DI MORTE PER APOSTASIA, NON PUò PARLARE IN QUEL MODO NEANCHE SE DICE LA VERITà!
Nucleare: Netanyahu, accordo pericoloso. Premier israeliano, minaccia per pace mondiale. 12 luglio 2015 [ L'UNICO OBIETTIVO PER IL NUCLEARE AI NAZISTI nemici IRANIANI è QUELLO DI FARE BRUCIARE IL MONDO.. INFATTI ADESSO, COME NON DARE IL NUCLEARE ANCHE AI NAZISTI SAUDITI ALLEATI? come, le bombe atomiche la ARABIA Saudita le ha avute già? buono a sapersi!

come se, un islamico saudita, lui può avere amici veri, al di fuori del suo califfato mondiale, galassia jihadista servizi segreti per il mondo sharia! ] dove sono i pazzi? [ gli USA SpA Ue massonica, Onu, Fmi, hanno messo Israele sullo stesso livello della LEGA ARABA, come a dire, facciamo giocare ad armi pari il nazismo sharia teocratico, contro, il relativismo dei sodomiti, di una falsa democrazia massonica senza sovranità monetaria! QUESTA è LA VERITà I MONDIALISTI USA HANNO PRECIPITATO NELL'ABBISSO DELL'INFERNO TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO! e soltanto Unius REI può recuperare questa situazione disperata, se non è vero che Arabia SAUDITA ha un complotto segreto per disintegrare Israele? E se io mi sbaglio? poi, è nel loro interesse distruggere il potere: usurocrazia mondiale, satana è anche Allah: degli Illuminati Rothschild, proprio dandomi la terra per fare il Regno di Israele!

Benjamin Netanyahu ]  se noi concepiamo la superiorità della finanza, sulla politica (alto tradimento e satanismo ideologico) POI, NOI DOBBIAMO AFFERMARE CHE è GIUSTO CHE DELLE PERSONE POSSANO MORIRE DI FAME SUL nostro PIANETA! Ecco perché, la più grande minaccia alla sopravvivenza di Israele (e alla civiltà umanistica, sacralità della vita umana, che nasce dalla Bibbia), non viene dagli assassini materiali (LEGA ARABA, del nazismo sharia) ma viene dai mandanti, che sono Banca Mondiale, SpA, Fondo monetario Internazionale.. Se queste due istituzioni MASSONICHE rimangono in piedi? ne, Israele e neanche: nessun altro popolo, potranno sopravvivere, presto saremo omologati, tutti insieme, in un solo ed unico branco di schiavi!?


Benjamin Netanyahu ]  il Signoraggio Bancario ha trasformato, in sottosezioni, del satanismo tutte le RELIGIONI del mondo, e poiché, gli islamici hanno una dignità religiosa, loro non voglio più inginocchiarsi di fronte al dio gufo Baal di Bush e Rothschild, tutte le volte che pregano verso la MECCA.. ecco perché, io sono sicuro che, loro daranno la terra per il Regno delle 12 Tribù di Israele. In questo modo sono i farisei anglo-americani a dichiarare con la loro kabbalah di avere sempre pugnalato alle spalle Israele, e di avere organizzato la shoah Olocausto di Hitler, ai danni di 5,5 milioni di ebrei circa?

322 SHARIA 666 ] tagliatevi le palle e datele ai cani!

 Benjamin Netanyahu ]   i documenti pubblicati in questo mio server, erano custoditi da me in file di notepad, perché, adesso, il testo appare colorato di azzurro? Quale filtro google 666 NWO, potrebbero spiegare i tuoi tecnici, che il Nwo, ha posto in essere contro di me?
http://kingdomxuniusrei.blogspot.com/2012/01/lorenzojhwh-king-van-israel.html  ecco perché io sono costretto a ridigitalizzare tutti i miei post

322 SHARIA 666 ] voi avete fallito, voi avete tradito e deluso il vostro satana, ADESSO SUICIDATEVI!

microsoft windows7 update ] mi hai quasi distrutto, una SIM wind da 2Gb in due giorni: dato che il sistema era perfettamente aggiornato due giorni fa, e che, io ho avuto accesso a reti wifi gratuite.. la tua cattiva fede è andata OLTRE DUBBIO, di ogni ragionevole probabilità! [ tu con me hai fatto come PENELOPE ] ma, tu puoi dire ai sacerdoti di Satana che ti fanno paura, che Unius REI, non potrebbe mai diventare la vostra preda! TU SEI UN TRADITORE DI UN VIGLIACCO! IO TI RINGRAZIO A NOME DI TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO! inoltre, sanno tutti che mi hai reso il mio computer indisponibile, bloccato, per interminabili e lunghe ore
Rothschild 666 Bush NWO ] se, mi costringete a darvi una sberla? Nessuno di voi potrà riconoscere, le proprie ossa, in mezzo alle ossa di tutti gli altri!
synagogue seigniorage banking Talmud Satana ] [ tu lascia andare il mio popolo ebreo, con me, nel deserto saudita, perché il nostro Dio JHWH, ha chiesto il sacrificio di un Olocausto!
666 FMI 322 sharia NWO ] che c'è, il tuo demonio Allah JaBullOn, lui ha perso la speranza di trovare un massone, un criminale di Anticristo qualunque che voglia combattere pubblicamente contro di me su questa pagina di https://www.youtube.com/user/youtube/discussion ? OK, ALLORA VENISSE LUI DI PERSONA da me, SE, lui HA UNA QUALCHE SPERANZA DI POTER SALVARE QUESTO CALIFFATO, DI NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE? perché a lui GLI RESTA, ancora POCO TEMPO da vivere!
SAUDI ARABIA è LA TROIA DI SATANA ] [ Satanism SpA corporations ] Satanism is SpA corporations [ one only IMF caliphate sharia NWO, for one only corporation worldwide of slaves [] will die SAUDI ARABIA very soon. Corporaciones Satanismo SpA] satanismo es corporaciones SpA [solo califato FMI sharia NWO, por una única empresa en todo el mundo de esclavos [] morirá ARABIA SAUDITA muy pronto. Sociétés satanisme SpA] satanisme est sociétés SpA [on ne califat FMI charia NWO, pour une seule société dans le monde entier des esclaves [] mourra ARABIE SAOUDITE très prochainement. Corporações satanismo SpA] satanismo é corporações SpA [somente FMI califado sharia NWO, por uma única empresa mundial de escravos [] vai morrer muito em breve ARÁBIA SAUDITA.

A TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO ] SENZA SOVRANITà MONETARIA, O VOI DOVETE BRUCIARE LA COSTITUZIONE O VOI DOVRETE NECESSARIAMENTE BRUCIARE I VOSTRI POPOLI! POI, PERò IO VI VERRò A PRENDERE, ED ALCUNI DI VOI? GIà ME LI SONO PRESI! [ In tal modo si è peggiorata la situazione derivante dall'assurdo del poco noto sistema del signoraggio, che vedeva lo Stato italiano stampare moneta cartacea tramite una Banca d'Italia che, pur dovendo essere organo di controllo delle banche, con il mito della liberalizzazione, negli anni '90, trasformata in S.p.A., è diventata proprietà delle maggiori banche private, che da controllate diventano controllori di se stesse, mentre le banche centrali di ogni Stato europeo sono controllate da una banca centrale con capitale dello Stato. Ma con l'istituzione di una banca centrale europea (con sede a Francoforte) tutte le banche centrali di ogni Stato sono state private del potere di battere moneta. E' infatti la banca centrale europea che è diventata proprietaria di tutta la moneta cartacea in euro. Ogni Stato deve pagare un tasso di sconto del 2,5% annuo alla banca centrale europea su ogni quantità di moneta di cui chiede l'emissione, giacché si tratta di danaro prestato dalla banca europea. Questo 2,5% rappresenta un debito per ogni Stato, che, mentre in corrispondenza, per esempio, di 100 euro emesse, riconosce alla banca europea un suo credito corrispondente (che non verrà mai chiesto in restituzione), tuttavia dovrà pagare l'interesse del 2,5 aumentando in tal modo il debito pubblico in titoli di Stato. Precedentemente era la Banca d'Italia che, proprietaria della carta moneta (e non delle monete di metallo coniate dalla zecca di Stato), stampava la carta moneta e chiedeva allo Stato il pagamento di un interesse su ogni quantità di danaro stampata. La Banca d'Italia con un gioco di prestigio pone la sua percentuale di proprietà della moneta cartacea della zona euro (14,57) sotto la voce “passivo” per ripeterla poi sotto la voce “attivo” trasformandola in riserve, che essa pone a disposizione delle varie banche commerciali. Queste, sulla base di un deposito nettamente inferiore a titolo di garanzia della Banca d'Italia, ottengono, sulla base di un certo calcolatore, prestiti dalla Banca d'Italia per un importo nettamente superiore (per esempio da 100 a 2000) per poi trasformarli in prestiti ai loro clienti ad un tasso nettamente superiore, prestando così ai loro clienti del danaro ricavato...dal nulla. La questione del signoraggio (cioè della proprietà del danaro che viene sottratto alla proprietà dello Stato italiano, costretto a comprarlo, prima dalla Banca d'Italia in mano alle banche private, ed ora alla banca centrale europea, è una di quelle cose assurde che soltanto negli ultimi anni si sta cercando con fatica di rendere pubblica. V. su questo argomento di Antonio Miclavez e Marco Della Luna (Euroschiavi, Arianna 2007). Su Google scrivere “signoraggio” per conoscere il dibattito che si è affacciato solo nel web. In particolare “Signoraggio, Banca d'Italia, Banca centrale europea”; “Domande frequenti-Signoraggio; Banche, banchieri e moneta;”. Inoltre gli interventi del compianto prof. “Giacinto Auriti”. Coloro che negano che il signoraggio aumenti il debito pubblico (v. su Google “Come capire il signoraggio”; “frottole e illusioni sul signoraggio”) dovrebbero spiegare e giustificare il 2,5% di interesse che le banche centrali di ogni Stato debbono pagare alla banca centrale sul valore nominale di un biglietto carta moneta (che tipograficamente costa 30 cent.). V. anche “Centro Studi Monetari”. Ne fa parte Marco Saba autore di “Moneta Nostra Audiolibro”, che è in rete l'esposizione più lunga e dettagliata dell'argomento.      
USA, sharia Lega ARABA ] voi smettete, di ricattare e di minacciare il mondo intero con il vostro terrorismo sharia [ poi, mi dovete ancora spiegare, perché la Democrazia che voi pretendete di ottenere da Assad in Siria, voi non la pretendete anche da tutta la LEGA ARABA

USA, sharia Lega ARABA: il NAZISMO SPA FMI ] non credo che sia intelligente andare a chiedere la democrazia alla ARABIA SAUDITA, dato che, Arabia SAUDITA: è alleata di Israele.. tuttavia, noi POTREMMO SI! NOI POTREMMO SEMPRE andare a CHIEDERE LA DEMON-CRAZY allo IRAN! Però, diamogli il tempo, PRIMA, di POTER fare qualche bomba atomica, prima!
USA 666 Arabia SAUDITA sharia Califfato NWO ] perché, voi non benedite anche la ARABIA SAUDITA, con una bella "primavera araba sharia", come una di quelle, che già, voi avete fatto scoppiare altrove?

IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  IMF @ 666 - who knows?, maybe I have some serious problems psychologists, and as a result, then, perhaps, for this, your agenda for Satan Marduk, will continue running smoothly, maybe, lol. Greetings!
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  IMF @ 666 - as you have been able to stay hidden behind your computer, such as a coward, in all these 5 years? such as you have not been able to trace me, with all your satanic power? ie, the Masonic system of false democracies Masonic of seigniorage of Satan bank .. 1.) To corrupt, all religions, and all the institutions, 2. then, to bribe all the people, and all Peoples, and bring the demons, all over the planet, and everything to deteriorate: also: the relationships between parents and children! 3. to destroy all mankind through: World War III! to disintegrate Israel through imperialism Saudi Arbia: 4. such as you have been able to do high treason, against my crown? I am the political project of unius REI: the King of Israel!
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  IMF @ 666 -- come tu hai potuto stare nascosto, dietro il tuo computer, come: un codardo, in tutti questi 5 anni? come: tu non hai saputo rintracciare me, con tutto il tuo potere satanico? cioè, il sistema massonico delle false democrazie massoniche, del signoraggio di satana: bancario.. 1.) per corrompere, tutte le religioni, e tutte le Istituzioni, 2. poi, per corrompere tutti i popoli, e portare i demoni, in tutto il pianeta, e per deteriorare ogni cosa: anche i rapporti tra i genitori ed i figli! 3. per distruggere tutto il genere umano attraverso: la III guerra mondiale! per fare disintegrare Israele, attraverso, l'imperialismo saudita: 4. come: voi avete potuto fare: alto tradimento, anche contro, la mia corona? io sono il progetto politico: di Unius REI: il Re di Israele!
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  IMF @ 666 --- damn wretched murderess, of a big Satanist, the son of hell! satan synagogue, I curse you in the name of Jesus! @ /user/IMF ----- I'm on the youtube page (/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1), where you can talk to me! based on which the Constitution, you have done: of all peoples: Your slaves, to sell to them your money, "cursed." created out of nothing? also, at interest (debt: pubblic) [[source:. scientist Giacinto Auriti!]] to destroy monotheism and the State of Israel? You have made, of human dignity: an absolute Satanism /user/imf/ @ 666 IMF --- how you have been able to order: to google, to put the filter: on my posts, I will have written the word "IMF" at least 3000 times every day for 5 years. the people do not know the false accounting, 100%, which produces the seigniorage (bills of state, in exchange for nothing, that is, the virtual currency) you close the budget to zero: with a theft of 100%. only, about, seigniorage banking
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  @ /user/IMF ----- I'm on the youtube page (/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1), where you can talk to me! based on which the Constitution, you have done: of all peoples: Your slaves, to sell to them your money, "cursed." created out of nothing? also, at interest (debt: pubblic) [[source:. scientist Giacinto Auriti!]] to destroy monotheism and the State of Israel? You have made, of human dignity: an absolute Satanism
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  /user/imf/ @ 666 IMF --- how you have been able to order: to google, to put the filter: on my posts, I will have written the word "IMF" at least 3000 times every day for 5 years. the people do not know the false accounting, 100%, which produces the seigniorage (bills of state, in exchange for nothing, that is, the virtual currency) you close the budget to zero: with a theft of 100%. only, about, seigniorage banking
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Abu Antar, ie, / SupositoryRepository - you accusations me, for I have forgiven, and I loved the Muslims. Jews, etc.. all. .. enough to empathize: myself in them, and think, That Is, In Their Own way of thinking and loving, like them .. who is more false Christian, the two of us, then? St. Paul did not say: "I have done, of myself everything to everyone, to win (save), at any cost, somebody!" ... but, do you love most Satanists of this page, Which, not me, That I am: a child of God, "born again"! and if there is something of an eclectic, strange im me (for your eyes), it's only because I'm trying to save the human race, through the proposed policy: of unius REI. You're a nearsighted person, (folded like a frog: in his small pond) That Can not love: through: the faith and hope of the people and of all the peoples!
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Abu Antar, ie, / SupositoryRepository - you accusations me, for I have forgiven, and I loved the Muslims. Jews, etc.. all. .. enough to empathize: myself in them, and think, That Is, In Their Own way of thinking and loving, like them .. who is more false Christian, the two of us, then? St. Paul did not say: "I have done, of myself everything to everyone, to win (save), at any cost, somebody!" ... but, do you love most Satanists of this page, Which, not me, That I am: a child of God, "born again"! and if there is something of an eclectic, strange im me (for your eyes), it's only because I'm trying to save the human race, through the proposed policy: of unius REI. You're a nearsighted person, (folded like a frog: in his small pond) That Can not love: through: the faith and hope of the people and of all the peoplesa!
 IMF666KillTubeStopME . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Abu Antar -- tu accusi me, perché, io ho perdonato, ed ho amato i musulmani. gli ebrei, ecc.. al punto da immedesimare: me stesso, in loro, e da pensare, cioè, nel loro stesso modo di pensare.. chi è più falso cristiano, di noi due, allora? non ha detto San Paolo: "io mi sono fatto, tutto: a tutti, per guadagnare(salvare), ad ogni costo, qualcuno!"... ma, tu ami più i satanisti di questa pagina, che non me: che, io sono: un figlio di Dio, "nato di nuovo"! e se c'è, qualcosa, di eclettico, di strano in me(ai tuoi occhi), è soltanto perché, io sto cercando di salvare, il genere umano, attraverso, la proposta politica di Unius REI. tu sei una persona miope,(ripiegata, come una rana: nel suo piccolo stagno) che, non sa amare: attraverso: la fede e la speranza delle persone e dei popoli!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam 666 CIA for IMF --- sorry, but, if, I will not hurt, against, Satanists? then the peoples will have to die .. and not only morally! your death? will not have been useless, courage! after all, google and yuotube? they know us very well! Those who were before you? he is day: great things! Also synnek1, his eyes, are like, Those, of .. mole mole, but, after all, his illnesses Are Those of a man of 70 years, it is not my fault if Satan is sick, very sick .. all the money from Rothschild to you, will help the doctors and the health system! Commento sul tuo video: Nicholas Rockefeller admitted elite goal is 100% microchip population control.. The power of State was given by God Who instituted the government to use against evil, NOT to abuse to become the worst evil criminal organisation and worst enemy of humanity - free peoples!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam jeffersonianish Comment on your video: Anti-Zionists Holocaust Survivor talmud racism The biblical Prophets railed against what they saw as the transgressions of Their people. The current right-wing Israeli government would, no doubt, brand them as anti-Semites.   3:50 Anti-Zionists Holocaust Survivor talmud racism @ My Lords: ROTHSCHILD and ROCHEFELLER - My grandparents pathetic! you know well, better than me .. That, 1. I'm loyal: till end at death! 2. that: it is extremely convenient to surrender to me, why I am cautious: reflexive and humble!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam Docendo discimus. Dona nobis pacem! [Peoples: not know: the false: in financial statements", that, satanic synagogue: of IMF: do. World war: is inevitable, and necessary, to prevent revolution or civil war!] 1). 100%, with, the theft, that banking seigniorage: it produces , ie, (bills of state, BOT, CCT, in exchange: for nothing, that is, the virtual currency) Enlightened, close: their budget to zero: with a theft of 100%. but, their business: money, become invisible. because, the IMF can not be investigated, is a sovereign world power, any jurisdiction outside, of it!.. Morgan Stanley: European banks need: another 200 billion: 2). with, government debt(pubblic debt), there is a Grim theft of 100%,
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Peoples: not know: the false: in financial statements", that, satanic synagogue: of IMF: do. World war: is inevitable, and necessary, to prevent revolution or civil war!] 3). with private debt, there is another theft by 70%(private debt), therefore, the cost of our: money: it is equal to 270%, for theft Masonic, for high treason to the Constitution .. With the cost of 270% of our money?, World war:nuclear, is inevitable, and necessary, to prevent revolution or civil war! Morgan Stanley: European banks: they need another 200 billion.. He says an analysis by Morgan Stanley, which polled a panel of 850 investors. According to 25%, of the respondents, the budgets of eurozone banks would need a recapitalization between: 100 and 200: billions of euro.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Peoples: not know: the false: in financial statements", that, satanic synagogue: of IMF: do. World war: is inevitable, and necessary, to prevent revolution or civil war!]Related stories: ECB, banks make full liquidity: According to experts at Morgan Stanley in the coming months the action of deleveraging (deleveraging), launched by the banks continue: leading to further declines: in lending and economic recovery. In short, European banks - after the big-government bailouts, received within the past two years, which caused a cascade: the sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone: still looms a dark future. This, despite two injections of liquidity (December to February) with which the European Central Bank has pumped more than 1,000 billion of cash in favor of banks (at the rate of 1% to be repaid in three years) just to re-launch the fund. Docendo discimus. Dona nobis pacem!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam What does, "Abyssus abyssum invocat", mean? "Deep calls to deep": a quotation from Psalm 42 ( Latin Vulgate translation). Abyssus abyssum invocat [UNIUS REI. ♰ king Israel: MANE ♰ THECEL ♰ PHARES ] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" -- Answer -- lnferno and Paradise? never say "enough!", this is a problem for the presumption of atheists, because, heaven and hell are within us! ... lnferno ed il Paradiso? non dicono mai: "basta!", questo è un problema per la presunzione degli atei, visto che, inferno e paradiso sono dentro di noi!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [kill criminal: globalist FED ECB: IMF 666: ie, banking seigniorage: for masonic system] 12/26/2012, TURKEY: Bartholomew: Christmas to overcome fanaticism and economic abuses. by NAT da Polis. The ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople issues a vibrant appeal against religious and political excesses and economic abuses by the powerful against the weak. He calls on people to embrace the message from Bethlehem for true peace on Earth. Istanbul (AsiaNews) - "Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax homínibus bonæ voluntatis" sang the angels to announce the birth of Our Lord. Sadly, our Earth is still a battleground because humans continue to reject the message of the Lord, which urges us to obey his will and message of peace.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [kill criminal: globalist FED ECB: IMF 666: ie, banking seigniorage: for masonic system] In his Christmas homely, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said that humans continue to stand out for the fanaticism of their religious and political beliefs and greedy quest for material goods. This explains why political action and behaviour are aggressive and the root of so many conflicts. Although the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great issued an Edict of Toleration in 313 in matters of religious faith, granting Christians freedom of worship, Christian minorities continue to be persecuted nowadays.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [kill criminal: globalist FED ECB: IMF 666: ie, banking seigniorage: for masonic system] Economic conflict and the ephemeral pursuit of wealth as the goal of human existence continue to grow, Bartholomew said. Sadly, the consequence is the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small minority and the ensuing impoverishment of most of the world's population. What some see as an unfair distribution of resources is actually a moral crisis, which is not justly taken into account. In fact, some have tried to justify it in the name of free markets. However, for Bartholomew, free markets should not allow crimes even if they do not fall under criminal law. Anyone who takes what belongs to others, whatever their means or pretext, commits a crime, undermining peace and social cohesion.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [kill criminal: globalist FED ECB: IMF 666: ie, banking seigniorage: for masonic system] Speaking from the Fanar, historic headquarters of Orthodox Christianity, Bartholomew said that Christians are concerned witness of the times and of their growing conflicts. For this reason, our wish is for the New Year to be characterised by human solidarity, as the Great Fathers of the Church always taught us. Every person of goodwill must look in that direction, the ecumenical patriarch said, first and foremost spiritual leaders, so that the peace of our Lord, who was born today, may reign, because the charity and peace that have always characterised the action of the disciples of our Lord may contribute to human solidarity and coexistence.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. in Indonesia. Stacy L. Harp December 26, 2012. Indonesia (MNN) ― The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights recently raised concerns over the plight of religious minorities in Indonesia. Many are Christians who have been noting the rise of violent attacks and forced displacement. This, in addition to other forms of discrimination, such as being denied identification cards. Sources from Open Doors and the Voice of the Martyrs say there have been reports of forced church closures, even where the churches have secured legal permission.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. International Christian Concern reported Jakarta police finally taking security measures to protect Christians as they gathered to celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. More than 12,000 police were deployed to roughly 2,000 churches throughout Central Java. Muslim extremist groups in Indonesia, with suspected ties to al Qaeda, continue to grow more violent towards Christians, with little resistance from authorities. Voice of the Martyrs noted one incident with a girl named Ribur who was jailed for 60 days for talking about her faith in Jesus. According to the VOM report, she chose to be part of an agricultural mission project in Aceh on the island of Sumatra. Teaching about how to raise crops and livestock often gave the team opportunities to answer questions about their faith.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. ICC says Ribur eventually began a community Bible study. She and another teammate had developed a relationship with a local woman, who eventually gave her life to Christ. That's where Ribur ran into trouble. Shortly after this, a mob attacked Ribur and the other Christian worker. The beating continued for 45 minutes, eventually ending when the police came and arrested the pair for blaspheming Islam. When officials asked her why she shared about Jesus, Ribur said, "Jesus wants everyone to know about Him."
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. Eventually, the pair was released. However, Franz Magnis-Suseno of the Driyarkara School of Philosophy says, "The religious situation in Indonesia is marked by a rising number of social conflicts between neighborhoods and villages; conflicts on ethnic and, increasingly, on religious lines." The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) cited the lack of religious freedom in Indonesia as among the issues that marred the country's human rights record.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. Ignorance by the government has obviously encouraged increasing violence against minority groups in other areas, too, all across the country, which could potentially be misused by political interests approaching the 2014 legislative and presidential elections, said Kontras. Pray for Christians like Ribur who are facing persecution for their faith. Ask God to give those who face persecution the strength to stand strong and testify the truth. Nigerian Seminary Attacked; Broader Aim Revealed Stacy L. Harp. October 2, 2012.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. Nigeria (MNN) A bomb blast and gunfire shook an area around a seminary in northern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving two dead. It was not immediately clear who was behind the blast in the city of Zaria, but extremist group Boko Haram has been blamed for hundreds of deaths as part of its insurgency in northern and central Nigeria. Investigators said the blast was the result of an improvised explosive device. The targeted area included the school as well as the worship center.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. Sound like a familiar story? In this case, it involved the Salafi, students who are studying Sunni Islam. Todd Nettleton, spokesman for Voice of the Martyrs USA, explains what this might mean. "I think it goes to show the nature of Boko Haram, that they have a very narrow vision of what Islam is and what it should be, and they want all Nigerians to fall within that very narrow vision." Nettleton goes on to say that reports indicated "the Salafist cleric who runs this Islamic boarding school has been at odds with Boko Haram in the past. It seems like that is a strong possibility of a Boko Haram attack in Nigeria."
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. The violence came a day ahead of commemorations marking 52 years of Nigerian independence. However, says Nettleton, "They celebrate independence, but I think there's a real threat to their independence that is growing in northern Nigeria among Boko Haram." Nigeria's north has been hit by scores of deadly attacks attributed to Boko Haram. In the last two years, their rebellion has cost 1,400 people their lives. While Boko Haram has claimed to be fighting for the creation of a state in Nigeria's north, Nettleton warns: don't be fooled. "They talk about wanting an independent state that would be run according to their vision of what true Islam is, but their demands have changed over time, as well."
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. The lines have gotten muddied on what Boko Haram actually wants. The name of the group is generally translated as "Western education is sinful," but in Hausa it literally means "book forbidden." The founders of the group believed Islam had been corrupted by Westernization, especially education and Christianity. They also rejected the legitimacy of the state and of Muslim traditional rulers. What they wanted, explains Nettleton, was a Sharia state governed by orthodoxy. "Obviously, Christians fall outside of that. We've seen attacks on churches, we've seen attacks on Christian institutions, but this shows that even if they [Boko Haram] think fellow Muslims are outside of what they call the 'true teaching of Islam,' they will attack them as well."
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. The battle for Nigeria's soul intensifies. While Islamic terrorists rely on weapons and fear, Nettleton says Christians need to trust in God's love and eternal promises. That's also one of the challenges for the church in Northern Nigeria: the issue of fear. "Just imagine when you wake up Sunday morning and are deciding, 'Should we go to church or not?' If you add in the threat that 'maybe our church will be bombed while we're there this morning,' you imagine the sense of fear and the sense of concern that that would raise."
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. That's what standing in solidarity would mean, Nettleton adds. "We can pray with them against that spirit of fear, and against that spirit of intimidation. I think the second issue then becomes: 'How are we going to respond to those who attack us? How are we going to respond to the Muslims around us?' There is obviously a place for evangelism; there's a place for sharing." The bigger issue is how to respond to the violence of the insurgents and "the issue of forgiveness,
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [Muslim Extremist for saudi imperialism: sharia terrorists, Continue: to grow violent, against Christians: in all the world]. the issue of loving those who society would say are our enemies. That's a difficult thing, and that's another thing that we can pray for our Nigerian brothers and sisters, for them to be able to do that with God's help." Ask God to protect them and help them as they seek to respond in love and prayer for their Muslim attackers. Pray for the attackers, that God's mercy and grace might pierce through the hardness of these hearts so opposed to His name. Ask God to send peace to Nigeria.

