hi@ volkswagon4 --> What is the seigniorage banking? You are Satan to be happy to pay the money for, the 270% of its value? and to see people die? after the Arab people: we will not have the time to lift from us? no! because we will be involved in the 3rd WWnucleare which is for make the perfection of the NWO -IMF: |
- 1_10.[gospel message]. When Jesus Died on the Cross, God the Father unloaded His Fury, Anger, Wrath—PUNISHMENT (Isa 53:4-12, Isa 52:13-14) upon an Innocent, and SINLESS (1 Pet 3:18) Jesus (God's Son). On the Cross, God treated Jesus as if He had personally committed everySin— by every Person, in the History of the World— those people who would ever Turn to Him for Salvation (Matt 4:17). God the Father treated Jesus as if Jesus had lived OUR Sinful Life on this Earth— so that God could treat those who would Repent & Believe the Gospel(Mark 1:15) as if we had lived His PERFECT LIFE! Sin has to be paid for— Justice has to be served, to satisfy God's Righteous & Holy Anger towards Sin (Rom 2:5-11, Eph 2:3, Eph 5:6).
- 2_10.[gospel message]. Jesus became the SUBSTITUTE (1 Thess 5:9-10, 2 Cor 5:21) for ALL people— those people who would Repent & Believe the Gospel - Mark 1:15. (Luke 13:3,5, Acts 20:21,Acts 17:30-31, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, Acts 20:21). HIS PROPHESIED: VIRGIN BIRTH (Prophecy in O.T.- Isa 7:14 / Fulfilled in N.T.- Matt 1:22-23), Jesus' Horrific DEATH (Prophecy in O.T.- Isa 53:12, Isa 52:14 / Fulfilled in N.T-Matt 27:50), Jesus' RESURRECTION from the Dead (Prophecy O.T.- Ps 16:10 / Fulfilled O.T.- Luke 24:6,31,34) was Prophesied HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS of Years in Advance.ALL Bible Prophecies about Jesus were Fulfilled in the Bible!
- 3_10.[gospel message].WHY DID JESUS HAVE TO DIE FOR OUR SINS? God used the Substitutionary Sacrificial Death of Jesus to Demonstrate (Rom 5:8) for ALLTime His Incredible Wealth of Kindness— and His Infinite Love for us. He did so by using the Backdrop of Evil (2 Cor 4:6)— which then allowed God to HIGHLIGHT to ALL His Goodness & Mercy (Ps 23:6). In Eph 2:7 it says, "So God can POINT TO US in ALL FUTURE AGES asEXAMPLES of the INCREDIBLE WEALTH of His GRACE and KINDNESS towards us, as shown in all He has done for us who are united with CHRIST JESUS." God will Forever Receive GLORY & HONOR for all He has done for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rev 4:11,Rev 5:12-13).
- 4_10.[gospel message].Jesus, who is RIGHTEOUS, HOLY, and JUST, DIED for the UNJUST. (NKJV - 1 Pet 3:18). Christ became a "CURSE" for us (Gal 3:13) in order that we could become "the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus" (NKJV - 2 Cor 5:21). In other words, we did a Crime, and Jesus stepped in, and Paid our Fine. This is such Good News. Mark 1:1 "This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God." (1 Cor 15:2-9). This is a Work of God's Infinite Love & Mercy towards us Sinners (1 Thess 5:9-10, John 3:16, Rom 5:8, Eph 2:1-8).
