PTV news 24 febbraio 2016 - Tregua in Siria il pentagono rema contro ] l'accordo di cessate il fuoco proposto da OBAMA e KERRY è osteggiato dal LORO NEMICO TRADITORE: è il ministro della difesa USA: che: dal 17 febbraio 2015 è Ashton Carter. MA QUESTO è ALTO TRADIMENTO! QUESTO Ashton Carter DEVE ESSERE IMMEDIATAMENTE CACCIATO!
il Governo degli USA è ricattato da forze massoniche: finanziarie: Spa FED, e le forze militari agli ordini di BUSH, si ribellano al Governo eletto dai cittadini! infatti, circa, accordo di cessate il fuoco: in Siria: che è stato proposto da OBAMA e KERRY: è osteggiato dai LORO NEMICi, le forze armate e i servizi segreti, i TRADITORi: 1:13 del Capo di Stato maggiore (una bestia Danfort) e del direttore della Cia, John Brennan,
in effetti se OBAMA e KERRY, non si portassero dietro tutto il personale agenzie fuori controllo, del governo occulto parallelo di Bush e Rothschild, potrebbero anche avere una immagine onorabile e onorata per il mondo: perché in se stessi loro sono dei bravi ragazzi!
Regeni ucciso da professionisti tortura, 'Parla' il pc del ricercatore, nessun legame con servizi segreti. SAUDITI E ISLAMICI SHARIA NAZISTI IN TUTTO IL MONDO NE RISPONDERANNO! 26 FEB - Nessun rapporto con i servizi segreti italiani né di altri Paesi. Il computer di Giulio Regeni 'parla' e comincia ad offrire tasselli importati agli inquirenti che da oltre un mese stanno provando a dare un'identità a chi lo ha ucciso: veri e propri professionisti della tortura, secondo chi indaga in Italia. Dall'esame del portatile del ricercatore dell'università di Cambridge, che nelle scorse settimane i genitori hanno consegnato ai magistrati della Procura di Roma che sulla morte del giovane friulano ha avviato una indagine per omicidio, non emergono legami con servizi segreti. A chi indaga non risulta che Regeni fosse stato schedato dalle autorità egiziane, anche se l'episodio di una foto scattata da uno sconosciuto durante l'assemblea di un sindacato indipendente aveva turbato il ricercatore universitario. Altra certezza per gli inquirenti è che il delitto è maturato nel quadro delle attività di ricerca ed eseguito da professionisti della tortura e delle sevizie.
PERCHé, TUTTO IL GENERE UMANO DEVE SUBIRE LE CONSEGUENZE DI UNA RELIGIONE CORROTTA, DI VERSETTI SATANICI, E DEL SUO FALSO PROFETA CRIMINALE? PERCHé, LA LEGA ARABA è ALLEATA DELL'OCCIDENTE? MA, QUESTO NON è UN AFFARE PER NESSUNO! MOGADISCIO, 26 FEB - Nove civili e cinque estremisti islamici sono rimasti uccisi nell'attacco di oggi contro un albergo a Mogadiscio, rivendicato dal gruppo integralista filo al Qaida al Shabaab. Lo rende noto la polizia somala.
ISRAELE ] io sono un politico universale, io vivo soltanto: di atti politici concreti, non di chiacchiere o discorsi! TUTTO QUELLO CHE, QUALCUNO POTREBBE DIRE? NON HA NESSUN SIGNIFICATO PER ME! QUALI SONO LE SUE OPERE, QUALI SONO I SUOI FRUTTI, dove sono i suoi risultati? ora le conseguenza degli USA UE NATO e loro LEGA ARABA sul mondo: e contro tutti i martiri cristiani? sono conseguenze devastanti!
Allah Spa FED la bestia ] World Watch List over 200 million Christians are persecuted for their faith in Jesus in Worldwide.
U.S. dollar is Pharisees Enlightened from Lucifer "Novus Ordo Seclorum", ANNUIT COEPTIS SpA FED 322 NWO at Bohemian GROVE the OWL Baal Allah Mecca Caaba sharia Saudi Saud Erdogan ABOMINAZIONE ANTICRISTO! .. ma dove lontano pensate di arrivare? io ordino a: ISRAELE RUSSIA INDIA CINA, di applicare un massivo attacco nucleare mondiale immediato preventivo!
questo è vero: soltanto i musulmani ISLAMICI SHARIA: hanno il diritto ed il dovere sacro di uccidere i dhimmi: E DI FARE IL GENOCIDIO DEI POPOLI! a LORO? NESSUNO LI DEVE UCCIDERE! E GLI ISLAMICI HANNO RAGIONE DATO CHE ONU E LA COMUNITà INTERNAZIONALE NON HA CONDANNATO IL DELITTO NAZISTA DELLA SHARIA ] [ Abu Mazen, morte Zayed 'crimine atroce'. Ex prigioniero palestinese muore a Sofia
Kosovo: gas lacrimogeni in Parlamento, I lanci durante la seduta per l'elezione del nuovo presidente: IO UNIUS REI, IO DICHIARO ILLEGITTIMI TUTTI I GOVERNI ISLAMICI SHARIA, E DIVENTANO ILLEGITTIMI TUTTI I LORO SOSTENITORI! Poi, non so come la NATO possa dare ad alcuni la secessione e poi, negarla al Donbass!
che la NATO possa essere maledetta! QUESTA TRAGEDIA DEI MIGRANTI è LA CONSEGUENZA LOGICA, E DEL TUTTO PREVEDIBILE, DI TUTTI I DELITTI DI: UE USA: il sistema massonico, usurocratico, e degli islamici: tutti: TURCHI SAUDITI, ecc.. tutti delitti commessi contro il popolo pluralista di SIRIA! QUALE VANTAGGIO AVETE OTTENUTO NELL'ABBATTERE I DITTATORI? L'UNICA CONCLUSIONE è CHE: LA LEGA ARABA è DA RADERE AL SUOLO, PERCHé, I DITTATORI RAPPRESENTAVANO AL MEGLIO IL VOLTO MIGLIORE DELL'ISLAM! Migranti, Grecia richiama ambasciatore da Vienna, 26.02.2016. Atene irritata e preoccupata per l'esclusione dal vertice sulla crisi dei Balcani, svoltasi mercoledì scorso, ritira la propria rappresentanza diplomatica dalla capitale austriaca. Allarme UE: dieci giorni e poi sarà il caos:
pena di morte: immediata: per tutti gli islamisti!! ] [ I carabinieri del Ros hanno fermato a Mestre, su disposizione della procura di Venezia, un cittadino macedone indagato per arruolamento con finalità di terrorismo, anche internazionale: l'uomo avrebbe reclutato aspiranti mujaheddin che un imam bosniaco avrebbe successivo radicalizzato, arruolato nell'Isis e avviato verso i teatri di guerra mediorientali. I carabinieri hanno scoperto una rete di predicazione e reclutamento jihadista di "foreign fighters" che si sarebbe sviluppata nel Nord-est. Le indagini dei carabinieri hanno avuto un impulso con la vicenda di Ismar Mesinovic, il bosniaco che risiedeva nel bellunese, ucciso in Siria nel gennaio 2014, ed hanno portato già a tre decreti di espulsione nei confronti di soggetti considerati pericolosi per le loro posizioni radicali.
fottiti LUCIFERO Allah, islamico dogmatico assassino inquisitore sharia: il nazismo sotto egida: ONU OCI AMNESTY CIA NATO spa FED SpA FMI, NWO
IL FATTO CHE PARLO MALE DEI POLITICI? QUESTO NON VUOL DIRE CHE IO VOGLIO INDEBOLIRE LE ISTITUZIONI, o che io voglio istigare qualcuno a far loro del male: no! è scritto: "ogni autorità viene da Dio"! ] [ come perché, io non VOGLIO fare del male ad OBAMA ed ai politici del mondo? lui è loro: sono le isTituzioni del nostro popolo: DI OGNI POPOLO, ed io non posso fare del male al popolo, poi, io farei un favore, agli usurai Piramide del GUFO, il governo occulto della notte: i farisei vampiri delle BAnche CENTRALI SpA, mondialialisti luciferini, e del sistema massonico poteri occulti ed esoterici traditori Bildenberg! IL FATTO CHE PARLO MALE DEI POLITICI? QUESTO NON VUOL DIRE CHE IO VOGLIO INDEBOLIRE LE ISTITUZIONI!
nessuno dovrebbe lasciarsi ingannare dal fatto che, io voglio prendermela con una Pinotti, O CON UN Obama, qualsiasi! NO! IO DEVO RAGGIUNGERE SOLTANTO LE CORNA SPA FED, SPA FMI, DI LUCIFERO che sono sulla TESTA DEL FARISEO ROTHSCILD, E POI, TUTTI I PROBLEMI DEL PIANETA? TROVERANNO RAPIDAMENTE UNA LORO SOLUZIONE!
LUCIFERO signora Ministro della Difesa PINOTTI SpA Banche CENTRALI ROthschild: alto tradimento sistema regime Bildenberg: NWO, SE, la memoria non mi inganna, tutti i problemi della RUSSIA sono iniziati quando ha optato per il diritto naturale della FAMIGLIA, perché, voi GENDER pervertiti a Sodoma? voi non siete stati felici!
signora Ministro della Difesa PINOTTI, voi avete messo quel piccolo buco di culo GENDER di ISRAELE, in mezzo a tanti cazzoni islamici sharia nazisti nucleari, e noi pensiamo che, anche, lei non sarebbe felice, di trovarsi in mezzo ad una specie di aracia meccanica, per soddisfare le bramosie erotiche di una cinquantina di maschioni: tutti teste di cazzo come ERDOGAN e SALMAN, che non ti dovrebbe ingannare la loro età: tu li dovevi vedere da giovani come loro erano promettenti sharia stalloni!
i SAUD hanno detto che, loro hanno comprato le bombe atomiche per proteggere i musulmani nel mondo! CIOè, LUI VOLEVA DIRE: "IL DIRITTO DEI MUSULMANI DI FARE IL GENOCIDIO sharia NAZISTA, contro TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO" quindi, voi i luciferini del NWO SPA FED, voi avete deciso anche, di fare: una quarta guerra mondiale contro ISLAM, dopo questa terza guerra mondiale nucleare contro RUSSIA e CINA?
signora Ministro della Difesa PINOTTI, come ella fa l'alleato islamico SHARIA nazista saudita iraniano e turco? SENZA RENDERSI RESPONSABILE E COMPLICE di ECCIDIO DI TUTTI I CRISTIANI DEL MONDO? COSA, LUCIFERO NWO è il suo SPA FED Gufo questo è IL SUO DIO?
Can Dundar ed Erdem Gul, AVEVANO DETTO CHE ERDOGAN DAVA LE ARMI A TUTTI I TERRORISTI (dopo averli organizzati e fatti entrare ) ANCHE AD ISIS, E CHE COMPRAVA IL PETROLIO DA DAESH, ECCO PERCHé, ALLA NATO SI ERANO ARRABBIATI CONTRO I GIORNALISTI! ma, il LUCIFERO DI ALLAH? è più BUONO DEL LUCIFERO del GUFO MARDUK DI SPA BANCHE CENTRALI CIA E NATO! ] io credo che, se non vogliamo morire: NOI DOVREMMO SCEGLIERE UNO DEI DUE LUCIFERO VINCENTI! ... COME Israele che fine farà? E che importa a noi? Qui si tratta di salvare la pelle! [ ISTANBUL, 26 FEB - Il tribunale di Istanbul ha deciso stasera la scarcerazione di Can Dundar ed Erdem Gul, direttore e caporedattore del quotidiano di opposizione laica Cumhuriyet, dopo che la Corte costituzionale turca aveva giudicato una "violazione dei diritti" la loro detenzione in attesa di giudizio, iniziata il 26 novembre scorso. I due giornalisti avevano fatto un'inchiesta sul traffico di armi verso la Siria. Turchia, reporter saranno scarcerati, Dundar e Gul liberi dopo 3 mesi, fecero scoop su armi in Siria, 26 febbraio 2016
petizione del Ministro PINOTTI al boia islamico sharia ERDOGAN: teologia della sostituzione: genocidio a tutti: MEGLIO LUI CHE IL LUCIFERO DELLA NATO! ] 25 febbraio 2016 [ Circa 200 civili, tra cui almeno 12 bambini, sono intrappolati da giorni negli scantinati di alcuni edifici di Sur, il centro storico della 'capitale' curda Diyarbakir nel sud-est della Turchia, sotto coprifuoco totale da quasi 3 mesi nell'ambito del conflitto tra Ankara e il Pkk. A denunciarlo è il partito filo-curdo Hdp. Secondo la deputata Sibel Yigitalp, in contatto con alcuni dei civili bloccati, le loro condizioni sarebbero allarmanti e il rischio di essere colpiti durante gli scontri sempre più alto. Tra i bambini intrappolati ci sarebbe anche una neonata di soli 4 mesi. L'Hdp ha lanciato un appello alla comunità internazionale per fare pressione sul governo turco per "togliere il coprifuoco, anche se temporaneamente, per permettere un trasferimento sicuro dei civili al di fuori della zona di conflitto". Ieri Ankara aveva sostenuto che ci sarebbe stata una finestra durante le operazioni militari per permettere ai civili che ne fanno richiesta di abbandonare la città in sicurezza.
SE CI VOLETE CAMBIARE? VOI CI STATE PORTANDO A LUCIFERO! [ come il FILOSOFO ENLIGHTENED SPA FED FARISEI TALMUD KABBALAH, 666 MARDUK BAAL JABULLON: MINISTRO DELLA DIFESA PINOTTI, giustifica filosoficamente gli orrori islamici della Arabia SAUDITA? ] è da questo articolo, che, oggi, il 26-02-2016, io ho deciso di ripartire, oggi ] cara Ministro PINOTTI che tipo di società voi Enlightened, sistema massonico: USURA alto tradimento Banche centrali SpA Rothschild Bildenberg, voi avete deciso di costruire in violazione del dettato costituzionale? CERTO SE CI VOLETE CAMBIARE? VOI CI STATE PORTANDO A LUCIFERO! [ lei dice: "la QUESTIONE DELLA LEGALITà DEI CONFLITTI, E NEI CONFLITTI è DA SEMPRE AL CENTRO DEL DIBATTITO POLITICO, FILOSOFICO E DOTTRINALE E TOCCA NEL PROFONDO IL TIPO DI SOCIETà INTERNAZIONALE CHE ALLAH AKBAR INTENDIAMO COSTRUIRE!" sintentizzando significa" "TUTTINCULO AI MARTIRI CRISTIANI IN TUTTO IL MONDO!" [ La Notizia di Manlio Dinucci - Allarme nucleare: l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba, PandoraTV Pubblicato il 23 feb 2016. Allarme nucleare: l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba e noi forniamo i bombardieri
questo è un bel canale:
quandO il demonio si chiama sharia
07-01-2016 00.00 - TURCHIA - STATI UNITI
Istanbul: al via il processo contro Fethullah Gulen, grande accusatore di Erdogan Il leader religioso e fondatore di Hizmet è inquisito (in contumacia) per aver cercato di “rovesciare” il governo di Ankara. Egli è imputato assieme ad altre 68 persone, fra cui gli ex vertici della polizia di Istanbul. Un tempo alleato, ora è il nemico numero uno di Erdogan: ha accusato il figlio e personalità a lui vicine di corruzione. Gli Stati Uniti respingono la richiesta di estradizione.
Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Jp Morgan CHsae e Morgan Stanley: SPA BANCHE CENTRALI LA SINAGOGA DI SATANA: I CANNIBALI? cioè, tutti i miei ebrei apostati traditori, occhio di Lucifero: piramide massonica, tutti gli ASSASSINI di ISRAELE? LORO SONO i miei sudditi, ed io li conosco tutti personalmente: e conosco bene fin dove si può spingere il loro satanismo e crudeltà: sono dei contenitori demoniaci: la spazzatura dell'inferno! TU IN MEZZO ALLA LORO MAFIA? TU NON PUOI ENTRARE! HILLARY CLINTON TUTTE LE MATTINE, LEI PORTA IL CAFFE A LETTO A TUTTI QUANTI LORO!