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    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    1 secondo fa

    Israel has the right: to defend Himself, too: as a precaution .. also: with a disproportionate use of force! and its excesses? can never be condemned, until the Nazis Islamists will not have doing: 1. the secular state, and: 2. they have had a true freedom of religion!, because, contrary? not only Israel, but Also the whole human race will be in extreme danger! @ King Saudi Arabia terrorist sharia horror - when you have Brought the freedom of religion? then, I smite Israel: also! but of this I am sure .. there will be no need to hit anyone, because, you are the satanic instrument, through Which the Pharisees of the IMF: will destroy the world!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    3  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    以色列有权为自己辩护,也作为一项预防措施.. :过度使用武力!其过激行为呢?永远受到谴责,直到纳粹伊斯兰主义者不会做:1。世俗国家,和2。他们有一个真正的宗教自由,因为,相反吗?不仅是以色列,而且是整个人类将在极度危险的!Israel het die reg om homself te verdedig, ook as 'n voorsorgmaatreël .. ook met 'n onevenredige gebruik van geweld! en sy vergrype? kan nooit veroordeel word nie, totdat die Nazi's Islamiete sal nie te doen het: 1. die sekulêre staat, en: 2. hulle het 'n ware vryheid van godsdiens, want, in teenstelling? nie net Israel nie, maar ook die hele menslike ras sal wees in uiterste gevaar!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    4  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Το Ισραήλ έχει το δικαίωμα: να υπερασπιστεί τον εαυτό του, πάρα πολύ: για προληπτικούς λόγους .. επίσης: με μια δυσανάλογη χρήση βίας! και τις υπερβολές του; δεν μπορεί ποτέ να καταδικαστεί, έως ότου οι ισλαμιστές Ναζί δεν θα έχει να κάνει: 1. το κοσμικό κράτος, και: 2. είχαν μια πραγματική θρησκευτική ελευθερία!, διότι, σε αντίθεση; όχι μόνο το Ισραήλ, αλλά και ολόκληρη η ανθρώπινη φυλή θα είναι σε μεγάλο κίνδυνο!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    4  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    5  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israel memiliki hak: untuk membela diri, juga: sebagai tindakan pencegahan .. juga: dengan penggunaan kekuatan! dan ekses nya? tidak pernah dapat dihukum, sampai Islamis Nazi tidak akan melakukan: 1. negara sekuler, dan: 2. mereka memiliki kebebasan sejati dari agama, karena, sebaliknya!? tidak hanya Israel, tetapi juga seluruh umat manusia akan berada dalam bahaya ekstrim! Israel ay may karapatan: upang ipagtanggol ang kanyang sarili, masyadong: bilang isang pag-iingat ... din: may isang hindi katimbang paggamit ng lakas! at excesses nito? hindi kailanman maaaring nahatulan, hanggang sa Nazis Islamists ay hindi pa ginagawa: 1. seglar estado, at: 2. nagkaroon sila ng tunay na kalayaan ng relihiyon!, dahil, salungat? hindi lamang Israel, kundi pati na rin ang buong sangkatauhan ay sa matinding panganib!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    6  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israelilla on oikeus: puolustaa itseään, liian: varotoimena .. myös: jossa suhteetonta voimankäyttöä! ja sen ylilyöntejä? voida koskaan tuomita, kunnes natsit islamistit eivät ole tekemässä: 1.maallinen valtio, ja: 2. heillä on ollut todellinen uskonnonvapaus!, koska toisin? ei ainoastaan ​​Israelin, vaan myös koko ihmiskunnan on äärimmäisessä vaarassa! Israël heeft het recht: om zichzelf te verdedigen, ook: uit voorzorg .. ook: met een buitensporig gebruik van geweld! en zijn excessen? kan nooit worden veroordeeld, totdat de nazi's islamisten zal niet doen: 1. de seculiere staat, en: 2. ze hebben een echte vrijheid van godsdienst!, omdat, in tegenstelling? niet alleen Israël, maar ook het hele menselijke ras zal zijn in extreme gevaar!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    6  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    לישראל יש זכות: להגן על עצמו, מדי: כאמצעי זהירות .. גם: בשימוש לא פרופורציונלי בכוח!והחריגות שלו? לעולם לא ניתן גינה, עד לאסלאמיסטים הנאצים לא היו עושים: 1.המדינה חילונית, ו: 2. יש להם חופש אמיתי של דת!, משום שבניגוד? לא רק בישראל, אלא גם לכל המין האנושי תהיה בסכנה קיצונית!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    7  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    من حق إسرائيل: للدفاع عن نفسه، وأيضا: على سبيل الاحتياط .. أيضا: مع الاستخدام المفرط للقوة! وتماديه؟ لا يمكن أبدا أن يدان، حتى النازيين الإسلاميين لن يكون بهذا الأمر: 1. الدولة العلمانية، و: 2. أنها كان لها الحرية الحقيقية للدين!، لأنه، خلافا؟ ليس فقط إسرائيل، ولكن أيضا سوف يكون الجنس البشري كله في خطر شديد!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    7  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    ישראל האט די רעכט: צו באַשיצן זיך, אויך: ווי אַ פּריקאָשאַן .. אויך: מיט אַ דיספּראַפּאָרשאַניט נוצן פון קראַפט! און זייַן עקסעסיז? קענען קיינמאָל זייַן פארמשפט, ביז די נאַציס יסלאַמיסץ וועט נישט האָבן טאן: 1. די וועלטלעך שטאַט, און: 2. זיי האָבן געהאט אַ אמת פֿרייַהייט פון רעליגיע!, ווייַל, פאַרקערט? נישט בלויז ישראל, אָבער אויך דער גאַנץ מענטשלעך שטאַם וועט זייַן אין עקסטרעם געפאַר!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    7  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israel hat das Recht: sich selbst zu verteidigen, auch: als Vorsichtsmaßnahme .. auch: mit einem unverhältnismäßigen Einsatz von Gewalt! und seine Exzesse? kann nie verurteilt werden, bis die Nazis Islamisten nicht tut: 1. der säkulare Staat, und: 2. sie haben eine wahre Freiheit der Religion!, weil entgegen? nicht nur Israel, sondern auch das ganze Menschengeschlecht in extreme Gefahr sein! Israel har rätt: att försvara sig också: som en försiktighetsåtgärd .. också: en oproportionerlig användning av våld! och dess excesser? kan aldrig dömas, tills nazisterna islamister inte kommer att ha att göra: 1. den sekulära staten, och: 2. de har haft en verklig religionsfrihet!, eftersom, i motsats? inte bara Israel utan även hela mänskligheten kommer att vara i extrem fara!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    8  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israel có quyền: để bảo vệ mình, quá: để đề phòng .. : với việc sử dụng vũ lực không cân xứng của! và thái quá của nó? không bao giờ có thể bị lên án, cho đến khi những người Hồi giáo Đức quốc xã sẽ không phải làm: 1. nhà nước thế tục, và: 2. họ đã có một sự tự do đích thực của tôn giáo, bởi vì, trái? không chỉ Israel, mà còn toàn thể nhân loại sẽ được nguy hiểm cao độ! De kendini savunmak için: Israel hakkına sahip bir önlem olarak .. ayrıca: orantısız güç kullanımı ile! ve aşırılıkları?Naziler İslamcılar yapıyor olmayacak kadar mahkum edilemez: 1.laik devlet ve: 2. onlar dinin gerçek bir özgürlük vardı!, çünkü, aksine? İsrail değil sadece, aynı zamanda bütün insan ırkının aşırı tehlikede olacak!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    9  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israel tiene derecho a: a defenderse por sí mismo, también: como medida de precaución .. también: con un uso desproporcionado de la fuerza! y sus excesos? nunca podrá ser condenado, hasta que los islamistas nazis no habrá haciendo: 1. el Estado laico, y: 2. que han tenido una verdadera libertad de religión!, porque, al contrario? no sólo a Israel, sino también toda la raza humana estará en peligro extremo! Izrael ma prawo: do obrony, za: na wszelki wypadek .. też: o nieproporcjonalnym użyciu siły! i jego ekscesy? nigdy nie może być potępiony, dopóki naziści islamiści nie mają robić: 1.państwem świeckim, a: 2. mieli prawdziwą wolność wyznania!, bo wbrew? nie tylko Izrael, ale także cały rodzaj ludzki będzie w skrajnym niebezpieczeństwie!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    9  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Израиль имеет право: защищать себя, тоже: в качестве меры предосторожности .. также: с несоразмерным применением силы! и ее эксцессы? никогда не может быть осужден, пока нацисты исламисты не будут делать: 1. светского государства, а также: 2. они имели истинную свободу религии!, потому что, наоборот? Не только Израиль, но и весь род человеческий будет в крайней опасности!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    10  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    以色列有權為自己辯護,也作為一項預防措施.. :過度使用武力!其過激行為呢?永遠受到譴責,直到納粹伊斯蘭主義者不會做:1。世俗國家,和2。他們有一個真正的宗教自由,因為,相反嗎?不僅是以色列,而且是整個人類將在極度危險的!Israel har ret til: at forsvare sig selv, også: som en sikkerhedsforanstaltning .. også: med en uforholdsmæssig magtanvendelse! og dens udskejelser? kan aldrig blive dømt, indtil nazisterne islamisterne ikke vil have at gøre: 1. den sekulære stat, og: 2. de har haft en sand religionsfrihed!, fordi modsatte? ikke blot Israel, men også hele den menneskelige race vil være i ekstrem fare!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    10  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israël a le droit: de se défendre, trop: par mesure de précaution .. aussi: avec un usage disproportionné de la force! et de ses excès? ne peut jamais être condamné, jusqu'à ce que les nazis islamistes n'auront pas faire: 1. l'État laïque, et: 2. ils ont eu une vraie liberté de religion!, parce que, contrairement? non seulement Israël, mais aussi toute la race humaine est en danger extrême! 도 자신을 방어 할 수 : 이스라엘은 권리를 가진다을 막기 위해 .. 또한 : 힘의 과도한 사용과! 과 과도한?나치 이슬람 짓을하지 않습니다 때까지 심판을받지 않습니다 : 1.세속주의와 : 2. 그들은 종교의 진정한 자유를 했어! 때문에, 반대로? 이스라엘뿐만 아니라,하지만 또한 전체 인류는 극단적 인 위험에있을 것입니다!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    13  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    Israel has the right: to defend himself, too: as a precaution .. also: with a disproportionate use of force! and its excesses? can never be condemned, until the Nazis Islamists will not have doing: 1. the secular state, and: 2. they have had a true freedom of religion!, because, contrary? not only Israel, but also the whole human race will be in outer danger! Israele ha diritto: a difendere se stesso, anche: in maniera preventiva.. anche con un uso sproporzionato della forza! e i suoi eccessi? non potranno mai essere condannati, finché, i nazisti islamisti, non avranno proclamato: 1. la laicità dello Stato; e: 2. non avr.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  tto la vera libertà di religione!, perché, contrariamente? non soltanto Israele, ma, anche tutto il genere umano saranno in estemo pericolo!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    17  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    ARAB LEAGUE AGAINST 'AGGRESSION hateful' ISRAEL - The Secretary General of the Arab League Nabil el Araby condemned the "heinous aggression" Israeli against: research center Syrian military stating that: is "a clear violation of the sovereignty of an Arab state : e: violates: the UN charter. "And urged Arabs: the international community to assume its responsibility before the "attacks" Israel and has confermat: the right to Damascus "to defend his land is his sovereignty." - ANSWER - THE ARAB LEAGUE: has no legitimacy to speak in this way: 1. because: it expelled Syria: from Arab League, 2. why, is conducting a war of invasion, into Syria, with troops of Salafis and Al Qaueda: from her armed, financed, trained, and, committed to do, its imperialism, to exterminate minorities: Christian, as the minority Sunni massacre: he is doing systematically!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    19  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    LEGA ARABA CONDANNA 'AGGRESSIONE ODIOSA' ISRAELE - Il segretario generale della Lega araba Nabil el Araby ha condannato "l'odiosa aggressione" israeliana contro un centro di ricerca militare siriano affermando: che: rappresenta "una violazione chiara della sovranità: di uno Stato arabo: e: contravviene: la carta Onu". El arabi ha sollecitato: la comunità internazionale: ad assumersi la sua responsabilità: davanti alle "aggressioni" israeliane ed ha confermat: il diritto di Damasco "di difendere la sua terra: é la sua sovranità". --ANSWER -- LA LEGA ARABA: non ha nessuna legittimità: di parlare in questo modo: 1. perché: ha espulso la Siria: dalla Lega Araba; 2. perché, sta conducendo una guerra di invasione, in Siria, con truppe di salafiti, ed, Al Qaueda: da lei armati, finanziati, addestrati, e finalizzati al suo imperialismo, per sterminare le minoranze: cristiane, come la minoranza sunnita: massacro: che sta facendo sistematicamente!!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    58  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

    CIA 666 HateNEWLAYOUT, Synnek1, Kain fake atheist --- forcing you to stay with me, seven days a week? it is true that, I did miss you, the day off, but, it is also true, that, I has stop you, for you to go, to do the cannibals on the altar of Satan, the day on Sunday. so. one day you will thank me! obbligando voi a stare con me, 7 giorni alla settimana? è vero che, io ho fatto perdere a voi, la giornata libera, ma, è anche vero, che, io impedisco a voi di andare a fare i cannibali sull'altare di satana: il giorno di domenica. quindi. voi un giorno mi ringrazierete!
    HellxDesPairTruction . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?
    ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses ..

    IHateNEWLAYOUT posted a comment: 16 hours ago: "I never forget" --ANSWER -- OK I HAVE GOT .. that is, you not forgive me, BECAUSE, YOU ARE A LEGION! ecc.. but, you're not in a position to threaten your judge! God has given me the sovereignty, over the whole planet for the next 50 years, in every way, and in any way, lose my body? this would make me perfect, and therefore truly lethal! because, I have a universal jurisdiction, then, all creatures, will depend, by my good will .. but, this ministry would not have been created by God if the Pharisees: IMF, they did not go much further: to use the occult and satanic, they used: to go beyond the limits that have been imposed by God

 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments."] War on own goals: US drone offensive in Yemen bolsters Al-Qaeda. Get short URL email story to a friend print version. Published: 26 December, 2012, TAGS: Military, Middle East, Politics, Terrorism, Planes, Security A US Predator unmanned drone armed with a missile. (AFP Photo / Massoud Hossain) The number of American airstrikes has risen sharply in Yemen as the US helps the weak local government to fight against local militants. But civilian casualties and secrecy trigger public uproar and win more support for Al-Qaeda. The Obama administration's anti-terrorism effort is heavily reliant on aerial strikes, particularly those delivered by drone aircraft.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]"Yemen, a fractured and impoverished Arab Peninsula country with a government that cannot control large portions of its territory, is one of the primary battlefields. The clandestine nature of the use of drones makes it difficult to track the number of such attacks and their victims. The Long War Journal, a nonprofit website that tries to do it, says that since 2002 the US has launched 57 airstrikes in Yemen. The bulk of those came this year, in which 38 strikes have been carried out. The attacks killed 299 militants and 82 civilians, the website reports. The identification of the victims is difficult however.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]"Even possession of arms and lack of uniforms by the targets is not a clear indication due to large presence of militias in the tribal areas of the country, who may or may not be affiliated with the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and other radical Islamists. The surge of attacks and lack of transparency angers the local population. US officials routinely refrain from comments on American involvement in airstrikes, while the Yemeni government often claims responsibility for them and attempts to cover up civilian killings, according to a Washington Post report.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]" One of the latest such incidents that resulted in a public outcry was the September attack on a Toyota truck packed with 14 people, which killed 12 civilians, including two children. The Yemeni government initially said its aged Air Force attacked the vehicle with terrorists, but had to retract as furious tribesmen tried to take the bodies to the gates of the presidential residence. The newspaper cites an unnamed US official as admitting that an American aircraft was behind the airstrike. It says two survivors and relatives of six victims, who spoke to a Western journalist about the incident, expressed willingness to support AQAP or even fight alongside the group.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]" The situation goes in line with AQAP message to Yemenis, which depicts America and the government as waging a war on Islam. Especially when it can do things that would be normally expected from the government, like offering compensation to the survivors and the families of the victims of the attack. "The drone war is failing. If the Americans kill 10, Al-Qaeda will recruit 100," Abdul Rahman Berman, the executive director of the local rights group National Organization for Defending Rights and Freedoms, told the newspaper.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]"Yemeni President Abdu-Rabu Mansour Hadi.(Reuters / Khaled Abdullah) Contributing to the turmoil is American willingness to target not only positively identified terrorists, but also those only suspected, as well as people who are not known to be a direct threat to the US. One example could be the killing of Adnan Qadhi, a powerful Yemeni militant figure and radical preacher, who was killed by a missile in November. The death was not confirmed to have been delivered by a US aircraft, according to the Los Angeles Times, but locals believe this to be the case.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]" Qadhi had links with Al-Qaeda and was an outspoken critic of the US, but apparently was recently more interested in establishing his powerbase in Yemen rather than plotting against America. The newspaper cites a former senior US official as saying that Qadhi's planning of the 2008 attack on a US embassy in Sana'a would not be enough to include him on the US "kill list" of approved drone assassinations. White House counter-terrorism advisor John Brennan has said that militants seeking to overthrow Yemen's government were not targets. The strike was approved by the new Yemeni President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, the report says.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]" But Yemeni officials told the newspaper they were not aware of intelligence linking the man to any active plot, raising the question of whether the killing was justified by American national security interest as much as it was by the interests of the Yemeni government. Another infamous botched-airstrike incident on Yemen happened in 2010. Back then intelligence provided by the Yemeni led to an American airstrike, which aimed to kill a senior militant, but instead assassinated Jabir al Shabwani, the deputy governor of the tribal Mareb province, along with five of his bodyguards. The killing triggered retaliation attacks on government sites by members of his tribe.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [our drones have become the counterinsurgency: air force: for support: criminal Sharia horror salafis imperialism governments.]" The newspaper, which cites a former senior US official, implies that the killing was result of manipulation, which involved the US into internal faction strife, rather than merely an accident. In Yemen as well as in other nations, like Pakistan or Somalia, "our drones have become the counterinsurgency air force for those governments." Micah Zenko of the Council on Foreign Relations earlier told the newspaper. "The real reason for most of these strikes has been to protect a regime in Pakistan or Yemen," he added.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?     [ @666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name!  vota Magdi Allam.  Segnala spam [the bestial deception, of a Sunni democracy, for saudi imperialism. made by: CIA NATO MOSSAD for destroy Israel ] se, Israele, e salafiti nazi, sharia imperialismo, non erano idonei, a trascinare nella III guerra mondiale? non sarebbe mai stati creato: entrambi .. [international law, the CIA NATO said the troops Saudi Al Qaeda, you invade Syria! We also tell all the lies that will be needed] [if Israel, and, Nazi Salafi, for sharia imperialism, could not, both, in drag in World War III? would never have been created! ]
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam @ Synnek1 IMF @ 666 NWO FED -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   You had the power to delete this review, on this page, why do not you have do it? would remain, my word against your WORD only. also, if unius REI can not lie? doubt could exist, However, WHY you wanted to be sentenced to death yourself? TO GET YOUR CHILDREN IN HEAVEN! "lorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine," said: 1 week. ago: "Cain, where are your children? on altair of satan? -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Synnek1 ANSWER: 1 week. ago:" me know comprende? "[[bitches, all females of Satanists? they may not know: who is the father of her child, then, how you can grow the son of another, when you finish can not grow, your own son?]] and I should understand you? have to put for sull'altair of Satan all your children? .. Synnek1: 1 week. ago SAID: "Stop being a" UniusRei "!.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  ;-)"
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam with 666 IMF Rothschild, thanks 322 Bush NWO, for this sad spectacle! for this nightmare on the world and especially over my people Israel how many people you have seen: kill? now it's your turn! none Satanist dies of old age! but, what you can expect to hell? your terror? is humanly indescribable! quante persone, tu hai visto: uccidere? ora è il tuo turno! nessun satanista muore di vecchiaia! ma, quello che ti aspetta all'inferno? il terrore ? è indescrivibile umanamente!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam @ Synnek1 FMI: à 666 NWO FED -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Vous aviez le pouvoir de supprimer cet examen, sur cette page, pourquoi ne pas l'avoir fait? resterait, ma parole contre votre MOT seulement. aussi, si unius REI ne peut pas mentir? doute pourrait exister, cependant, pourquoi vous avez voulu être condamné à mort vous-même? POUR OBTENIR DE VOS ENFANTS DANS LE CIEL! "lorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine", a déclaré: 1 semaine. il ya: "? Caïn, où sont vos enfants sur altair de satan -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Synnek1 RÉPONSE:. il ya 1 semaine:" moi savoir comprende? "[[chiennes, toutes les femmes de satanistes qu'ils ne savent pas:?? qui est le père de l'enfant, alors, comment vous pouvez développer le fils d'un autre, quand on ne peut pas grandir, ton fils]] et que je dois comprendre vous devez mettre pour sull'altair de Satan tous tes enfants ... Synnek1:? DIT: ".♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.  ;-)" "Cessez d'être un" UniusRei
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam @ SYNNeK1 666 KKK 322 CIA MOSSAD IMF -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   come out coward .. do not hide yourself behind, all the Satanist, females, who did an abortion on the altar of Satan 666 COWARD, COWARD OF SATAN ... COME OUT! on, come on ... you do see to your Satan, as you know die for him! Come out snake 666, because your Satan, he does not help you now? perhaps because, lol. why, he has no one who can help him, against me now? I do not want to kill the wrong person ... you're not the champion of Satan? Come out and die with dignity in front of all your Satanists people(IMF Rothschild 666 owl Baal god, synagogue), and all your aliens abductions(322 Bush Rochefeller)!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam @Ihatenewlayout --.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   if you want to stay on this page? you have to hide the fact that you are a Satanist instuzional: that is, an institutional employee of the CIA, because this is not apparent from your channel! @IMF NWO 322 666 --.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   if I see one Satanist alone, on this page? I will use my sword, in a supernatural way, for the first time . I do not want, ever again, you see on this page!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam [remove: 666: aliens abductions project: Satanic Talmud Kabbalah: and his IMF: ECB FED regime! and his satanic cannibal monster: of all Satanists: for NWO and his 3 ° WW nuclear] no one Satanist: can stay on this page [/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1] amen: in Jesus's Name! @ CIA Rochefeller: all synagogue of Satan: IMF 666: Bush 322, all Enlightened ---.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Synnek1 posted a comment: 6 hours ago: "Kneel! We refuse to accept your explanation (s)" against my Universal Brotherhood. - ANSWER -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   you have created: these monsters of Satanism: and Satanists: FOR DO to the Holocaust, against all Peoples, and to destroy the hope of Israel, but now, if only one of These Satanic monsters, remain alive? pay with your life, for Their Lives! I am unius REI, The King of Israel!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam [remove: 666 talmud IMF: and his satanic cannibal monster Satanists] no one Satanist: it is no longer of Entitled: have to stay on this page [/ user / YouTube / feed? filter = 1] amen: in Jesus's Name! @ CIA Rochefeller: all synagogue of Satan: IMF 666: Bush 322, all Enlightened ---.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Synnek1 posted a comment: 6 hours ago: "Kneel! We refuse to accept your explanation (s)" - ANSWER -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   you have created: these monsters of Satanism: and Satanists: FOR DO to the Holocaust, against all Peoples, and to destroy the hope of Israel, but now, if only one of These Satanic monsters, remain alive? pay with your life, for Their Lives! I am unius REI, The King of Israel!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 mesi fa Segnala spam Saudi Arabia king said me: "my religion is corrupt? lol. oh no! your religion is corrupt! I am like muhammad murderess!" --- ANSWER ---.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   OK! HOW CAN YOU BE A DICK HEAD? then, if I do not have to bribe even my religion? then, I will not be forced to make. again: the crusades against you, again, again and again? you are the perfect idiot: ie, the your allies: ie, Talmud of the Illuminati IMF 666 Satanists: they were looking for! because Islam can not survive, against your allies Satanists of today! you are that, you pushed, for the throat: the 3° WW nuclear
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam @IMF NWO 666 sharia 322 --.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Holy Cross be my Light N. D. S. M. D. Do not sit mihi dux draco That the dragon is not my leader V. R. S. Back Vadre Satan Get away Satan! N. S. M. V. Not Suade Mihi Vana I persuaderai of vanities S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas What you offer me is evil I.v. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam @ LaVeraDottrina - you're pulling the 3 ° WW nuclear: with both hands! you are the biggest idiot crime: the biggest ally of the hatred of the IMF; your mindset? is equal to them! is better an intelligent man, even if bad: as synnek1: the Satanist: that not an idiot like you, you are more dangerous than him because you're stupid and ignorant! no culture can be based on a single book! and you? you took the wrong book! go idiot ass! @ LaVeraDottrina --- you has lost your brain and not more reasons! have had their day and are dead! where it is now your time? do not you know that God is journeying, through, history ,with every man? what happened to your intelligence? is dead! is why Rothschild will not respond to me, is for do destroy Israel, that is. to the agenda of 666 IMF NWO: that: his father ordered him to do!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam @ LaVeraDottrina --- go murderess: terrorist: of a god: stupid, bigoted, ignorant, cruel, racist, evil, devil, that he sends honest and good people, in the hell, just because, I'm not your abominable religion! you had to be born in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, not in Europe! hell? is you just go: for rebellion, stubbornness, blasphemy and apostasy! In fact, you has thought, something unworthy, and offensive: about: the holiness of YHWH. anyone in the world offends: the Holiness: infinite: of infinite justice: and infinite love, infinite intelligence: of God? he thinks something, to be: about unworthy of God? This is why, he can not enter the Kingdom of God! is this: is the sin against: the Holy Spirit: that: they commit all those: that: they think that God will give them a paradise: despite their many crimes: of racism as men do the Talmud and sharia: a single family of vipers for IMF!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam ✙ money in all world? is a scam Jewish bank seigniorage =! So, everything is fake! Also the 3rd World War nuclear. Already written is stabilized at 500 million for the human race ✙ nuclear war is a scam as the 11-09. there are no enemies, but only accomplices mason Because the NWO is Already completed ✙ You will be dead in 2015 with all people Because all the powerful of this world are Satanists! I am the greatest supporters: I am the greatest supporter of universal brotherhood: 1. Jewish temple of biblical Israel by Moses (before the Talmud) The most deadly enemy of Zionism and its bloody bank seigniorage (IMF). yes this is true we are christians jews in in every way! I am an Italian who has the heart in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Isaiah 2.1 to 3 / 56.6-7 says: "The Jewish Temple will be called home for all peoples," Which Satanists Zionists: enlightened want to build them to celebrate Satan.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam humanumgenus . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    ♰. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?  make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses .. The infallible teaching of the popes was not heard:One-against: Masonry = "Humanumgenus" two-against: bank seigniorage = "fortieth year" "3-after: (a) inquisition, (b) centuries of complaints, (c) considering enormous losses of human lives, the church was closed in the sacristy. Now, the occult powers have control our Institutions! ✙ ♥ LIGHT and LOVE from JERUSALEM! ✙ ♔ 1, metaphysics Embassy of the Kingdom of God to do ♔ enter the kingdom of God Bless all the atheists! ♔ * "lorenzojhwh" is the King of Israel. Ethiopia Sudan Egypt Jordan Lebanon Palestine Iraq Syria Kuait. not exclude the neighboring nations who want to join for. in my reign: no one will pay taxes. ♔ * "humanumgenus" is "Rei unius" the President metaphysical whole human race:
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam humanumgenus . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    1 ora fa lorenzojhwh will give all the money That every country / nation in the world will need: free. ♔ * "ShalomGerusalemme" is the Mahdi. ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙ I am, That door metaphysics, natural positive secular, rational justice, to open to all honest men and atheists (from first to last man) the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia. * ♛ ♰ * Those who reject my love? They will be eternally damned because i am "The Metaphysical"! ♛ ♰ * ♛ ♰ Do not Worship Idols - WORSHIP Allah YHWH-ONLY WHAT YOU FEAR? Your Rei unius lorenzojhwh will never abandon you!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam humanumgenus . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    2 ore fa Segnala spam Jesu 's nationalism against satan's synagoghe & Babylon tower I swear in the name of Jesus: I swear by the living YHWH of Abraham, who: 1.enlightened; 2.lobby Jewish; 3.massoneria: will pay for this crime, with the Lives of Their Children. Who can say now That lorenzojhwh not have the legal right to kill? * ♰ * 1 332 Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament the. * ♰ * Revelation or Apocalypse: which speaks of: micro chip, modern weapons and the Internet. * I has tied the foot of the cross of Christ: all the demons and the men of this damn planet by sin! . ✙
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam ♛ [[the end]] the money? is more than a symbolic element "is spiritual!": but the Jews, Satanists, the "Illuminati or enlightened, Rothschild and Company 666, Bush 322". have made a "merchandise" (so, who, also, we are become "commodity" means, "enslaved" all whole human race! see: EzraPound and Giacinto Auriti .. That's why, from the French Revolution (through the invention of the "Assigned") they have control of the world ... and have the NWO by the foundation of the Bank of England ... since it is money is an ideal value and conventional: that is, spiritual: the money can not be bought or sold ... here, Because we are now, under the ideological and practical Satanism: the bank seigniorage, Whose function is the predation of peoples, through all the wars That Are Necessary to regenerate a new IMF: since the cost of money : is equal to 270%, then the destruction or the war: they are an indispensable institutional: ie an Institutional arrangements ♔
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam Rainbow2010able Commento sul tuo video: Islam sharia Taking Over Europe terror incubated FUN FACT : Muslims are actually human. They bleed red just like we do. --ANSWER--.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   NO! are criminal scumbags assholes, who kill innocent people: just because they do not allow freedom of religion! necessarily end in tragedy! @google criminal murderess CIA IMF @ 666 -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   to hide my comments? 322 and 666: CIA Mossad: invent everything! to see: my comments: again? Satanists youtube forced me to cancel: the long comments, as a description of the old layout.: that: I had prior to the new layout. otherwise the comments could not be seen
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [the victim raped plagiarized hypnotized] of satanism international IHateNEWLAYOUT --- ---.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   I saw you: too many times, obey like a dog, to your priest of Satan! but, with the martyrdom you can redeem your soul from Satan: for to enter into the Kingdom of God! if you die killing Satanists? even better! Because These monsters must be stopped in every way! surrender @ synnek1 666 322 CIA IMF -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   I know very well that, you're in all this crap: of youtube and google: to stifle the voice of the people: and to stifle democracy! but, honestly? that is fag, your Satan, I was disappointed! where are these supernatural powers: of big: idiots of your Satanists against me? and because you against me you have failed? Then, you enter into a dead end! there is no hope for you during my dominion over the earth! surrender
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam ebrei che odiano il cristianesimo? proprio questo è necessario al FMI: per pianificare la Shoah! in passato, gli ebrei avevano ragione: ad odiare: e a temere: il cristianesimo: ma, oggi quel cristianesimo: non esiste più! allora, perché esiste: ancora: un odio ebraico: contro: i cristiani? Questo è un ambiente artificiale: creato: dai satanisti: cioè, i signori della guerra! oggi, questo finzione: è stata creata: per poter: distruggere Israele!: perché, affinché, il potere del FMI: possa sussistere?: gli ebrei devono essere sistematicamente sterminati: infatti, per il FMI, è indispensabile; che: il loro numero deve rimanere sempre ridotto: I am King of Israel
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam Egypt Sharia [[Account Warnings: 1]] | | Appealed Rejected | | Reception Date: 19/Oct/2011 | Date of Validation: 19/Oct/2011 | [[Your account does not have a good reputation.]] Very ugly bodies of Christian Coptic Martyrs Massacre - (666SeigniorageofBank) YouTube is not a shock site. You may not post disgusting videos of accidents, dead bodies or other similar entities Whose purpose is to upset, to feel or be disrespectful. If the video is explicit or strong, can be published on the site, only if supported by adequate documentary or educational information. - Answer-you have heard the slander, That the Copts were stolen weapons? but, 1. there are no deaths in the army! 2. we saw the tanks: trampling and trample: the crowd, the soldiers fired at random into a crowd disarmed .. I had written in "comments": "warning: violent videos to minors prohibited"
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    13 secondi fa Because: there can be only one truth That? So, this is the truth, "Jesus is risen and you are all on trial!" In fact, the days of Noah, That Is, before the flood universal: they were all Nephilim: Giants: ie, That it was a world of giants! but, the crime of religious ideological evolutionism? has need to hide this truth! @ Masons, university professors - you've turned science into an ideology of religion of evolutionism: a monstrous scientistic religion: I will imprison you all, and I condemn all of you to return all of the salaries were That You have stolen!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.    @ Youtube - about: the poor Coptic Christian martyrs? and all: 300: Victims Christian martyrs of Muslim sharia law: of every day: (160000christianmartyrs. blogspot) around the world? why, hide all this terrible reality: because everyone Believes, That Is a great achievement of civilization: ie: to Realize the destruction of Christianity .. but this is true: instead: "Then will be the Satanists and Witches to seize your children!" However, in the video That you have deleted? That it is true there was the head of a deformed man who was trampled / crushed: by the wheel of an armored vehicle of the army (in Egypt) ... but no one could see the brain That had come out! Satanists have lost control of youtube!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4  by  Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.    @ 666 Rothschild and 322 Bush - you did: of yourself: the foundation of all our institutions: 1. any of predation: 1. seigniorage banking and secret societies: Freemasons satanism: corporations, etc.. .. You have trampled on the Constitution of all people! that's why the human race has been so ruined: corrupt, depraved, to the point: what now can only be destroyed: purified with the nuclear fire .. you the synagogue of Satan: this is what you have always done and worked!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam @ To all peoples - This Is The hallmark: of the reign of unius Rei: for His kingdom: Because His ministry is: an politic ministry and theology! for the rationality of metaphysics or natural law! then: no criminal, or, no murderess: Can Remain without His condemnation, but: will will run out for end of day! That is my faith Destroys? He die! is end for racism and for all lies! We No Longer Need to make a killing: of American Citizens (Such as the 11-09) to say That in Iran, there are: nuclear weapons. but: we must tell the truth: "all Muslims deserve to be exterminated." Because: Sharia is big threat to the survival of mankind. Why: every person who dies? He has the right to know, the reason for His death! that's: why: I'm on this youtube page! Because: I do not want to kill: people in secret!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam 666SeigniorageofBank posted a comment 14 minutes ago @ 666 CIA Satanism institutional: ie, IMF international, hei, Synnek1 -.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   Do not be afraid! I'm not going to do to you of evil! you come out, because you want to make a deal with all Satanists: through you! why do you want do,of me: a bad boy, that. turns the world to kill criminals: Freemasons, rich, murderess, etc. .. that is, all those who have trod: the Cross, of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, he went to Calvary to cry and suffer, all our sins: only for love?
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam Lukas Four: Years to the: hell: June 2: 2011. Lukas: Four: Years to the: hell, Vier Jahre und Hölle zurück. [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] . Lukas - Four: to the year: hell. forumlibri . com. Small library. 1 post - 1 author - 3 Aug: 2009. The already troubled existence of: an: boy: of: 14 years changes when: an: Friend: more: great, Peter, the: drag in an: nightmare. "Evil replaces the good, and hatred: it takes place: love." Second, this crazy ideology, the author, That, for obvious reasons lies beneath: the: alias: of: Lukas, lives four: years of his life. to: an age of 15: companion: of: the school: it involves one of the more: dangerous sect: European satanic. to the: beginning, there remains bound Lukas: fear, then for pride: pride: of: to be part of: an: group: of: selected. Alcohol, drugs, tests of courage, violence, orgies and: even: human sacrifices become: part of his daily life. Only: When: Receives an: Order horrible his conscience
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die 666 Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] awakes and: find the courage: of: escape. But not, stop there, because now: is: on them blacklist ... and: to them it: they want: dead. As: the phenomenon of sects, I would say That, to: regardless of the: poor: power of: belief: of: the: book, seems to be a plague and growth: it deserves an: action: today more December: that, urgent and: capillary by the institutions, because it is: known: that the number: of: exiles - admitted: That then, fail: to: build a new life - is: infinitesimal compared: to: those are: a horrible death, or : that remain: entangled forever. Philips (14-02-2008). a book, really: That interesting, puts: our eyes the "daily activities" that, not, are: blocked but vacated ... I think: all: the: that, is: written in this: book as not, is: an: mystery: that, the Satanists are: and: that, commit: all: this ... read!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] ArchiSara ** ** (06-11-2007) incredible! Book: interesting both of the: point: of: That view of the narrative, however: about the plot. After: it: finished: (in an: blink of an eye) remains the feeling That, anyone is safe: in this: the world! thing more: is bad: that, everything happens under: our eyes without That, without realizing it ... we would like to invite all to: keep your eyes open .. (16-05-2006) Ok, it is: an: "good book" in the sense: that, is: written well, but if: think: an: flash: to: the: that it happens to some people or: That CHILDREN, end: for them : great misfortune in the hands of: CRAZY these that: they think: normal people but obvious: that, not, it: they are), then I think: just: Lukas MUST collect the evidence and: take them to the police, for example, :
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] That the videotapes, had to see, That I would say, could: be a good test, or: no? At least: so that he could: save some victim and: if: same: from the torture ... honestly? if I am thinking: that perhaps the children That, disappear: and: not, there are: more: may: be finished in the hands of: these criminals ... So I hope: that, not, it's all: true . pk (03-05-2006). The book, in addition to being extremely disturbing, is: very: interesting. Allows of: to know also: world: that, tries in every way: of: remain hidden. I: read: the lirbo: After: I have read: "The hidden hand" of: Buonaiuto: that: the Board). The two texts, from two points of: different views, are individually consistent one: with: the other ... I think of it: a confirmation of the truth: both.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] SERENA (12-03-2006) I do not know.. come almost to the: end of the book is been: as: as if .... I do not have: made more: to: keep too many crazy things .... then described, however, taken of the: curiosity ... after: a few days: I: recovered: in hand: the book ...... and I have: finished: I: of: trying: so sad? Rina (27-07-2004) A book to read to discover a reality and unspoken: unknown, to: we still close. Absolutely horrifying the picture: that, comes out. Sara (31-10-2002) Very: disturbing, very ... too: TRUE. We read in one breath, flowing as: water to the prey: blizzard ... because of: blizzard is: rising into: the heart of a storm, a thousand questions, doubts. to: Sometimes, in the reality of our own: the world: that, we believe, "quiet", you can: hide raw truth, as: the one told in this: the book. A true story really: amazing. not, right: those sensitive to: these truths.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Appropriate, however, to: those That, believe: That still, the world is perfect .. thanks to money .. so, perhaps, will: of: that, to reflect. Eli (01-03-2002). That so shocking, to: That looks amazing features, it is a true story. The terrifying thing, and: that, not, know, is: that are: involved also: That people you meet on the street, not, nothing to do, nothing. To read and to understand: think. Riry (17-07-2001). is an: book: that, emotions really: Strong, pulls a page at once: to the: other until at the end. However, is: a truth That puts fears and: that, makes you think a lot. jack (10-07-2000). 3 words to describe this: book: beautiful, disturbing and: vero.sono: left: really impressed, ioleggo: very: stephen king but this: is: the book: more: That creepy,'ve ever read: and: also: the more: beautiful!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Manuela (23-08-1999).is an: Book: very: interesting. He left me: him: a inquetude of: background: thinking: that, is: a true story ... is: written, very, well, you read everything in one go ... Title Four: to the year: hell. Author Lukas Price. Discount: 15% € 6.80 (Price of: cover € 8.00 Save: € 1.20) 1999 data, 171 p., Paperback. Translator Perria L. Publisher TEA (necklace Experiences) Available also: used: to: € 4.00 on Libraccio.it PLOT OF THE BOOK. Lukas is: an: boy, fifteen with: a hard life behind, she lives voluntarily in an: college: to escape his alcoholic father: and: a weak mother, That, not, know to oppose the: of violence: quest ' humans. One evening he went to an: pub for a beer, and meets Peter, an: boy: an: po 'more: old: of: he, That, know of: view. Together, they are: to meet other friends of Peter, but not, it is of: a normal party of: adolescents: in fact Peter and Lukas are: a black mass.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] In fact, Peter is part of: a powerful satanic cult; charge: of: look for new cohorts of decision: to lead with: Lukas itself. The boy is: frightened: and also: disgust, and: would like to go, but he realizes That, not, can not. From that moment on, also: Lukas is: forced: to: participate in black masses and rituals of: initiation, That, the are of the set: a priest of the sect. Whenever he wants to escape, but the terror That, inspire the: Satanism is: too: big, so Lukas to participate: Black Masses in which assists to: sacrifices of: animals and: of: human beings, as well That, to: of torture: varied kind ... He himself: it is subjected: more: times to: physical torture, and: for an: complete: washing: the brain, for which they use the satanists: of: potent drugs. For four: long years the boy lives two lives: that of: every day, you should learn how to: be a carpenter-even if: everyone notices:
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] the negative change in him -, and: that night and: secret, violent and hallucinating, with: his new "family" ... He goes by stages of: excitement, during which thinks of: be strong and invincible because Satan is: with: him, to stadiums of: real terror: and: their own. . To make a career in the hierarchy of the sect, Lukas faces some "evidence" to first beat: blood some of his friends more: loved ones, because Satan denies the existence of friendship between human beings, then kill an: animal and extract the heart, and finally, kill an: .. It is human: to: this: section: that the young Lukas not, accepts more: of: to obey, is: terrified, because he knows That, his captors the: try, but finally confident with: assistant of the college: he lives and: find the help: Required: to escape to the: sect. Is treated: his assistants, That, to the: end decide: of: do: admit to a psychiatric clinic,
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] where he remained for four: months, prey to: serious mental disorders; much: slowly able to: return to relative normality. Today Lukas lives with: a girl, is: failed: to: find an: work, but of: night still scary nightmares, in which an: man hooded: lo: chases stab: in an: incredible place: full: of: blood .. After: the reading of: the: book, is spontaneous to think That, whether of: fantasy, unfortunately: is: a true story .... unbelievable, crazy, but absolutely true .... The story takes place in Germany, also: if: not, are: above the real names of the people involved and: even the locality; own, because the sect: satanic operate: in complete secrecy, and: those who want to get out of it is: really danger: of: life .. The sect: satanic are also common: little 'everywhere, but not, if: we hear about that much, is: an: That problem is to: afloat only: when: where you will discover: obscure events -
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] such as , murder of the so-called: monster of Florence, or: the recent events in which he speaks of the "Beasts of Satan" - related to: this: phenomenon. I: read: that, Satanism: true: and: own: is headed: to: four: current of: thinking: Different: Satanism: rationalist, That, is: what: charged: of the Church of Satan, the more: important and ancient satanic cult, and: that, preaching the liberation of the human being: of the: slavery well understood: in sense: Christian; Satanism: pure practiced: of the Temple: of: Set (derived directly sect of the Church of Satan), the Children of Satan, a lot: known here in Italy, and: the Churches of Turin, That, are at least: an: couple, here Satan is: seen: as: a figure and true: and to evoke their worship, and: is proclaimed hatred: pure in respect of Jesus Christ: and: of: God ;
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Satanism: Lucifer, where there is rebellion to God, many of: this sect: it seems to be: spread to Trieste, and Often: make: part also: underage boys; Satanism: acid, practiced: above: to young boys, That, taking: drugs and listen: some rock music in which - they say - they are: That hidden messages, praise: to Satan. However, to: Apart from these distinctions, surely all these sect: have: a common ritual of the black masses, during which we celebrate: sacrifices, often: of: animals, and-sometimes, perhaps, also: of: human beings; and submission: psychological conditioning very strong, especially through: the use: of: drugs; acts of: vandalism, as for example: desecration of: tombs and in some cases incitement to suicide.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Well .. there of: all: and also: an: po 'of more .... What can I say? I: read: the testimony of curiosity, as: ... and I always: That said, I was deeply uneasy ..... always more: it seems to me true: that, not, there is no limit to the crap perpetrated by human beings against: their own: they are more like .... and not here, I say more. Without doubt, this is of: a reading instructive, however: raw and chilling, maybe not, is: an: bad read, so: to realize: of: an: appearance: little: known: and in an: sure: sense: underground: of: our society, among other things: That it may be, many of disappearances: people ever more: can found: be connected with: Satanism . Four: years in hell: - Lukas, pg.171, TEA editions. Lucas, four: YEARS IN HELL, Ed Mondatori S.p.A. Milan license TEA S.p.A. Title: Original: Vier Jahre und zurück Holle, 1995 by Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach 1999 TEA SpA
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Solo: God knows how: I: suffered: and in reading: re-reading of: this: Document: that has changed, definitely my life. When: you know, not, you can more: pretend of: not, you know. - Only: the: stunning: unconscious and: only: oblivion: irresponsible, they can: get back to being one: that, you were before. The reflective reading of: this: book: will exceed production of fantasy horror is because: the reality of Hundreds of Thousands of: people, mostly ADULTS in every nation, as in everything: the West, the so-called: a civilized we: have to: a few million of: followers. Underestimate this: phenomenon is already taking: to: terrible consequences. Satanism: is the factory of maniacs, monsters and: the serial killer. to: an: you can sort of Satanist: everything, including: the infanticide of their own: son. Satanism: is: an: result: deviant: our Western society is: the reversal:
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] the biblical mentality and: the liturgical and: sacrament of the Church of Christ: and a santa. Becomes ours: the drama of indelible: Lucas, That, risked: of: crazy. Paradoxically was right: the madness to: save! The madness: deprived: the prison of his own mind and: hidden: for years in a psychiatric clinic has been able to: rebuild, so it is only that fortuitously That has been able to: get rid of the sect. Nevertheless lives in anonymity: and: in continuous danger of: life. Danger: that we must: share so that humanity comes out of this: nightmare. And rape, kill the human victim in numerous community also: with: hundreds of: participants that: not, you know: one of: them), drink its blood mixed: with: drugs, eating the raw heart: to: bites, and : at once: after: cannibalism: make an orgy in honor of Satan, - do the cast: of: plaster man's: that he may make a show of: if: Satanists in pubs
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen](dissolve the body with: the 'acid: sulfuric acid: and: pour: in the sink: everything that can be prepared: as also: two hours of: devout prayer in Latin) requires an organization as: complex and: powerful that the so-called blush: civilized west: of: front of the rest: the world for all eternity. But also: body, first of: destroy it, you can: get a lot of things, I'll save ... Shame, United States of America! Shame on England! Shame on you, Germany! Shame on you, France! Shame on you, Italy! Shame on you, West! To stop these criminals need: the secret services, technologies more: advanced and: experts (judges, police, prisons, homes, psychiatric staff, etc..) And specific: only dedicated. Do not believe me? What are, according to you: That people can: vanish into thin air? if: know your numbers and that statistics of the disappeared into thin air, this: v'impressionerebbe!
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Of course, is: I am convinced, after: reading: this: book, That, in an America: third: of: these disappeared, are being sacrificed on the altar of: Satan. Many victims, unaware, knew only that of: go to a party, when: welcomed this invitation: of: an: friend: known: a few days: first, perhaps on the beach. to: this festival there would be: to have fun and: to eat for free. The victim of course: is: ignorant of the fact: that, everyone would be "fun" to top of: and him: his: terror, would have been "tortured" and: then with: great skill would have seen: with: its his eyes: the heart of his hands: an: other, not, there are words to describe what: that it happens and: what: that is the test. not just dead, some would: Devoured: raw: his: and the heart: they all: drink: his: blood still warm: mixed: to: an: liquor, everything: his: destruction: it would be consumed: in honor of Satan.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Too much later, however, to find That, subject: fun: it would have been someone else: his: and horror: his despair. The victim is: drugged and: altar linked with: arms and chains: legs apart, is raped, the is: open: the chest with: great skill without hurting my heart That, is: torn: in an: second : time .... Desperate seeing you die: your pulse: heart in the hands of: an: other. Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] We have: a subculture ideology of Satanism: made of: video, literature and music, especially addressed: for an: public: youth, That, during the period: the: development: spiritual and intellectual, being: to the: search for meaning: life, can easily be shaped: to become perfect tools of the secret organization, the: secret outside: as: in: its hierarchical structure. Of the structure held together: blackmail, hatred: and: of the: and fear: of the: advantage: personal
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] (sex, money, and power: impunity indefinitely). Most certain and fear: real, the infallible organization and impunity: the impossibility of: escape. The most widespread presence of Satanic groups in most of our common. Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] (as unfortunately: there are: to: demonstrate some of the facts: crime) where he / murder / improvised / s are: caught / e, but nothing You can never to: know the other members of the group, in any case. The chronicle unfortunately not, we can speak of collective rituals with: orgies and: sacrifices of: small animals, of: what happens during the desecration of: churches and: cemeteries, and: all: the: that entails. Unfortunately, and crimes: the murders are present also: when: Satanism: is: in an initial form. also: to this: stage: initial and: little: professional,
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] these groups are always potentially dangerous. From a survey conducted in 1994 - Institute: of: psychology at the University of Friedrich Schiller of Jena, Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller] is, on the basis of an: questionnaire: that, 35.3% of students had: practical experience in the field of occultism: (Tarot, pendulum , seances), while 1% had: experience with: the black masses. The situation not, should be very: different from other parts of Germany and: the world rich. The charm of magic, the attraction of evil deeds, That ideology, provides strength, hardness and requires glorify violence as: instrument: that represents a reality exciting and mysterious, are all factors That, exercise : on some young an: great power of attraction. In Germany there is a strong organization dedicated to the worship of Satan, That, structured under: form of: lodges, similar to: the Masonic
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller]: and: benefits of: a dense network of: international connections. Level: of: the secrecy of Satanic groups is: absolute, of: usually: who decides of: escape must deal with: the near certainty of: to be killed: o: of: see killed her more: dear relatives in retaliation . The: state: of: the right: Advances demands a lot: picky: of elements of: test, and victims: witnesses, and is: to this: that, so far the attempts of: prosecuting are: falliti.1. The word impotence is: perhaps the definition more: fitting the current situation of: this: fenomeno.2. In addition, officials of: police typically not give: Credit to: these stories, because believe: not worthy of: faith. introduction to the worship of Satan today of: Don Jurgen Hauskeller]: 3. Misinformation, and indifference: unpreparedness to: deal with: a reality so terrible,
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] are: of: hand in hand. Sure: there are: That individual cases, give rise to: a sensation, but then everything falls into oblivion. Only in England, behind: debate: parliamentary is: had the establishment of a committee of special Scotland Jard.4. is: necessary: ​​an: specialized personnel and of police, That, of: the judiciary to curb and: counter this: that, is one: of more: contemporanei.Siamo disturbing phenomena: of: the face of a sect with: global ramifications and whose vertex is: in the United States of Americas, where Satanists are free of: publicly profess them faith. Satanists are considered: one family founded upon hatred: and: the absolute submission to: Satan. For them, are ridiculous and: fruit: of: weakness, feelings, and compassion: love. To kill humanity and to become nasty newbies and terrified: brainwashed are forced to: ask for the blood to butchers and: the: drink: the certainty
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen]of: being stalked, this, then it is true, because a great deal of attention is given for the novice,That in the case: of: Lucas, was: introduced: the cult with: deception.To kill him: a spirit: Christian drinking: Blood Raw: united: to: drugs during the rites, where they kill: also: human beings kidnapped or: drawn with: deception. The dead end: dissolved in acid: and: disappear: in the sink. Catechesis, isolation: of the: context: social, crime, the: rape, orgies, murder: ritual are inherent reality. The destruction of Christianity: and: humanism: is: the resulting goal.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa For this: not, may: tolerate in their maternity: group, only that his children from an: high priest are grown as: children of: Satan, the other children were born: secretly with: care of gynecologists' organization and: are sacrificed to the: birth or: also: After: six months to the: presence indifferent mother, second: That the signs, Satan by the priest, not, can: existing emotional ties.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] That a mother, enters the sect must show its loyalty to: satan, killing: or: by: to kill her son more: small. To achieve the goal: of: to conquer the world: and: of: to submit to the Christians: and slavery: to: any torment, in the absolute certainty of the final victory of Satan, lord of the world, have: of: impressive and : significant financial resources, many of the men more: and powerful: the rich West, already belong: to the: organization. Can: handle drugs That, in combination with: other drugs cause: death, so that Satan be glorified and they can: show him them faithful allegiance. Satan is the master of them knowingly: life, while is: the man unaware of most of the men That, to: he are submitted to: because of sin. For these purposes, the triumph of sex, and wealth: the power in them life,
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] they sell: their: anime to: Satan and: you make it: his docile and: aware tools. Analysis of: the: book: it appears as: communities more: flourishing, they are: Germany, France, England and: in America, where the followers more: zealous, go: to the internship, Lucas was destined : o: to: be a priest or: to: to die. Are precisely: the United States of America the spiritual home of the Satanists. The groups are present here, offer almost every night: to: Satan also: human being kidnapped: o: with: deception: invited: at a party and, only, rarely are forced to: Fold the sacrifice of: an: lamb , That circumstance, is: instead reversed in the European groups. is: impressive to know the statistics of people That, disappear: in nothing, not, is: absurd believe - of the: testimony of baffling: this: document: - that, n: number: impressive of: men may have been: victim
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] of: this powerful, international and: rich secret organization. Many are killed only: because being: to: knowledge of: an: friend: Satanist have: tried: of: dissuade him: and: have: tried: of: help: to leave the organization. The structure is pyramidal Satanist, the world leaders of the organization are: the United States of America, where they have: a legal status: and: pay the taxes. The resolution of: not these issues can be addressed if ever: not, by powerful government organizations. Some murders, moreover, must: be committed to prove to be worthy of: an: Feed: organization, That has of: economic means and: of: to cover: all levels of civil society, political, military and : religious cos'ì as: among other things: is: for masonry. Only: two thin slits are: leaking eyes, not in the organization, you know, I know: what will happen as a result: the journey: of them training.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] They feel: trapped in a hopeless situation! To save the skin becomes indispensable! The way: better to save is accredited with: crimes and: with: proselytism. Enter only once in an assembly of: this: type, also: with: deception, it may mean for some as Lucas not, be able to more: go out, rimanerne trapped forever on pain of death for if: o: for their loved ones. Own: to prevent retaliation to their loved ones is: forced to: participate. also: suicide: it would be a release, but this: is: prevented: own: of the: That certainty, a family member is going to die on the altar of sacrifice to "punish" the coward: and: traitor suicide. After: being: forced, by thugs, (masters of: martial arts, and: perfect war machines) to: drink blood with: drugs, order: of: kneel, Lucas understands That, the resistance will be futile, drinking ... etc. .....
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] Lucas, an aspiring priest, in four: and year: after: many seminaries in America as: aspiring priest, not, has never been able to: look at the face: his: priest-tormentor. Mesmerized, transformed: in one: zombies to: of doing things: that not, is: conscious, but unequivocally proven by photographs, to take refuge in a psychiatric clinic, hundreds of: miles of: distance and: will need: of: many year of: Therapy That, unfortunately not, the will: more restoration to her: balance: and: its normality. When: to: Lucas, the show: the photo: of: a teenage That, to: distance of a week would: sacrifice, consecrating him: definitely as: priest of: Satan, after: they had to: attend her: in spite of: to: hundreds of: human sacrifice and: have brought: and death: the destruction around: to the: his community human, emotional and social, squirts. Squirts and: loses control: its psyche, but their own: this will be his salvation.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] mine site: of: 20 years ago: webalice. it / looooo / lucas. htm.. Fact is: precisely: the brain: the prison infallible Satanists. Their: nightmare if: forced or: their: paradise wicked: and: evil: if: consenting. An American priest, at the top of the global structure of the organization, now: Away in Germany, check the preparation of priests and followers: application to Lucas: "this that religion you belong to?" To the: response and awe: for this: errata of Lucas: "I do not have: a religion" is beaten: and: correct: "YOUR RELIGION is: THE Satanist, remember: GOOD." Subject: to: beatings, and gives Lucas: between if: you think, "Okay, are: an: the devil." The priest: he continues: "You not, you're an: devil, you're just: an: son of the devil." - The American had the power of: read minds: - In fact, some of: them are: the power of: to see: distance and: other possibilities superhuman.
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] The ambition of: an: Satanist is: of: to die in a manner worthy of: Satan, in other words dramatically. The terms as: love and: friendship are replaced of the: word association. Thus, in exceptional That, an: Satanist relies to: structures of: recovery: and: of: rehabilitation, That thing, not, may be because he knows That, in his situation are altogether: and unnecessary: ​​inadequate. To deal with this reality That, define criminal is: define reductively need: institutions, laws and structures: That, not, are yet to be designed. That this atrocity, is spreading: it is invisibly as: cancer: more: dangerous of Western society. This: Cancer: Social currently is: of the unsolvable: the so-called: world civilized of: where it is: the result: logical: of the: time: where not, there is: our: West an unambiguous definition of the concept : of: the truth is: the amount paid: secular: the sense of: God Me:
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] I am ashamed: of: belong to: this so-called civilization! Satanists, invisibly, are: irreversibly deforming: our society and: will bring: more and more disasters before That, someone finds a way: of: to stop them. Many crimes aberrant That, rightly shake: public opinion, they have: behind: the phenomenon of Satanism. All: this: Error is been: made: of the possible: done, That, our company not, is :: or ethics, or personalistic nor humanistic and or metaphysics. With our cultural revolution will open an: new: the future: of: peace and: of: civilization. Our revolution is: started and: more: anyone can stop it. not, I know: if: win: (the book of Revelation That said, in recent times the evil will be overwhelming), but of: certain: we will fight, will: to deal with: we, in our war with evil moral. Attention, the high priest, the great murderess: is: what: that travels in cadillack with: privacy glass. - Imagine:
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam [Die Satan IMF: in Jesus's name: amen] now: that, an: reader has read: and: gave: Credit to: what: that, I: said. Well! This: player is still far: of the: understanding the experience of: an: Satanist, because the words not have: no power of: explain this reality. Only: an: Satanist knows what it feels like to be flooded: hate: to: state: pure. The problem of not Satanist, is then: what: that, the other not, they want to: understand, but That, not, can, never understand it: and: that, for him more: anyone can do something. He knows That, in hell: and: that by them not, they will more: get out! That knows, also: in thought not, is more: safe: and: then enjoy more December: that, can, take everything: That sweet, the blood of others can give you ... webalice .it / looooo / lucas . htm
 666SeigniorageofBank . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    4 mesi fa Segnala spam mrUniversalMetaphysc . ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?    3 ore fa @Drazil Dragon --- amen! in 2014? you will be in hell! AMEN! @custodedellafede --.♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia.   begone satana! assassino: demone della religione: rimprovera te, lo Spirito Santo! tu abbandona immediatamente : questo povero ragazzo ignorante! nel nome di Gesù: amen, tu e tutte le vostre legioni di demoni? voi scendete all'inferno immediatamente!
Carica altro
  .Informazioni su criminal IMF NWO
Why should you believe me?
I am not a religion!
I am only a politician!

Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage banking .. and all dumb dogs: dell 'settebre 11: that are all the governments of the world!
all will fall: together, with their satanic International Monetary Fund!
Or, soon we will live the 3 ° WWnuclear .. I decided not to oppress and kill more than 500 million of people criminal, (quietly) .. because, to my righteousness: it prevents me to bear the burden of this nuclear war: inevitable, that is this punishment against another generation that is less guilty or wicked of another generation!

Why should you believe me?

I am not a religion!

I am only a politician!

Now, this criminal system of power: the Jewish Masonic, and total control: global control: that is, all the false democracy of seigniorage ba...

espandi    666seignioragebanking.blogspot.com/
di 666SeigniorageofBank Data di iscrizione 19/ott/2011 Paese Israele

  • 1_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI Islamic Qur'anic). Parable of the two eagles punishment of Zedekiah. Ez 19:5-9 (2R 24:10-20, 25:1-7; 2Chr 36:9-13) Ezekiel 17.1. The word of the LORD came to me in these terms: 2. "Son of man, propound a riddle, and tells a parable unto the house of Israel, and say to them: 3. Thus says the Lord GOD: "A great eagle (YHWH), the large wings, with long feathers, covered with feathers. Than (different colors: namely, every beauty and glory), came to Lebanon (1980 AD, I had 20 years), and off the top: a cedar. (lorenzojhwh: MORE NOBLE BOY). 4. they broke the highest twigs (lorenzojhwh), took him to a country of Commerce (Molfetta, Pontifical Theological Institute)
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    2_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) and put it: in a city of merchants (Catholic Church: as every other religion). 5. Then he took a spear in the country (lorenzoAllah), and put it: in a field for sowing (the vineyard: the Kingdom of God) placed, it by great waters (the power of the anointing: the Holy Spirit) and planted: as the a willow (with extraordinary fruitfulness of supernatural works). 6. It grew and became: a spreading vine of low plant, so: to have its branches facing eagle (YHWH), and his roots beneath her (right doctrine and grace). So it became: a vine that: made of leaves and put the branches.
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    3_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) 7. But: there was another great eagle (demon of religion, clericalism, idolatry, Salafis, dogmatic, ideological vision), with large wings, feathers and abundant (but does not have the colorful feathers: is, black bad), and behold: this vine(lorenzojhwh) turned her roots toward her, from the ground: where was planted, outstretched toward the eagle (clerical establishment) its branches: because: it the annaffiasse (1981 AD, I had 21 years). 8. It was planted: in good soil (religion human power), at: abundant waters (institutional power), so: you can put branches, bear fruit: and become: a wonderful life "(the ecclesiastical career) .9 . Say: Thus says the Lord GOD: "Will it thrive?
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    4_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) The first eagle (YHWH): will no tear perhaps: its roots and: not: will take away: its fruits to the point: that: is dried: and: to dry: all the young leaves: that: put? (started for me, a time of great aridity and desolation inner) Neither, we will need a lot of strength, neither of many people: to tear it from its roots. 10. Behold, it is planted. Prosper? Do not dry up, perhaps: completely: scarcely have touched the east wind? Wither on the ground where it has sprouted. '"[My God, who can satisfy your justice? Thou art a God, really picky!] This is the drying up: sterility, of every religious ministry, in every religious institution in the world [because God, is a jealous God].
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    5_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) 11. Then the word of the LORD came to me: in these terms: 12. "Thou, then: tell to a rebellious house (against: all religions of the world: fundamentalists, namely, also, against: all the accomplices of the seigniorage banking):" Know ye not, that, what these things mean? " Tell them: "Behold, the king of Babylon (the Pharisees, Rothschild: IMF U.S. 666): He came to Jerusalem (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), she took the king, and the chief, and led them: with itself, Babylon (Baal Peor: FED ECB IMF 666). 13. then took one of royal blood (king of Saudi Arabia), stated: a pact with him, and let him take the oath; have deported as well: the mighty men of the country,
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    6_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) 14. because the kingdom was kept humble without being able to raise, and observe those: the covenant: with him and maintained faithful. 15. But, the new king, he rebelled against him, he sent his ambassadors into Egypt (Arab League: international Islamist their "Muslim brothers") because they might give him horses and many men. He who makes such things will prosper? Will escape? He has broken the covenant by the Islamic empire: and could escape? 16. How true it is, that I live, says the Lord God in the land of the king, that: he had made king, and verse which did not comply with the oath, nor observed the covenant,
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    7_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) close to him, in the midst of Babylon (NWO), he will die. 17. Pharaoh: Enlightened Illumiinati Rothschild (IMF - NWO, USA), will not go: with: his powerful army: and: many men to help him: the war (against China and Russia), where: will rise ramparts and you build towers to kill many men. 18. He violated: the oath by breaking the covenant, yet, he had given his hand! He did all these things, and shall not escape. "19. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD:" How true, that I live, my oath, that he has violated my covenant, which he broke, I will recompense them to him: on his head.
  • humanumgenus
    humanumgenus ha pubblicato un commento 
    5 ore fa
    8_8. Ezekiel 17 (for destruction, of: NAZI sharia Islamic Qur'anic) 20. Will tend to him: my net: and he shall be taken: in my snare, will deport: Babylon (with: Pharisees Illuminati: inro rthe Hell) and there I will enter into judgment: with him, for the treachery of which he was guilty, to me (for the killing: the alleged heretics (Shia) and the alleged idolaters: ie, innocent Christian martyrs). 21. All fugitives: of his troops: fall by the sword; those: that: will be scattered: to all the winds, you know, that I, the LORD, have spoken. " --ANSWER -- is a real fortune, by: the International Monetary Fund, which desperately needs: to kill billions of people, so that: a new monetary cycle can start again (scientist Giacinto Auriti)

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

 my network

33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com



siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com
kingdom Unius REI from Israel universal worldwide brotherhood



LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️ kingdom this  tavola di smeraldo o smeraldina (in latino tabula smaragdina)

is mine!

«Verum, sine mendacio certum et verissimum, quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius: ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab uno, mediatione unius; sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac una re, adaptatione. Pater eius est sol, mater eius luna; portavit illud ventus in ventre suo: nutrix eius terra est. Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram. Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter cum magno ingenio. Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram, et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi. Ideo fugiat a te omnis obscuritas. Hic est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit. Sic mundus creatus est. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus hic est. Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiæ totius mundi. Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis.»


«È vero senza menzogna, certo e verissimo, che ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare il miracolo della cosa unica. E poiché tutte le cose sono e provengono da una sola, per la mediazione di una, così tutte le cose sono nate da questa cosa unica mediante adattamento. Il Sole è suo padre, la Luna è sua madre, il Vento l'ha portata nel suo grembo, la Terra è la sua nutrice. Il padre di tutto, il fine di tutto il mondo è qui. La sua forza o potenza è intera se essa è convertita in terra. Separerai la Terra dal Fuoco, il sottile dallo spesso dolcemente e con grande ingegno. Sale dalla Terra al Cielo e nuovamente discende in Terra e riceve la forza delle cose superiori e inferiori. Con questo mezzo avrai la gloria di tutto il mondo e per mezzo di ciò l'oscurità fuggirà da te. Questa è la forte fortezza di ogni forza: perché vincerà ogni cosa sottile e penetrerà ogni cosa solida. Così è stato creato il mondo. Da ciò deriveranno meravigliosi adattamenti, il cui metodo è qui. È perciò che sono stato chiamato Ermete Trismegisto, avendo le tre parti della filosofia di tutto il mondo. Completo è quello che ho detto dell'operazione del Sole.»

https://160000christianmartyrs.blogspot.com/ uniusrei@gmail.com

https://666gender123.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://666seignioragebanking.blogspot.com/ 666seignioragebanking@gmail.com

https://accolitato.blogspot.com/ imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

https://abdallahkingabdullah.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://allchristianmartyr.blogspot.com/ allchristianmartyrs@gmail.com

https://allgiacintoauriti.blogspot.com/ allgiacintoauriti@gmail.com

https://auriti.blogspot.com/ jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://bilderberg-666-mes.blogspot.com/ jewish.x.messiah@gmail.com

https://blasphemy-shariah-genocide.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

https://bombaroli-sharia-salafiti.blogspot.com/ ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

https://cambiaregistro.blogspot.com/ ronpaulusawakeup@gmail.com

https://cannibalixsangue-cristiano.blogspot.com/ imjeshuachristmessiah@gmail.com

https://censoredrevolution.blogspot.com lorenzogalati@gmail.com

https://ciakillyoutubeximf.blogspot.com/ ciakillyourtubeximf@gmail.com

https://cina-super-potenza.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme@gmail.com

https://close-youtube-page.blogspot.com/ stopspamistafield@gmail.com

https://copticmartyr.blogspot.com/ thecopticmartyrs2@gmail.com

https://corano666talmud.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://corano-666talmud.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

https://creationreal.blogspot.com ilredisraele@gmail.com

https://corpodicristo.blogspot.com/ ilredisraele@gmail.com

https://deiverbumdei.blogspot.com/ jhwhverbum@gmail.com

https://democrazia-estinta.blogspot.com/ alldavidduke@gmail.com

https://dirittoxlaxvita.blogspot.com/ jhwhinri@gmail.com

https://drinkypoisonjhwhwins.blogspot.com/ drinkypoisonjhwhwins@gmail.com

https://dominusuniusrei.blogspot.com/ shalomgerusalemme2@gmail.com

https://donbass-libero.blogspot.com/ allgiacintoauriti@gmail.com

https://eterna-legge-universale.blogspot.com/ galati900@gmail.com

https://evolutionxcrimeideological.blogspot.com/ evolutionxcrimeideological@gmail.com

https://evolutionxtalmud.blogspot.com/ excaliburisuniusrei@gmail.com

https://fag322nato666gender.blogspot.com/ uniusrei33@gmail.com

http://fedxdieximfxsynagoga666.blogspot.com excaliburisuniusrei@gmail.com

https://fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana.blogspot.com/ allchristianmartyrs@gmail.com

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http://hellxdespairxdestruction.blogspot.com hellxdespairxdestruction@gmail.com

http://humanumgenus.blogspot.com galati.lorenzo@gmail.com

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http://imf666killyouxtubexstopme.blogspot.com imf666killyouxtubexstopme@gmail.com

http://immagini-parlanti.blogspot.com fedele339@gmail.com

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1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES and in the Supreme Sanhedrin,
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEGA and its jihadist galaxy resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mattarella Pd Berlusconi hanno tradito attraverso Rothschild Bilderberg, in modo troppo clamoroso/criminale il loro popolo italiano, che è stato veduto al macello dai massoni UE lgbtq come animali Tre deputati di Forza Italia passano alla Lega: c'è anche Laura Ravetto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Mohammad bin Salman Al Sa'ud , Principe ereditario dell'Arabia Saudita uomo lgbtq friendly tipo gillette ] non ti preoccupare, io NON ti maltratterò, non sono Putin e Netanjahu che loro posso stringere la mano anche alla merda, ma con te, io farò una eccezione!


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

una volta che, tu ti sei messo alla pecorina con Rothshcild? poi, il giochetto può anche incominciare a piacerti, e questo spiega la creazione dei wahhabiti! peccato però, che questa sua Riyad depravazione ucciderà tutti i russi e tutti i cinesi Soldi del Recovery Fund se ti prendi i clandestini: così Conte ha tradito l’Italia. A questo punto è chiaro che il governo ‘italiano’ ha ceduto la nostra sovranità in cambio di un piatto di ‘negri’. Migliaia di clandestini da mantenere in cambio di un prestito di soldi nostri, visto che sono risorse che l’Italia versa ogni anno alla Ue e che la Ue ora ci ‘presta’ a strozzo. Orban, che non è Conte, ha detto no.  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Islamico: “Bimbe cristiane sono oggetti da stuprare e convertire” – VIDEO Un membro dello Stato islamico, catturato prima di arrivare in Europa come profugo, a differenza dei kamikaze di Parigi, del ‘camionista’ di Berlino e di altre possibili migliaia di terroristi islamici, svelava tempo fa l’ideologia di chi stiamo facendo entrare in Europa: la Merkel prostituta depravata ha detto: " l'ho fatto io e lo devono provare anche tutte le bambine"  


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 

Il vaso di Pandora censurato: « 666 YouTube 322 viola l’art. 21 della Costituzione» ma Bin SALMAN ha detto che Satana è utile per Allah, lavorano bene insieme! Pietro Di Martino 18 Novembre 2020 Continua la censura da parte di YouTube nei confronti dell’informazione indipendente. Questa volta è toccata a Carlo Savegnago del canale il Vaso di Pandora. Il canale è stato creato nel 2018 da un team di ...
















LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 


 comment burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! 


  ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF:

 DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed in un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!



1. the political demonic power of the Central Banks privately owned Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller resides in all the SYNAGOGES Satana Talmudich agenda and in the Supreme Sanhedrin, black magic
2. same the political demonic power of the ARAB LEAGUE OCI and its jihadist galaxy UMMA Kuranic dogma genocide of replacement theology, resides in all the Mosques:
3. the goal of these two hypocritical demons when ruthless is your total annihilation at the livestock level
I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI the King of ISRAEL expelled from social networks worldwide


«Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa, di pietra squadrata e liscia, per istoriarne la facciata. Carogne crapulano, ospiti d’usura. » Canto XLV di Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali solo il Prof. GIACINTO Auriti risponde infallibilmente su:

moneta, credito, usurocrazia

“Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro”, (… quì ti incontrerai spitualmente con lui!)

siti di: fedele250660@gmail.com

non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità
con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità, ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM

why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Xi-Jinping] why did you not move your embassy to JERUSALEM? ...