- 5_10.[gospel message].• Matthew 7:13-14 (NASB) "Enter through the NARROW GATE; for the GATE is WIDE and the WAY is BROAD that leads to DESTRUCTION, and there are MANY who enter through it. For the GATE is SMALL & the WAY is NARROW that leads to LIFE, and there are FEW who find it." • John 10:9 Jesus—"I AM THE GATE. Those who come in through ME will be SAVED." THERE ARE 2 CHOICES TO HAVE OUR SINS "PAID IN FULL": 1) We can Pay for our OWN Sins by spending Eternity in HELL(Rev 21:7-8;20:11-15)
- 6_10.[gospel message]. 2) We can Have JESUS CHRIST Pay For Our Sins. What Does That Mean?: Jesus, who is Infinitely Holy & Perfect took our Sins upon Himself, so God's Wrath & Punishment for our Sin can be Satisfied. God can then CANCEL THE RECORD OF THE CHARGES OF SIN that is presently being held against us (Col 2:14). He will Forgive us, and Cleanse us from ALL Unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He will ADOPT us as His Children (Gal 4:5-7)— and we become BORN AGAIN (John 3:3), into God's Family (1 John 3:9). As His Children, we are to Reflect the GLORIOUS IMAGE OF CHRIST in our Lives (2 Cor 3:18, 2 Cor 5:17, Matt 5:16), by living HOLY & Clean lives (1 Pet 1:14-15,16-17)
- 7_10.[gospel message]. for GOD'S GLORY (1 Cor 10:31, John 3:30)— out of a LOVE FOR JESUS (John 14:15, John 14:21,Luke 6:46). God will then make us CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST (Rom 8:17), and we willRULE & REIGN WITH CHRIST in God's Kingdom— FOREVER! (Rev 20:6, Rev 1:6, Matt 13:43) This was God's Plan long ago, to Adopt us into His Family (Eph 1:4-5). IF however we REJECT JESUS, and REFUSE TO OBEY THE GOOD NEWS (Heb 10:26-31, 2 Thess 1:7-11), and/or we continue to PRACTICE SIN (1 John 3:9-10), we prove that we are NOT God's Children, but we Prove (Matt 3:8) that we are Children of the Devil (1 John 3:6-7,8, 1 John 2:3-6), who is the Father of Lies (John 8:44).
- 8_10.[gospel message]. There will be a Judgment Day where Jesus will punish all Lawbreakers (Matt 7:22-23). A Righteous Judge reacts towards Sin & Wrongdoing with Justice, and does NOT let: Murderers, Rapists, Thieves go Free. Jesus is that Righteous Judge (2 Cor 5:10-11, 2 Thess 1:7-11, 2 Tim 4:1), and because He is Infinitely Holy & Righteous (1 Pet 1:15-17), His Punishment for Sin is Infinite. (Rom 2:5-6,7-8,9-16). His Rewards are Infinite too (1 Cor 2:9). Read More: Judgments of God For Sin OR Rewards in Heaven.
- 9_10.[gospel message]. WHAT DOES JESUS WANT US TO DO? Repent & Believe the Gospel - Mark 1:15 (Acts 17:30-31, James 4:4-10). Repentance is truly a Work of God in you— it is God giving you a desire to do what pleases Him (Phil 2:13). So if you are Hearing His voice today (John 10:3-17), and we hear His Voice through the Preaching of the Gospel (1 Cor 1:18-31)— Don't harden your Hearts (Heb 3:7-14). Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then Pick up your Cross Daily, Turn from your Sin & Selfish Ways(2 Cor 6:2), & Follow Jesus (Luke 9:23-26). Read Your Bible everyday (Rom 10:17), and Obey God's Word because you Love Jesus (John 14:15,21,24),
- 10_10.[gospel message]. and want to Glorify God in all you do (1 Cor 10:31). 15. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. May Jesus bless you.
- @LaVeraDottrina --> studia asinello: vai sui siti indicati ed approfondisci!
- Vorrei correggere le sciocchezze che stai scrivendo se mi lasci lo spazio...
- 1_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] Sedevadcantism is the belief that the Pope and the rest of the church, post Vatican 2, except for a small remnant, have fallen from the true faith, and have become an apostate church. They site many references to Popes of the past, and church fathers to prove there case - that the majority of the church is in heresy and no longer is the Catholic church. Let us examine this belief and see who it really is that is in heresy.