QUESTA è LA IPOCRISIA dei Farisei: COME SE OBAMA L'ATTORE GENDER A HOLLYWOOD SODOMA, PER I GOYIM SCIMMIE SCHIAVI DEL TALMUD, LUI PUò COMANDARE LE BANCHE SPA FMI, E NON è INVECE IL CONTRARIO! QUINDI IL FMI SpA NWO 666 il GUFO marduck dio Mardoch: DEVE ESSERE DISTRUTTO IMMEDIATAMENTE, SE PENSATE CHE I POPOLI SI DEBBANO SALVARE? VENDETE DOLLARI E COMPRATE MONETA CINESE! NEW YORK, 25 FEB - Monito dell'amministrazione Obama alle banche regine di Wall Street: comprare titoli russi indebolisce le sanzioni internazionali verso Mosca e va contro la politica estera degli Stati Uniti. Il messaggio - come scrive il Wall Street Journal - e' stato inviato forte e chiaro a gruppi come Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Jp Morgan CHsae e Morgan Stanley. E arriva nel momento in cui la Russia si appresta a emettere obbligazioni rivolte ai mercati stranieri per almeno 3 miliardi di dollari.
ma, se non volete radere al suolo l'IRAN, per amore di ISRAELE, PERCHé SIETE I GAY CHE ODIANO Benyamin Netanyahu? OK! almeno uccidete IRAN per amore di: I versi satanici (nell'originale inglese, The Satanic Verses) è un romanzo scritto da Salman Rushdie! CHE è VERO CHE SONO VERSETTI SATANICI: PER QUANTE PERSONE INNOCENTI IL CORANO SHARIA HA UCCISO? NESSUNO LO HA FATTO NEANCHE IL COMUNISMO! TEL AVIV, 25 FEB - Il premier israeliano Benyamin Netanyahu ha condannato l'annuncio attribuito all'ambasciatore dell'Iran in Libano Mohammad Fateh Ali che, secondo quanto riportato dai media israeliani, Teheran intenderebbe finanziare le famiglie dei palestinesi responsabili di attacchi o le cui case sono state distrutte in conseguenza delle loro azioni. "Questo dimostra che l'Iran anche dopo l'accordo sul nucleare - ha detto il premier, citato dai media, nell'incontro con l'omologo bulgaro Bokyo Borissov - sta continuando ad aiutare il terrorismo, incluso quello palestinese, quello degli hezbollah e l'assistenza ad Hamas" "Questo - ha aggiunto - è qualcosa nei confronti del quale le nazioni del mondo devono prendere posizione, condannare e aiutare Israele, e naturalmente gli altri paesi, a respingere". Netanyahu è poi tornato ad accusare l'Autorità nazionale palestinese e il suo sistema da cui "deriva il terrorismo di chi brandisce coltelli".
ovviamente Donald TRUMP è il candidato dei Figli di Dio! QUESTI SONO TEMI DELIRANTI: di una società corrotta dall'ANTICRISTO, COME SE LA VIOLENZA LA PORTANO LE ARMI E NON LA LORO CULTURA DELLE CHIESE DI SATANA, E A SODOMA, DOVE SI FACEVANO GLI STESSI DELITTI: LA PORNOCRAZIA, La USURA BANCARIA Spa horror halloween le streghe: cose pazze! DELITTO DI ALTO TRADIMENTO BANCHE CENTRALI: SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO TRUFFA.. GLI USA SONO TUTTO UN SATANISMO sociale istituzionale: la peggiore corruzione morale e massonica sul mondo! e che dire di come hanno coltivato i nazisti sharia islamici in tutta la LEGA ARABA! ovviamente Donald TRUMP è il candidato dei Figli di Dio! "Vi scrivo per un caso che mi sta a cuore: eleggere Hillary presidente e sostenere i democratici" si legge nell'email firmata Wintour e inviata ai sostenitori democratici. "Sono impegnata a vedere una donna alla Casa Bianca, ma Hillary non e' solo una donna. E' brillante e decisa, e' un candidato in cui credo su temi come la prevenzione della violenza con le armi da fuoco e i diritti dei gay. Non c'e' nessuno meglio preparato di Hillary a proteggere a far aumentare l'eredita' del presidente Obama" spiega Wintour.
IN QUESTI ULTIMI 5 SECOLI, MALEFICATI DALLA PIRAMIDE MASSONICA dei farisei Enlightened, SONO STATE fatte, TANTE STRAGI, CHE, I FARISEI massoni: HANNO FATTO FARE AI DaNNI DI TUTTI I POPOLI.. e incredibilmente, non sono mai stati uccisi così tanti ebrei, come sotto il loro governo mondiale: spa Banche cEntrali! ] il SECOLO DEI MARTIRI! TUTTO QUELLO CHE I FARISEI FANNO LO FANNO IN ODIO A CRISTO E IN ODIO AD ISRAELE: PERCHé CORANO, ISLAMICI, COMUNISMO, NAZISMO, ECC.. ECC.. SONO I FRUTTI VELENOSI DEL TALMUD! [ Inserire in un qualsiasi motore di ricerca: martiri, cristiani, islam, oppure, martiri, cristiani, comunismo,
Adesso leggete documenti per un anno e affogate nel sangue di 45.000.000 di innocenti martiri cristiani uccisi in appena 100 anni. Riguardo alle vittime del comunismo, anche se un calcolo preciso non si può fare ancora perchè gli archivi non sono accessibili, sono a mio parere intorno ai 200 milioni.
andate tranquilli, voi potrete trovare molte notizie di islamici che sono menzognere e calunnie, ma, non troverete mai una notizia di organo ufficiale di ISRAELE che non sia attendibile! ] SEMPLICE PER ISRAELE LA VERITà è UN ARMA! [ Photography site LensCulture published a biased photo essay by photographer Antonio Faccilongo, which falsely portrays Palestinian women living alone as victims of Israel’s policies, when in fact the husband or father was most likely arrested for criminal or terror related activity. Protest this anti-Israel bias! aACT NOW! Protest to ‘LensCulture’ Over its Biased Photo Essay. A photo essay on LensCulture by Antonio Faccilongo, a freelance photojournalist based in Rome, Italy, offers a biased look at Palestinian women living alone while their husbands remain imprisoned in Israel. The site offers no context, makes no mention of Palestinian terrorism and attempts to pull at the reader’s heartstrings by misrepresenting the reason these women live alone. In fact, there are so many Israeli women now living alone because of terrorists – likely some of them the arrested Palestinians – who killed their spouses and orphaned their children. In a description of his photo essay, Faccilongo writes, “One of the dramas involving the Palestinian people, in addition to the difficult socio-political situation, is that a very large number of their men are in Israeli prisons. But what, then, can we say about the struggle of the women left behind? I sought to respond to this question in my work “(Single) Women,” which tells the story of the mothers, wives and daughters of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli detainment. Waiting for the return of their men, these women struggle to support their families, both economically and emotionally, often finding themselves with many children to raise. I was intrigued by how the lives of these women are suspended as they wait and wait…and wait…”Faccilongo attempts to portray these women as suffering in a refugee camp when in fact the photos show most of them sitting in opulent, luxurious surroundings. Some women are described as living in Palestine, which is a non-existing country. Faccilongo also writes that the men are “political prisoners” which is a flat-out lie. Israel does not have political prisoners. Israel arrests terrorists and criminals and those involved in terror- or criminal-related activity. Protest this ridiculously biased photo essay, which should never have been considered by LensCulture as “great contemporary portraiture.”
CIRCA le PROVOCAZIONI, DEVONO ESSERE SALMAN ED ERDOGAN AD ORDINARE, ai loro terroristi jihadisti di NON FARLE: e questo mi sembra non credibile! QUINDI CHI FA PrOVOCAZIONI SARà MACELLATO INSIEME AD ISIS. 25.02.2016, La Federazione Russa ritiene importante non interrompere il lavoro sull'implementazione della dichiarazione congiunta in merito alla tregua in Siria; Mosca spera che non ci saranno provocazioni, ha dichiarato la portavoce del ministero degli Esteri Maria Zakharova. "Penso che sia importante non far saltare questo lavoro collettivo che, sottolineo ancora una volta, è appena iniziato. Ci basiamo sul fatto che non ci siano azioni provocatorie, ma non sono poche, ogni volta vediamo che quando parte un meccanismo, purtroppo, si susseguono provocazioni l'una dietro l'altra, ci auguriamo che nessuna provocazione rompa questo processo", — ha detto in una conferenza stampa oggi la Zakharova, segnala "RIA Novosti":
Erdogan è stato avvisato! ] NO FLY-ZONE CONTRO LA TURCHIA CONTRO TUTTI I VOLI DA E PER LA TURCHIA! [ LIMASSOL (CIPRO), 26 FEB - In Siria "le ostilità devono cessare da parte di tutti e nei confronti di tutti" con solo "due eccezioni: le attività militari contro Daesh e contro al Nusra. Punto. Bisogna che chi aderisce a questa impostazione proposta da Usa e Russia non metta a sua volta precondizioni perché" altrimenti "non si arriva a nessun risultato". Così il ministro degli Esteri Paolo Gentiloni risponde a una domanda sul presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan che ha dichiarato di non voler includere nel cessate il fuoco i curdi dell'Ypg.
DITE QUESTO soltanto PERCHé, è OCCULTO IL PATRIMONIO DEI FARISEI SPA BANCHE CENTRALI: dato CHE, all'atto del signoraggio bancario: il 100% della massa monetaria mondiale: finisce a nero: sparisce: diventa invisibile! INVENTANO IL DENARO DAL NULLA, LO METTONO IN PASSIVO DI BILANCIO: E COSì QUANDO PRENDONO I TITOLI DI STATO: CHIUDONO, sempre, IL BILANCO A ZERO: e poi, vanno nei paradisi fiscali isole Kaiman a spendere! E' Pechino la nuova capitale mondiale dei paperoni, batte New York, 100 miliardari in più, contro 95 Big Apple
ERDOGAN TAKFIR SALMAN ] proprio come dite voi: l'inferno è il luogo adatto per portare addosso la vostra vergogna! [STUPRI IN NOME DI ALLAH, stupri religiosi come arma di dissuasione all'apostasia dal CRISTIANESIMO, ecc... MARTIRI CRISTIANI: Quella persecuzione senza fine di ANDREA T0RNIELLI ] Il Giornale, 21-04-02 raccontato da Mary Ajak Kuel Kout, quattordicenne sudanese, cattolica, rapita dalle milizie musulmane e ridotta in schiavitù per sei anni. Stuprata, sottoposta all’infibulazione e a mille violenze da parte del suo "padrone", costretta a frequentare la scuola coranica e a convertirsi all’Islam, è stata liberata dall’organizzazione umanitaria svizzera "Christian Solidarity International": "Io -ha detto nel genn“Si calcola - scrive nella prefazione al libro Ernesto Galli della Loggia - che siano circa 160 mila le persone che ogni anno trovano la morte per la loro fede. Inutile aggiungere che molti di più sono i perseguitati, coloro che subiscono restrizioni della loro libertà religiosa: che non possono aprire una chiesa, assistere a una funzione religiosa pubblica, stampare i testi della propria fede. Insomma - osserva ancora il professore - il Novecento appare davvero il "secolo del martirio". Un martirio di cui proprio la nostra cultura ha scarsa memoria e consapevolezza. 2000 - credo in Gesù. Sono veramente felice perché oggi mi avete liberato. Non mi aspettavo una cosa simile.
ERDOGAN TAKFIR SALMAN ] come, non siete stati voi ad uccidere i cristiani in Sudan? sono forse io la sharia? OCI è la vostra: internazionale del terrorismo: i fratelli musulmani salafiti Ed Egitto, mancava, per un poco, ed ora è entrato anche lui: nella mafia complotto maomettani assassini: genocidio akbar!
NO FLY ZONE, PER TUTTI GLI AEREI DA E PER LA TURCHIA! LA SICUREZZA I BASTARDI SE LA DEVONO VEDERE NEI LORO CONFINI! La Turchia mette le mani avanti sulla tregua in Siria, 25.02.2016(Il primo ministro turco Ahmet Davutoglu ha detto che il cessate il fuoco in Siria non sarà imprescindibile se sarà minacciata la sicurezza della Turchia, segnala l'agenzia “Reuters”. Il premier turco ha osservato che, se necessario, Ankara intraprenderà "misure appropriate" nei confronti delle milizie curde e dei terroristi del Daesh.
"Ankara è l'unico luogo in cui vengono prese le decisioni in materia di sicurezza della Turchia," — ha sottolineato.
L'accordo sul cessate il fuoco in Siria dovrebbe entrare in vigore alla mezzanotte del 27 febbraio.
Erdogan appoggia a denti stretti la tregua in Siria
Lavrov: da USA e suoi alleati appelli per la guerra piuttosto che per la pace in Siria
Accordo tra USA e Russia sul cessate il fuoco in Siria
Militari di USA e Russia determineranno le zone dove non si combatterà in Siria:
SE nasci italiano PECORA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI e finisci che so: in india,
Egitto, o in qualsiasi ALTRA parte del mondo? LO PRENDI NEL CULO SENZA
L'Italia MASSONICA, colonia degli USA SATANICA SPA REGNO BANCHE CENTRALI TRADIMENTO: SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO, non farà nulla sulle intercettazioni. Chissà perché alla notizia delle intercettazioni che gli americani facevano sulle telefonate del nostro Presidente del Consiglio mi sono venute alla mente queste due citazioni! .. Leggi tutto:
SIRIA UNICA ED INDIVISIBILE: FINO ALLA DISTRUZIONE DEL GENERE UMANO! MOSCA, 25 FEB - "Non c'è e non ci sarà mai" un 'Piano B' sulla Siria: lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri russo Serghiei Lavrov commentando la possibilità ventilata da John Kerry. Il segretario di Stato Usa, parlando martedì davanti alla commissione Esteri del Senato americano, ha evocato l'ipotesi di una divisione della Siria nel caso di fallimento della tregua, prevista a partire da sabato, o se non ci sarà un effettivo passaggio di poteri a un governo di transizione nel Paese entro i prossimi mesi.
è indispensabile, distruggere il nucleare iraniano, e far precipitare IRAN dentro le peggiori sanzioni della Storia del genere umano! QUESTI MAOMETTANI LEGA ARABA DEVONO ESSERE CAUSTICATI: TEHERAN, 25 FEB - Grazie a recenti donazioni di alcuni organi di informazione conservatori iraniani, è arrivata a quasi quattro milioni di dollari (circa 3,6 milioni di euro) la ricompensa per chi ucciderà lo scrittore britannico Salman Rusdhie, colpito da una fatwa di Khomeini nel 1989 per il suo libro 'I versi satanici'. Il giornale Kayhan, vicino ai Pasdaran, riferisce la decisione presa nelle scorse settimane di raccogliere altri 600 mila dollari da aggiungere agli oltre 3,3 milioni già versati negli anni passati da varie fondazioni fondamentaliste. La nuova raccolta per la taglia contro Rushdie è stata fatta durante la fiera dei 'Media digitali della Repubblica islamica', avvenuta a inizio mese a Teheran.
in onore di santa GEZABELE second UK, e del suo 666 scomuniche Chiesa Cattolica, contro, SpA Banca Centrale: il demonio di rothschild bildenberg, la lobby massoneria pornocratica: della sinagoga di satana! LONDRA, 25 FEB - Lo staff della Bbc sapeva delle tante accuse di abusi sessuali rivolte a Jimmy Savile ma nessuno si impegnò per denunciare il defunto dj. E' quanto si legge nel rapporto principale sullo scandalo pedofilia che ha colpito l'emittente pubblica britannica in cui sono state identificate 72 vittime del noto personaggio tv, fra cui otto che sono state stuprate. I vertici della Bbc, il direttore generale Tony Hall e la presidente Rona Fairhead, hanno fatto 'mea culpa' presentando il documento a Londra e affermando che l'emittente ha "abbandonato" quanti hanno subito violenze e abusi nei decenni scorsi. Savile e Stuart Hall, altro conduttore televisivo della Bbc che però è finito in carcere per pedofilia, sono stati definiti come "predatori sessuali seriali" nel rapporto.
in ISLAM sharia, i martiri sono quasi sempre: assassini di persone innocenti per due motivi: 1. il loro dio Allah è una vagina di nove anni di argento idolo pietra Mecca Caaba: il demonio, inoltre, 2. il loro è un falso profeta criminale, pedofilo poligamo, cinico misogeno, in CONCLUSIONE: se, maomettani LORO avessero un vero Dio, LORO saprebbero vincere il male attraverso il bene! ed invece sono dei froci spirituali: pieni di cattiveria!
#ISRAELE ] e cos'altro potrebbe fare un PADRE come me, per salvare figli ostinati dalla distruzione dell'INFERNO? seminerò tribolazioni multiple penose persistenti, e terribili, su tutti loro certamente! LI CASTIGHERò PER STRAPPARE DAL FUOCO DELLA DISTRUZIONE LA LORO VITA!
We’re in the final month of the 90-day Global Summer Offensive – and your gift is urgently needed to help complete the R10 230 703 goal by 29 February. So I urge you to give a generous gift today! Your donation will help step up efforts to encourage and strengthen believers across Asia – many of whom live in the most persecuted country in the world: North Korea. As I write to you, between 50 000 and 70 000 believers languish in North Korean detention centres, prisons and labour camps, where they are starved, tortured and used for medical experiments. Few will make it out alive. So please give generously to help reach the R10 230 703 goal – so that together, we can strengthen more persecuted believers in Asia and around the world! Together in His service,
Mosca risponde alle dichiarazioni aggressive USA sulla “minaccia russa”. 26.02.2016. Secondo il generale Igor Konashenkov, portavoce ufficiale del ministero della Difesa russo, i funzionari americani hanno sollevato la questione della minaccia rappresentata da Mosca per Washington dal momento che è in discussione al Pentagono il bilancio militare per il prossimo anno. "Queste dichiarazioni arrivano puntuali ogni anno. La ragione è semplice: al Congresso è in corso la discussione del bilancio militare per il prossimo anno", — RIA Novosti riporta le parole di Konashenkov "RIA Novosti".
Secondo il generale, tali affermazioni non sono state una sorpresa per la Federazione Russa.
In precedenza il Pentagono aveva sostenuto che la Russia è una minaccia a lungo termine per gli Stati Uniti. Inoltre il comandante supremo delle forze alleate in Europa, il generale Philip Breedlove, aveva detto che la Russia intende far pressione sugli Stati Uniti e la NATO in quanto frenano le aspirazioni egemoni di Mosca:
chi non rispetta la tregua, come indentificare con certezza le sue responsabilità? perché è certo che quelli che hanno invaso la SiRIA vogliono abbattere il Governo legittimo, ma, cosa hanno ottenuto con la rimozione dei dittatori? quindi loro hanno DIMOSTRATO DI ESSERE MOLTO PIù CRIMINALI DEI DITTATORI STESSI! ] [ 26.02.2016) Il governo siriano e l'opposizione hanno dichiarato di voler rispettare il cessate il fuoco nel Paese. Come riferito a "RIA Novosti", la bozza di risoluzione sulla Siria preparata dalla Russia e dagli Stati Uniti nel Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU sostiene la dichiarazione congiunta di Mosca e Washington e fissa l'inizio del cessate il fuoco a partire dalla mezzanotte (orario di Damasco) del 27 febbraio. La bozza contempla anche la piena attuazione della risoluzione №2254 del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. Nella bozza diffusa si afferma che "le forze governative siriane e i gruppi che le sostengono hanno riferito alla Federazione Russa, mentre i movimenti di opposizione siriani hanno notificato sia alla Russia sia agli Stati Uniti, anche attraverso l'Alto Comitato per i negoziati, che hanno accettato e sono pronti ad impegnarsi per la cessazione delle ostilità":
Shalom from Jerusalem, As we follow the news today, it’s easy to get disheartened by the endless attacks against innocent Israelis. We tend to think of our modern world as being removed from the ancient world of the Bible. But in fact, when it comes to hostility between peoples, and in particular attacks against the Nation of Israel, things have not changed all that much in 3000 years. The Bible has some interesting things to say about how to protect oneself from harm in a dangerous world.
Arutz Sheva TV: "Jewish Home MK Smotrich: Terrorists must not come back alive" e altri video
Allegati: Jewish Home MK Smotrich: Terrorists must not come back alive Arutz Sheva TV
Rosari o medagliette con simboli satanici e massonici? NON C'è DA AVERE PAURA DI QUESTE COSE, CHE INDICANO COME IL SISTEMA MASSONICO SPA BCE BANCHE CENTRALI ALTO TRADIMENTO SOVRANITà MONETARIA, STIA IMPAZZENDO! Ecco cosa fare, Il consiglio di due sacerdoti esorcisti: non creiamo un clima di terrore .. Rosari satanici e massonici, immaginette dalle presunte virtù guaritrici che riproducono allusioni al Diavolo. E sopratutto versioni taroccate con strani simboli della medaglia Miracolosa, in cui la celebre medaglina presenta “anomalie” come la stella a 6 punte (e non 5), i simboli della Massoneria (spada e compasso) ben camuffati, forme strane della Croce e della Spada del Cuore di Maria. E’ giusto portare con sé questi simboli “deviati”? Andrebbero tenuti? Gettati via? O benedetti e utilizzati regolarmente? L’esorcista padre Francoise Dermine, presidente nazionale del Gruppo di Ricerca e Informazione Religiosa (GRIS), premette: «Ho sentito spesso parlare di questi rosari massonici. Quando una persona me lo dice, io rispondo semplicemente: “vuoi recitare il rosario? Fallo anche con questo”». Il valore della preghiera vola oltre ogni allusione diabolica.
Tu Brief: Suecia debate el incesto y la necrofilia, PSOE y Ciudadanos relanzan la ingeniería social, Italia excluye la adopción en las uniones homosexuales. La organización juvenil del Partido Liberal sueco propone la legalización del incesto entre hermanos y la necrofilia sexual. Incluso en una sociedad como la sueca, tan de vuelta de todo, tan por delante en la revolución de las costumbres, la sola idea ha causado conmoción. Nada, ni las tensiones sociales que Suecia está experimentando por la acogida de decenas de miles de refugiados, ha eclipsado la conversación sobre la propuesta de los cachorros del Partido Liberal, una de las fuerzas políticas de la coalición gobernante, junto a Demócrata Cristianos, Partido del Centro y Partido Moderado. Lo que proponen los jóvenes del PL es que pueda haber sexo entre hermanos mayores de 15 años, si ambos consienten en practicarlo. Curiosamente, son partidarios de la interdicción del incesto entre padres e hijos, lo que sorprende, por contradictorio. No hay ninguna razón para no llevar la lógica sobre la licitud del incesto hasta sus últimas consecuencias. ¿Por qué es natural el sexo consentido entre hermanos y no lo es el sexo consentido entre padres e hijos? En este punto al menos, los jóvenes liberales suecos se pasan de conservadores.
En cuanto a la necrofilia –otra prioridad apremiante, para los suecos y para cualquier sociedad avanzada que se precie–, la próxima generación de dirigentes políticos invoca la libre autodeterminación sexual. En la resolución aprobada el pasado domingo, explican que, del mismo modo que uno puede donar su cuerpo a la ciencia, también le puede apetecer ser el novio o la novia cadáver.
“Las leyes no deberían moralizar”, sostienen los jóvenes del Partido Liberal –“liberal” en su acepción anglosajona heredera de J. Stuart Mill, o sea, progre– . Sin embargo, ¿puede haber un edicto moral más estricto, un sermón más conminatorio que usar la ley para cambiar la sociedad? La oferta de los jóvenes suecos es la última frontera del positivismo jurídico, que nunca fue otra cosa que un proyecto de sociedad diseñada por la moral del Estado.
La prohibición del incesto es la primera ley universal, para Claude Levi-Strauss. El bípedo simiesco de la noche de los tiempos saltó de los árboles, empezó a caminar erguido y aprendió a tallar puntas de flecha. Un hito, la represión del incesto, marca ese paso de un estado de naturaleza a otro de cultura. La cojera de Edipo en la tragedia de Sófocles –para el autor de Las estructuras elementales del parentesco– sería una reminiscencia de la manada originaria, el síntoma de una transición fallida a la civilización. Lo que proponen los jóvenes progresistas suecos es desandar el camino, volver a subir a los árboles a cuatro patas y restaurar la edad dorada de la horda. Recientemente, al comentar el caso de la primera mujer noruega trans-especie, convencida de ser un gato atrapado en un cuerpo de mujer, los editores de Ace of Spades observaban que es poco probable que, durante la Gran Depresión de los años 30 del pasado siglo, hubiera muchas mujeres que se sintiesen un gato. Del mismo modo, no creo que haya muchos jóvenes en Chad, Afganistán, Siria o Haití seguros de que lo que necesita su país es legalizar la necrofilia y el incesto. Los periodos de opulencia tienden a producir un pensamiento decadente. Nuestro tiempo produce algo más: la alucinación, el no-pensamiento. Para permitirse el lujo de la debilidad, se necesita nadar en la abundancia. ¿Lo hace Europa en estos momentos? ¿Seguro? Parafraseando a Carlito Brigante en la película de Brian de Palma: a Europa “le espera un brillante porvenir, si consigue llegar a la próxima semana”.– V. Gago [Con información de Actuall; y de Daily Mail y Speisa, en inglés]
Il tuo Brief: Svezia discussione incesto e necrofilia, PSOE e cittadini rilancio ingegneria sociale, l'Italia esclude l'adozione di unioni omosessuali. L'organizzazione giovanile del partito liberale svedese propone la legalizzazione di pari livello incesto e necrofilia sessuale. Anche in una società come la Svezia, come si è visto tutto, in modo molto più avanti nella rivoluzione dei costumi, il pensiero ha suscitato grande scalpore. Niente, le tensioni non sociali che la Svezia sta vivendo ospitando decine di migliaia di profughi, ha messo in ombra la discussione sulla proposta cuccioli partito liberale, una delle forze politiche della coalizione di governo con i democristiani, partito centrale del Partito e moderato. Quello che proponiamo è PL giovani che possono fare sesso tra fratelli più di 15 anni, se entrambi sono d'accordo a praticare. È interessante notare che essi sono in favore della proibizione dell'incesto tra genitori e figli, che è sorprendente, in quanto contraddittoria. Non vi è alcun motivo per non prendere la logica sulla legittimità dell'incesto alla sua logica conclusione. Perché è naturale il sesso consensuale tra fratelli e non è il sesso consensuale tra genitori e figli? A questo punto, almeno, i giovani svedesi trascorrono conservatore liberale.
Per quanto riguarda la necrofilia -Un altro priorità urgente per gli svedesi e per qualsiasi società avanzata che precie-, la prossima generazione di leader politici che invocano la libertà di autodeterminazione sessuale. Nella risoluzione adottata Domenica scorsa, spiegano che, proprio come si può donare il corpo alla scienza, si può anche apetecer essere lo sposo o la sposa cadavere. "Le leggi non dovrebbero moralizzare" tengono giovane partito liberale - "liberale" nel suo senso anglosassone ereditiera J. Stuart Mill, che è il progresso. Tuttavia, ci può essere un editto morale più rigorosa, un sermone più minaccioso di usare la legge per cambiare la società? La fornitura di giovani svedesi è l'ultima frontiera del positivismo giuridico, che non è mai qualcosa di diverso da un progetto sociale disegnato dallo stato morale.
La proibizione dell'incesto è la prima legge universale, Claude Lévi-Strauss. Il tempo di notte scimmiesco bipede saltato dagli alberi, si mise a camminare in posizione eretta ed ha imparato a scolpire punte di freccia. Una pietra miliare, la repressione di incesto, segna il passaggio di uno stato di natura a un'altra cultura. Zoppia di Edipo in Sofocle 'tragedia per l'autore delle strutture elementari della parentela sarebbe ricorda il gregge originale, il sintomo di una transizione riuscita alla civiltà. Quello che proponiamo è il giovane backtrack progressiva svedese, torna a salire sugli alberi a quattro zampe e ripristinare l'età d'oro del orda. Recentemente, commentando il caso del primo trans-specie donna norvegese, che si ritiene essere un gatto intrappolato nel corpo di una donna, i redattori Asso di Picche ha osservato che è improbabile che, durante la Grande Depressione degli anni '30 dello scorso secolo, molte donne hanno un gatto si sentirebbe. Allo stesso modo, non credo che ci sono molti giovani in Ciad, Afghanistan, Siria o l'assicurazione che è necessario il suo paese sta legalizzando la necrofilia e incesto Haiti. periodi Opulence tendono a produrre un pensiero decadente. Il nostro tempo produce qualcos'altro: allucinazioni, nessun pensiero. Per permettere la debolezza, è necessario fare il bagno in abbondanza. Che cosa fa l'Europa in questo momento? Sei sicuro? Parafrasando Carlito Brigante nel film di Brian de Palma: l'Europa "ha un futuro luminoso, se riesce a raggiungere la prossima settimana" .- V. Gago [Con Actuall informazioni; e Daily Mail e Speisa in inglese]
Unioni Civili, ecco cosa cambia per le coppie omosessuali? Unioni civili, i punti principali Diritti e doveri che le avvicinano al matrimonio, anche la reversibilità della pensione.
MA SCANDALOSAMENTE, Per le coppie eterossessuali, invece, nascono le convivenze, per le quali gli obblighi reciproci sono molto minori, ma, manca la PENSIONE di reversibilità
Care amiche e cari amici in tutto il mondo, Saba è una donna pakistana che ha osato sposare l’uomo che amava. Per questo, suo padre le ha sparato in testa e l’ha gettata in un fiume. E poi ha continuato la sua vita come se niente fosse, protetto dalla legge che permette i cosiddetti "delitti d’onore”. Ma Saba è sopravvissuta ed è diventata un simbolo di speranza. E tra 3 giorni avremo l’occasione per aiutarla. Perché la sua storia è diventata un documentario che sta commuovendo il mondo e domenica correrà agli Oscar. In difficoltà, il Primo Ministro pakistano ha promesso che fermerà questi crimini e pare che abbia incaricato sua figlia, un’attivista per i diritti umani, di lavorare a una modifica della legge proprio in questi giorni. Ma secondo gli esperti del paese, senza una mobilitazione internazionale proprio in occasione degli Oscar non si riuscirà a superare l’opposizione in Parlamento.
Raccogliamo al più presto un milione di firme a sostegno di questa riforma di legge, prima della notte degli Oscar di domenica, per fare in modo che la storia di Saba abbia l’attenzione di tutto il mondo, e poi le consegneremo direttamente al Primo Ministro. Firma ora e condividi con tutti, non perdiamo questa occasione unica:
Nel mondo i delitti "d’onore” uccidono ancora una donna ogni 90 minuti. In Pakistan la legge del 2004 che doveva abolirli non funziona perché c’è una assurda scappatoia: se una donna ha causato “vergogna” alla sua famiglia rifiutando un matrimonio combinato, riservando attenzioni alla persona sbagliata o anche venendo stuprata, può essere uccisa legalmente se la sua famiglia “perdona” l’assassino. Questi crimini non c’entrano niente con l’onore, nè con nobili tradizioni, sono solo la conseguenza di una società che considera le donne come degli oggetti.
Già in passato è stata presentata una proposta di legge per eliminare la scappatoia legale del perdono ma nessuno nel partito di governo l’ha sostenuta con forza. Ora il Primo Ministro, che non si era mai speso su questo tema, ha pubblicamente promesso riforme legali per fermare questi crimini. Ma Saba e tutte le donne pakistane avranno bisogno di tutto il sostegno internazionale possibile per contrastare le enormi resistenze interne e conservatrici e cambiare il sistema.
Abbiamo 3 giorni per far sentire al parlamento Pakistano tutto il peso dell’attenzione mediatica internazionale. Facciamo sì che i protagonisti alla notte degli Oscar siano Saba e la richiesta di togliere l’impunità per i delitti d’onore. Consegneremo le nostre firme direttamente al Primo Ministro e a sua figlia, firma ora e condividi ovunque:
Davvero ce la possiamo fare. Quando la 15enne Malala fu assalita dai Talebani per il suo sogno di un’istruzione per tutti, il mondo si indignò. E dopo che la nostra comunità raccolse un milione di firme e le consegnò direttamente al Presidente pakistano, egli lanciò un piano di sostegno all’istruzione per 3 milioni di bambini. Questo è quello che succede quando agiamo uniti! Diamo ora la nostra forza alle coraggiose donne pakistane e aiutiamole a scrivere nuove leggi che le tutelino, società che rispettino la loro dignità e comunità che sostengano la loro libertà di decidere per sé stesse. Con speranza e determinazione,
Il Pakistan e il film-denuncia - Il premier: «Basta delitti d’onore» (Corriere della Sera)
Storie di donne coraggiose in Pakistan (Rainews)
Pakistan, sposa un uomo contro il volere della famiglia, il padre le spara alla testa (Il Messaggero)
Pakistan: delitto d'onore, genitori confessano decapitazione coppia (ADNKronos)
marco gruber1 giorno fa [ Gog di Magog Daniele & Rei Unius against 666 micro chip ]
dear 187AUDIOHOSTEM quando io ti dissi: "io ti ho fatto sbagliare, e ora il tuo sacerdote di satana, ti metterà nel bidone di acido solforico!" tu mi rispondesti: "no! lui non lo farà con me!" MA, SE NON TI PROTEGGO IO: continuamente? TU SARESTI STATO già UCCISO, PERCHé TU SEI CADUTO IN DISGRAZIA E SEI diSCESO DECADUTO DALLA ZONA INVISIBILITà o IMPUNIBILITà!
dear 187AUDIOHOSTEM io so anche, che, non sei stato tu a farmi uccidere le mie due amiche cattoliche in youtube!
my ISRAELE ] [ quell'infame di ERDOGAN ha detto: "eh quante storie, fa PUTIN, per due soli piloti uccisi!" ED IO CREDO CHE PER LUI? LA TUA VITA NON VALE PIù DI UN PEZZO DI MERDA!
my ISRAELE ] [ quell'infame di ERDOGAN ha detto: "IO NON BARATTO LA SOVRANA TERRITORIALITà DELLA TURCHIA CON NESSUNA AMICIZIA". allora, perché lui invade impunemente la sovranità della Siria, Iraq e Grecia? ABBATTETELO COME UN CANE!
PURTROPPO QUESTA è LA VERITà E LA CONOSCONO TUTTI ORMAI: GRAZIE A ME! La distruzione della Siria secondo il nipote di John Kennedy, 26.02.2016, L’intelligence degli Stati Uniti avrebbe utilizzato i terroristi per tutelare gli interessi petroliferi americani.
[ John Kerry minaccia Assad: non staremo a guardare come imbecilli ]
La decisione degli Stati Uniti di organizzare una campagna per rovesciare il presidente siriano Bashar al Assad, sarebbe motivata in gran parte dal rifiuto di Bashar al-Assad di acconsentire al passaggio sul suolo siriano di un gasdotto che avrebbe portato il gas del Qatar sino in Europa. La pipeline avrebbe dovuto attraversare Arabia Saudita, Giordania, Siria e Turchia. Valore dell'operazione 10mila milioni di dollari. Lo scrive Robert Kennedy Junior, nipote dell'ex presidente degli Stati Uniti John F. Kennedy, nella rivista Politico.
L'infrastruttura avrebbe rafforzato il Qatar, paese che ospita, presso la base di al-Udeid, la sede del comando militare statunitense in Medio Oriente. Il presidente siriano concesse invece lo sviluppo di un gasdotto iraniano. Conseguentemente, le intelligence di Stati Uniti, Qatar, Arabia Saudita e Israele avrebbero cominciato a finanziare l'opposizione siriana per rovesciare il regime di Assad. La CIA infatti, secondo Wikileaks, avrebbe trasferito sei milioni di dollari all'emittente televisiva dell'opposizione siriana Barada TV, con sede a Londra, al fine di preparare il rovesciamento di Assad, che, tra l'altro, ha fornito alla Cia tutte le informazioni sui terroristi dopo gli attacchi dell'11 settembre. L'intelligence degli Stati Uniti ha così utilizzato i terroristi per tutelare gli interessi petroliferi americani e, a tal fine, il "gruppo criminale petrolifero" dello Stato islamico, conclude Kennedy, sarebbe il risultato di una lunga storia di intervento degli Stati Uniti nella regione, che ha portato alla caduta di diversi regimi in Medio Oriente a partire dalla metà del XX secolo:
LA ARABIA SAUDITA HA SOPPIANTATO TUTTI I GOVERNI DELLA LEGA ARABA CHE è DIVENTATO UN COLOSSO DI SUPER POTENZA NUCLEARE: PRESTO FAGOCITERRANO IL PIANETA! POVERO INNOCENTE MARTIRE CRISTIANO: GIULIO REGENI: LA TUA PATRIA? è UN GENDER: DI MASSONE SENZA SOVRANITà MONETARIA!! Mentre l'Eni festeggia nuove trivellazioni in Egitto, il caso Regeni rimane al palo, 26.02.2016, Il colosso petrolifero italiano ha annunciato il successo dell'attività perforativa del pozzo denominato “Nidoco North 1X”, nei pressi del delta del Nilo, che porterà – secondo le previsione dei tecnici –, alla produzione giornaliera di circa 45mila barili di olio cosiddetto equivalente (boed). interessi economici presenti sembrano gravare sempre più sull'omicidio del giovane dottorando italiano Giulio Regeni, scomparso dalla capitale egiziana il 25 gennaio scorso e ritrovato morto dieci giorni dopo. Sebbene sia chiaro che lo studente sia stato barbaramente torturato, che le ipotesi di morte accidentali siano totalmente da escludere e che sia più che ragionevole ipotizzare un coinvolgimento (diretto o indiretto che sia) delle forze di sicurezza nazionali, le autorità del Cairo continuano a mantenere un atteggiamento poco chiaro in merito alla vicenda. E le crescenti partnership economiche tra i due paesi, si ricordi anche la recente visita del ministro Guidi in Egitto, potrebbero ulteriormente ostacolare la ricerca della verità.
Le stranezze del caso Regeni, ucciso dall'Arabia per far un dispetto all'Italia
666 CIA Poroshenko born in Bethlehem ] #PUTIN ] lol. [ figurati, lol. ] non mi offendo affatto, se lascio completare a te il Presepe Satanico! [ QUESTA UCRAINA NAZISTA DI FARISEI ANGLO-AMERICANI MERKEL ROTHSCHILD BILDENBERG, STA DIVENTANDO UNA MINACCIA PER LA SOPRAVVIVENZA DEL GENERE UMANO: QUESTO è EVIDENTE DANNO PER CERTO DI POTER SFONDARE FACILMENTE LE DIFESE DELLA RUSSIA: TUTTAVIA, VETRIFICARE LA UCRAINA CON ARMI ATOMICHE TATTICHE, IN CASO DI ATTACCO? IO NON CREDO CHE PORTEREBBE A UNA DEFLAGRAZIONE NUCLEARE TOTALE! Ucraina, Mar Nero: Poroshenko ordina di rafforzare l'esercito al confine con la Crimea, (26.02.2016) Il presidente dell'Ucraina Petr Poroshenko ha incaricato il ministero della Difesa e lo Stato Maggiore di rafforzare le capacità militari nella regione di Kherson, confinante con la Crimea, e lungo la costa del Mar Nero, si legge in un comunicato del capo di Stato. "Al ministero della Difesa e allo Stato Maggiore delle forze armate dell'Ucraina è stato ordinato di avanzare proposte per un significativo rafforzamento delle capacità militari nella regione di Kherson e lungo la costa del Mar Nero", — si legge nel comunicato, segnala "RIA Novosti". La Crimea è ritornata ad essere una regione russa nel marzo 2014 a margine di un referendum, in cui il 96,77% degli abitanti della penisola si è espresso a favore della riunificazione della Russia. Le autorità ucraine si rifiutano di riconoscere i risultati delle elezioni e definiscono la Crimea "un territorio occupato".
Cambiare i nomi alle città della Crimea? "A Kiev c'è schizofrenia politica"
Poroshenko firma il decreto sulla creazione del servizio la reintegrazione della Crimea
Crimea, Russia: La questione non esiste, perciò è impossibile discuterne
Da oggi sospesi legami commerciali tra Ucraina e Crimea, eccezioni a beneficio di Kiev
“La Crimea ancora una volta ha mandato a quel paese Kiev”
Ucraina concentra le truppe ai confini di Crimea e Transnistria
Energia da Ucraina non indispensabile per Crimea, per Kiev blocco è boomerang:
ISRAEL ] NO MY DAUGHTER! Jewish Temple is incompatible with the MASONIC State OF Israel!
Cristiani perseguitati in Asia: anche i buddisti stanno col nemico Satana Allah Gufo Baal Spa Farisei Massoni Gender Darwin. In sei stati dell’Asia in cui sono maggioranza, i buddisti collaborano a reprimere le altre religioni. Lo documenta il Rapporto 2004 dell’Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre.
JHWH HOLY thinks I am so important, that He takes knowledge of my every action and thought. [[ PER TUTTI COLORO CHE NON VOGLIONO PIù CAMMINARE IN VIE DI DELITTI, DI SMARRIMENTO E ERRORE! ]] "Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways." vs. 2,3
He is always present with me. I cannot escape Him.
"If I ascend up into heaven thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there." v. 8
He created me in a wonderful fashion, for a purpose He planned for me in eternity past
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." vs. 14,16
His continual loving care for me cannot be measured.
"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee." vs. 17,18.
Allow Him to show me my spiritual condition.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me." vs. 23,24a
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
Accept the plan He has designed for my life, beginning now with my salvation.
"and lead me in the way everlasting." v. 24b
Realize that Jesus Christ, my Creator, so loved me that He, as God, took upon Himself human flesh, and came to this earth to be punished for my sin by dying on the cross.
"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
Realize that because of His death, burial and resurrection for me, I can have the gift of spending eternity with my Creator.
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
Repent of my sin: accept what God thinks of my sin. "repent ye, and believe the gospel." Mark 1:15 Believe with all my heart that Christ died, was buried, and came back to life for my sins. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13 Pray this simple prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that You suffered the punishment for my sin by your death on the cross, and that You arose from the grave. I now receive You into my heart as my Savior. Thank You for saving me and forgiving me right now. I will serve You with all my heart. Amen. "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
Acts 16:31 -M.S.B.
PSALM 139: FOR MY JEWS AND TO ALL ] [ 1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.
2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
ERDOGAN IDIOTA ] se, qualcuno riuscisse ad amare me, di più di come, io devo amare lui? poi, non è vero che, io sono UNIUS REI! E SE QUALCuNO RIUSCISSE A AMARE PIù ME, DI COME UNIUS REI PUò AMARE LUI? questo è proprio IMPOSSIBILE! non c'è nessuno che può vincere Unius REI in qualcosa: circa giustizia verità speranza e amore! se, ci fosse odio nel mio cuore? IO NON POTREI POSSEDERE LA MIA RAZIONALITà, IMPARZIALITà: EQUIDISTANZA: OGGETTIVITà! non raggiungerai mai la felicità umiliando qualcuno! LA VERà MANIFESTAZIONE DI FORZA E POTENZA è L'AMORE! LASCIA STARE IL TUO PROGETTO IMPERIALISTICO DI CONQUISTA DEL MONDO, 1. NON HA SENSO; 2. NON NE VALE LA PENA! SALMAN E BUSH SONO DUE COGLIONI DI ROTHSCHILD SPA FED: LASCIALI PERDERE, NON SONO DUE BRAVI RAGAZZI!
ISRAELE ] tu sai tutto di me [ io non sono un mistico, carismatico o profeta, ecc.. no! IO SONO SOLTANTO, UN POLITICO RAZIONALE AGNOSTICO UNIVERSALE E METAFISICO TEOCRATICO LAICO: DEL REGNO DI DIO JHWH: CHE è ANCHE IL REGNO DI ISRAELE! la scienza (ANTONINO ZICHICHI) ha detto che: esistono 34 dimensioni diverse: (in senso orizzontale), oltre questa nostra dimensione (SOLAMENTE TRIDIMENSIONALE), se, questo è vero? io non lo so! Secondo la mia metafisica, io conosco: in modo astrattivo, deduttivo, speculativo: che, ci sono soltanto, sette dimensioni (in senso verticale)! TUTTAVIA, NELLA POSIZIONE DI FEDE IN CUI LO SPIRITO SANTO MI HA POSTO? NON C'è NESSUNO IN TUTTA LA CREAZIONE, CHE PUò SFUGGIRE ALLA MIA SOVRANITà E GIURISDIZIONE, ECCETTO DIO STESSO, OVVIAMENTE! .. E QUESTA è UNA BENEDIZIONE per voi, PERCHé SE FOSSE DIPESO DA ME? OGGI IL MONDO DEGLI UOMINI NON ESISTEREBBE PIù!
takfiri: IRAN TURCHIA SALMAN LEGA ARABA OCI ] ok, SE IL VOSTRO DEMONIO ALLAH, LUI vuole ritornare a fare il bravo ragazzo? ok! mi impegno a non fargli del male! Ma, di quel pervertito criminale falso profeta di Maometto, pieno di tutti i demoni: come una fogna? io NON NE VOGLIO PIù SENTIR PARLARE!
ogni pedofilo incestuoso? lui loves homosexual propaganda GENDER to children
takfiri SATANA BUSH FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TUTTI takfiri IRAN TURCHIA SALMAN LEGA ARABA OCI GENDER LOBBY LGBT SPA FED BANCHE CENTRALI NWO MARDUK BAAL ] e certo che, lo hanno capito tutti, FINALMENTE LO AVETE CAPITO ANCHE VOI, anche i cretini lo hanno capito, quindi lo avete capito anche voi, piuttosto che comandare sul mondo? piuttosto, io preferisco uccidervi tutti!
i Farisei SpA Banche CENTRALI, ENLIGHTENED PIRAMIDE MASSONICA, perversione demonica Talmud e Kabbalah, per trasformarvi in schiavi del signoraggio bancario? loro vi hanno tutti trasformati in qualche forma di perversione! ECCO PERCHé, CON LA TORAH IN MANO? I FARISEI VI HANNO TUTTI CONDANNATI A MORTE! io non mi vanterò di avervi uccisi io, perché non è questa la verità!
takfiri SATANA BUSH FARISEI ROTHSCHILD TUTTI takfiri IRAN TURCHIA SALMAN LEGA ARABA OCI GENDER LOBBY LGBT SPA FED BANCHE CENTRALI, Bildenberg regime, NWO MARDUK BAAL ] no! voi siete più o meno, ad uno stesso livello di intensità e qualità di perversione, il fatto è che, le corna degli altri, si vedono meglio rispetto alle proprie! in riferimento alle propria corna? tu non te le puoi vedere! ma, voi siete tutti impastati di luciferismo!
NON è UNA QUESTIONE MORALE RELIGIOSA: A LIVELLO INDIVIDUALE, MA è UN FONDAMENTALE PROBLEMA ETICO LAICO COLLETTIVO, NESSUNA SOCIETà CIVILE PUò DARE RILEVANZA AD UNA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE: PUR TUTELANDO NEL PRIVATO I DIRITTI CIVILI A TUTTI SENZA DISTINZIONI! LA SOCIETà. SE NON DEVE PERSEGUITARE LA PERVERSIONE SESSUALE NEL PRIVATO, TUTTAVIA, COMUNQUE, DEVE CONDANNARE CERTI ATTEGGIAMENTI CONTRO NATURA PUBBLICI: CHE SONO OPPOSITIVI AD UN PROGETTO NATURALE, E OPPOSITIVI AD UNA SOCIETà PROCREATIVA, SANA ED UMANISTICA! NON SI POSSONO SCARDINARE I VALORI LAICI ED ETICI: IMPUNEMENTE! Il cerimoniale dell' 'homecoming kiss', il bacio del ritorno a casa dal servizio in mare, é una tradizione di vecchia data per la Marina reale canadese ma questa settimana questa consuetudine consacrata dal tempo aveva ben poco di tradizionale: per la prima volta nella storia della Royal Canadian Navy, l'onore del 'primo bacio' è andato a un militare gay. Davanti ad una folla di parenti dell'equipaggio della HMCS Winnipeg, il marinaio Francis Legare - appena sbarcato dopo una missione di oltre otto mesi - ha abbracciato e baciato appassionatamente il suo partner Corey Vautour sotto gli obiettivi delle telecamere. "Sono stato fuori per 255 giorni, quindi é una sensazione fantastica", ha detto sorridendo: "Non ho parole". Per Legare l'onore dell''homecoming kiss' é stato il premio della lotteria organizzata dalla Marina che dà la possibilità al vincitore di essere il primo marinaio a sbarcare fuori dalla nave e a condividere un bacio con il coniuge o il partner.
LA TREGUA DEVE ESSERE RISPETTATA, OVUNQUE, E LA TURCHIA DEVE DARE IL BUON ESEMPIO! MENTRE GLI ISLAMICI ASSASSINI NON SIRIANI DEVONO TUTTI RITORNARE NEI LORO PAESI DI ORIGINE A MACELLARE PERSONE INNOCENTI! BEIRUT, 27 FEB - Alcune violazioni della cessazione delle ostilità scattata da mezzanotte sono denunciate oggi in Siria. L'ong, Osservatorio nazionale per i diritti umani (Ondus), in particolare, afferma che l'artiglieria turca ha nuovamente bombardato le forze curde dell'Ypg che nella provincia di Raqqa combattono l'Isis in una regione verso il confine turco. Da parte sua, il gruppo islamista ribelle Jaish al Islam afferma che elicotteri governativi hanno sganciato due barili bomba sulle sue postazioni nei pressi di Damasco.
LE SANZIONI IRRAZIONALI IMMOTIVATE DELLA MERKEL UE USA NATO SONO UNA INVENZIONE SCHIZOFRENICA E FOLCLORISTICA! (27.02.2016) Il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel ha invitato gli uomini d'affari tedeschi a tollerare sanzioni contro la Russia, nonostante causino un grave danno alle loro attività. Secondo il Deutsche Welle, la Merkel ha fatto questa dichiarazione durante il ricevimento annuale del Consiglio economico dell'Unione Cristiano-Democratica, avvenuta ieri a Stralsund. «La Merkel ha riconosciuto che le sanzioni, in una certa misura, hanno inflitto un duro colpo al business, ma potranno essere annullate soltanto dopo la piena attuazione degli accordi di Minsk CHE KIEV DEVE ONORARE» scrive il DW. La scorsa settimana il primo ministro ungherese Viktor Orban, visitando Mosca, ha detto che il tempo dell'estensione automatica delle sanzioni contro la Russia è finito, e sempre più paesi sono a favore della cooperazione con la Russia:
Tensioni tra Grecia e Turchia, operazione NATO vs clandestini è sul punto di fallire. QUESTA CONTESA SULLA SMILITARIZZAZIONE DI CERTE ISOLE, è UN FALSO PROBLEMA, DATO CHE LA NATO è UN SOGGETTO TERZO E IMPARZIALE! CIRCA "Il trattato di pace di Losanna del 1923. 26.02.2016 SE QUESTA STORIA CONTINUA, GRECIA E TURCHIA DEVONO ESSERE PUNITI ENTRAMBI! L'operazione della NATO nell'Egeo per il monitoraggio dei flussi migratori verso l'Europa è sull'orlo del fallimento per le divergenze tra Grecia e Turchia. Atene accusa Ankara di non rispettare le condizioni dell'accordo e di bloccare di fatto l'operazione della NATO. La Turchia rimane in silenzio, ma gli esperti militari e politologi del Paese si oppongono all'idea di far monitorare le acque territoriali turche a unità militari straniere. In queste condizioni come dovrebbe agire il gruppo navale della NATO nel Mar Egeo? Perché la Turchia inizialmente aveva accettato di lasciar pattugliare alle navi militari della NATO le acque del Mar Egeo, mentre ora si mette di traverso?
NATO bugiarda insidiosa vipera SPA FED SPA FMI NWO LUCIFERO BANCHE CENTRALI SISTEMA MASSONICO REGIME BILDENBERG: "non c'è nulla che tu puoi fare per sottrarti al tuo destino!" LA TUA ORA è STATA SEGNATA!
LA ARABIA SAUDITA HA PORTATO AL NAZISMO TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA, PRESTO DOVREMO TUTTI COMBATTERE PER SOPRAVVIVERE ALL'ISLAM ] IL REGIME DEI MILITARI SI è SOSTITUITO AI FRATELLI MUSULMANI CHE HA PRETESO DI CACCIARE: TANTO VALE CHE RICHIAMATE MORSI A GUIDARE IL GOVERNO! [ Egitto, omicidio Regeni mette in luce attacco a libertà università, venerdì 26 febbraio 2016 Manifestazione di protesta contro la morte di Giulio Regeni. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany, IL CAIRO (Reuters) - Quando nei giorni scorsi, in Olanda, un collega ha chiesto alla storica Pascale Ghazaleh se volesse inviare un gruppo di studenti in Egitto, la sua risposta è stato un secco "no". "Ho detto che non pensavo che dovessimo farlo perché oltre a tutti gli equivoci in cui tradizionalmente si può incappare, bisogna tenere in conto anche le molestie... e puoi anche essere torturato e ammazzato durante la tua ricerca", ha spiegato Ghazaleh. L'omicidio del ricercatore Giulio Regeni, scomparso il 25 gennaio scorso, anniversario della rivolta che ha posto fine al regime trentennale di Hosni Mubarak, ha gelato la comunità accademica in Egitto e anche all'estero. Nel paese nordafricano gli studiosi dicono di aver lavorato a lungo sotto la minaccia di venire arrestati o deportati, ma la vicenda raccapricciante della morte di Regeni ha fatto sorgere il timore che la ricerca della conoscenza finirà per essere la vittima del più duro attacco alla libertà nella storia moderna dell'Egitto.
Vedanta (I non vedo alcun motivo per voi di odiano gli ebrei .... Il poveri ragazzi subito nel corso della STORIA ..... ha scritto la Bibbia, che voi adorate con tanta passione ..... si può odiare MUSULMANI, perché se lo meritano [ 31/05/11 ]
@ IIVedantaII -> Jews have suffered, also rightly, because they have hidden masonic talmud agenda banking seigniorage, and, to their detriment: they go on for more than five centuries to hidden, the crime of genocide of the whole human race: that is, the banking seigniorage, and all their plots, that it could never have been written in history books. This led the Jewish lobby, at have the control of all world governments, as, has provided the document of the: "the Elders of Zion," that to be a fake, however, has been realized: in detail. However, as Coelet says: "there is a time to hate, and a time to love", this time for me still is, the time of love, therefore I still can not hate anyone. not even a dickhead like you.
@ Vedanta -> gli ebrei hanno sofferto, anche a ragione, perché hanno nascosto talmud agenda, sistema massonico signoraggio bancario! e, a loro danno: essi andare avanti per più di cinque secoli di nascosto, il crimine di genocidio di tutto il genere umano: cioè il signoraggio bancario, e tutte le loro trame, che non potrebbe mai sono stati scritti nei libri di storia. Questo ha portato la lobby ebraica, a avere il controllo di tutti i governi del mondo, come, ha fornito il documento del: "Anziani di Sion", che per essere un falso, però, è stato realizzato: in dettaglio. Tuttavia, come dice Coelet: "c'è un tempo per odiare, e un tempo per amare", questa volta per me è ancora, il tempo d'amore, quindi, ancora non riesco a odiare nessuno. nemmeno una testa di cazzo come te
========================== [ 31/05/11 ] [You are just a follower of satan, poor you. You do not know what you Worship, We know what we worship AS SALVATION IS FROM THE JEWS. WORDS BY Jesus Christ John 4 :22 Sei solo un seguace di Satana, poveri voi. Tu non sai quel che voi adorate, sappiamo quello che adoriamo come salvezza viene dai Giudei. Parole di Gesù Cristo Giovanni 4: 22 REALLY? STRONZO MA GESù NON TI HA DETTO DI RUBARE IL SIGNORAGGIO BANCARIO A TUTTI I POPOLI SCHIAVIZZATI DAL NWO SPA FED GEZABELE SECOND UK!
XwannabeXfamousX you call muslim people criminals well you must know that then christians and muslims will follow jesus and every person is different so dont dare to insult my religion. si chiama popolo musulmano criminali bene è necessario sapere che poi cristiani e musulmani seguiranno Gesù e ogni persona è diversa in modo da non il coraggio di insultare la mia religione [31/05/11] - ANSWER - in truth, I do not insult your religion, but his way of interpreting it, that is the sharia! You do not admit the equality of citizens of other religions before the state and hundreds of innocent Christians are killed every day in the Muslim world: that are Muslim nations: country. for all of this? is only Satan, of course! // in verità, io non insulto la tua religione, ma il suo modo di interpretare essa, cioè la sharia! Voi non ammettete la uguaglianza dei cittadini di altra religione di fronte allo Stato e centinaia di cristiani innocenti sono uccisi ogni giorno, nel mondo dai musulmani: cioè nazioni musulmane: tutto questo? è solo, satana certamente!
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- The New World Order -
The world is on the verge of the greatest human tragedy ever known, or even imagined possible, and it is not an act of God."SLAVERY" A TREATISE IN DEVELOPMENT
Entering the 21st century |
Living as in penitentiary |
Imprisoned by bars in mind |
Knowing not our true kind |
Now no time for despair |
Bars melt as we grow aware |
Early comment will be supported, progressively, as this presentation proceeds. Although it is very important to expose what is going on behind the scenes, exposure, as you will see, is not enough -- we need to know both the "mind and method" of enslavement if we are to achieve our freedom.Our real tragedy is that, because the poison pills of deceit are sweet, very few want to face the danger of our situation; this is why the bars in mind work. Nevertheless, I am confident that, if we read with a desire for truth (even though truth at first seem remote or incredible) many lives may be saved.
For those who have the discipline, enterprise and courage to face the truth, the evidence is overwhelming.
What is hidden, and what few know, is that we have been living within the confines of contrived belief systems (ideologies) that make of us servants; this, to the extent that we will kill and risk our lives for the benefit of our masters -- worse, it deforms our human development.Evidence of our situation will include recent quoted comment from a past Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Professor John McMurtry: "A Manifesto of Corporate Totalitarianism", plus other knowledgeable or, behind the scenes people, from distant past to present.
COLLINS Dictionary: Slavery: A civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over another and controls his life, liberty and fortune.The world is in the grip of slavery by belief! Today this slavery is more oppressive and inescapable than at any previous time in known history.
Enslavement has a long history and, as you may recall, comment by Jesus of Nazareth shows He understood slavery by belief and that it existed at that time; probably the first time it was so recognized and mentioned in public.
Today, as 2000 years ago, we still do not want to believe that we are slaves. Pride and prejudice may blind us to reality but today there is surely a better understanding of social order. Certainly there is evidence accessible to those who look for it.
Perhaps, of even more importance, is that we may now see how vital it is that we know the truth of our restricted vision and how personally disastrous it would be to ignore this truth.
A critical feature of this slavery is that it programs people to believe that they are not slaves and that true slavery is the situation where a master owns people, as, for example, at one time in the USA.
Slavery by physical force is primitive. Slavery by belief is also very old but instills in the minds of people that they are free.
For example: we know that what we are paid to do also profits others. Paid labour does not mean slavery but it does provide the mind with a very secure foundation for a conviction of freedom; this makes it easier for despots to put enslaving beliefs into the undefended mind.Slavery by belief has now become more purposefully used and is made vastly more efficient by modern science and technology.
Let us begin with a quote from Dr. Susan George. She has been a consultant to the United Nations University, to UNESCO, and to the UN's Economic Commission for Europe, plus the International Union of Food Workers and the government of Nicaragua, among others. Obviously she knows something about the UN. Yet, in answer to questions and reported on the ABC (Australia), we find these comments and more. Quote:"Well I think the word 'development' is rather obscene. Development in biology means an organism unfolds harmoniously in its environment. It means that the flower becomes a fruit, or the embryo becomes a child. But the social sciences have taken over this concept and perverted it. When we say 'development' in the modern sense, we generally mean outside intervention and meddling. If you meddle too much with an organism, it will be damaged or will die, which is precisely, I think, what we've been doing with other people's lives.
I think development has failed largely because the assumptions that underlay the whole concept were absolutely false."
[I would like you to try to remember those words to, at least, the end of this treatise; many of the social assumptions we are taught to believe in, are false.On economic manipulation, she had the following to say:]
"All these institutions are centralised, hierarchical, completely undemocratic and working with a lot of money contributed by their members, mostly their richer members. What do they do with that money? Well, in many ways they are helping to subjugate all the economies of the world and making them satellites of "free enterprise", so to speak. ... So the World Bank is in charge of imposing this economic doctrine, the International Monetary Fund is in charge of imposing structural adjustment, in other words austerity programs in the Third World, and GATT is involved with indeed reducing not only barriers to trade but any standards -- environmental standards, health standards, high wages -- that could be considered impediments to trade. I feel very much that the undemocratic nature of these institutions will mean that a whole New World order is put into place and that it is an anti-democratic, authoritarian order run by the élites of the rich world on their behalf." End quote.This lady is not afraid to tell the truth but I have to limit quotes to keep this as 'digestible' as possible while still explaining sufficiently to make points credible. If I fail you will never believe that Globalism is evil and that we are involved in the first "total world" war of history. Let's start at the shallow end.
News items promote the need for doing away with all tariffs and trade barriers. They claim that people, and leading business groups, do not understand the benefits of globalization -- globalization enables us to buy things cheaper -- it forces business to become more competitive on world markets -- why are we complaining?A recent victim was the Australian dairy farming community (groups picked off, one by one) -- 'deregulation' to improve efficiency -- lower prices -- make us more competitive! The same globalization lies -- we have heard them before -- we have seen their results.
Is it not strange that these advocates of globalization always forget to mention the number of people that will be put out of productive work -- and how this is disguised by placing some of them in non-productive work? I.e. Timber workers become forest wardens; office workers may be employed working out taxes owed under new complicated tax systems; factory workers become servants to tourists enticed to visit because our money is cheap; and so on (these 'make work' jobs often get in the way of productive work).
Do they ever tell us that those still employed will be taxed to pay for additional family and unemployed relief? (We, the people, pay for our own enslavement and taxes are already extremely high). We then pay higher service prices because of falling efficiency and the money we have drifts overseas. Do they explain that we lose far more than we gain?
Do we ever see it mentioned that when we buy good quality imports the price matches or exceeds what we used to pay for good local products?
It is now not practical to own slaves but it is OK to go to some country where people are so poor that they will do anything for a subsistence pay? This form of slavery is more efficient and people will buy your rubbish if you sell it cheaper than the local product.
Are we ever told that foreign bargains (sold by globalists for high profits) are a product of economic slavery; a direct, but more efficient substitute for owned slaves?
Are we ever told that when we buy goods -- produced by people who are forced by necessity to work for a pittance, we ourselves, in fact, then become slave users?
Globalization is the directive, and beneficiary, of this modern form of physical slavery (poverty enforced labour).
Local producers then have their choice -- go broke or, if they can afford it, do what the globalists have done and take their manufacturing to a slave labour country. But how can we keep buying imports when so many live on pensions or do non-productive work and our country is not producing enough of real value to pay its way?
The answer is gradualism (the socialist principle for social subversion): value of our pay gradually declines; governments sell national assets and borrow money from the international moneylenders.
In this way, the true costs of using overseas slaves to supply our needs may remain hidden for many years but the nation is gradually getting poorer and the people more confused and frustrated. We cannot understand what is happening -- we become economically apathetic and devote ourselves to sport -- entertainment -- drugs -- or the new (ideology) religion: all just as our internationally planned education was designed to achieve.
In the end our nation becomes another slave nation where we work for a bowl of soup or are manipulated to self-destruct.
So dairy farmers who are fortunate enough to have the best land and situation are to be forced, like other industries before them, to work for a pittance, the less fortunate go bankrupt and international controlled businesses make ever larger profits!
But do not be fooled to believe that only the rural sector is under attack or that money is what this is all about, or that political confidence trickery is new or that all those who promote world government know what they are doing; the blind lead the blind. A quote from "The portable Emerson" Penguin. First published in 1841. Quote: "The farmer imagines power and place are fine things. But the President has paid dearly for his White House. It has commonly cost him all his peace, and the best of his manly attributes. To preserve for a short time so conspicuous an appearance before the world, he is content to eat dust before the real masters who stand erect behind the throne." End quote.
What is happening is not new -- it is about is POWER -- today the aim is the achievement of total power to own the world as a globalist domain.
The producers of wealth lose, the people are impoverished, and governments give handouts of our money to keep us believing that government is trying to help.
They deceive, divide and rob the community (in pretence of efficiency and international welfare) to benefit globalist plans. *
*Note: The above refers to a year 2000 Australian situation but relates also to situations existing in all nations. The net tightens! While the above may seem mundane (what caring people should already know) this is a real "life and death" war and we would not need this 'wake-up' call if we were alert to the real world and not living in a mind sedated dream that is rapidly becoming a nightmare. We need to use all logic at our command to see the truth of the evidence. This war is undeclared because a very small number cannot expect to win a fair fight against a very large number; it is secret because, if the large number knows it is being attacked, the attack can be defeated. Economic disasters, diseases, political mistakes, are naturally possible; when introduced to cause public distress these can always be disguised as natural events.
This dirty war would, by the UN's own definition, have to be classed as having the intent of genocide (the deliberate destruction of national or ethnic groups) though always made to appear otherwise by supporting the smaller to weaken the larger.
In our deceived state, we may think that the internationals would want everyone working productively but mechanization and technology now mean that there are too many workers and too much industrial waste.
So why do they not reduce working hours and working years and encourage people to a more relaxed and more enlightened way of life?
A very human solution; but globalism is not human and the power and pride bound up in deceit and enslavement is not for humane ambition.
Should we ask ourselves: WHY HAVE AUSTRALIANS -- and people of all advanced nations -- SURRENDERED TO CRIME?
WELL (if we are human and not dumb animals) we can unite against this globalist form of Mafia.Unfortunately, before this can happen, we have to face (what cannot be intelligently denied) that our government is NOT democratic and is not "OUR" government -- that "Party Government" is an elitist owned part of "world government" plans.
They tell us we must vote for them because "it is democracy"! But it is not democracy because, before we choose our preferred liars, the teams have already been chosen by manipulation agents -- almost all candidates on offer are people that the internationals can control.
Is it not obvious? The internationals support people who are greedy for power but incompetent -- they choose egocentric people who need globalist (world government) advisers. Were the parliament chosen by lottery we would get a more competent team?
The party system was introduced to England in the reign of Charles II (1630-85) after 300 years of non-party government by what became known as the "Model Parliament". Then began the struggle for power that is now reaching its climax as a world dictatorship. Parties were not an original part of any democratic system or constitution (Britain, USA and Australia included). It is not possible for "party system" government to be democratic.
A local quote may be helpful, let's hear it from an ex-Labor Party MP. Barry Cohen, in an article in "The Australian" (6/4/1992); quote:
"... as I sat down and heard the PM snarl a welcome "Get on with it." I realized something was amiss. Seated slightly to the rear of himself, the treasurer, the minister for finance et al, was a phalanx of grey-faced, grey-suited strangers. To this day, I have no idea who they were. I was, however, to learn quickly what they were. ...I was informed ... they had been seconded from government departments, the private sector and universities within minutes of the government taking office. ... the key people in the PM's office who had to be convinced first. It was a waste of time going to the prime minister and convincing him if the minute you left the minders gave it the thumbs down. It is and was outrageous but I doubt it will ever change whether the government is Labor or Liberal." End quote.
Agreed, it will never change, it can never change, so long as party system government rules! The party is governed by a behind scenes administration and even the National Constitution and law of the land are not respected. How could it be otherwise when the party system itself is unconstitutional both by its moral nature and all democratic values? It even contravenes the "Crimes Act"; quote: "28. Any person who, by violence or threats or intimidation of any kind, hinders or interferes with the free exercise or performance, by any other person, of any political right or duty, shall be guilty of an offence." EQ.
Is it not clear that if 'your' political representative is a member of a party then your representative is pressured to support the party even if this is against a member's own best judgement and opposed to the political duty of representing the electorate? Therefore 'your' representative is not your representative but, in fact, represents the party that chose him. But, you may say, we do have a democratic choice of party! Yes we do, but parties -- establishment ruled -- are a meaningless choice!
If we cannot honestly face this, then all our effort and resistance implies political legitimacy and is counter-productive. It lets our enemy know that we really do not understand what is happening and that he has us securely in his web of deceit. It tells the silent majority that we have a legitimate democracy.
Who does the political party represent?
As Disraeli said over a hundred years ago; quote:
"The world is governed by very different persons from what those believe who are not behind the scenes." EQ.
When Disraeli said, "the world" this, at that time, meant "the world of European peoples". To understand our present political culture it is essential we understand this comment by Disraeli. There was, and still is, a hidden government behind the apparent government -- "parties" represent those who choose party leaders. New parties either fail or become infiltrated before they can gain useful power. Our party choice only decides which party will serve the establishment. In other words the pretended 'choice' is only a confidence trick us make us believe we have a choice.
There are pages of quotes from eminent people in my books; this, in part at least, is a condensation of previous work. It is no longer so much a matter of evidence as of whether people want to know the truth; if they don't want to face their fantasies then they refuse to be convinced by any amount of evidence; it's as simple as that. But, whatever we may want to believe -- political parties are not there to represent the people.
It should be self-evident that, ultimately, it is we, the people, who are responsible for our own enslavement -- we are not overwhelmed by numbers, our numbers make us supremely powerful -- it is not the law, the law requires our freedom!
It is so comforting to believe the law is enforced -- so comforting to know we have the numbers and right to enforce it -- so comforting to believe we are free. It is so comforting to believe we do not need to defend our heritage that we hide behind our delusions and hate the whistle blowers.Oh yes, we are responsible for our slavery, the slavery of our children and of our grandchildren. So long as we expect strangers to take care of us, then they will make of us their slaves.
At first they ignore the law, once certain that they can get away with this they can change the law -- if they need to. They use us and abuse us and will, when we become too much of a pollutant in their world, have us destroy each other by means that they have us design, pay for and use.
Have you wondered why there are so many new diseases appearing? The evidence does not always support that these are chance events.
We cry -- they laugh! We beg -- they despise us! Do we not deserve our fate?
Why are we afraid? There are still, in the world, people so principled that they will (as did our ancestors) face death for community freedom -- we beg; when all we have to do is support our legal heritage.
If we can just overcome our implanted conceits, sufficient to understand and admit that we are slaves only because we fear to take responsibility for our own political representatives, we may then find that we are worthy of our freedom.
Violence! No! At this stage we do not have to, and should not, use violence! Violence plays into globalist hands! We can build progressively. For instance: we have people who are concerned and are of proven competence in management. Many of these people could and (if asked and backed by a significant representation) would, take on the management of a public enterprise to organize, manufacture and sell in public owned shops, nationally produced goods. This, in a small way, is already beginning.
Please note those important words -- if community "ASKED". We MUST NOT ask for volunteers or employ a professional management company, (a self-interest party). Is it not clear what that has done for us politically?
Organized political parties -- independents who beg for our support -- most are egomaniacs who want to run our lives and can't run their own -- people who are not traitors but who, in blind ignorance of consequences, sell their nation to feed their egomania. We see too many examples of politician greed and stupidity?
We should not accept those who love power and position. The safe way is to choose people from our community who are of proven competence and common concern -- ask these to manage group affairs; when good people see that they have a popular mandate most will take up the challenge.
In this way organized groups of farmers and small business could process their own products and sell direct to the public through public owned retail stores.If we can gain confidence to take the step to commercial independence we will then have confidence to take the vital step to political independence and, thereby, open for ourselves the way to the truth of life.
Australian governments have, for years, used primary producers as a slave class to help keep city voters happy with cheap food. But farm poverty meant that over-use of land become a farm practice. International chemical companies then came to the aid of farmers with fertilizers that further harm the soil and insecticides that harm our health; they have no concern for either -- or the price of food.This has resulted in an ecological disaster that will take years to fix and which cannot be fixed by the debt ridden farm sector alone.
The reason I mention this is to show that enslavement by lies and deceit has ramifications that enter the very soul of community; it is not just community robbery. Every economic, civil and moral aspect of community gradually becomes deformed and self-destructive.
Although people do not seem to realize it, biological life (animal, human, insect) is designed to an order of principles of construction; biological mechanisms represent biological engineering. As a result, life itself, culture, economy, morality must also be in accord with these principles or will be destructive to the potential of the organism.
Globalism attempts to create a world to a private design! For culture to advance we need an increasingly disciplined, more responsible, more moral community. Globalism wants to create a world that, in principle, is less human than that now existing and, in fact, denies the general community basic social understanding -- even the very existence of structural morality is denied. In the past national leaders needed people to defend them against their neighbours and so had a vested interest in community health and strength but, to a globalist world-government, nationalism is dangerous.
What is happening is not happening because of administrative ignorance. We, the people (those who do not serve a use in the plans of the globalists) now become the enemy: international armed services will fill the bodyguard need.
International government -- globalization -- does not need you -- or me -- or small business; they want to own all means of production; a goal that is now largely achieved and, in the end, they want production to serve only their own needs.
The majority of us are already doing non-productive work or living on government hand-outs. If WE DO NOT CARE ENOUGH to care for ourselves how long will it be before most remaining productive workers are replaced by technology? Why then would globalists carry us as useless and dangerous baggage?
What use is it to complain about globalist greed? Why would they take notice of us except to throw us crumbs while they steal the bread? The way to defeat them is to take responsibility for our own lives -- put them out of business. It may not be easy but the way to freedom is still an open road.A great kaleidoscope of evidence points to the danger we face; shall we gamble the future of humanity that the evidence is wrong?
World government is now the admitted goal of global politics and has many adherents; it is expressed openly in an emotional way but can not be openly explained. World government is the origin of our, emotion driven, "politically correct" ideology.Ideology is our thoughts and attitudes prison.
Very few of us have given the globalist power structure, and the manner of its progress over the years, much thought -- we (brainwashed) prefer to leave such things to the political mercenaries we pay to take care of us. Few of us have any understanding of what this (secretly developed plan) would mean to the human race should it become fully implemented.
How many suspect that this "New World Order" is a planned oligarchy? Were it not planned for the benefit of the few then the plan would have, at its beginning, been openly displayed for public consideration and support. How many see signs that a world enslaved to an ideological idea (where the establishment controls education and will itself have an education that is quite different to that given the 'common people') is a disaster in progress?
How many have noticed that, in discussions of human behaviour, the words 'training' and 'education' have now replaced "understanding " and "enlightenment"? You are no longer expected to understand "right or wrong" "good or bad"; the concept of "truth" is being educated out -- truth is not supposed to have meaning for us 'common people': good -- bad -- truth -- we are told, are just personal preferences. This is a conceit that we are programmed (educated) to believe. But, though pleasing to the young and ignorant, let us not be fooled; only by facing the truth can we set ourselves free.
If you cannot believe they would be so deceitful, so inhuman, to their own people you haven't learned your history. Here is what a present MP, Kim Beazley, had to say (The Australian 28/8/1997); quote:
"I believe these things are done incrementally. You prepare a public mind, a public attitude; you create an acceptance of the unacceptable -- at least the unacceptable at this point of time." End Q.
Note: you: meaning we -- not they: meaning others.
Or you cannot believe that they are trying to teach your children that there is no truth! Listen to Dame Leonie Kramer, Chancellor of Sydney University (Courier Mail 12/9/1997); quote:
"You have to deal with the fact that there are plenty of people in the world now who will tell you that you mustn't use the word truth, as there's no such thing. I think that way, madness lies." End Q.
How many see that enslavement of the "common mind" to false social concepts is to create a common mind confusion and social divisions that will defeat common cause? It is a policy of divide and conquer; it protects 'the masters'?
Were there no masters there would be no need for deceit and no need for emotion driven ideology. How seldom we see, or hear, the word "oligarchy" today. Oligarchy means government by a small group of people.
Who are the unknown people who direct the plans of the 'United Nations'? Have you any idea who does set policy guidelines for the UN?
Do you think it is the member governments? From where do they get their instructions? Has anyone ever heard arguments put forward in parliament for this huge, and hugely complicated, globalist plan -- are there any records of this discussion in Hansard? Do you really believe that representatives from a number of governments would ever agree about, or even think of, such a program? 'Party political' vision and concern doesn't reach beyond the next election. How and why would they secretly work out details of a plan covering generations if not supervised and given a piece of agenda to work to? *
*Note: "a piece of the agenda". By always giving supporters a small piece of the agenda it can be made to look like a step to benefit community.
If you cannot believe politicians would, or could, create these plans, then you are right; it is known to those who want to know, that the governments of the world, especially those calling themselves democracies, have long been ruled by an invisible government.
We only need to listen to something like the 'greenhouse emissions' debate (year 2000) to see that party politicians cannot plan co-operatively when not under instructions; (they are only instructed when matters directly effect globalist plans; to globalists, 'greenhouse' at present serves best a socially divisive and economically disruptive campaign).
What about all the 'Conventions' and other socially directive material produced by the United Nations? Example: "The Convention of the Rights of the Child": A casual reading gives an impression of support for traditional family values such as Article 14: "States Parties shall respect the rights and duties of parents … to provide direction to the child …". Article 18 gives parents' primary responsibility for the child's upbringing and development. However, these are undermined. Article 13 giving the child right to freedom to seek, and impart ideas of all kinds. Article 15 guarantees "freedom of association". Article 16 guarantees "privacy". We also find a right of health care.
So it seems the child is given rights to live a private life that is secret and separate from parental guidance. The predominately 'good' part of the Convention is unnecessary. In just about all civilized countries parent's rights are taken as natural. It is therefore the 'bad' parts that are the meaningful parts. These are the parts that give educators rights to social subversion and the law to protect them. The rest, mere camouflage, as many parents of teenage children find to their distress.
How many suspect that a world owned by an oligarchy will result in a severe reduction in world population? Can we not see that they do not want THEIR resources wasted; or the threat of massive rebellion; nor do they want the pollution now created in service to the common mass? (About 90% of people are now, not just of no value to the globalists, but a menace.)
WHAT makes us believe that the rich and powerful care about the common mass? Do cigarette makers, bankers or casino operators care what happens to their customers? Do governments ever hesitate to involve us in war?
It is very depressing (now that so much evidence is available) to find that activists cannot bring themselves to face that government does not govern by the law of the Constitution - that what is law is decided by those who have the power to enforce it.
That so many close their eyes to the reality that government does not work for communal advancement, defence and prosperity -- that education is no longer designed to encourage moral values, social enlightenment, human progress and satisfaction -- that law is no longer designed to deliver justice or protect the innocent -- that health services are no longer designed,primarily, to benefit the health, comfort and long life of the people.
Why have social activists learned nothing from the last twenty years -- or even the last two thousand? Why do people who well know the reality of law, party corruption and finance, still mob the streets to tell leaders what leaders know better than we? (When we try to explain 'bad' government to quislings we are playing footsies with a nest of vipers and helping mislead the great silent majority into the belief that we have a legal government.
What next: civil war? Will we then elect a new management that, before we have recovered from the shambles, will be strutting the same path as the old?
Will we forever be seduced to avoid our responsibilities and ignore the lessons of our past?
Slaves have, for centuries, been part of human culture but the world of the 20th Century thought the overthrow of slavery in the USA was the end of it. Sadly no, this only made clear the path for a more effective slavery of the public mind. Those greedy for power knew that the ultimate goal of world ownership could not be achieved so long as there was any real independence for the human mind in devotion to truth, or, physically, some truly independent 'life-choices' for the common herd. Truth is freedom!
To break down remaining independence was imperative! Scientific study of human behaviour and human weakness was essential; (the essence of that program is told in "BRAIN-WASH"). A significant statement now from Edward Bernays who, early in the last century, was leading the new science, "Public Relations" *. Quote:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our government.
We are governed, our minds moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is the logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised," EQ.
*Note: 'Public Relations' such a nice 'mother love' name for "people control/slavery". It is as George Orwell said: 'hate' will be called 'love' -- 'war' - 'peace'.
You may be interested to know that Bernays was not exposing the corruption of humanity, he was proud of what he was doing. Was he correct in saying that:"This is the logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised"? He was, but only so long as we understand that 'our democratic society' is a sham or fake democratic society that is controlled by despots. A true democratic society could never be organized in this way because what is being done was secretly planned -- it had to be secret because it is neither democratic nor for the public good.
In 1976 Bertrand Russell "The Impact of Science on Society" was able to safely reveal that education was aiming to impress such ideals and concepts on the child mind that "after pupils have left school, they will be incapable ... of thinking or acting otherwise than their schoolmasters would have wished."
He could say that openly; there was no outcry because the programming of the public mind was already effective.
Why do human societies grow, disintegrate and collapse? May it not be safely assumed that they are more or less successful because of the degree of truth and error in their beliefs? In our situation the cracks will quickly widen, the money confidence trick will collapse and the great prostituted commercial system will disintegrate with vast, world-wide, suffering. But we do not have to let it end like that.
As mentioned, control of human behaviour by control of human belief is not new, it has been practiced, to some extent, for about as far back as written evidence can take us. As an example, consider this quote from "Indian Philosophy" by Radhakrishnan.
Quote: "One of the leading principles of the mystics was the sacredness and secrecy of self-knowledge and the true knowledge of the gods. This wisdom was, they thought, unfit for, perhaps even dangerous to, the ordinary human mind; ... Hence they favoured the existence of an outer worship, effective but imperfect, for the profane..." EQ.
Well, as those who want to can see for themselves, it is already evident that the new religion (intended for us who have been deceived to become the new human 'profane') is to be a form of humanistic nature worship. Once fully established then the slave class will be enticed to the belief that the elite are a superior evolutionary form (which they are not) and that any needed slaves are fortunate to have these superior beings there to take care of them (which will be a lie).
Slavery to belief is the most effective form of slavery known but, to impose it, you have to be more egotistic than clever and more brutal than moral. These people are not mentally or morally superior to the general public.
You see, what the elitists know and the consequences of which they have always been careful to keep from the clear understanding of the public, is that we all tend to try to act in accordance with what we believe to be true. If you can convince people of lies then they will act to your agenda.
Obvious is it not?
It is common sense -- we need the truth to make useful decisions -- decisions based on lies are not likely to give the results we desire but may suit, very well, the plans of those who tell us the lies.
How very, very thin the bars limiting our perceptions!But how very, very effective when we do not want to see through these barriers!
As is so often said: there is not much that is new under the sun.
The first step to creating a new set of social beliefs (a new ideology) is to create a confusion of beliefs. We are educated to dislike challenge to our comfortable beliefs! During the last century, to a confusion of scientific discoveries were added many challenges; talk of: subliminal messages -- drugs in the water supply -- foreign troops stationed on our soil -- victimless crimes -- there is no truth -- fluoride toothpaste for sedation -- God is dead -- creation of life by evolution and so on. What are you to believe when the facts are hidden?
So, when faced with confusion, we normally believe what we want to believe, and what we want to believe is certainly NOT that we are enslaved by the exciting beliefs and attitudes encouraged at school and ceaselessly promoted through the mass media. The TV has been a wonderful aid to the globalists.
Being lazy is nice -- taking drugs is fun -- disobeying parents and authorities is exciting -- being immoral is great. So we clamour for more of the poison: more education; more entertainment; more sport; less social discipline. The highest accolade we can bestow on the propaganda experts is that we beg for more. The hooks in the public mind are scientifically set and who wants to think about what they might gain from reality. (Have we not been taught that there is no truth -- no reality?) If there is no truth how can life be wasted? Without truth, cruelty or kindness, good or bad -- all is meaningless myth and make-believe. But -- if there is no truth -- how can that be true?
Time for another quote,
Machiavelli (1469-1527) Quote:
"One of the great secrets of the day is to know how to take possession of popular prejudices and passions in such a way as to introduce a confusion of principles which make impossible all understanding between those who speak the same language and have the same interests." E.Q.
TRUTH is FREEDOM -- deceit means enslavement.Slavery -- The New World Order -- exciting isn't it?
According to Paul Hellyer, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada; quote:"... globalisation is just a code word for corporatisation and colonisation. * The transnationals want to re-engineer the world in such a way that they don't have to pay taxes to support social security and fix pot holes in the roads or maintain parks, and don't have to pay their employees decent wages.
"What they're doing is they're re-creating the conditions that existed in the time of Dickens, the Dickensian era. They're moving production to places, such as Honduras, where they pay women absolute starvation wages, working 13 hours a day, up to seven days a week -- no environmental standards, no health care. If they get pregnant, they get fired. If they get sick, they get fired. This erases 100 years of the legislation which gave workers rights, such as holidays with pay and pensions and protection against injury and so on -- and the benefits of unionisation.
"Well, the process has reached the point where Lewis Lapham, editor Harpers Magazine, says the U.S. has two governments: the permanent and the provisional. The permanent government consists of the Fortune 500 magazine's largest companies, also the largest law firms and public relations firms in Washington that work for those companies, and the top bureaucrats, both civil and military and they're the permanent government.
"Then there is what they call an election every once in a while and they elect the provisional government and they elect actors that come on stage and read the script written by the permanent government." EQ, Emphasis added. Speech by the Honourable Paul Hellyer at the "Save Canada Conference" held in Ottawa August 20 and 21, 1999)
"Does it sound familiar? Does it ring a bell? The answer is Quigley. Remember? Way back in 1966 he said that in the US every four years the people -- and by that word he meant the masses, the rabble, the hoi polloi, us -- could vent their spleen by "kicking the rascals out" without really having any effect on policy direction. Are people slowly waking up?" End quote.
The above arrived by email but I also heard the P. Hellyer talk on Australian ABC. Radio. Quigley (an insider) wrote a large book called "Tragedy and Hope"; published in 1966 by Macmillan; N.Y. Like Bernays, what he reveals is revealed in pride, not anger. I don't have to read it, there is more than enough evidence for what is happening, but it is said to be very revealing of world government at that time. "Are people slowly waking up" or has our will for freedom been already drained from us?
The evidence of mind manipulation is enormous, but is only meaningful to those who know that truth is essential for their beneficial decision-making; these are people who have the courage and self-discipline to suppress pride, arrogance, selfishness and/or prejudice to achieve a predominately unbiased viewpoint.
The point is that those capable of awakening can still do a lot to save themselves should the majority deliver themselves to termination.
Do not, for one minute, think that I am revealing plans that have been kept secret; evidence has been widely available throughout the world. I cannot reveal all the evidence, there is just too much of it, but there is here, in this treatise, enough evidence to cause people to rise in rebellion if they want to know the truth, make sense of what is happening, and save themselves. The secret that globalists do not reveal is the precise science of manipulation revealed here.
You could almost say that the establishment has been at pains to have their plans revealed. Why! I cannot be sure -- perhaps they have an agreement with God to warn people of what they do -- perhaps there is, after all, a conscience in even the blackest heart -- perhaps they just like to flaunt their power -- or then again, perhaps they feel the need of an excuse so that if they were ever to be confronted they could say: "But we never kept what we were doing secret! It was written in books available to the public; it was broadcast over wireless and TV; we did not even stop people reporting -- it was told in newspaper articles and privately written literature. The fact is that people like to be children, they want someone to take care of them even if some have to die for the privilege. We offered a service and it was accepted! You can't blame us! Certainly we did not allow much publicity. You can't expect us to force people to face the fact of the consequences of giving power over their lives to strangers!
And so on; even I know that I am not so likely to suffer harm from a confident establishment; (they must now be very confident that the majority cannot see reason and that those who do fear to tell the truth). However, should it be that information given here is getting through the mind bars, be assured the establishment will take defensive action. All considered, it is likely my greater danger is that the general public may hate, with such passion, as to murder those who try to force them to face the truth. *
*Note: Example: the Crucifixion: Pilate found no case against Jesus but the crowd shouted crucify. To better understand why a large number of people would want to crucify those who try to help them, we might refer to a philosopher from ancient Greece. Was it Aristotle, Plato or Socrates (perhaps a reader will enlighten) who explained that if people were bound so that they saw only shadows on a wall they would, in time, come to believe that the shadows were the reality; if then, you were to tell them that the shadows were only shadows, they would laugh at you; should you persist to force them see the truth they would turn on you and try to kill you.
The reason for such behaviour is that people have been seduced to excessive pride and deceived about the need for truth; we are mentally bound to believe in shadows and see ourselves as the beliefs we live by. In this situation an attack on core beliefs is personal -- to accept correction means accepting that our lives, to this point, have been based on delusions.
We overcome this problem if we realize that the most basic nature of life, is truth. Truth is the ordering and discipline of chaos; without truth in the order of things there is no life. A move closer to truth, at any age, is a move toward reality.Unfortunately, educated to self-righteousness, many are overcome by the emotion of imagined great loss -- they will not think clearly to see that truth brings reality (true meaning) and great comfort to their living.
Human culture is largely controlled by the human perception of the nature and meaning of life; this perception is the most basic force in social behaviour.Human life has never had better opportunities but, is the world becoming filled with violence, misery, futility, frustration and selfish greed because people are making life decisions based on false beliefs?
Has the choice between the creation of life by chance and the creation of life by intelligence been very carelessly (or was it skillfully) misrepresented?
The choice between religions based on these two opposing concepts is too important to human survival to be left to persuasion by vested interests.
Intelligent research and unbiased judgement is needed!
The fate of life on earth is in the balance!
Have I missed something? Over the years challenge to the establishment has produced no response -- silence is their defence. If I am wrong please show me the scientific evidence, the logical evidence and the rational conclusions. The following quotes support the findings of my research.
Science can give no answer as to how the universe began. Something from nothing -- or something everlasting, without beginning or end -- either is a statement of faith. Therefore, the evidence must be with the creation of life: Could life be created by chance or must it be a design of intelligence?Science says that the ultimate proof of any concept should be mathematical. Is it interesting that mathematics is not an encouraged subject in today's education and, in fact, a large percentage of Australia's competent mathematicians have been 'bought' by more wealthy nations? I offer three sources of mathematical support:
Q1) Sir Fred Hoyle and associate C. Wickramasinghe, in their book: "Evolution from space", say: ...there are about two thousand enzymes, and the chance of obtaining them all in a random trial .. is an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup." They go on to say of evolution theory: "If one is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific training into the conviction .. this simple calculation wipes the idea entirely out of court." End quotes. Emphasis added.
Q2) Dr H.B. Holroyd Ph.D., "Quest for Valid Economics" a mechanical engineer and physicist, and retired head of the Department of Physics, Augustana College, USA tells us that the Darwinian error was caused by human sloth and the failure to use necessary mathematics. Holroyd claims that the design of life by chance is nonsense. Quote:
"Darwinism is physical and mathematical nonsense, and it is logical nonsense as well, for a sound thinker does not assume anything which must be deduced from his theory. Darwinism is, indeed, far more a blunder than a theory, and physical scientists should have shown this clearly and effectively decades ago". also:
"Physical Scientists, who know higher mathematics and are capable of analytical thinking, should never have allowed the thoroughly mistaken mechanical theory of evolution to reach such a degree of apparent certainty in the thoughts of nearly everyone." EQ. E.A.
Q3) Giovanni Blandino S.J. in his book "Theories on the Nature of Life" says: "Summing up, we may say: In the hypothesis of equiprobability, the probability that a regular structure should form, either by generation or by gradual evolution, is equal to the probability that the same structure should form immediately from matter irregularly arranged. (Principle of invariableness of probabilities)." EQ.
The mathematical evidence conclusively denies the possibility of creation by chance but let us go the extra mile! What about intelligent logic and those old bones?
Norman Macbeth (author of Darwin Retried) is of the opinion that Chance Creation is no more than a mishmash of escapism and confusion. Original Darwinism was found faulty by top scientists and even dogmatic evolutionists replaced it with something called the 'Synthetic Theory'. In a 1983 interview he makes these comments; quote: "But a much deeper and more penetrating analysis of the problem was put together by Professor R.H. Brady .. in the quarterly called "Systematic Zoology" for December 1979 .. I think it destroys the idea of natural selection, and this is certainly the opinion of many people at the American Museum of Natural History." EQ.
So both sides of the (never scientific) theory of chance and natural selection are refuted. The fossil evidence also denies evolution! This was confirmed in October 1980 when some 160 of the world's top anatomists, palaeontologists, evolutionary geneticists, etc., met at what is commonly known as The Chicago Conference. They were forced to admit that the fossil evidence did not support Darwinian evolution and they could find no option other than to fall back on the previously ridiculed 'hopeful monster' theory. However this has never been admitted into education and the replacement theory has never been taught.
Is this because it is so obviously ridiculous and foul of all rational science or because any shake to the foundations of Darwinism might undermine globalist plans?
A prominent fact long accepted by science is that, over time, creatures tend to become specialized and then extinct. The evidence of genetic loss is beyond doubt -- the evidence of specialization is established -- but there is no, or only trivial, evidence of genetic creation by chance. If it does occur it is too rare to create new creatures when opposed by the vast natural forces of genetic destruction. *
*Note: Natural selection is not itself disputed, what is disputed is what it does. What it does is work to maintain the efficiency of genetic structures against natural forces of genetic corruption, what it does not and cannot do, is create new life-forms.
The theory of chance creation is a religion not a scientific theory.
We should also be aware that theist religions do not logically follow the nature and ideals of their foundations any more than atheist religion (humanism) follows the science it claims as its base. Theist or atheist -- all religions reflect, too closely, the desires of their followers, too loosely, the source of their faith.
Religions cannot be relied on for authority; the number of religions claiming Christianity demonstrate how human desires bias away from the source claimed as their inspiration.
I do not intend to deal in depth with the Christian Bible but must say that it requires a clinical purity of interpretation. We must become open to truth and not just seek support for human desires. To see the truth we need honesty! We must be aware of the worldly desire to defend pride and prejudice -- a worldly desire to evade responsibility -- of the worldly desire to want to maintain a mother figure that will give unconditional love.
Those who search for truth have to try to filter out the worldly element that has polluted the words of Jesus and helped the growth of the ideological (humanist) religion promoted by globalism.
"I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" -- this is plain intelligence when applied to the situation of bringing truth to a slave world.
John 14:15-17. "I am the way; I am truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me."; "truth" is absolutely basic to life -- to the creation of life and to successful human endeavour. That the way to life is through truth is the simple, essential and all embracing message of life.
It seems to me that when we look without compromise for the words of an advanced being among the words attributed to Jesus, we find them. They are statements not properly understood by the confused population (either then or now) and not wanted by those looking for a 'big brother' or 'mummy'. The truth will, indeed, set us free but we must be willing to be truthful and responsible, each for our own life. "Put not the Lord your God to the test," warns that if we will not defend ourselves -- if we leave it to others (even God) to look after us, then we will never be free or know truth.
We must accept our responsibilities! We are born with responsibilities, not rights - rights have to be earned. Do not bury your talents whether of mind or pocket! There is truth in the saying, God helps those who help themselves; also those who honestly try.
Professor Hoyle, while on a lecture tour of Australia (1982) said: Quote:
"Rejection of Darwinian evolutionary beliefs is crucial to the survival of life on earth... Once you believe in the evolutionary theory that the weakest go to the wall and that nothing can be done about the selection process, then its an open invitation to the kind of political behaviour we've had over the last century."EQ.
Mindless chance creation also goes a long way to explaining the growing despair of the young. Creation by chance -- life without future or meaning -- has been of great help to spawn a culture of drugs, recklessness, suicide, violence and rebelliousness among the intelligent young. But the globalist crime against children does not stop there: an example, among many, is the fact that laws have been introduced, at the demand of the United Nations, to encourage lawlessness!
Discipline of children is discouraged! The most effective form of discipline, loving physical punishment, is outlawed even though it is the product of thousands of years of experience and there is no research evidence to support the claimed human benefit of the new, purely emotional, 'politically correct' ideology.
NOTE: Many quotes in this segment are from my book "The Human Choice". Note also that this segment of this treatise is predominately based on my own research and investigation, other segments have large support from the research and investigations of many others over many years.It seems likely that we all, at the beginning, believed we were investigating corruption and deceit within our national government, however, when the evidence is assembled it is clear that what we have been looking at is far more treacherous, much bigger, more personal and even older than the government of Australia.
Our teachers so convivial make all our subjects trivialShould we learn something useful it really is a treat
they hold our hands and soothe us until we learn 'delete'.
We learn to sit like doggies on dirt and on our rears
and what we all end up with is muck between our ears. *
*Note: In Sydney today it is not unusual to see schoolchildren sitting "like doggies" on the pavement. Many people will remember a time when such behaviour would have brought reprimand; we would have been told, "You are not animals." Behaving like animals is now encouraged and, although children have been given 'rights' and encouraged to use them, these rights, along with their teaching, is to encourage children to despise the learning experience of centuries, to be contemptuous of self discipline and to believe it adult to return to the simple childish freedom of primitive animal behaviour.
Did you know that the NSW Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations issued a guide book (1985) which contained the following directive on page 47? Quote:
(f) Drug education
(i) Drug education should become part of the present and proposed Personal Development Programs within the schools.
(ii) Drug education is ideally presented within the school situation under the following conditions:
* Where the teachers have received the fullest possible in-service training in the Personal Development Field.
* Where the students receive their drug education program by a teacher known to them. * Teachers should never give undue emphasis to, nor in any way underline the dangers of drugs. End quote.
How many parents and citizens do you know who want amoral drug education in their children's schools, or want drugs taking surreptitiously encouraged?
Did you say none? Well how did this instruction get into this P&C guidebook? The above quote was from my book "Assault on Childhood" (now sold out) so I can tell you that finding out how this became part of a P&C guide book met with some resistance and attempted misinformation. It seems that it was introduced by the "executive"; no record of this drugs policy ever being discussed or voted on could be found in any year book but it was claimed to have been a 'democratic' decision. Of course it was -- a democratic decision between the executive! But equally we all should know, and by now accept, that, in the New World Order, 'democracy' does not include the 'common' people.
We also see that this policy is hidden under health policy and taught under "Personal Development": i.e. the art of enticing children to make their own decisions based on their own experience (read "in-experience" and meaning "ignore parents".) *
*Note: Yes it is natural for children to "grow up" and move away from home so it is not difficult to persuade most parents that a rebellious 14 year old is 'advanced' and not acting as a result of teaching planned for cultural genocide. As we have seen, reality is something we do not want to face.
Public education is controlled by government; is it possible that OUR government could deliberately encourage degeneracy? Could OUR government encourage immoral attitudes -- pornographic depravity -- anti-social behaviour?
An example of how deliberately hard core porn and depravity was 'smuggled' into the Australian mind is found in "The report of the Joint Select Committee on Video Material" Vol.1. Canberra 1988, p15 - 17. Quote:
"It is considered that almost all States would be hostile to a policy that could lead to the circulation of so-called hard core pornography and material dealing with hard drugs and extreme violence, anarchy and sedition."
'The document raised for consideration the question of whether the policy announced by the Attorney-General should be brought fully and immediately into effect or by stages. It stated:'
"You would need to have regard to repercussions in the electorate; the Australian public is notoriously conservative, whatever its political affiliations.
The Government's policy might best be achieved by a strategy of hastening slowly -- gradually broadening the standards of imported material so that public opinion can be developed to embrace the principles embodied in the policy." EQ.
Remember that quote of Kim Beasley "you create an acceptance of the unacceptable"? Recall also, how they tell us that mass media does not create public opinion but only follows it? How comfortable they are with deceit -- how barefaced they lie! The above program started at least as far back as 1973 when the Attorney-General announced as a policy on censorship that "federal laws to conform with the general principles that adults should be entitled to read, hear and view what they wished in private and in public and that persons -- and those in their care -- be not exposed to unsolicited material offensive to them."
Do we doubt that as the material becomes legally available it also becomes generally available and soon can be claimed as 'not offensive'? From this it can be argued that it is wanted by the people -- that sexual immorality is 'victimless' crime -- that only the stupid oppose progress!
Can we honestly doubt that undermining public morals is the intent?
Does the 1988 quote not make clear the intent? Gradualism -- remember -- gradualism! We are being socially engineered to our moral impotence and our mental incompetence. Our culture is now at a stage where there is a continual, socially traumatic and expensive pretence of taking action to repair the damage that the breakdown of social discipline and morality is causing. They create the problems and then pretend, at our further cost, to be trying to fix them. *
*Note: The gun laws that were said to have become necessary to control crime. But of course such laws do not (and did not) reduce crime, or murder or suicide; such laws only change the means of it because it is not the guns, the cars, the bombs or the knives; not the water of oceans or the sexuality of people: these are not the cause of immoral, or stupid or violent and undisciplined social behaviour. The outstanding cause of anti-social behaviour is, in our time, the deliberate corruption of the social foundations of human understanding -- this is a corruption with clear intent and purpose.It is deliberate! We must understand that party governments do not solve our problems - they cause them! The purpose of unraveling our moral and economic social structure is to destroy community unity and our community ability to resist the globalist take-over of the earth.
Is the P & C infiltrated by traitors to humanity? Do you wonder just how many socially influential organizations, associations and groups are now actually run or controlled by their members? We have public meetings -- few attend. We call for volunteers for executive positions -- do you or I want the job of looking after our own interests? No, we vote for someone who offers; but do these kind people (often so well schooled in all the answers) really want to work in our service? Or will they push their own agenda? People who willingly sacrifice themselves for others are few.
To this all-embracing social madness, add constant mass media propaganda to violence and contempt for the discipline of moral values on the entertainment side and constant propaganda for humanist ideology, through political correctness, on the political side. Is there any doubt that the corruption and destruction of the human majority is pure and clean in the plans for the New World Order.
Authorities follow up with such contempt for human need as to claim it a great mystery why young people (and now older) are behaving so irresponsibly!
They should know -- they helped contrive it!
No, it is not because these authorities (mostly parents themselves) don't care, it is because they do not care enough to face the horror of what they do. Pride of position, prejudice against opposition, the arrogance of self-righteousness -- these enforcers of ideological fiction keep them blind -- they prefer death to (what they see as) dishonour (though their first preference is to kill the messenger).
Their only saving grace is that "they know not what they do". Although their behaviour is what we must expect when life is confined to belief in the satisfaction of our animal instincts and the human potential is hidden, they should not forget the Biblical 'millstone around the neck' of those who lead children astray.
Of those pushing ideology from influential positions, few will have the courage to face that they themselves are (at least in part) the cause of most suicides, crimes, accidents and the general social problems of the undisciplined young. Girls are misled and boys turned away from education; a large and increasing part of each generation is wasted. A devastating responsibility to face.
How many parents will, when their child gets into trouble, blame everyone and everything rather than humanist child-raising philosophy? Discipline to good behaviour has real survival advantage and is the best gift a parent can give a child. Discipline, properly given, brings a loving reward. Contrary to popular opinion, life was meant to be easy. It was the planning of arrogant people that made it hard.
The creation of life follows a logical rather than random pattern. Life shows a pattern of intelligent planned development; it may be mysterious but it is not magical. Religion may suggest a God of magic but all true creation is a creation of order -- a discipline of energy -- a design for purpose. God did not decide, arbitrarily, how He wanted us to live! He advised us of how we should live to get the best results from the order in which we exist. We were given an instruction book to go with our life-form.
Creation by intelligence is not logically challenged by politics or science or taught by educators -- only ignored or ridiculed.
To be ignored sends out a very powerful message to the general public -- what is ignored by the mass media cannot possibly be of any importance and ridicule is gleefully accepted; it lets us feel superior.
This is why they can tell us some truth but we ignore it. When they want us to take notice they MAKE SURE WE BELIEVE IT IS IMPORTANT -- they remind us over and over -- every mass media. Who in Australia could ignore the Sydney Olympics? How few thought the games were not of great social importance? Did the games advance humanity -- civilization -- understanding -- communal welfare? Did the games help us ESCAPE our enslavement?
They tell us we are educated to think for ourselves -- THEY LIE!Yes THEY LIE -- they TEACH LIES and they ENCOURAGE confusion.
Surely we can see, and see why, globalists want us sick, drug addicted, confused, financially poor, divided and helpless -- surely we can see, over many years, the truth reflected from their actions and that only one ending can result from this design.
I repeat:
Human life has never had better opportunities but, is the world becoming filled with violence, misery, futility, frustration and selfish greed because people are making life decisions on a basis of false beliefs? I can see it! I have done the research, if I am wrong -- show me.Let us stay positive. Let us look at a positive way to help clarify our political outlook.
This preamble does not, at this time, need to be set in law, we only need to know that it could be so set if we obey our national constitution and choose our own parliamentary representatives.Although the referendum for changing Australia, officially, to a republic, was soundly defeated, the greed for power has not ended. One way to ensure that this greed is not rewarded is to show that we can have the kind of democratic republic we want without destroying the advantages won by generations of struggle and suffering or the benefits of the legal "Monarchical Republic" now available.
A serious, legally binding preamble, is a good place for understanding to start. The point is that, if we see that we can have what we want legally, and without the dangers of making despotism legal, then the agents of globalist slavery may not, so easily, persuade us otherwise.
A nation is entitled to a precise and protective preamble! A statement of where we come from and the ideals, principles and values we aim to achieve -- and which lawmakers must take into account.
Of various political offerings a Labor version starts off in the right direction but thereafter offers no security.
I accept the Labor opening sentence.
Proposed improved Constitution preamble:
The Labor proposal starts; quote:
"Having come together in 1901 as a Federation under the British Crown relying on the blessing of Almighty God; we, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, being now a sovereign democracy of people drawn from a world-wide ancestry, proclaim our independence and unity." End quote.
(On this introduction let us now build a responsible preamble.)
Loving our unique and ancient land;
respecting its original inhabitants;
proud of our diversity
but united in defence of our heritage of
freedom, justice and mercy;
we proclaim our independence of foreign law and
reaffirm our right to govern ourselves to create a nation dedicated
to human advance free of bondage to ideologies, political conventions
or partisan arrogance.
Accepting our responsibilities for communal welfare,
our laws shall be bound to advance ideals of truth, freedom, justice and mercy,
and, binding ourselves by these ideals,
we commit ourselves to renewing our historic rights and privileges as did originally support our National Constitution.
Note: A National Constitution is the foundation of all our laws and the preamble should be a simple statement of principle that is binding in the creation and enforcement of all laws. I am not suggesting any activity to force the government to adopt this: or to start a new (unconstitutional) political party. Nor do I imply that given the present system of government this preamble would be respected if adopted. It will only be respected when the people accept their responsibility to govern themselves (freed of partisan or globalist 'parties'.) and choose their own electorate representatives as is, at present, our legal Constitutional obligation.
The point is that if people understand that they can have something better, then perhaps they will never be tricked to vote for something worse. Given time, we may come to understand that we can take up our rightful role as the true power of government and no longer be slaves and beggars.
Political parties will never approve of the above because it binds them clearly to a high and improving moral standard that the law must support as being the national intents and ideals when interpreting our Constitution; this would destroy them.Naturally the "politically correct" mass media will also be reluctant to give public exposure to anything that may be dangerous to the globalist establishment; the evidence may be vigorously, even violently, denied, should it happen that the truth cannot be contained with mass media silence.
There is, in today's world, a web of deceit that has been growing worldwide and now covers the whole earth. This web began with the world financial system and a confidence trick that allowed a relatively small group of people to tax the world. With virtually unlimited funds this has now become a cancer infesting all of the world's biggest corporations as well as "government" and "the world financial system". .Another sample quote, this from Mr. Lloyd George (prominent British Liberal statesman and Prime Minister), referring to the peace negotiations following World War 1.(1914-18)
"They (international bankers) swept statesmen, politicians, jurists, and journalists all on one side, and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees." End quote.
Governments bow to the great prostitution of global commerce and finance! * Why? Do they not know that if they exposed these crimes to the public they could arrest the criminals and their supporters, and confiscate their illegally gained assets? Do they hesitate because they see themselves as co-conspirators and expect to share in the loot, or because they are too incompetent to design the legislation and too cowardly to act intelligently without instruction?
Well, if they need instruction they could ask the people they pretend to represent -- I am sure that if they told the people the truth and asked them what to do, they would quickly, and in no uncertain terms, be told.
Any global business that the establishment does not now own or directly control will fear to go outside set guidelines.
We may feel that to try to fight this power is useless (that is what they want us to think). Nevertheless, it is in the nature of things that, even if it proves that the people cannot bring themselves to do their moral duty, then, in the end, corruption will create its own downfall.
However, leaving the cancer to kill the host civilization and therefore itself, will have horrendous consequences for the peoples of the world. No matter how much pain it may cause to destroy the cancer I believe that this is by far the best -- only then can a new civilization grow with understanding that will ensure that this cancer does not recur.
*Note: If you think that the great prostitution of global finance and commerce is a secure and moral system may I suggest, as a matter of interest, you read "REVELATIONS" 17:15 to 18:24. I doubt you will need any interpretation to help you now you have the clue as to what the Great Whore (that great city of Babylon) represents. Were education not under the direction of global interests, educators may well have understood this years ago. I use "The New English Bible" New Testament. I do not say it does not suffer the faults of other translations but, being written in Modern English, should be easier to understand.Our best chance of escaping the panic, rioting, anarchy and the mass death and destruction to follow a world-wide economic collapse and its effect on a misled, dependent, confused, and trusting population, is to move first in spreading understanding that will call the system to account.
Earlier in this treatise I said, "the way to freedom is still an open road". The following chilly comment by Professor John McMurtry shows, I think, just how little of this road may remain.This item only came to my attention as I was preparing to sign off on this treatise; it could not be ignored. It makes a very fitting end-piece but first let me remind you, that the McMurtry article is copyright. Permission to reproduce is granted if accompanied by: Copyright (c) 2000 COMER Publications. Their web site is at: *
*Note: Of course, honest people will always mention the source of copied information.
The quotes are from "A Manifesto of Corporate Totalitarianism" by John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, ON., CA. [Canada]. He is here commenting on British PM Tony Blair speaking about Corporate Globalization. First paragraph words those of Tony Blair; quote:
"These forces of change driving the future do not stop at national boundaries. Don't respect tradition. They wait for no one and no nation. They are universal." [End of Blair quote].
"Blair's statement reveals by its sweep of assertion the invasive forces of which he is a spokesman. His words are very clear. Their structure deletes the subject of every sentence as nameless, inhuman, without definition, accountable to nothing. They affirm with no moral qualifier an occupation of societies everywhere by "Forces" which will stop at no borders of national or cultural identity. All that was once secure in historical time and place is declared powerless against the transnational tide.
" One might think that Blair's statement is a rhetorical conceit. But is it, in truth, the missing key to every act of his office? What act in his record is inconsistent with any part of it? When has Blair, or Chretien or Clinton, ever not acted in conformity to this belief in inevitable corporate globalization -- "waiting for no one and no nation," trampling all who do not jump into line with its omnipotent advance."
"They are not, in fact, national leaders, but obedient expressions of these forces of corporate globalization. Once we understand that, we see into the directive logic of current historical events.
"We can identify the defining features of this new order's authority by diagnosis of Blair's own words.
"(1) The forces of corporate global restructuring are without meaning or value in their direction. For they are external "forces" not what we care about intrinsically, and they "drive the future" as the forces of ... gravity move the tides. They are to be submitted to, not because they confer meaning or give us a moral direction, but because they are all-powerful and we cannot resist them.
"(2) The forces of corporate global restructuring are lawless. They "don't stop at national boundaries," as all lawful agents are obliged to do. The first principle of domestic and international law, to respect the boundaries of others, is overridden by these forces as the destiny of the world's future.
"(3) The forces of corporate global restructuring are unaccountable. There is no electorate or standard of behaviour or anything else that they answer to or have to answer to for their domination because "they wait for no-one and no nation" and "drive the future.""(4) The forces of corporate global restructuring are nihilist. For they "respect no tradition" --ethical, legal, or cultural-- and there is no exception. ...[Civilization is threatened].
"As we unpack the inner meaning of Blair's representative statement, we need to ask what political leader has not acted in conformity to the demands of these transnational corporate forces? What "democratic" political or legal leadership yet seeks to make accountable, or hedge in by enforced law, or raise any other power above, or in any way morally question the transnational corporate agenda which these forces express?
"The sad fact is that our leaders demand that we accept what they themselves describe as lawless and unaccountable ..." End quote. Emphasis added. Copyright (c) 2000 COMER Publications.
Well, we in Australia, who follow in some depth the political scene, surely know that the above is true. The United Nations has for years been downgrading borders; confusing what is ethical, legal and cultural; mixing and confusing race to no rational or demonstrated humane purpose; destroying tradition and human discipline; instilling unnatural and unhealthy standards of behaviour; allowing confidence trickery as financial practice; promoting belief that some crimes have no victims and misrepresenting what democracy means.
All this in the interests of shattering human values, creating confusion and dividing opposition.
Thus, in turn, clearing the way for the "lawless and unaccountable" corporate take-over we now call globalization.'Politically correct' enslavement has been promoted under the cloak of 'humanism' however, humanism is not human; it is a deceiver's substitute.
Who, in Australia, among the leaders of state, church, law, education, entertainment or mass media has ever raised a persuasive voice in response to community complaint of political corruption? Or made any serious effort to resist globalist invasion?
How few have raised a finger; or lent an ear? Or tried to expose the lack of substance in ideology -- fought against law that protects corporate crime -- explained the democracy sham, or money scam, or warned of the corruption of community logic?
On the other hand how prophetic was Professor Hayek (The Road to Serfdom 1944) when he said; quote:
".. many who think themselves infinitely superior to the aberrations of Nazism and sincerely hate all its manifestations, work at the same time for ideals whose realization would lead straight to the abhorred tyranny." EQ.
We are so close to the unthinkable; a despotic, arrogant, all-powerful world government that obeys no law and governs by its own decree.
But is it all bad news? Are there signs the globalists are worried? Why do they come into the open to have us told that globalism is irresistible and inevitable; that it cannot and should not be fought? No social movement, especially one that is without morals and despises the humane, is either irresistible or inevitable; every caring human has no moral choice other than to fight this corruption.
The basic principles we are being forced to live by are totally false -- a dictatorial World Government is a social madness! We must see that this IS a life/death WAR! Will we surrender humanity to be sacrificed on an inhuman altar? Read this evidence again -- will we gamble a childish dream against life itself?
One last quote; source unknown, "Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad" -- let us not surrender too soon -- let us look (to our madness) before we leap.
Let those of us who live in Australia also make this, our anniversary year of Federation, a year for the understanding and revival of the political ideals of our Constitution.
Thank you for your attention.
NOTE: "SLAVERY" will remain a treatise in development -- if you feel any point needs clarification please feel welcome to e-mail:
NOTE: Please feel free to publish "SLAVERY -- The New World Order" in full on your Website or create a new site for it.
NOTE: For initial follow up click on "Live, Life and Love it" at: Author's Website
Literature available as at 1st Jan. 2001:
Books: -- "The Human Choice", (Also on Bible Believers' Website)
"BRAIN-WASH", " (Also on Bible Believers' Website) Saving the Future".
Booklets: -- "Community Controlled Parliaments", (Also on Bible Believers' Website)
"The Government We Choose".
For price and availability