- 2_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] The belief in Sedevaticantism is centered around the dogma of papal infallibility. They present quotes from Popes and deceivingly suggest in the infallibility of what they are quoting from, because it is "from the Pope." This is not what papal infallibility is. There seems to be a miscommunication between what the Sedevacantists believe papal infallibility is, and what papal infallibility actually is. You see there are stipulations to when the Pope is speaking infallibly. First the Pope must be speaking for and to the intire church.
- 3_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism]Second the Pope must declare or proclaim that he is pronouncing a dogma. Thirdly the Pope must be speaking on matters to do with faith or morals. The way the Sedvaticantist see papal infallibility is that the Popes person theology(this is not the way the 1st Vatican council defined papal infallibility)is infallible. With all due respect and may none take this in a way that it is not meant, that is to turn it against the Catholic church, but everything that a Pope has ever said and done is not infallible. This is the problem tho, the Sedevacantists turn Pope against Pope in an effort to disprove the Catholic church, trying to prove an infallible error with fallible statements.
- ...come volevasi dimostrare...
- 4_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] Even the apostles had disagreement with each other on personal theology, this is the reason why they held the council in Jerusalem. Even councils tho are held to the same declarations of papal infallibility, as council have pronounced fallible statements before, and there have been many robbers councils. The church fathers have also said many things that were incorrect even debating amongst each other, like Augustine and Jerome. The Sedvaticantist tho in there ignorance say, "this church father said this... and our current Pope said this ...
- 5_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] The council of Trent said this...Vatican 2 said this.." Whether the church father, who dealt with personal theology is wrong, or the current Pope, when speaking on personal theology, is wrong it is not a testament to the falling of the church, but to the weakness of the flesh, reaffirming that we all need a Savior and continue to need one throughout our lives. The same could be said for the councils. One must keep these perspectives in context tho, one should not question the stand of the church, but respect everything she has said. At the same time one should not hold every word from those in the church up to an infallible light, that only GOD should be held up to.
- 6_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism]In conclusion we could quote church father against church father, Pope against Pope, council against council with the Sedvaticantist, but it is quite clear that they can not give an infallible stand against the church, and this they must do as the gates of hell will never prevail against the church. In the end even the sedvaticantist must admit that in order for them to be right the Pope must be wrong and in heresy. As they can not infallible prove this they must admit they they are using a personal fallible believe against the church, or they must prove their case with an infallible statement. Since there are only two infallible statements ever recognized by the Popes themselves
- 7_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] , who are the sole holders of infallibility, and neither prove the case of the Sedvaticantists, they must admit, until infallible proven otherwise, that they are in heresy against the church. As an extra defense against them, just to see where there mindset is try quoting them Pope Leo XIII "[I]t is clear that by the will and command of God the Church rests upon St. Peter, just as a building rests on its foundation. Now the proper nature of a foundation is to be a principle of cohesion for the various parts of the building. It (the Pope) must be the necessary condition of stability and strength.
- 8_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] Remove it and the whole building falls." Now just sit back and watch as they try to formulate confusion, perhaps using another quote from a Pope or church father to try to disprove this. Thinking they are fighting for the church, but in reality they have become transgressors against the church trying with all there will to destroy her. This is the worst type of foe, one that claims to be Catholic. A more dangerous heresy then even the Church fathers had seen, and the words of the most inspired Augustine, "All heretics wish to call themselves Catholic; yet if you ask any of them to direct you to a Catholic church, he will not direct you to his own" seem to be under attack.
- 9_9.[Defending against Sedevacatism] As the heretics have somehow found a way to call themselves Catholics and direct you to there own church, as if it were the Catholic church. Be aware dear brothers and sisters, be on your guard, as the apostasy spoken of through the holy scriptures may have finally come. Do not fall into the web of Satan, that is the Sedevacantist apostasy. Sources : GOD the father, son, and holy spirit. The Holy Bible St Josephs edition N.A.B. catholicbook . com: My Catholic faith chapter 23 debugmybrain . blogspot . com: Sedevecantism Exposed -- Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam